VS Code keyboard layout change - keyboard

I am using Visual Studio Code with English keyboard layout switched in Windows when programming, but when I am using my computer for general use I use Slovak keyboard layout. Sometimes it can get ridiculous when I switch from one to another multiple times in one minute. Is there a setting (or a plugin) that could set the keyboard layout in VS Code to English while Windows layout is still set to Slovak?

I will summarize for you the solution to this, hope it is still helpful for you or any other looking for this answer:
you have to press Ctrl+Alt+P
then in the display that will appear at the top, write the language you want in case it does not appear
once this is done, VSC will ask you to restart.
once restarted is done it should be fine.
It is the way to do it without changing windows configuration as you will see in ther similar posts.
Hope it helps


unwanted: APL keyboard overlay enabled?

I've been trying out APL. I'm running Windows 10 and I've installed Dyalog 18.0, and the APL Language and APL Backtick Symbols extentions for VS Code.
But even though I'm not running any of these programs, sometimes suddenly my keyboard is hyjacked! All my ctrl commands are replaced by APL symbols.
E.g. ctrl-Z (undo) becomes ⊂ and ctrl-A (select all) becomes ⍺. I have no idea why and how to disable this again. This makes it very hard to do my work!!!
I've been googling for this, but haven't found an answer so far. I've looked at the Windows keyboard settings, but it looks normal. The locale settings are also correct.
I'm now just de-installing everything, but that way I need to reinstall every time I want to try out APL.
Can somebody tell me what is happening and how to fix it? (And tell me who to complain to that this is a very hostile feature)
I am sorry that our Unicode IME is causing you confusion.
I do like using it, but there are some Windows settings which I set to make things easier.
Start button->Settings
In the "Find a setting" edit field, type Advanced keyboard settings
Click on the icon with that text on it
Under Switching input methods:
Tick the “Let me set a different input method for each app window”
Tick the "Use the desktop language bar when it's available". This option will show the orange D icon when our Dyalog Unicode IME is active.
On this same dialog, there is a Input language hot keys.
I find it convenient to select a hot key combination to activate our Unicode IME, and another one to go back to the default Windows keyboard layout.
Close this dialog with the X button in the top right.
If you have further problems or questions, you can always ask us at support#dyalog.com
By the way, we put links to advice pages about keyboards on our website under Resources->Fonts and Keyboards.
When installing the standard Dyalog IME, there is a new keyboard input method on Windows. Have you checked WinKey+Space? This should cycle through available keyboard layouts and you should find your previous/default layout available there.
I personally agree that this is not a good way to handle keyboarding and causes many issues for newcomers to APL. Dyalog is aware and are looking into alternatives that can be comfortable for both new and existing users.
You can uninstall the standard IME without uninstalling the entire interpreter by running the Dyalog uninstaller (search "uninstall Dyalog" in your start menu) and selecting just the IME.
For now, I recommend the APL Wiki article on Typing Glyphs for some ideas for alternatives to the standard IME: https://aplwiki.com/wiki/Typing_glyphs#Windows
I personally use the abrudz keyboard with Alt Gr as the switching key.
I just wanted to add that your complaint has reached the people who need to be complained to. This is a difficult problem space, between changing technologies, multiple platforms, new or casual users of APL and the folks who use APL all the time and want to type APL symbols into e-mail messages, etc. It is most definitely time for an overhaul of the keyboard technologies that we use and this will be on the to do list for the next development cycle. Until then, I hope you manage to get by with the advice that has been offered so far!
Thanks for the shout,
Morten Kromberg, CTO, Dyalog

Forward slash key not working in VS2019 code editor

Since a few days (I don't know exactly when it started) the forward key in VS2019 is not working in the code editor. No matter how many times I press it, it doesn't do anything.
It also doesn't work in the seach box in the menu bar (labelled 'Search (Ctrl+Q)') nor in the search box which appears with Ctrl+F.
It does work in other places, like the solution explorer search box (Ctrl+;) and in the resource editor.
The forward slash is working in any other application that I tried (including Visual Studio Code and MS Excel). The question mark (Shift+/) is working everywhere, including in the code editor window. Even AltGr+/ is working (producing the Spanish upside down question mark).
I tried all other keys, including the AltGr combinations. They all work fine. Keyboard layout is US International.
The foward slash key doesn't work in the code editor when typing it on the laptop keyboard, and doesn't work when typing it on an external keyboard, or via an RDP session.
I am running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, version 20H2, build 19042.685. System is up to date.
Visual Studio Professional 2019, 16.8.3, also up to date.
What is causing the forward slash key to fail?
How can I solve this problem?
(Too long for a comment.)
The OP indicated that the problem was resolved after resetting the keyboard shortcuts, which suggests that / was set as a keyboard shortcut either by accident or perhaps by an installed extension.
However, the question remains in such cases of how to identify what a particular keyboard shortcut is assigned to, in order to turn off just that one shortcut as opposed to resetting all.
Visual Studio does not appear to provide a place to see the list of all active keyboard shortcuts. An alternative is to go to Tools / Import and Export Settings / Export Selected / All Settings and save a .vssettings file with all the current settings. That is a plain text file with extended XML sections, and the keyboard shortcuts can be found under the following node (reformatted for readability):
<Category name="Environment_KeyBindings" ... >
<Shortcut Command="View.ViewCode" Scope="Global">F7</Shortcut>
One of the <Shortcut> lines would have been listing / before the reset, and the Command attribute on that line indicated the assignment, so that it could be located and turned off individually in Tools / Options / Environment / Keyboard.
#dxiv Your comment made me check the shortcuts. Tedious job, scrolling through those hundreds of options). Nothing. Then I clicked the Reset button. That solved the problem.
In my case, the CodeRush extension was the guilty party. "Selection comment" gets set to use / upon installation. WTG DevExpress ......
Also adding a screenshot of it in VS 2022 to help people find it:

Can I disable autocomplete with Alt+Tab on Qt Creator under Linux?

For the most part I very much like Qt Creator, but a few projects I'm working on require me to switch between my editor and my web browser for reference. Qt Creator is currently interpreting Alt+Tab to autocomplete, and then switching my window focus; this is a mild problem but it's really starting to get to me.
I've tried going to Tools→Options→Keyboard and searching for Alt+Tab, but found nothing. Is there a way to get it to selectively ignore the key combination without disabling autocomplete on the whole?
To complete the picture, I'm on Linux Mint 19.04 using XFCE desktop environment; or occasionally Maté. If I need to access something in system settings to do this I'm happy to; I just don't want to keep excessively second-guessing my code when I return to it.
Auto-complete is bound to Ctrl+Space by default, not Alt+Tab. In tools/options/keyboard, search for "CompleteThis" to see what it's bound to.
Maybe what you want is to disable auto-complete and use only manual-complete? That is, have the auto-complete list only show when you press ctrl+space, but never automatically. You can do that in options/text editor/completion.

Visual Studio: CTRL-TAB doesn't always work

This post originally related to "Visual Studio", but affects other similar applications.
There are a number of posts dealing with a problem where the tab navigation panel appears but requires a click etc to dismiss. These seem to be solved by fiddling with the magnifyer, narrator etc. None of these solutions apply to my problem - which is that, in VS2012, ctrl-tab brings up the two-column navigation panel, repeated presses of tab moves through the lists as normal, but, on release of both keys, the focussed tab is NOT changed. With the nav panel displayed, you can click on it with the mouse and the focussed tab is changed as expected.
The issue seems to have arisen after installing VS2012. VS2010 is also installed and oddly now also exhibits the same problem, even though I have never had the problem until now. When you re-start VS, all works fine, but after a time ctrl-tab stops working normally. It has been seen to stop working without doing anything other than pressing ctrl-tab a few times i.e. not going to any other VS panel or doing a build etc.
This is a major problem with productivity as I use this constantly to switch between tabs. I know that I can change the shortcut to switch between documents without showing the navigation panel, but I prefer to see this panel, rather than switching 'blind'.
Does anyone know why this might be happening or how to fix it? I have done a full Windows update (Svr 2008 R2).
NOTE1 - I now see the same problem with a new installation of VS2013 and also in SQL Server Management Studio 2012 - on ctrl-tab you see the two-col panel but whatever you select doesn't change the pane in view (unless you click the panel with the mouse).
When ctrl-tab is not working in the VS-based apps, it DOES continue working in, say, Notepad++, which suggests an MS-VS problem.
NOTE2 - The problem does not exist when you use the on-screen keyboard! It seems that using the OSK causes ctr-tab to work again with the real keyboard, but it breaks quickly when you start almost any other application, but it always works with the OSK. The problem is unrelated to the physical keyboard as I have tried other keyboards.

How do you package a keyboard layout for Windows 8?

I've been searching for a way to do this. I use a slightly modified Colemak keyboard layout and I can't figure out how to add it as a supported input method in the new language selection in Windows 8. The installer that the Colemak guys distribute sort of works; you can choose the layout after installing it, but it forces the EN-us language, and can't be chosen for other languages.
If anyone knows how to do this properly, I'm sure the Colemak guys would appreciate hearing about it, and it would let me make the modifications I want to.
I don't know if this is the exact issue but there is a problem with MSKLC-generated layouts in Win8 (DP&CP).
You can choose the language if you make your custom keyboard layout with MSKLC: in the "Properties" part, or, if it does not work (though I'm sure it does), you can edit the .klc file manually.
Build it and setup with the executable. You are done.
