How do you set 'theme-dark' in bqplot? - bqplot

How do you set a dark theme in bqplot in a jupyter notebook environment?

Execute the following in a jupyter cell:
To remove the dark theme and return to default (light) theme, replace add by remove to remove the css class of the dark theme.


Change font color in dracula theme in android studio

How can I change font color in dracula theme in android studio? cause with color's font now, the color less bright.
File->Settings->Editor->Colors & Fonts
Download themes in .jar format from web. Then go to File -> Import Settings and choose the file downloaded
But this theme might add more colors to your coding life.
Link with more details:
Inside Settings goto: Editor > Colors & Fonts > Java there you can change the color of any attribute.

Change theme color in Android Studio of Resouce identifier

does anyone know where I can change the theme color of the identifier of a Resource in Android studio?
Currently I have a black theme, but the purple color makes it unreadable. I have tried other dark themes but it always stays purple. I searched for it in settings but I was unable to find it.
example image of how it is now
You can go to File->settings->Editor->Color&Fonts where you can make a copy of the default theme and change colors of everything.
If you want more theme you can google it download it and then import it in the Android studio

Vim Solarized Theme black space

I have the solarized theme working in a terminal vim session. It looks great at first until you move off page and black space appears. If you then scroll back up the black space is also in the originally colored areas... The colors do not change if you use page up page down, only j,k
What the error looks like:
You do not have the the solarized dark theme working in your terminal Vim session. I can tell because your background is black/dark gray. The solarized dark background is dark blueish.
To get the solarized colorscheme to work properly within your terminal emulator you have to change the color settings of your terminal emulator to solarized.
How to do so depends on which kind of terminal emulator you use. With gnome-terminal, you can set the colors to solarized this way: Edit - Profile Preferences - Colors - Palette - Builtin schemes: solarized. For other terminal emulator use Google to figure out how to change the terminal emulator color.
Note that this of course also changes the colors displayed in your normal shell - but this is necessary and advised.
The problem was caused by the Background Color Erase of the terminal
fixed by adding the line
set t_ut=
see for further details
further details

solarized theme in vim (and MATE Terminal?) doesnt work properly

I just downloaded the solarized theme for vim and for the mate terminal and am now desperately trying to set them up.
I've kinda got the light theme on MATE Terminal running (as stated in the description of solarized theme the dark theme is work in progress) but don't see any other colors then the normal text color and am now wondering if this is as intended (and how to properly test this)...
In vim I'd like to run the dark theme, but if I do as described on the page ( it doesn't work. I just get results like this:
Im kinda new to linux so I'd appreciate any help :)
As ryuichiro suggested: Ubuntu, vim, and the solarized color palette

Change base color in sencha touch for themes other than the default theme

I'm unable to change the base color of themes other than the default theme.
For ex: I can't change the base color of windows theme from black to any other color I want.
Can somebody please tell me how to change that?
I used the $base-color variable in app.scss
Please note that I tried using $base-color variable above and also below the import lines.
Also, there is no compile error after compiling it using compass.
And yeah, it's working with the default theme of sencha.
