How to add multiple measures into a pivot table? - excel

I'm quite new to using pivot tables and data models, so I don't even know if what I want to do is possible. I have a pivot table (PivotTable1) and its source (Table 25) and I would like to add a hundred or so measures which are listed in the TableCombinations.
For example, I entered the two first measure in orange, but they are not linked to TableCombination and entering them all one by one would be quite long. Each measure is for a distinct Sum wfn column that sums all other rows multiplied by a coefficient. The TableCombinations table simply states the coefficient to be used for each column. For the first three rows, these are my measure formulas :
sum wf1=1.4*Table25[Sum of wD]+0*Table25[Sum of wL]+0*Table25[Sum of wS]+0*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
sum wf2=1.25*Table25[Sum of wD]+1.5*Table25[Sum of wL]+1*Table25[Sum of wS]+0*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
sum wf3=1.25*Table25[Sum of wD]+1.5*Table25[Sum of wL]+0*Table25[Sum of wS]+0.4*Table25[Sum of wW]+0*Table25[Sum of wWSOUL]
Two questions :
Is there a way to link the tables so that any change made to TableCombination would then be updated in the pivot table measures?
Is there a way to generate all the of the measures without typing them in one by one.

You should be able to use just one DAX measure to do this, using the CROSSJOIN function.
Don't set up a relationship between the Tables, and drag # to the Columns area of the PivotTable. Then create this Measure:
That should give you the exact answer you need.
Here's how it looks using some sample data:
...and here's the sample data I'm using:

You could certainly use VBA to add measures, and to update them when the Table changes. I might have a crack at writing up an answer along that approach shortly. But here's another way to achieve what you want.
I've previously written some code to slave a Table to a PivotTable, so that any change in the PivotTable's dimensions or placement will be reflected in the shadowing Table's dimensions and placement. This effectively gives us a way to add a calculated field to a PivotTable that can refer to something outside of that PivotTable. If the PivotTable grows, the Calculated Table will grow. If the PivotTable shrinks, the Calculated Table will shrink, and any redundant formulas in it will be deleted.
You can easily use this approach to perform your calculations in a 2nd table alongside your PivotTable, and each column x in that 2nd table could easily reference row x in your 'parameters' table.
See Select Newest Record and Create New Table of Unique Values in Excel


Pivot table sorting by text string

It seems so silly, but I am trying to set up my pivot table, and it doesnt seem to be my strongest side.
The following picture demonstrates what I am after:
... so basically in the data there is a currency string, however it seems as if I cant get this string to be represented in the matix - only in either the row labels or columns labels, which makes the table very unstructured. Is there a way to match the security (row label) with its denominated currency ?
this part of my source table:
... where CCY is the currency column I would like within the pivot table and not as a pivot row or column label.
/ Phillip
Make the pivot as a classic pivot, you will see how the above person sees it.
Classic pivot is your answer of putting in text strings inside pivot. It somehow aligns better.
Right click on pivot --> Pivot table option --> Display --> Check the box which says "Classic Pivot table layout".
Take a backup of the excel copy before you switch to classic pivot. Some say it's irreversible
Include the currency-field in the Pivot table, like this:
This is exactly what I am after #MatsLind however this is what I receive when doing this:
so my question is why is our results different ?
Please let me know if I am totally off, but end goal should preferably be the following image:
.. however with this sorting (1.Security , 2.CCY) I am not allowed to sort the value within the pivot table. If I make the follwing sorting (1.CCY, 2.Security):
then I am allowed to sort the data within the pivot table, but I would prefer the former layout.
Can't add comments due to lack of reputation but this ain't an answer exactly.. Maybe..
From what I see in the below image, it looks like you have the row CCY on top and then security. If you want it like the top image, change the hierarchy.
Go to field list and under rows, drag and place the Security on top of CCY, youre pivot will look like above picture.
But you're speaking of sorting, it looks like the above picture has been sorted with the grand total column.. I didn't follow you completely on the sorting peice..
Edit: I understood the problem now, what values exactly are you trying to sort?

How to get value from nested relations in Power Pivot?

I'm using Power Pivot add-in to create a data warehouse for generate dynamic tables and graphs (strictly data source is Excel), but I have a problem whit a calculate in the relations. My data model is the following:
My Snowflake data warehouse model
So for the fact table "fSales" I need to multiply the dCostDetail[Value] per dWorkCost[Value] to generate the fSales[Expenses] amount.
I tried to use the formula but I get an error: related but it don't allow to nested between the relations, e.g. fSales[Expenses] = related(dCostDetail[Value])*related(dWorkCost[Value])
Also I tried to use the next formula:
fSales[Expenses] = related(dWorkCost[Value]) * Calculate(Calculate(Calculate(Value(dCostDetail[Value]), Userelationship(fSales[IdProduct],dProduct[Sku]),Userelationships(dProduct[IdCateg],dCategory[IdCategory]), Userelationships(dCategory[IdCategory],dCostDetail[IdCateg]))))
And I need this "type" of normalized model to have the details when I analyze the information, e.g. filter, but if you know another way to generate the calculation it would be ok.
RELATED doesn't work in measures, because it evaluates on a record-by-record level. So you're on the right track, but what you need to do is create a column in Powerpivot in the fSales table called "Cost Detail" or whatever, and use a RELATED formula there to pull in that value from the CostDetail table. Create another column and do the same thing to pull in the dWorkCost value into the fSales table.
Then you can do a measure for the expenses like this:
Expenses:=SUM([whatever you called CostDetailColumn])*SUM([whatever you called WorkCostColumn])
You should be able to drop that measure into a pivot and it should do what you're looking for.

How to add calculated column to a pivot table connected to SSAS tabular model?

Or in another words the question is - how to add some calculation in the pivot table based on columns which do not exist in model level.
I've reproduced my problem using AdventureWorksDW2014 sample database.
Let's say I want to calculate difference between Actual and Budget scenario amounts in the FactFinance table for each Organisation and present it in a form of pivot table.
To achieve that I've created a simple model (screen above) and added SumOfAmount measure to the FactFinance table SumOfAmount:=SUM([Amount])
Next, I've opened my model in Excel and created very simple pivot table (shown below)
So, (the question part) now I want to add an extra column to my pivot table, which should calculate something (for example difference) between columns Actual and Budget. And I want this new column been a part of the pivot table so I could filter it or\and add new grouping levels without necessity to change something "outside" the pivot table.
I tried to add Calculated Field but it seems like I can only use "real" columns for calculations. Columns which appeared in a pivot table based on values from COLUMNS quadrant can't be used as sources for calculations.
I got it finally combined two pivot tables: the old one and the one with Diff measure, defined as Diff:=[Actual Amount]-[Budget Amount], where
Actual Amount:=Calculate([SumOfAmount];'DimScenario'[ScenarioName] = "Actual")
Budget Amount:=Calculate([SumOfAmount];'DimScenario'[ScenarioName] = "Budget")
as #WimV suggested
First calculated measure is good:
Add the following Calculated measures (if needed mark as hidden):
Budget Amount:=Calculate([SumOfAmount],'DimScenario'[Scenariokey] = "Budget")
Actual Amount:=Calculate([SumOfAmount],'DimScenario'[Scenariokey] = "Actual")
You can use the new calculations for example in a difference calculations

Avoid DISTINCTCOUNT in PowerPivot

Due to performance issues I need to remove a few distinct counts on my DAX. However, I have a particular scenario and I can't figure out how to do it.
As example, let's say one or more restaurants can be hired at one or more feasts and prepare one or more menus (see data below).
I want a PowerPivot table that shows in how many feasts each restaurant was present (see table below). I achieved this by using distinctcount.
Why not precalculating this on Power Query? The real data I have is a bit more complex (more ID columns) and in order to be able to pivot the data I would have to calculate thousands of possible combinations.
I tried adding to my model a Feast dimensional table (on the example this would only be 1 column of 2 rows). I was hoping to use that relationship to be able to make a straight count, but I haven't been able to come up with the right DAX to do so.
You could use COUNTROWS() combined with VALUES().
Specifically, COUNTROWS() will give you the count of rows in a table. That means COUNTROWS is expecting a table is input. Here's the magic part: VALUES() will return a table as results, and the table it returns are the distinct values in the table/column that you provide as the argument for VALUES().
I'm not sure if I'm explaining it well, so for the sample data you provided, the measure would look like this (assuming the table is named Table1):
Unique Feasts:=COUNTROWS(VALUES('Table1'[Feast Id]))
You can then create a pivot table from Powerpivot, and drag Restaurant Id into Rows, and drag the measure above into Values. Same result as DISTINCTCOUNT, but with less performance overhead (I think).

Excel 2013 PowerPivot Table - Many Fact Tables along with a Calculated Field

I am pretty new on creating POWERPIVOT tables. I have searched for a bit of time now to resolve this problem but I have been unsuccessful so far. Here is my problem. As you can see below, I have created a POWERPIVOT table in Excel 2013 that is composed of two FACT tables, which are based on: 1) a sheet where the clients can insert initial budget entries; and, 2) another sheet where the clients can insert the post-initial budget entries. Also, a DIMENSION table has been added to the combination in order to add the following relationships:
Based on these relationships, I have clicked on Insert a PivotTable to create the following POWERPIVOT table that will be used to display the Initial Budget and Adjustments entries for analysis purposes. However, this table does not give me the total of both columns. I have thought that a calculated field would make it happen but this is where I am stucked as nothing let me sum the two columns like I was used to do with regular pivot tables in Excel 2007. The calculation of the two columns would logically equal the Current Budget as shown attached.
Thank you for your help on this.
With Power Pivot you don't use the calculated field feature of pivot table.
You have to put a measure in your data Modell, which you can then add in the value part of the PT. Relationships alone are not enough.
currentBudget := CALCULATE (
SUM ( fInitialBudget[Initial Budget] ) + SUM ( fAdjustement[Adjustements] )
if you are new with Power Pivot, I warmly recommend the book of Rob Collie "DAX Formulas for Power Pivot". I got a very good introduction of the PP capability with it. The 2nd Edition is on the way.
