Ordering rows cross-nodes in cassandra - cassandra

I have a table:
CREATE TABLE sessions (
session_id timeuuid,
app_id text,
PRIMARY KEY (session_id, app_id)
To have a good data distribution across nodes, I need to have the Partition key set as the session_id (as I expect millions of such sessions).
How can I have DESC ordered rows when trying to fetch the sessions that fall into a specific array of session Ids? Something like this:
.where("session_id", "in", instancesIds)

You can't directly with Cassandra, and this table design. ASC/DESC are working only inside same partition, not between multiple partitions. You'll need to perform sort inside your client.


Am I violating the data modelling rule in Cassandra?

I understand that we should not create 'N' number of partition under a single table because in this case, it tries to query from N number of nodes where the partitions are available.
(Modifying the example for understanding and security)
If I have a table like 'user'
user_id int PRIMARY KEY,
user_name text,
user_phone varint
where user_id is unique.
Example - To get all the users from the table, I use the query :
select * from user;
So which means It goes to all the nodes where the partitions for the 'user_id' are available. Since I used the user_id as partition / primary key here, It will be scattered to all the nodes based on the partition_id.
Is it fine? Or Is there a better way to design this in Cassandra?
Edited :
By Keeping a single partition as 'uniquekey' and sorted by user_name will have the advantage that uniquekey will make a single partition. Is it the better design compare to the above one?
user_id int,
user_name text,
user_phone varint,
primary key ('uniquekey', user_name));
select * from user where user_id = 'uniquekey';
A fundamental table design rule in Cassandra is called Query-Driven, which means you usually understand what are you trying to query on before you make the table schema.
If you just want to simply return all the rows (select * ) in the database (which is not a common use case for Cassandra since Cassandra aims to store very, very large amount of data), whatever you designed is fine. But Cassandra might not be the best choice in this case.
How to ensure a good table design in Cassandra?
Ref: Basic Rules of Cassandra Data Modeling

Avoiding filtering with a compound partition key in Cassandra

I am fairly new to Cassandra and currently have to following table in Cassandra:
CREATE TABLE time_data (
id int,
secondary_id int,
timestamp timestamp,
value bigint,
PRIMARY KEY ((id, secondary_id), timestamp)
The compound partition key (with secondary_id) is necessary in order to not violate max partition sizes.
The issue I am running in to is that I would like to complete the query SELECT * FROM time_data WHERE id = ?. Because the table has a compound partition key, this query requires filtering. I realize this is a querying a lot of data and partitions, but it is necessary for the application. For reference, id has relatively low cardinality and secondary_id has high cardinality.
What is the best way around this? Should I simply allow filtering on the query? Or is it better to create a secondary index like CREATE INDEX id_idx ON time_data (id)?
You will need to specify full partition key on queries (ALLOW FILTERING will impact performance badly in most cases).
One way to go could be if you know all secondary_id (you could add a table to track them in necessary) and do the job in your application and query all (id, secondary_id) pairs and process them afterwards. This has the disadvantage of beeing more complex but the advantage that it can be done with async queries and in parallel so many nodes in your cluster participate in processing your task.
See also https://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/java-driver-async-queries

Can a cassandra table be queried using only a part of the composite partition key?

Consider a table like this to store a user's contacts -
CREATE TABLE contacts {
user_name text,
contact_name text,
contact_id int,
contact_data blob,
PRIMARYKEY ((user, contact_name), contact_id)
// ^-- Note the composite partition key
The composite partition key results in a row per contact.
Let's say there are a 100 million users and every user has a few hundred contacts.
I can look up a particular user's particular contact's data by using
SELECT contact_data FROM contacts WHERE user_name='foo' AND contact_name='bar'
However, is it also possible to look up all contact names for a user using something like,
SELECT contact_name FROM contacts WHERE user_name='foo'
? could the WHERE clause contain only some of all the columns that form the primary key?
EDIT -- I tried this and cassandra doesn't allow it. So my question now is, how would you model the data to support two queries -
Get data for a specific user & contact
Get all contact names for a user
I can think of two options -
Create another table containing user_name and contact_name with only user_name as the primary key. But then if a user has too many contacts, could that be a wide row issue?
Create an index on user_name. But given 100M users with only a few hundred contacts per user, would user_name be considered a high-cardinality value hence bad for use in index?
In a RDBMS the query planner might be able to create an efficient query plan for that kind of query. But Cassandra can not. Cassandra would have to do a table scan. Cassandra tries hard not to allow you to make those kinds of queries. So it should reject it.
No You cannot. If you look at the mechanism of how cassandra stores data, you will understand why you cannot query by part of composite partition key.
Cassandra distributes data across nodes based on partition key. The co-ordinator of a write request generates hash token using murmur3 algorithm on partition key and sends the write request to the token's owner.(each node has a token range that it owns). During a read, a co-ordinator again calculates the hash token based on partition key and sends the read request to the token's owner node.
Since you are using composite partition key, during a write request, all components of key (user, contact_name) will be used to generate the hash token. The owner node of this token has the entire row. During a read request, you have to provide all components of the key to calculate the token and issue the read request to the correct owner of that token. Hence, Cassandra enforces you to provide the entire partition key.
You could use two different tables with same structure but not the same partition key :
CREATE TABLE contacts {
user_name text,
contact_name text,
contact_id int,
contact_data blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_name, contact_name), contact_id)
CREATE TABLE contacts_by_users {
user_name text,
contact_name text,
contact_id int,
contact_data blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_name), contact_id)
With this structure you have data duplication and you have to maintain both tables manually.
If you are using cassandra > 3.0, you can also use materialized views :
CREATE TABLE contacts {
user_name text,
contact_name text,
contact_id int,
contact_data blob,
PRIMARY KEY ((user_name, contact_name), contact_id)
FROM contracts
AND contract_name IS NOT NULL
AND contract_id IS NOT NULL
PRIMARY KEY ((user_name), contract_name, contract_id)
In this case, you only have to maintain table contracts, the view will be automaticlly update

Cassandra: selecting first entry for each value of an indexed column

I have a table of events and would like to extract the first timestamp (column unixtime) for each user.
Is there a way to do this with a single Cassandra query?
The schema is the following:
unixtime bigint,
u bigint,
payload map<text, text>,
ON events (u);
CREATE INDEX events_unixtime
ON events (unixtime);
CREATE INDEX events_type
ON events (type);
According to your schema, each user will have a single time stamp. If you want one event per entry, consider:
PRIMARY KEY (id, unixtime).
Assuming that is your schema, the entries for a user will be stored in ascending unixtime order. Be careful though...if it's an unbounded event stream and users have lots of events, the partition for the id will grow and grow. It's recommended to keep partition sizes to tens or hundreds of megs. If you anticipate larger, you'll need to start some form of bucketing.
Now, on to your query. In a word, no. If you don't hit a partition (by specifying the partition key), your query becomes a cluster wide operation. With little data it'll work. But with lots of data, you'll get timeouts. If you do have the data in its current form, then I recommend you use the Cassandra Spark connector and Apache Spark to do your query. An added benefit of the spark connectory is that if you have cassandra nodes as spark worker nodes, due to locality, you can efficiently hit a secondary index without specifying the partition key (which would normally cause a cluster wide query with timeout issues, etc.). You could even use Spark to get the required data and store it into another cassandra table for fast querying.

Cassandra/Redis: Way to create feed without Cassandra 'IN' secondary index?

I'm having a bit of an issue with my application functionality integrating with Cassandra. I'm trying to create a content feed for my users. Users can create posts which, in turn, have the field user_id. I'm using Redis for the entire social graph and using Cassandra columns solely for objects. In Redis, user 1 has a set named user:1:followers with all of his/her follower ids. These follower ids correspond with the Cassandra ids in the users table and user_ids in the posts table.
My goal was originally to simply plug all of the user_ids from this Redis set into a query that would use FROM posts WHERE user_id IN (user_ids here) and grab all of the posts from the secondary index user_id. The issue is that Cassandra purposely does not support the IN operator in secondary indexes because that index would force Cassandra to search ALL of its nodes for that value. I'm left with only two options I can see: Either create a Redis list of user:1:follow_feed for the post IDs then search Cassandra's primary index for those posts in a single query, or keep it the way I have it now and run an individual query for every user_id in the user:1:follower set.
I'm really leaning against the first option because I already have tons and tons of graph data in Redis, and this option would add a new list for every user. The second way is far worse. I would put a massive read load on Cassandra and it would take a long time to run individual queries for a set of ids. I'm kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place, as far as I see it. Is there any way to query the secondary indexes with multiple values? If not, is there a more efficient way to load these content feeds (RAM and speed wise) compared to the options of more Redis lists or multiple Cassandra queries? Thanks in advance.
Without knowing the schema of the posts table (and preferably the others, as well), it's really hard to make any useful suggestions.
It's unclear to me why you need to have user_id be a secondary index, as opposed to your primary key.
In general it's quite useful to key content like posts off of the user that created it, since it allows you to do things like retrieve all posts (optionally over a given range, assuming they are chronologically sorted) very efficiently.
With Cassandra, if you find that a table can effectively answer some of the queries that you want to perform but not others, you are usually best of denormalizing that table and creating another table with a different structure in order to keep your queries to a single CQL partition and node.
user_id int,
post_id int,
post_text text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id, post_id)
This table can answer queries such as:
select * from posts where user_id = 1234;
select * from posts where user_id = 1 and post_id = 53;
select * from posts where user_id = 1 and post_id > 5321 and post_id < 5400;
The reverse clustering on post_id is to make retrieving the most recent posts the most efficient by placing them at the beginning of the partition physically within the sstable.
In that example, user_id being a partition column, means "all cql rows with this user_id will be hashed to the same partition, and hence the same physical nodes, and eventually, the same sstables. That's why it's possible to
retrieve all posts with that user_id, as they are store contiguously
retrieve a slice of them by doing a ranged query on post_id
retrieve a single post by supplying both the partition column(user_id) and the clustering column (post_id)
In effect, this become a hashmap of a hashmap lookup. The one major caveat, though, is that when using partition and clustering columns, you always need to supply all columns from left to right in your query, without skipping any. So in this case, that means you can't retrieve an individual post without knowing the user_id that the post_id belongs to. That is addressable in user-code(by storing a reverse mapping and doing the lookup when necessary, or by encoding the user_id into the post_id that is passed around your application), but is definitely something to take into consideration.
