Shell script to fetch sql query data in csv file - linux
Need to extract the below query data along with header in csv file using shell script.
Below is the query.
SELECT SourceIdentifier,SourceFileName,ProfitCentre2,PlantCode,
tax_retur ReturnPeriod,document_number DocumentNumber,TO_CHAR(invoice_generation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Docume,Original,customer_name CustomerName,NVL(sns_pos,new_state_code)POS,PortCode,NEW_HSN_CODE HSNorSAC,(SGSATE+UTGSATE) Stat,(SGS+UT)StateUT,Userde FROM arbor.INV_REPO_FINA WHERE UPPER(document_type)='INV' AND UPPER(backout_flag)='VALID' AND new_gst_id_new IS NOT NULL AND new_charges<>0 AND taxable_adj=0
SELECT SourceIdentifier,SourceFileName,ProfitCentre2,PlantCode,
tax_retur ReturnPeriod,document_number DocumentNumber,TO_CHAR(invoice_generation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Docume,Original,customer_name CustomerName,NVL(sns_pos,new_state_code)POS,PortCode, NEW_HSN_CODE HSNorSAC,(SGSATE+UTGSATE) Stat,(SGS+UTG)StateUT,Userde FROM arbor.INV_REPO_FINA WHERE UPPER(document_type)='INV' AND UPPER(backout_flag)='VALID' AND new_gst_id_new IS NOT NULL AND new_charges<>0 AND taxable_adj<>0
Could please let me know if below approach to fetch data using shell script is correct and script is correct.
sqlplus -s username/password#Oracle_SID << EOF
SPOOL $file
select 'SourceIdentifier','SourceFileName','ProfitCentre2','PlantCode',
'tax_retur ReturnPeriod','document_number DocumentNumber','TO_CHAR(invoice_generation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD') Docume','Original','customer_name CustomerName','NVL(sns_pos,new_state_code)POS','PortCode','NEW_HSN_CODE HSNorSAC','(SGSATE+UTGSATE) Stat','(SGS+UT)StateUT','Userde' from dual
Union all
select 'TO_CHAR(SourceIdentifier)','TO_CHAR(SourceFileName)','TO_CHAR(ProfitCentre2)','TO_CHAR(PlantCode)',
'TO_CHAR(tax_retur ReturnPeriod)','TO_CHAR(document_number DocumentNumber)','TO_CHAR(invoice_generation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Docume','TO_CHAR(Original)','TO_CHAR(customer_name CustomerName)','TO_CHAR(NVL(sns_pos,new_state_code)POS)','TO_CHAR(PortCode)','TO_CHAR(NEW_HSN_CODE HSNorSAC)','TO_CHAR((SGSATE+UTGSATE) Stat)','TO_CHAR((SGS+UT)StateUT)','TO_CHAR(Userde)' from
(SELECT SourceIdentifier,SourceFileName,ProfitCentre2,PlantCode,
tax_retur ReturnPeriod,document_number DocumentNumber,TO_CHAR(invoice_generation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Docume,Original,customer_name CustomerName,NVL(sns_pos,new_state_code)POS,PortCode,NEW_HSN_CODE HSNorSAC,(SGSATE+UTGSATE) Stat,(SGS+UT)StateUT,Userde FROM arbor.INV_REPO_FINA WHERE UPPER(document_type)='INV' AND UPPER(backout_flag)='VALID' AND new_gst_id_new IS NOT NULL AND new_charges<>0 AND taxable_adj=0
SELECT SourceIdentifier,SourceFileName,ProfitCentre2,PlantCode,
tax_retur ReturnPeriod,document_number DocumentNumber,TO_CHAR(invoice_generation_date,'YYYY-MM-DD')
Docume,Original,customer_name CustomerName,NVL(sns_pos,new_state_code)POS,PortCode, NEW_HSN_CODE HSNorSAC,(SGSATE+UTGSATE) Stat,(SGS+UTG)StateUT,Userde FROM arbor.INV_REPO_FINA WHERE UPPER(document_type)='INV' AND UPPER(backout_flag)='VALID' AND new_gst_id_new IS NOT NULL AND new_charges<>0 AND taxable_adj<>0)
In short: the ; is missing from the end of the select statement.
Some unrequested advice:
I think spool will put extra stuff into your file (at least some new lines), a redirect is better, further the first line is not db-related:
echo "SourceIdentifier;SourceFileName;ProfitCentre2..." > $file
I recommend to generate the csv format right in the select query, later it will be more headache (you can escape there what you want):
$query = "select SourceIdentifier || ';' || SourceFileName || ';' || ProfitCentre2 ... ;"
So querying the DB (I think capital -S is the right one) plus for the formatting of the records (and maybe you want to format your columns too):
sqlplus -S username/password#Oracle_SID >> $file << EOF
set linesize 32767 pagesize 0 heading off
For me this one is working but one empty line before first query and second query is coming. Empty line remove using awk command
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s username/password#Oracle_SID<<EOF
awk 'NF > 0' $FILE > out.txt
mv out.txt $FILE
Bash script with multiline heredoc doesn't output anything
I'm writing a script to send SQL output in mail, but it is not executing successfully and is not generating the output I want. The query generates two columns with multiple rows. How can I generate the output in table format as below? Below is my code: #!/bin/bash ORACLE_HOME= **PATH export ORACLE_HOME PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin export PATH TNS_ADMIN= ** PATH export TNS_ADMIN today=$(date +%d-%m-%Y) output=$(sqlplus -S user/pass#service <<EOF set heading off; SELECT distinct list_name ,max(captured_dttm) as Last_received FROM db.table1 group by list_name having max(captured_dttm) <= trunc(sysdate - interval '2' hour); EOF) if [ -z "$output" ]; then echo"its fine" exit else echo " Dear All, Kindly check we've not received the list for last 2 hour : $output Regards, Team" | mailx -S smtp=XX.XX.X.XX:XX -s "URGENT! Please check list FOR $today" fi
When using a here document, the closing string can't be followed by anything but a newline. Move the closing parenthesis to the next line: output=$(sqlplus -S user/pass#service <<EOF ... EOF )
Excel file generation using SQL query, SPOOL command in Shell script
I have to generate excel file from tables from Oracle Database. The code is working fine but however the column names are not coming completely, there are just coming as the length of there data length. I want complete header/column names The column names are coming like this ST STAT_TYPE_DESC ST S NXT_STATME DELAY_DAYS ANN_PREM_LIM_LOW ANN_PREM_LIM_HI CONTRIB_HIST_LEN EVENT_DO C P But I want is complete names of the columns, for example ST is STATEMENT_TYPE_ID #!/bin/ksh FILE="A.csv" sqlplus -s lifelite/lifelite#dv10 <<EOF SPOOL $FILE SET HEADING ON SET HEADSEP OFF SET FEEDBACK OFF SET LINESIZE 250 SET PAGESIZE 5000 embedded ON SET COLSEP "," SELECT * FROM TLLI_01150STATTYPE; EOF SPOOL OFF EXIT 0
Before your select add a new one with the column names: SELECT 'STATEMENT_TYPE_ID' || ',' || 'STAT_TYPE_DESC' || ',' || ... FROM dual; And set heading off
shell script has been retrieving from edbplus sql results with echo outputs
I am trying to call edbplus to count a table from a command-line linux shell script, but I have been retrieving from edbplus the response number with others outputs in the same response, I am trying to retrieve from it only an integer response number. #!/bin/sh COUNT=`./ -silent user/password#localhost:5444/mydb<<-EOF SET PAGESIZE 0 FEEDBACK OFF VERIFY OFF HEADING OFF ECHO OFF SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM MYTABLE EXIT; EOF` echo $COUNT Response: $ echo $COUNT 6-------------------d always takes 2 parameters: variable_name value Do you know how get only the integer number?
If the 1st value is going to be integer. Please try the below commands echo $COUNT | cut -d - -f 1 (or) if only one int value if required, then please try echo $COUNT | cut -c 1 To solve it from EDB perspective: If the below flags are used in EDB in single line, then the above issue would have caused. SET PAGESIZE 0 SET FEEDBACK OFF SET VERIFY OFF SET HEADING OFF SET ECHO OFF Kindly update it as above and provide it in individual lines.
split pipe separated string fetched using SQL
My shell script executes a SQL to fetch the data in the following format: JOB_ID_001|[PROD] This is a mail subject one ${application_date}|, JOB_ID_002|[PROD] This is a mail subject two ${application_date}|, I want to split this pipe-separated string, but the output looks very odd as follows: JOB_ID_001[0] JOB_ID_001[1] JOB_ID_001[2] This[0] This[1] This[2] is[0] is[1] is[2] a[0] a[1] a[2] mail[0] mail[1] mail[2] subject[0] subject[1] subject[2] one[0] one[1] one[2] ${application_date}[0] ${application_date}[1] ${application_date}[2],[0],[1],[2] JOB_ID_002[0] JOB_ID_002[1] JOB_ID_002[2] This[0] This[1] This[2] is[0] is[1] is[2] a[0] a[1] a[2] mail[0] mail[1] mail[2] subject[0] subject[1] subject[2] two[0] two[1] two[2] ${application_date}[0] ${application_date}[1] ${application_date}[2],[0],[1],[2] My desired output is: JOB_ID_001 [PROD] This is a mail subject one ${application_date}, JOB_ID_002 [PROD] This is a mail subject two ${application_date}, So that I can continue with those strings. My shell script is as follows: email_configs=(`sqlplus -silent $DB_CONN <<-EOF whenever sqlerror exit 1 oserror exit oscode set heading off feedback off echo off verify off pagesize 0 $sql_subject_of_mail; exit; EOF`) for i in "${!email_configs[#]}" do email_config=${email_configs[i]} IFS='|' read -r -a email_config_array <<< "$email_config" job_id=$email_config_array[0] subject_of_mail=$email_config_array[1] to_mail_id=$email_config_array[2] echo $job_id echo $subject_of_mail echo $to_mail_id done I checked some alternate solutions from this page, but in the output ${application_date} part is missing or there is some other problem. Can anyone have an idea about my mistake?
The $email_configs array is not being set correctly. It's using spaces as the array delimiters, not newlines. Rather than set an array, read the output of sqlplus in a loop. while IFS='|' read -r job_id subject_of_mail to_mail_id do echo "$job_id" echo "$subject_of_mail" echo "$to_mail_id" done < <(sqlplus -silent $DB_CONN <<-EOF whenever sqlerror exit 1 oserror exit oscode set heading off feedback off echo off verify off pagesize 0 $sql_subject_of_mail; exit; EOF )
Stopping the shell script if any of the query gets failed
Below is my shell script from which I am trying to invoke few hive SQL queries which is working fine. #!/bin/bash DATE_YEST_FORMAT1=`perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime "%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time()- 3600*504);'` echo $DATE_YEST_FORMAT1 hive -e " SELECT t1 [0] AS buyer_id ,t1 [1] AS item_id ,created_time FROM ( SELECT split(ckey, '\\\\|') AS t1 ,created_time FROM ( SELECT CONCAT ( buyer_id ,'|' ,item_id ) AS ckey ,created_time FROM dw_checkout_trans WHERE to_date(from_unixtime(cast(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created_time) AS BIGINT))) = '$DATE_YEST_FORMAT1' distribute BY ckey sort BY ckey ,created_time DESC ) a WHERE rank(ckey) < 1 ) X ORDER BY buyer_id ,created_time DESC;" sleep 120 QUERY1=`hive -e " set; SELECT SUM(total_items_purchased), SUM(total_items_missingormismatch) from lip_data_quality where dt='$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2';"` Problem Statement:- If you see my first hive -e block after the echo $DATE_YEST_FORMAT1. Sometimes that query gets failed due to certain reasons. So currently what happens is that, if the first Hive SQL query gets failed, then it goes to second Hive SQL query after sleeping for 120 seconds. And that is the thing I don't want. So Is there any way if the first query gets failed dues to any reasons, it should get stopped automatically at that point. And it should start running automatically from the starting again after few minutes(should be configurable) Update:- As suggested by Stephen. I tried something like this- #!/bin/bash hive -e " blaah blaah;" RET_VAL=$? echo $RET_VAL if [ $RET_VAL -ne 0]; then echo "HiveQL failed due to certain reason" | mailx -s "LIP Query Failed" -r exit(1) I got something like this below as an error and I didn't got any email too. Anything wrong with my syntax and approach? syntax error at line 152: `exit' unexpected Note:- Zero is success here if the Hive Query is executed successfully. Another Update after putting the space:- After making changes like below #!/bin/bash hive -e " blaah blaah;" RET_VAL=$? echo $RET_VAL if [ $RET_VAL -ne 0 ]; then echo "HiveQL failed due to certain reason for LIP" | mailx -s "LIP Query Failed" -r fi exit hive -e 'Another SQL Query;' I got something like below- RET_VAL=0 + echo 0 0 + [ 0 -ne 0 ] + exit Status code was zero as my first query was successful but my program exited after that and it didn't went to execute my second query? Why? I am missing something here for sure again.
You may also find useful setting the exit immediately option: set -e Exit immediately if a simple command (see SHELL GRAMMAR above) exits with a non-zero status. The shell does not exit if the command that fails is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test in an if statement, part of a && or || list, or if the command's return value is being inverted via !. A trap on ERR, if set, is executed before the shell exits. as in this example #!/bin/bash set -e false echo "Never reached"
Unless I'm misunderstanding the situation, it's very simple: #!/bin/bash DATE_YEST_FORMAT1=`perl -e 'use POSIX qw(strftime); print strftime "%Y-%m-%d",localtime(time()- 3600*504);'` echo $DATE_YEST_FORMAT1 QUERY0=" SELECT t1 [0] AS buyer_id ,t1 [1] AS item_id ,created_time FROM ( SELECT split(ckey, '\\\\|') AS t1 ,created_time FROM ( SELECT CONCAT ( buyer_id ,'|' ,item_id ) AS ckey ,created_time FROM dw_checkout_trans WHERE to_date(from_unixtime(cast(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created_time) AS BIGINT))) = '$DATE_YEST_FORMAT1' distribute BY ckey sort BY ckey ,created_time DESC ) a WHERE rank(ckey) < 1 ) X ORDER BY buyer_id ,created_time DESC;" if hive -e "$QUERY0" then sleep 120 QUERY1=`hive -e " set; SELECT SUM(total_items_purchased), SUM(total_items_missingormismatch) from lip_data_quality where dt='$DATE_YEST_FORMAT2';"` # ...and whatever you do with $QUERY1... fi The string $QUERY0 is for convenience, not necessity. The key point is that you can test whether a command succeeded (returned status 0) with the if statement. The test command (better known as [) is just a command that returns 0 when the tested condition is met, and 1 (non-zero) when it is not met. So, the if statement runs the first hive query; if it passes (exit status 0), then (and only then) does it move on to the actions in the then clause. I've resisted the temptation to reformat your SQL; suffice to say, it is not the layout I would use in my own code.