Azure VPN Gateway with RADIUS - public IP unchanged - azure

I configured Azure VPN with RADIUS authentication. All seam to work fine, at least when I connect with the client the connection is successful and the PPP adapter IP Address is changed correctly. However why the Ethernet/public IP Address is not changed?
I can ping the VM in the Azure VM, but the public IP remains the same.

A VPN uses the PPP adapter and does not affect the Ethernet/Wireless adapter. This is the expected behavior.


Issue with the Public IP Address when Connected to the VPN Client

We have created an Azure VPN and configured it with the VPN Client before connecting to the VPN the public IP address which is there is similar to the IP address after connecting to the VPN.
• I would suggest you to please check the type of VPN connection that you have configured in your environment, i.e., P2S or S2S VPN connection. Because, in both the type of VPN connection, the VPN Gateway subnet, i.e, the client address pool defined in the VPN Gateway from which the connecting VPN clients pick up IP addresses for the connection has a public IP address or a FQDN published for the purpose of discovering the VPN Gateway and the inherent connection to be established to it.
• Thus, each VPN gateway has a public IP published along with its configuration to which the VPN clients connect with the required configuration post which successful authentication takes place and the clients are assigned an IP address from the gateway subnet. Thus, the VPN clients have two IP addresses, one is the public IP address or the DHCP client address obtained from the internet connecting router and the second is the IP address from the VPN Gateway subnet.
• Hence, after connecting to the VPN gateway subnet, only those resources are accessible which are allowed to be connected through the VPN Gateway subnet with the correct level of authentication approved for these resources.
For more information regarding the issues that you might be facing, kindly refer to the documentation link below for further steps and resolution: -

Azure VM can't reach remote network with connected VPN

I am setting up an Azure VPN Gateway in order for my Azure VM to connect to a remote RTSP feed, following this documentation:
What I have done:
Create a virtual network + a subnet and a Virtual Machine
Create the VPN Gateway in the same virtual network
Create a local network gateway with the Public IP and IPs range of the remote network that contains the RTSP feeds
Create the site to site VPN connection with needed shared access key.
The status of the VPN connection is "connected", as you can see in below picture:
Moreover, the subnet on which my azure virtual machine is, is in the same virtual network as the subnet of the VPN Gateway:
From what I understand, as long as the VM is in the virtual network of the Gateway, I should be able to reach the remote network...
Expected behaviour: I should be able to reach the following IP addresses: that are on the remote network, from my azure virtual machine.
Actual behavior: From my azure virtual machine, I'm still unable to reach the remote network.
Any ideas where the problem can come from?
If the issue is that the Azure VM's are not getting gateway routes, then a gateway reset should be tried first and the gateway reset needs to be done twice.
Reference :
VPN gateway Reset
References for S2S VPN issues troubleshooting:
S2S VPN cannot connect and stops working
S2S VPN disconnects intermittently
Note : If this doesn’t solve your issue then please reach out to Azure support for more troubleshooting as it may need assisted support by clicking (Support+Help) and creating a technical support request. Please validate your Onprem VPN device as well.
And as Andriy Bilous has mentioned in comments section:
You should see default gateway on your VM routing table. Default Gateway is responsible for routing traffic further. Can you see that
tunnel is UP on your VPN onpremise device.
If no VPN Gateway subnet ( in your VM route table - You may add route to VM using route command. Example: route ADD
MASK [Your Gateway IP address]

Azure Private Endpoint - Listening restrictions

I'm experiencing some deeply frustrating issues when trying to connect to a SQL server Private Endpoint. Setting aside for a moment a complete specification of the problem, I'd like answers to the following questions
Is it the case that a SQL Server Private Endpoint will only listen to connections from an Azure Virtual Machine? I have seen it suggested by 3rd parties that this is the case but cannot find this explicitly documented by MS. (To clarify, if only VMs can connect, then this would mean, for example, that an Azure Load Balancer could not use Private Endpoint as a backend resource; and, for example, that an on-premise VM could not connect to a Private Endpoint through a VPN - is that correct?)
Presuming the answer to the above question is Yes, then does the restriction apply such as to prevent Private Endpoint from listening to connections forwarded from an Azure VM interface?
(For example, say a firewall in a VM in Azure. Inside the firewall VM, the IP is configured. In Azure, the VM interface is associated with only a single IP address which is IP In this scenario, the firewall VM will respond to ARP requests with ARP responses saying "I have", but is not associated by Azure configuration with any Azure virtual network interface. In said case, will a connection to the Private Endpoint using source address work? Or is it the case that the PE will listen for connections only with a source address
To answer your questions:
It's possible that use a private endpoint as backends in the Azure Load balancer because Azure LB supports NIC or IP address as the backend target. Also, the on-premise VM surely can connect to a private endpoint through VPN tunneling, read this document for more details.
A VM by default sends all outbound traffic to the IP address that's assigned to the primary IP configuration of the primary network interface. So it will use source address when connecting to the private endpoint. Read the network interface constraints.

Connect to Azure Resource under VPN P2S

I'm trying to setup a Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN from my Windows 10 machine to my Azure Server and, even successfull connect to the VPN, I cannot connect to the server.
My Azure server has 2 network interfaces:
1st has private IP (and an associated Public IP, that allow me to connect with Remote Desktop normally, but off the VPN).
2nd has private IP, without Public IP. (the other public IP is used with the virtual network gateway to use the VPN).
I've added the net/subnet "" as addresses pool in my virtual network gateway.
* When I connect, an IP /32 address is assignet to my local machine, like /, and I can ping
(no code to be displayed)
The certificate setting is ok, the connection to the VPN is OK. I only cannot connect to my Azure Server on my second interface
Any idea that I've forgot to do?
Thank you.
The solution: My Private IP range on Azure local network Gateway has been wrong on setup. I've fixed specifying my correct local IP range, but, not only this, a new route table was created, associating this with the GatewaySubnet (in the Virtual Network).
Thanks to Nancy Xiong and msrini-MSIT for help.

Azure app service - routing traffic through vnet - does IP translation take place?

I have an azure app service with a web job that grabs data from a web service. The networking properties show that the webjob has a few outbound IPs, which are public Azure IP addresses.
I know that the web service app can be configured to route traffic through a VNET, however, it's not clear to me if the IP is translated to a local IP in the VNET, or if the Azure public IP remains. This obviously has implictions if there are firewalls on the network that block external IP's. Would this also mean that the return route could be over the internet rather than through the network? (espseically if the traffic end's up going down a VPN and outside of Azure - surely a 40. something public azure address would then force a return over the internet, which may not always be possible).
it's not clear to me if the IP is translated to a local IP in the
VNET, or if the Azure public IP remains.
As far as I know, when we use public IP address to communicate the internet, the public IP address will not translated to a internal IP.
I think this might cause an issue when using this with a VPN as I'm
not sure how the return path would know to use the VPN rather than
route over the internet.
When we use Azure P2S or S2S VPN, we can't force the internet traffic through the VPN tunnel.
