Using a hashmap with int as key and need to change it to use long - hashmap

I was given some sample code by my instructor for HashEntry class and HashMap class. I had to implement the get and put method in the HashMap for the standard probing and then linear and quadratic. I have all this working fine, I am able to get and put with any of the probing methods. The next step was to read in a .csv file and parse it so the first column is the key and the remaining columns are the rows. This all works great until my key value from the .csv goes above the valid int value. My question is how can I change the provided code to use a long as the key instead of an int.
public class HashEntry {
private int key;
private String value;
HashEntry(int key, String value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public int getKey() {
return key;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String val) {
this.value = val;
public class HashMap {
private final static int TABLE_SIZE = 1900000;
HashEntry[] table;
HashMap() {
table = new HashEntry[TABLE_SIZE];
for (int i = 0; i < TABLE_SIZE; i++)
table[i] = null;
public String get(int key) {
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (7 * hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
if (table[hash] == null)
return "There is no value at this key";
return table[hash].getValue();
public void put(int key, String value) {
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (7 * hash + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
table[hash] = new HashEntry(key, value);
public void linearprobeput(int key, String value){
int i = 0;
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
//System.out.println("The hash is " + hash+ "\n");
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + i) % TABLE_SIZE;
//printing was to verify collisions were being managed correctly
//System.out.println("Their was a collision now trying with hash'"
//+ hash +" and an i value of "+ i+ "'\n");
table[hash] = new HashEntry(key, value);
public String linearprobeget(int key){
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
int i = 0;
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + i) % TABLE_SIZE;
if (table[hash] == null)
return "There is no value at this key";
return table[hash].getValue();
public void quadraticprobeput(int key, String value){
int i = 0;
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
//System.out.println("The hash is " + hash+ "\n");
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + (i*i)) % TABLE_SIZE;
//printing was to verify collisions were being managed correctly
//System.out.println("Their was a collision now trying with hash'"
//+ hash +" and an i value of "+ i+ "'\n");
table[hash] = new HashEntry(key, value);
public String quadraticprobeget(int key){
int hash = (key % TABLE_SIZE);
int i = 0;
while (table[hash] != null && table[hash].getKey() != key)
hash = (hash + (i*i)) % TABLE_SIZE;
if (table[hash] == null)
return "There is no value at this key";
return table[hash].getValue();
HashMap upchm = new HashMap();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader
(new FileReader("UPCtest.csv"));
//Integer a = null;
String str=null;
ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
while((str = in.readLine()) != null){
String[] upc= str.split(",");
Integer val = Integer.valueOf(upc[0]);
upchm.quadraticprobeput(val, upc[1]+upc[2]);
System.out.println("UPC = " + val + " Description "+upc[1]+upc[2]);
//change arraylist to array
//String[] upc = lines.toArray(new String[lines.size()]);
System.out.println("The description for the product with upc 123 is " + upchm.quadraticprobeget(123));
System.out.println("The description for the product with upc 10344 is " + upchm.quadraticprobeget(10344));
Sample of some of the lines from the .csv
79,,INDIANA LOTTO 93,,treo 700w 123,,Wrsi Riversound cafe cd
161,,Dillons/Kroger Employee Coupon ($1.25 credit)
2158242769,288/1.12Z,GREEN SUGAR COOKIES4276 2158561631,,HOT COCOA
W/BKMK 2158769549,njhjhn,gjfhjbgkj 2160500567,2.25 oz (64)g,Dollar
Bar Rich Raspberry 2172307284,,Mixed seasonal flower bouquet
2177000074,,4 way 13 AMP Extension Lead (Wilkinson UK) 2184000098,21
oz,Christopher's Assorted Fruit Jellies 2187682888,,fairway
15400021142,9 Z,WF BOWL CLEANER (JAR 15400021159,8 Z,WF ANTIBAC LIQ
SOAP 15400021166,3 RL,WF DECORATOR VALUE 15400021173,64 Z,WF CLEAR
AMMONIA 15400021210,128 Z,WF FAB SOFT 15400021319,28 Z,WF DEGREAS
ULT DISH 15400021326,28 Z,WF LEMON ULTRA DISH 15400021340,28 Z,WF

You have to use long key instead of int key and cast a type when you calculate a bucket in the table:
HashEntry class
public class HashEntry {
private long key;
private String value;
HashMap class
public class HashMap {
private static final int TABLE_SIZE = 1900000;
private final HashEntry[] table;
public HashMap() {
// all elements are null by default
table = new HashEntry[TABLE_SIZE];
public String get(long key) {
int bucket = getBucket(key);
while (table[bucket] != null && table[bucket].getKey() != key) {
bucket = (7 * bucket + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
return getValueByBucket(bucket, key);
public void put(long key, String value) {
int bucket = getBucket(key);
while (table[bucket] != null && table[bucket].getKey() != key) {
bucket = (7 * bucket + 1) % TABLE_SIZE;
table[bucket] = new HashEntry(key, value);
public void linearprobeput(long key, String value) {
int i = 0;
int bucket = getBucket(key);
//System.out.println("The hash is " + hash+ "\n");
while (table[bucket] != null && table[bucket].getKey() != key) {
bucket = (bucket + i) % TABLE_SIZE;
//printing was to verify collisions were being managed correctly
//System.out.println("Their was a collision now trying with hash'"
//+ hash +" and an i value of "+ i+ "'\n");
table[bucket] = new HashEntry(key, value);
public String linearprobeget(long key) {
int i = 0;
int bucket = getBucket(key);
while (table[bucket] != null && table[bucket].getKey() != key) {
bucket = (bucket + i) % TABLE_SIZE;
return getValueByBucket(bucket, key);
public void quadraticprobeput(long key, String value) {
int i = 0;
int bucket = getBucket(key);
//System.out.println("The hash is " + hash+ "\n");
while (table[bucket] != null && table[bucket].getKey() != key) {
bucket = (bucket + (i * i)) % TABLE_SIZE;
//printing was to verify collisions were being managed correctly
//System.out.println("Their was a collision now trying with hash'"
//+ hash +" and an i value of "+ i+ "'\n");
table[bucket] = new HashEntry(key, value);
public String quadraticprobeget(long key) {
int i = 0;
int bucket = getBucket(key);
while (table[bucket] != null && table[bucket].getKey() != key) {
bucket = (bucket + (i * i)) % TABLE_SIZE;
return getValueByBucket(bucket, key);
private static int getBucket(long key) {
// this is safe, because key % TABLE_SIZE < TABLE_SIZE which is int
return (int)(key % TABLE_SIZE);
private String getValueByBucket(int bucket, long key) {
return table[bucket] == null ? "There is no value at key '" + key + '\'' : table[bucket].getValue();
I think, and java.lang.HashMap uses it as well, that it is better to move HashEntry into HashMap class:
public class HashMap {
private static final int TABLE_SIZE = 1900000;
private final Entry[] table;
public HashMap() {
// all elements are null by default
table = new Entry[TABLE_SIZE];
private static final class Entry {
private long key;
private String value;
Second, it is better to throw an exception with There is no value at key or return null. What if you have: map.put(666, "There is no value at key") - when you get this key, how do you know it this key exists or not?!


Hazelcast Predicate SQL into map

I'm trying to build a method that deletes entries with attributes that are not null, but I keep failing in predicates and I don't know how to implement properly the predicate because hazelcast doesn't take "NOT NULL" or "IS NULL" as a where clause Any idea how can I find into the map the values I need to search to delete them?
the method
public int removeEntry(String CacheName, String claveReq, int id_interno_pe, String cod_nrbe_en, int num_sec_ac) {
int counter = 0;
IMap<String, ResponseSerializablePlus> map = clientInstance.getMap(CacheName);
// Predicate claveReqQuery = Predicates.equal("claveReq", claveReq);
// Predicate idInternoQuery = Predicates.equal("id_interno_pe", id_interno_pe);
// Predicate codNrbeQuery = Predicates.equal("cod_nrbe_en", cod_nrbe_en);
// Predicate numSecQuery = Predicates.equal("num_sec_ac", num_sec_ac);
// Predicate query = Predicates.and(idInternoQuery,codNrbeQuery,numSecQuery);
Predicate query = Predicates.sql("id_interno_pe IS NOT NULL");
if (!map.isEmpty()) {
for (ResponseSerializablePlus entry : map.values(query)) {
System.out.println("Entry "+entry.toString()+" Found");
System.out.println("Map Size ->"+map.size());
System.out.println("Deleted entries -> "+counter);
return counter;
}else {
System.out.println("No matches");
return 0;
the main class ResponseSerializablePlus
public class ResponseSerializablePlus implements IdentifiedDataSerializable{
private int id_interno_pe;
private String cod_nrbe_en;
private int num_sec_ac;
private int statusCode;
private HashMap<String,List<String>> headers;
private byte[] content;
public ResponseSerializablePlus(int id_interno_pe, String cod_nrbe_en, int num_sec_ac, int statusCode,
HashMap<String, List<String>> headers, byte[] content) {
this.id_interno_pe = id_interno_pe;
this.cod_nrbe_en = cod_nrbe_en;
this.num_sec_ac = num_sec_ac;
this.statusCode = statusCode;
this.headers = headers;
this.content = content;
public ResponseSerializablePlus() {
public void writeData(ObjectDataOutput out) throws IOException {
public void readData(ObjectDataInput in) throws IOException {
this.id_interno_pe = in.readInt();
this.cod_nrbe_en = in.readString();
this.num_sec_ac = in.readInt();
this.statusCode = in.readInt();
this.headers = in.readObject();
this.content = in.readByteArray();
public int getFactoryId() {
return ResponseSerializablePlusFactory.FACTORY_ID;
public int getClassId() {
return ResponseSerializablePlusFactory.RESPONSE_SERIALIZABLE_PLUS_CLASS;
public String toString() {
return "ResponseSerializablePlus [id_interno_pe=" + id_interno_pe + ", cod_nrbe_en=" + cod_nrbe_en
+ ", num_sec_ac=" + num_sec_ac + ", statusCode=" + statusCode + ", headers=" + headers + ", content="
+ Arrays.toString(content) + "]";
It's indeed not supported, and it's document, along with the alternative option. Have a look here:

No such property: getToHour for class: OutagePolicyScript

I 've continously getting error:
2019-05-06 14:37:40,128 [EPI-TaskExecutor-1] ERROR
ScriptExecutionExceptionHandler.handleScriptError(31) - Script with id
[3e2fd082-62f3-46a2-8fca-71b1f9cef028] and label [Outage definition
script] reports an error: : No such property: getToHour for class:
Outages.xml file is OK, and is placed together with outage.dtd file in correct location.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import com.hp.opr.api.scripting.Event;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
class OutagePolicyScript
Object syncObject = new Object();
final static String fileName = "/opt/HP/BSM/Temp/outages.xml"; // for Windows it will be: "d:/HPBSM/Temp/outages.xml";
final static Log s_log = LogFactory.getLog("com.hp.opr.epi.OutagePolicyScript");
List<OutageDefinition> outageDefinitions = new ArrayList<OutageDefinition>();
Thread loadXMLThread;
final boolean isSuppressEventsOrClose = true;
def init()
LoadOutagesFromXML r1 = new LoadOutagesFromXML();
loadXMLThread = new Thread(r1);
s_log.debug("init finished");
def destroy()
s_log.debug("going to stop thread....");
def process(List<Event> events)
synchronized(syncObject) {
events.each {Event event ->
handleEventSuppressionIfNeeded(event, "EST");
//event.setTitle("Modified by CA/EPI: " + event.getTitle());
// always include following check for each event
throw new InterruptedException()
catch(InterruptedException e)
s_log.error("process of events interrupted", e);
private void handleEventSuppressionIfNeeded(Event event, String timezoneId)
// Calculate if event was received during the accepted time window.
Date timeRecieved = event.getTimeReceived();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(timezoneId);
if (tz != null)
cal = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
int dow = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK);
//event.addCustomAttribute("hour", Integer.toString(hour));
//event.addCustomAttribute("minute", Integer.toString(minute));
//event.addCustomAttribute("day of week", Integer.toString(dow));
// go over all the outage definitions, and compare event attributes to the rule
outageDefinitions.each {OutageDefinition outage ->
if (outage.getIsActive()) {
s_log.debug("Checking active rule: " + outage.getDescription());
// check if the event's day of week is one of the outage definition days. in case the rule cross day, reduce 1 for day of week
if (ArrayUtils.contains(outage.getDays(), dow) || (outage.getCrossDay() && ArrayUtils.contains(outage.getDays(), (dow == 1) ? 7 : dow-1 ))) {
// check if event hour and minute are inside rule's from/to
// convert all configurations to minutes
// if the rule cross a day, then add to "to" 24 hours in order to compare from <= event_time < to
// if the rule cross a day AND event hour < "from" then it means the event is in the next day and need to add 24 hours too
int eventTimeInMin = ((hour < outage.getFromHour() && outage.getCrossDay()) ? hour + 24 : hour) * 60 + minute;
int fromInMin = outage.getFromHour() * 60 + outage.getFromMinute();
int toInMin = (outage.getCrossDay() ? outage.getToHour() + 24 : outage.getToHour) * 60 + outage.getToMinute();
if (eventTimeInMin >= fromInMin && eventTimeInMin < toInMin) {
s_log.debug("event time is within this outage rule, proceed to compare event's attributes");
boolean foundMatch = true;
Set<String> attributeNames = outage.getAttributesList().keySet();
attributeNames.each {String name ->
boolean attMatchResult;
// at the moment, all comparisons are using "EQ"
switch (name) {
case "title" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRuleForcontains("title", event.getTitle(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "application" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("application", event.getApplication(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "object" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("object", event.getObject(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "category" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("category", event.getCategory(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "subcategory" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRule("subcategory", event.getSubCategory(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
case "nodeHint" : attMatchResult = compareEventAttributeToOutageRuleForcontains("nodeHint", event.getNodeHints().getHint(), outage.getAttributesList().get(name)); break;
default : s_log.error("attribute name [" + name + "] from outages.xml is not supported");
s_log.debug("result for attribute [" + name + "] is: " + attMatchResult);
foundMatch &= attMatchResult;
s_log.debug("result after processing all attributes in the rule is: " + foundMatch);
if (foundMatch) {
if (isSuppressEventsOrClose)
event.addCustomAttribute("SuppressDueToOutageRule", outage.getDescription());
else {
s_log.debug("Current rule doesnt match for the event's time, this rule will be skipped");
else {
s_log.debug("Current rule doesnt match for the event's day, this rule will be skipped");
private boolean compareEventAttributeToOutageRule(String eventAttName, String eventAttValue, Set<String> ruleValues)
if (ruleValues.contains(eventAttValue)) {
s_log.debug("found match on attribute [" + eventAttName + "], attribute value=" + eventAttValue);
return true;
// else, no match
s_log.debug("no match for attribute " + eventAttName);
return false;
private boolean compareEventAttributeToOutageRuleForcontains(String eventAttName, String eventAttValue, Set<String> ruleValues)
Iterator<String> itr = ruleValues.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
if (eventAttValue.indexOf( != -1) { // check if the event attribute contains the rule's value
s_log.debug("found match on attribute [" + eventAttName + "], attribute value=" + eventAttValue);
return true;
// else, no match
s_log.debug("no match for attribute " + eventAttName);
return false;
class LoadOutagesFromXML implements Runnable
long lastModifiedTime = -1;
public void run()
while (!Thread.interrupted()) {
s_log.debug("in running.... current time: " + new Date());
// lock the sync object
synchronized(syncObject) {
long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
long after = System.currentTimeMillis();
s_log.debug("Loading outages definitions from XML took [" + (after - before) + "] ms.");
Thread.sleep(60000); // 60 seconds
s_log.debug("thread interrupted....");
private void readOutageFile()
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
File f = new File(fileName);
if (f.lastModified() == lastModifiedTime) {
// the file wasnt changed, no need to reload file
s_log.debug("file LastModifiedTime didn't change, no need to reload configuration");
// otherwise, clear previous results and reload XML file
s_log.debug("going to load outage.xml");
Document doc = db.parse(f);
NodeList outages = doc.getElementsByTagName("outage");
for (int i=0 ; i<outages.getLength() ; ++i) {
s_log.debug("handle outage: " + Integer.toString(i));
// going to handle specific outage definition
Element aOutage = (Element)outages.item(i);
Element aTimeWindow = (Element)(aOutage.getElementsByTagName("timeWindow").item(0));
outageDefinitions.add(new OutageDefinition(aOutage.getAttribute("description"),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("from").item(0).getTextContent(), true),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("from").item(0).getTextContent(), false),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("to").item(0).getTextContent(), true),
parseIntFromStr(aTimeWindow.getElementsByTagName("to").item(0).getTextContent(), false),
lastModifiedTime = f.lastModified();
s_log.debug("Going to keep lastModifiedTime as " + lastModifiedTime);
catch (Exception e) {
s_log.error("caught exception during parsing of outage.xml", e);
lastModifiedTime = -1;
private int parseIntFromStr(String str, boolean isHour)
String[] array = str.trim().split(":");
if (array.length != 2) {
s_log.debug("Bad time format, expect HH:MM format but recieved: " + str);
return -1;
if (isHour)
return Integer.parseInt(array[0]);
return Integer.parseInt(array[1]);
private Map<String, Set<String>> parseAttributesFromXML(Element eventsFilter)
Map<String, Set<String>> result = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
NodeList eventAttributes = eventsFilter.getElementsByTagName("eventAttribute");
for (int i=0 ; i<eventAttributes.getLength() ; ++i) {
NodeList attributeValues = eventAttributes.item(i).getElementsByTagName("value");
Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>(attributeValues.getLength());
for (int j=0 ; j<attributeValues.getLength() ; j++) {
result.put(eventAttributes.item(i).getAttribute("name"), values);
return result;
class OutageDefinition
String description;
boolean isActive;
int[] days;
int fromHour;
int fromMinute;
int toHour;
int toMinute;
boolean crossDay;
Map<String, Set<String>> attributesList;
public OutageDefinition(String desc, String active, String outageDays, int oFromHour, int oFromMinute, int oToHour, int oToMinute, Map<String, Set<String>> oAttributes) {
this.description = desc;
this.isActive = Boolean.parseBoolean(active);
this.fromHour = oFromHour;
this.fromMinute = oFromMinute;
this.toHour = oToHour;
this.toMinute = oToMinute;
this.attributesList = oAttributes;
this.crossDay = false;
// check if time cross a day
if (this.fromHour > this.toHour) {
s_log.debug("in rule [" + this.description + "] found time condition that crosses midnight, adjust toHour accordingly");
this.crossDay = true;
this.days = getDaysFromString(outageDays);
private int[] getDaysFromString(String str)
String[] days = str.trim().split(",");
int[] result = new int[days.length];
for (int i=0 ; i<days.length ; ++i) {
switch (days[i]) {
case "Sunday" : result[i] = 1; break;
case "Monday" : result[i] = 2; break;
case "Tuesday" : result[i] = 3; break;
case "Wednesday" : result[i] = 4; break;
case "Thursday" : result[i] = 5; break;
case "Friday" : result[i] = 6; break;
case "Saturday" : result[i] = 7; break;
default : result[i] = -1; break;
return result;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public boolean getIsActive() {
return isActive;
public int[] getDays() {
return days;
public int getFromHour() {
return fromHour;
public int getFromMinute() {
return fromMinute;
public int getToHour() {
return toHour;
public int getToMinute() {
return toMinute;
public Map<String, Set<String>> getAttributesList() {
return attributesList;
public boolean getCrossDay() {
return crossDay;
Look closely at this line. You must either call a method (outage.getToHour()) or access a property (outage.getToHour), but here you do both things. Choose what is correct
int toInMin = (outage.getCrossDay() ? outage.getToHour() + 24 : outage.getToHour) * 60 + outage.getToMinute();

Distributed SQL query performance in Apache Ignite

I have defined following 2 classes Person(with PersonKey) and Company() with companyId as key. PersonKey is affinity collocated with companyId. Now I am trying to do SQL distributed join (Person.companyId = Company.companyId) on 2 nodes connected in grid. I repeated same join with only single node. With distributed join in 2 nodes I should get 2x performance improvement, but it is performing worst with comparison to single node. Why is this happening? Are both nodes not participating in computation(here select query) part?
class PersonKey
// Person ID used to identify a person.
private int personId;
// Company ID which will be used for affinity.
private String companyId;
public PersonKey(int personId, String companyId)
this.personId = personId;
this.companyId = companyId;
public int hashCode() {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result
+ ((companyId == null) ? 0 : companyId.hashCode());
result = prime * result + personId;
return result;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
PersonKey other = (PersonKey) obj;
if (companyId == null) {
if (other.companyId != null)
return false;
} else if (!companyId.equals(other.companyId))
return false;
if (personId != other.personId)
return false;
return true;
class Person
#QuerySqlField(index = true)
int personId;
#QuerySqlField(index = true)
String companyId;
public Person(int personId, String companyId)
this.personId = personId;
this.companyId = companyId;
private PersonKey key;
public PersonKey key()
if(key == null)
key = new PersonKey(personId, companyId);
return key;
class Company
#QuerySqlField(index = true)
String companyId;
String company_name;
public Company(String CompanyId, String company_name)
this.companyId = CompanyId;
this.company_name = company_name;
public String key()
return companyId;
Adding second node does not automatically mean that the query will become twice faster. Moreover, it can easily become slower because network is added, while in a single node deployment all the data is local.
To make the test more fair you can run a query from a client node [1] and change the number of server nodes. In this case the result set will be always sent across the network and you will see the real difference in performance with different number of servers.

Passing Objects through Heap Sort

Having issues trying to pass an object class to be sorted via Heap Sort. Basically I have a class which holds employee data such as names, address, phone numbers and employee ID. We are to use Heap Sort to pass this class as a object and sort it by employee ID. My main issue is converting my heap sort structures to where they can take objects. This is for a beginning data structures course so we're not allowed to use advanced techniques. My road block is I'm stumped as to how to pass my objects into the heap sort methods which currently only take primitive data types.
Office Class:
public class Office_Staff
public String Name , Dept , Phonenumber;
public int Id, years;
Id = ("");
Name = ("");
Dept = ("");
Phonenumber = ("");
years = 0;
Office_Staff(int empid ,String empname, String empdept , String empphone, int service)
Id = empid;
Name = empname;
Dept = empdept;
Phonenumber = empphone;
years = service;
public void setId(int empid)
Id = empid;
public void setName(String empname)
Name = empname;
public void setDept(String empdept)
Dept = empdept;
public void setPhone(String empphone)
Phonenumber = empphone;
public void setYears(int service)
years = service;
public String getId()
return Id;
public String getName()
return Name;
public String getDept()
return Dept;
public String getPhone()
return Phonenumber;
public int getYears()
return years;
public String toString()
String str = "Office_Staff Name : " + Name + "Office_Staff ID : " + Id +
"Office_Staff Deaprtment : " + Dept + "Office_Staff Phone Number : "
+ Phonenumber + "Years Active : " + years;
return str;
Heap Sort:
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
class zNode
private int iData;
public zNode(int key)
iData = key;
public int getKey()
return iData;
public void setKey(int k)
iData = k;
class HeapSort
private int [] currArray;
private int maxSize;
private int currentSize;
private int currIndex;
HeapSort(int mx)
maxSize = mx;
currentSize = 0;
currArray = new int[maxSize];
public boolean buildHeap(int [] currArray)
int key = currIndex;
return false;
int newNode = key;
currArray[currentSize] = newNode;
siftUp(currArray , currentSize++);
return true;
public void siftUp(int [] currArray , int currIndex)
int parent = (currIndex-1) / 2;
int bottom = currArray[currIndex];
while( currIndex > 0 && currArray[parent] < bottom )
currArray[currIndex] = currArray[parent];
currIndex = parent;
parent = (parent-1) / 2;
currArray[currIndex] = bottom;
public void siftDown(int [] currArray , int currIndex)
int largerChild;
int top = currArray[currIndex];
while(currIndex < currentSize/2)
int leftChild = 2*currIndex+1;
int rightChild = leftChild+1;
if(rightChild < currentSize && currArray[leftChild] < currArray[rightChild] )
largerChild = rightChild;
largerChild = leftChild;
if( top >= currArray[largerChild] )
currArray[currIndex] = currArray[largerChild];
currIndex = largerChild;
currArray[currIndex] = top;
//remove max element
public int removeMaxElement(int [] currArray)
int root = currArray[0];
currArray[0] = currArray[--currentSize];
siftDown(currArray , 0);
return root;
private void _sortHeapArray(int [] currArray)
while(currentSize != 0)
public void sortHeapArray()
private int[] heapify(int[] currArray)
int start = (currentSize) / 2;
while (start >= 0)
siftDown(currArray, start);
return currArray;
private int[] swap(int[] currArray, int index1, int index2)
int swap = currArray[index1];
currArray[index1] = currArray[index2];
currArray[index2] = swap;
return currArray;
public int[] _heapSort(int[] currArray)
int end = currentSize-1;
while (end > 0)
currArray = swap(currArray,0, end);
siftDown(currArray, end);
return currArray;
public void heapSort()

How to Install safari extension using setup project?

i have a working safari extension and i able to install it manually by dragging it on safari web browser. i want to know how can i install it programmatically.
i have done this for firefox, chrome and IE.
in firefox just copy your .xpi file to this folder ("C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxx.default\extensions") in windows 7 and your extension will get installed.
and in chrome you have to write these registry keys
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
but in safari when i copy my .safariextz file to this folder "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\Safari\Extensions" than extension not get installed.
can anybody guide me how can i do this.
In the folder:
~\Users\\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\Safari\Extensions
there is a file named Extensions.plist you will also need to add an entry for your extension in this file.
Extension.plist in "~\Users\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\Safari\Extensions" folder is a binary file. for read and add an entry we can use this class.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
namespace PlistCS
public static class Plist
private static List<int> offsetTable = new List<int>();
private static List<byte> objectTable = new List<byte>();
private static int refCount;
private static int objRefSize;
private static int offsetByteSize;
private static long offsetTableOffset;
#region Public Functions
public static object readPlist(string path)
using (FileStream f = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
return readPlist(f);
public static object readPlistSource(string source)
return readPlist(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(source));
public static object readPlist(byte[] data)
return readPlist(new MemoryStream(data));
public static plistType getPlistType(Stream stream)
byte[] magicHeader = new byte[8];
stream.Read(magicHeader, 0, 8);
if (BitConverter.ToInt64(magicHeader, 0) == 3472403351741427810)
return plistType.Binary;
return plistType.Xml;
public static object readPlist(Stream stream, plistType type = plistType.Auto)
if (type == plistType.Auto)
type = getPlistType(stream);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if (type == plistType.Binary)
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BaseStream.Length);
return readBinary(data);
using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream))
byte[] data = reader.ReadBytes((int)reader.BaseStream.Length);
return readBinary(data);
public static void writeBinary(object value, string path)
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)))
public static void writeBinary(object value, Stream stream)
using (BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
public static byte[] writeBinary(object value)
refCount = 0;
objRefSize = 0;
offsetByteSize = 0;
offsetTableOffset = 0;
//Do not count the root node, subtract by 1
int totalRefs = countObject(value) - 1;
refCount = totalRefs;
objRefSize = RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(refCount)).Length;
writeBinaryString("bplist00", false);
offsetTableOffset = (long)objectTable.Count;
offsetTable.Add(objectTable.Count - 8);
offsetByteSize = RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(offsetTable[offsetTable.Count - 1])).Length;
List<byte> offsetBytes = new List<byte>();
for (int i = 0; i < offsetTable.Count; i++)
offsetTable[i] = objectTable.Count - offsetTable[i];
byte[] buffer = RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(offsetTable[i]), offsetByteSize);
objectTable.AddRange(new byte[6]);
var a = BitConverter.GetBytes((long)totalRefs + 1);
a = BitConverter.GetBytes(offsetTableOffset);
return objectTable.ToArray();
#region Private Functions
private static object readBinary(byte[] data)
List<byte> offsetTableBytes = new List<byte>();
refCount = 0;
objRefSize = 0;
offsetByteSize = 0;
offsetTableOffset = 0;
List<byte> bList = new List<byte>(data);
List<byte> trailer = bList.GetRange(bList.Count - 32, 32);
objectTable = bList.GetRange(0, (int)offsetTableOffset);
offsetTableBytes = bList.GetRange((int)offsetTableOffset, bList.Count - (int)offsetTableOffset - 32);
return parseBinary(0);
private static int countObject(object value)
int count = 0;
switch (value.GetType().ToString())
case "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]":
Dictionary<string, object> dict = (Dictionary<string, object>)value;
foreach (string key in dict.Keys)
count += countObject(dict[key]);
count += dict.Keys.Count;
case "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Object]":
List<object> list = (List<object>)value;
foreach (object obj in list)
count += countObject(obj);
return count;
private static byte[] writeBinaryDictionary(Dictionary<string, object> dictionary)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>();
List<byte> header = new List<byte>();
List<int> refs = new List<int>();
for (int i = dictionary.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var o = new object[dictionary.Count];
dictionary.Values.CopyTo(o, 0);
for (int i = dictionary.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
var o = new string[dictionary.Count];
dictionary.Keys.CopyTo(o, 0);
if (dictionary.Count < 15)
header.Add(Convert.ToByte(0xD0 | Convert.ToByte(dictionary.Count)));
header.Add(0xD0 | 0xf);
header.AddRange(writeBinaryInteger(dictionary.Count, false));
foreach (int val in refs)
byte[] refBuffer = RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(val), objRefSize);
buffer.InsertRange(0, refBuffer);
buffer.InsertRange(0, header);
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] composeBinaryArray(List<object> objects)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>();
List<byte> header = new List<byte>();
List<int> refs = new List<int>();
for (int i = objects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (objects.Count < 15)
header.Add(Convert.ToByte(0xA0 | Convert.ToByte(objects.Count)));
header.Add(0xA0 | 0xf);
header.AddRange(writeBinaryInteger(objects.Count, false));
foreach (int val in refs)
byte[] refBuffer = RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(val), objRefSize);
buffer.InsertRange(0, refBuffer);
buffer.InsertRange(0, header);
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] composeBinary(object obj)
byte[] value;
switch (obj.GetType().ToString())
case "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]":
value = writeBinaryDictionary((Dictionary<string, object>)obj);
return value;
case "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Object]":
value = composeBinaryArray((List<object>)obj);
return value;
case "System.Byte[]":
value = writeBinaryByteArray((byte[])obj);
return value;
case "System.Double":
value = writeBinaryDouble((double)obj);
return value;
case "System.Int32":
value = writeBinaryInteger((int)obj, true);
return value;
case "System.String":
value = writeBinaryString((string)obj, true);
return value;
case "System.DateTime":
value = writeBinaryDate((DateTime)obj);
return value;
case "System.Boolean":
value = writeBinaryBool((bool)obj);
return value;
return new byte[0];
public static byte[] writeBinaryDate(DateTime obj)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(PlistDateConverter.ConvertToAppleTimeStamp(obj)), 8));
buffer.Insert(0, 0x33);
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
public static byte[] writeBinaryBool(bool obj)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(new byte[1] { (bool)obj ? (byte)9 : (byte)8 });
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] writeBinaryInteger(int value, bool write)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(BitConverter.GetBytes((long)value));
buffer = new List<byte>(RegulateNullBytes(buffer.ToArray()));
while (buffer.Count != Math.Pow(2, Math.Log(buffer.Count) / Math.Log(2)))
int header = 0x10 | (int)(Math.Log(buffer.Count) / Math.Log(2));
buffer.Insert(0, Convert.ToByte(header));
if (write)
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] writeBinaryDouble(double value)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(value), 4));
while (buffer.Count != Math.Pow(2, Math.Log(buffer.Count) / Math.Log(2)))
int header = 0x20 | (int)(Math.Log(buffer.Count) / Math.Log(2));
buffer.Insert(0, Convert.ToByte(header));
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] writeBinaryByteArray(byte[] value)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>(value);
List<byte> header = new List<byte>();
if (value.Length < 15)
header.Add(Convert.ToByte(0x40 | Convert.ToByte(value.Length)));
header.Add(0x40 | 0xf);
header.AddRange(writeBinaryInteger(buffer.Count, false));
buffer.InsertRange(0, header);
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] writeBinaryString(string value, bool head)
List<byte> buffer = new List<byte>();
List<byte> header = new List<byte>();
foreach (char chr in value.ToCharArray())
if (head)
if (value.Length < 15)
header.Add(Convert.ToByte(0x50 | Convert.ToByte(value.Length)));
header.Add(0x50 | 0xf);
header.AddRange(writeBinaryInteger(buffer.Count, false));
buffer.InsertRange(0, header);
objectTable.InsertRange(0, buffer);
return buffer.ToArray();
private static byte[] RegulateNullBytes(byte[] value)
return RegulateNullBytes(value, 1);
private static byte[] RegulateNullBytes(byte[] value, int minBytes)
List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>(value);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Count; i++)
if (bytes[i] == 0 && bytes.Count > minBytes)
if (bytes.Count < minBytes)
int dist = minBytes - bytes.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < dist; i++)
bytes.Insert(0, 0);
value = bytes.ToArray();
return value;
private static void parseTrailer(List<byte> trailer)
offsetByteSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(trailer.GetRange(6, 1).ToArray(), 4), 0);
objRefSize = BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(trailer.GetRange(7, 1).ToArray(), 4), 0);
byte[] refCountBytes = trailer.GetRange(12, 4).ToArray();
refCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(refCountBytes, 0);
byte[] offsetTableOffsetBytes = trailer.GetRange(24, 8).ToArray();
offsetTableOffset = BitConverter.ToInt64(offsetTableOffsetBytes, 0);
private static void parseOffsetTable(List<byte> offsetTableBytes)
for (int i = 0; i < offsetTableBytes.Count; i += offsetByteSize)
byte[] buffer = offsetTableBytes.GetRange(i, offsetByteSize).ToArray();
offsetTable.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(buffer, 4), 0));
private static object parseBinaryDictionary(int objRef)
Dictionary<string, object> buffer = new Dictionary<string, object>();
List<int> refs = new List<int>();
int refCount = 0;
byte dictByte = objectTable[offsetTable[objRef]];
int refStartPosition;
refCount = getCount(offsetTable[objRef], out refStartPosition);
if (refCount < 15)
refStartPosition = offsetTable[objRef] + 1;
refStartPosition = offsetTable[objRef] + 2 + RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(refCount), 1).Length;
for (int i = refStartPosition; i < refStartPosition + refCount * 2 * objRefSize; i += objRefSize)
byte[] refBuffer = objectTable.GetRange(i, objRefSize).ToArray();
refs.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(refBuffer, 4), 0));
for (int i = 0; i < refCount; i++)
buffer.Add((string)parseBinary(refs[i]), parseBinary(refs[i + refCount]));
return buffer;
private static object parseBinaryArray(int objRef)
List<object> buffer = new List<object>();
List<int> refs = new List<int>();
int refCount = 0;
byte arrayByte = objectTable[offsetTable[objRef]];
int refStartPosition;
refCount = getCount(offsetTable[objRef], out refStartPosition);
if (refCount < 15)
refStartPosition = offsetTable[objRef] + 1;
//The following integer has a header aswell so we increase the refStartPosition by two to account for that.
refStartPosition = offsetTable[objRef] + 2 + RegulateNullBytes(BitConverter.GetBytes(refCount), 1).Length;
for (int i = refStartPosition; i < refStartPosition + refCount * objRefSize; i += objRefSize)
byte[] refBuffer = objectTable.GetRange(i, objRefSize).ToArray();
refs.Add(BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(refBuffer, 4), 0));
for (int i = 0; i < refCount; i++)
return buffer;
private static int getCount(int bytePosition, out int newBytePosition)
byte headerByte = objectTable[bytePosition];
byte headerByteTrail = Convert.ToByte(headerByte & 0xf);
int count;
if (headerByteTrail < 15)
count = headerByteTrail;
newBytePosition = bytePosition + 1;
count = (int)parseBinaryInt(bytePosition + 1, out newBytePosition);
return count;
private static object parseBinary(int objRef)
byte header = objectTable[offsetTable[objRef]];
switch (header & 0xF0)
case 0:
//If the byte is
//0 return null
//9 return true
//8 return false
return (objectTable[offsetTable[objRef]] == 0) ? (object)null : ((objectTable[offsetTable[objRef]] == 9) ? true : false);
case 0x10:
return parseBinaryInt(offsetTable[objRef]);
case 0x20:
return parseBinaryReal(offsetTable[objRef]);
case 0x30:
return parseBinaryDate(offsetTable[objRef]);
case 0x40:
return parseBinaryByteArray(offsetTable[objRef]);
case 0x50://String ASCII
return parseBinaryAsciiString(offsetTable[objRef]);
case 0x60://String Unicode
return parseBinaryUnicodeString(offsetTable[objRef]);
case 0xD0:
return parseBinaryDictionary(objRef);
case 0xA0:
return parseBinaryArray(objRef);
throw new Exception("This type is not supported");
public static object parseBinaryDate(int headerPosition)
byte[] buffer = objectTable.GetRange(headerPosition + 1, 8).ToArray();
double appleTime = BitConverter.ToDouble(buffer, 0);
DateTime result = PlistDateConverter.ConvertFromAppleTimeStamp(appleTime);
return result;
private static object parseBinaryInt(int headerPosition)
int output;
return parseBinaryInt(headerPosition, out output);
private static object parseBinaryInt(int headerPosition, out int newHeaderPosition)
byte header = objectTable[headerPosition];
int byteCount = (int)Math.Pow(2, header & 0xf);
byte[] buffer = objectTable.GetRange(headerPosition + 1, byteCount).ToArray();
//Add one to account for the header byte
newHeaderPosition = headerPosition + byteCount + 1;
return BitConverter.ToInt32(RegulateNullBytes(buffer, 4), 0);
private static object parseBinaryReal(int headerPosition)
byte header = objectTable[headerPosition];
int byteCount = (int)Math.Pow(2, header & 0xf);
byte[] buffer = objectTable.GetRange(headerPosition + 1, byteCount).ToArray();
return BitConverter.ToDouble(RegulateNullBytes(buffer, 8), 0);
private static object parseBinaryAsciiString(int headerPosition)
int charStartPosition;
int charCount = getCount(headerPosition, out charStartPosition);
var buffer = objectTable.GetRange(charStartPosition, charCount);
return buffer.Count > 0 ? Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer.ToArray()) : string.Empty;
private static object parseBinaryUnicodeString(int headerPosition)
int charStartPosition;
int charCount = getCount(headerPosition, out charStartPosition);
charCount = charCount * 2;
byte[] buffer = new byte[charCount];
byte one, two;
for (int i = 0; i < charCount; i += 2)
one = objectTable.GetRange(charStartPosition + i, 1)[0];
two = objectTable.GetRange(charStartPosition + i + 1, 1)[0];
if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian)
buffer[i] = two;
buffer[i + 1] = one;
buffer[i] = one;
buffer[i + 1] = two;
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(buffer);
private static object parseBinaryByteArray(int headerPosition)
int byteStartPosition;
int byteCount = getCount(headerPosition, out byteStartPosition);
return objectTable.GetRange(byteStartPosition, byteCount).ToArray();
public enum plistType
Auto, Binary, Xml
public static class PlistDateConverter
public static long timeDifference = 978307200;
public static long GetAppleTime(long unixTime)
return unixTime - timeDifference;
public static long GetUnixTime(long appleTime)
return appleTime + timeDifference;
public static DateTime ConvertFromAppleTimeStamp(double timestamp)
DateTime origin = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return origin.AddSeconds(timestamp);
public static double ConvertToAppleTimeStamp(DateTime date)
DateTime begin = new DateTime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
TimeSpan diff = date - begin;
return Math.Floor(diff.TotalSeconds);
and use this method in commit action of Installer.cs class to add an entry of extension Extension.plist
public void InstallSafariExt()
string safariExtPlist = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Apple Computer\\Safari\\Extensions\\Extensions.plist";
string safariSetupPlist = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + "\YourComp\\YourSoft\\Extensions.plist";
string ExtDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Apple Computer\\Safari\\Extensions";
if (!Directory.Exists(ExtDir))
if (!File.Exists(safariExtPlist))
File.Copy(safariSetupPlist, safariExtPlist);
if (!File.Exists(safariExtPlist))
File.Copy(safariSetupPlist, safariExtPlist);
object obj = Plist.readPlist(safariExtPlist);
Dictionary<string, object> dict = (Dictionary<string, object>)obj;
Dictionary<string, object> NewExt = new Dictionary<string, object>();
NewExt.Add("Hidden Bars", new List<object>());
NewExt.Add("Added Non-Default Toolbar Items", new List<object>());
NewExt.Add("Enabled", true);
NewExt.Add("Archive File Name", "YourExtName.safariextz");
NewExt.Add("Removed Default Toolbar Items", new List<object>());
NewExt.Add("Bundle Directory Name", "YourExtName.safariextension");
List<object> listExt = (List<object>)dict["Installed Extensions"];
Plist.writeBinary(obj, safariExtPlist);
string safariExtFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) + "\YourComp\\YourSoft\\YourExtName.safariextz";
string safariInstallfolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Apple Computer\\Safari\\Extensions\\YourExtName.safariextz";
string[] safExtFiles = Directory.GetFiles(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + "\\Apple Computer\\Safari\\Extensions\\", "YourExtName*.safariextz");
for (int i = 0; i < safExtFiles.Length; i++)
if (File.Exists(safExtFiles[i]))
File.Copy(safariExtFile, safariInstallfolder);
