obtain value from Key/value in map array groovy - groovy

I have code like this:
def options = JsonPath.read(prev.getResponseDataAsString(), '$.options')
def randomOption = options.get(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, options.size()))
def code = randomOption.get("code")
vars.put('code1', code)
def values = randomOption.get('values')
def randomValue = values.get(RandomUtils.nextInt(0, values.size())) as
def val = randomValue['value']
vars.put('randomValue', randomValue)
vars.put('ValueF', val).
In Random Variable i am getting value as [label:Red, value:8] . I need to fetch the value of Value=8

Youre trying to invoke
vars.put('ValueF', [label:Red, value:8])
which is put(String, Map)
JMeterVariables have no such method https://jmeter.apache.org/api/org/apache/jmeter/threads/JMeterVariables.html
you can use putObject() which accepts String as key and Object as value:
vars.putObject('ValueF', val)


Execute python method from a string

I have a string that has the method name and value in it. Currently, I'm using the following implementation which works but doesn't seem elegant. Is there a better way to implement this?
class ObjectResolver:
def methodResolver(self, value):
"""Some logic here"""
objectResolver = ObjectResolver()
channel = 'methodResolver(helloWorld)'
findValue = channel.strip().find('(')
objectMethod = channel.strip()[:findValue]
attribute = channel.strip()[findValue:][1:-1]
channelResolver = getattr(objectResolver, objectMethod)(attribute)
You can use eval() or exec()
class ObjectResolver:
def methodResolver(self, value):
"""Some logic here"""
objectResolver = ObjectResolver()
// Something like this...
channel = eval('methodResolver')(helloWorld)
// OR
exec('channel = "methodResolver(helloWorld)"')
findValue = channel.strip().find('(')
objectMethod = channel.strip()[:findValue]
attribute = channel.strip()[findValue:][1:-1]
channelResolver = getattr(objectResolver, objectMethod)(attribute)
Learn more about eval and exec
The best method I found is to use eval here and specifically to my question above, the implementation is as follows:
class ObjectResolver:
def methodResolver(self, value):
"""Some logic here"""
objectResolver = ObjectResolver()
channel = "methodResolver('helloWorld')"
handlers = dict(methodResolver=objectResolver.methodResolver)
eval(channel, handlers)

Groovy - Substring from a string

def testString = '''
relkey = CAT_RELEASE_AUG_2018
relkey2 = CAT_RELEASE_SEP_2019
using groovy - how can i get both the relkey and relkey2 values - Thanks
Method 1:
String val = testString.substring(testString.indexOf("=")+1)
For more options, you can use this too.
Method 2:
String val = testString.split("=")[1]
But it is up to you.
For example to load as map:
There are many methods to load as map but for simple example,
String a= "h=1"
Map kv=[:]
List b = a.split("=");
println kv

How can I make this body of code through a for loop?

So, I'm trying to get this code to work in a cleaner way, mainly, through the use of a for loop, but having a really hard time trying to do so. I haven't been able to make a loop that assigns each value of the dictionary to a correspondent variable, so it can be used in the class. For context, the dictionary contains values obtained from another class, I just put those in the dict and sent it to this class, so I don't need to calculate those again.
def get_ipr_data(self):
self.reservoir_result_dict = ReservoirDataFrame.reservoir_result_dict
self.pb = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("pb")
self.rs = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("rs")
self.bo = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("bo")
self.uo = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("uo")
self.re = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("re")
self.j_index = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("j_index")
self.q_max = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("q_max")
self.pws = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("pws")
self.qb = self.reservoir_result_dict.get("qb")
You can use setattr function
for name in ["pb", "rs", "bo", "uo", "re", "j_index", "q_max", "pws", "qb"]:
setattr(self, name, self.reservoir_result_dict.get(name))
Documentation of setattr:
Delegating attributes is done by defining the __getattr__ method. You should store the dictionary only and then define __getattr__.
class Foo:
def get_ipr_data(self):
self.reservoir_result_dict = ReservoirDataFrame.reservoir_result_dict
def __getattr__(self, item):
return self.reservoir_result_dict[item]

Access variable value by its name as String (groovy)

I've done some research but I haven't found a working code for my case. I have two variables named test and test2 and I want to put them in a map in the format [test:valueof(test), test2:valueof(test2)]
My piece of code is the following:
def test="HELLO"
def test2="WORLD"
def queryText = "\$\$test\$\$ \$\$test2\$\$ this is my test"
def list = queryText.findAll(/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/)
def map = [:]
it = it.replace("\$\$", "")
map.putAt(it, it)
queryText = queryText.replaceAll(/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/) { k -> map[k[1]] ?: k[0] }
Desired output:
"HELLO WORLD this is my test"
I think I need something like map.putAt(it, eval(it))
This is the way I get my inputs. the code goes into the 'test' script
The ones on the right are the variable names inside the script, the left column are the values (that will later be dynamic)
You are almost there.
The solution is instead of putting the values into separate variables put them into the script binding.
Add this at the beginning ( remove the variables test and test2):
def test="HELLO"
def test2="WORLD"
binding.setProperty('test', test)
binding.setProperty('test2', test2)
and change this:
{ k -> map[k[1]] ?: k[0] }
to this:
{ k -> evaluate(k[1]) }
It should be very simple if you could use TemplateEngine.
def text = '$test $test2 this is my test'
def binding = [test:'HELLO', test2:'WORLD']
def engine = new groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine()
def template = engine.createTemplate(text).make(binding)
def result = 'HELLO WORLD this is my test'
assert result == template.toString()
You can test quickly online Demo
Final working code, thanks to all, in particular to dsharew who helped me a lot!
#input String queryText,test,test2,test3
def list = queryText.findAll(/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/)
def map = [:]
it = it.replace("\$\$", "")
map.putAt(it, it)
queryText = queryText.replaceAll(/\$\$(.*?)\$\$/) { k -> evaluate(k[1]) }
return queryText

Retrieve value in map by key in Groovy

def text= '''<Rollback> <Kits>
<Kit ServerName='ust1twastool01a'>
<Kit ServerName='another_server'>
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)
def map = [:]
i = 0
def list = []
map.put(node.#ServerName, list)
print map // print map with all keys and values
// Somehow, it's not working ...
print map['ust1twastool01a']
def map2 = ['1':["abc","123"], '2':["bcd", "456"]]
print map2['1']
I have been annoyed by the above code for almost the day. I don't understand why I can't get value by map['ust1twastool01a'].
I attached a screenshot from a console, it shows that map is not empty but just can't get its value by key. map2 is just control group as it has the similar structure to map string as key and list as value
Use as below:
map.put(node.#ServerName.text(), list)
On a side note, I believe you can simplify the code to just:
def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(text)
def map = xml.Kits.Kit.collectEntries { node ->
[ node.#ServerName.text(), node.Backup.collect() ]
