In Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 check if an IBM-db2 table exists - visual-studio-2012

I am trying to check if a db2 database table (AS400) exists on a Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 within an SQL Server Integrated Services with the query:
However, it doesn't work.

DB2 doesn't understand TSQL, but you could query the system catalog like this:
select *
from qsys2.systables
where table_schema = 'TEURO'
and table_name = 'DWH342';


Incompatible MS SQL server version with devexpress version 15.x

I'm trying to add a Project Data Source in a GridView in DevExpress.
I click on the little arrow on the above right of the Gridview. I choose 'Add project Data Source'.
Then I choose, a Data Type source => DATABASE.
Then, 'Database model' =>DATASET.
Then, for 'Data connection' I choose MS SQL Server.
I then choose the server and I get a pop-up windows that says:
This server version is not supported. You must have SQL Server 2005 or later.
Now, I've confirmed that the server I'm trying to connect to has Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installed on it.
I know that some people got that pop-up window when trying to use Microsoft SQL Server 2008. It was apparently a Visual Studio issue.
I just want to confirm that this message that I'm getting is legit. (It would seem right, seeing, as I
mentionned earlier, I have Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installed. ) For some reason, I still
think it's weird that I'm getting this message. I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 by the way. Can anybody confirm this.
I do not think that this issue is related to DevExpress control. It is common issue with visual studio when you SQL Server that Visual studio IDE does not support or missing SQL Server Data Objects.
I suggest you to check below link for your confirmation that SQL Server is not supported in newer IDE directly.
This server version is not supported. You must have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 or later.
SQL Server 2000 and Visual Studio 2010
This Server Version is not supported. You must have SQL 2005 or later (VS2010 Problem)
Some how you can use quick fix to connect with the data base and write code to do other operations.
Connecting SQL server 2000 using Visual Studio 2012
.NET Framework Data Provder for OLE DB -> Microsoft OLE DB Provider
Hope this help you understand the real issue behind this.

Why is SQL Server Compact not available from Add New Item -> Data?

Why is SQL Server Compact not available from within a Web API project when right-clicking the project's "App_Date" folder and selecting Add -> New Item... -> Visual C#" -> "Data?
According to this tutorial on adding a database to an ASP.NET Web API project, there should be, not only these options there:
SQL Server Database
XML File
XML Schema
...but also "SQL Server Compact 4.0 Local Database"
Yet I only have those first three available. Why?
The tutorial linked to above was written on on May 30, 2013, and it specifies Visual Studio 2012 whereas I'm using Visual Studio 2013. Did "SQL Server Compact 4.0 Local Database" get dropped in VS 2013?
If not, how can I restore SQL Server Compact to the selection of available options?
Yes, SQL Compact Local Database was removed in VS 2013, but you can use the Sql Ce Toolbox to manage your database, and manually include a SQL Ce file in your web app.

Where does Orchard CMS create its built-in SQL Server Compact Database

You can configure Orchard CMS to use a built-in SQL Server Compact database.
I want to connect to, and query, this database.
Where does Orchard create it?
The database is created in:
To connect to it I use the following plugin for Visual Studio:
SQL Server /SQLite Toolbox
For other ways to open SQL Compact databases see this SO question:
How do you open an SDF file (SQL Server Compact Edition)?
Using the development installation of Orchard, the CMS creates the SQL Server CE .sdf file in the src/Orchard.Web/App_Data/sites/NameOfTheSite directory.
You can connect to it using SQL Management Studio (up to 2012) by following these steps:
1. File -> Connect Object Explorer...
2. Change 'Server Type' to 'SQL Server Compact Edition'
3. Select < Browse for more...>
4. Browse to and select your .sdf file.
For versions of SQL Management Studio 2012 and above, a third-party tool is required.
See this question for further details.

Windows Azure Sql Database Management Portal Error

I ve done some research and i can't seem to find anything similar to this.
I have an SQL Database from Windows Azure with several tables. I can log in just fine and view all the table data of all tables, except from a specific table.
When I click on the "Data" section of that specific table, my screen just goes completely blank and then I can't do nothing about it, apart from starting over. Any thoughts on this ?
(I have the latest version of Silverlight installed and I ve tried with Chrome,Firefox and Opera)
You can use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 2008 R2 for browse or what ever the task you have to do with SQL azure database as a alternative for your way of method.
Using SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 to Manage SQL Azure sample screen is as below.
For more information check this out Getting Started with SQL Azure Development
If you're going to use express edition, then you have to use SQL 2012 express with Win 8.
Check this out SQL Express Edition 2012
I hope this will help to you.

Where is path for database stored in vs2012?

I have SQL server 2008 R2 as well as SQL 2012 installed on my machine. I want VS 2012 to use SQL server 2008 R2 but for some reason its using SQL server 2012. Is there any setting inside VS2012 that i can use to specify the database i want to use?
Try a connection string in a config file.
