Creating zip files in Pharo - zip

How can one create zip files in Pharo and write them to disk?
I thought I could create the structure in a MemoryStore and then zip it as following
root := FileSystem memory root ensureCreateDirectory.
root / 'sample.txt' writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream << String loremIpsum ].
archive := ZipArchive new.
root allChildren select: #isFile thenDo: [ :each |
each readStreamDo: [ :readStream |
archive addString: readStream contents as: each fullName
archive writeTo: someFinalWriteStream.
archive close.
But apparently data added via addString:as: is not compressed at all.
Likewise addFile:/addFile:as: is not usable, because the implementation works only with real disk, not memory one.
So is there some other approach (or external library) with which I can zip my data without without having to dump all files to disk, zipping it there and reading the final file back?

Try something on the lines of:
string := String new: 14 withAll: $1.
archive := ZipArchive new.
member := zip addDeflateString: string as: 'filename.ext'.
member instVarNamed: 'compressionMethod' put: 8.
member rewindData.
zip := ByteArray streamContents: [:strm | member compressDataTo: strm].
Note that I've forced the setting of compressionMethod, there must be a better way to do this, and I'm sure you will find it ;)


Python Glob - Get Full Filenames, but no directory-only names

This code works, but it's returning directory names and filenames. I haven't found a parameter that tells it to return only files or only directories.
Can glob.glob do this, or do I have to call os.something to test if I have a directory or file. In my case, my files all end with .csv, but I would like to know for more general knowledge as well.
In the loop, I'm reading each file, so currently bombing when it tries to open a directory name as a filename.
files = sorted(glob.glob(input_watch_directory + "/**", recursive=True))
for loop_full_filename in files:
Results needed:
For this specific program, I can just check if the file name contains.csv, but I would like to know in general for future reference.
files = sorted(glob.glob(input_watch_directory + "/**", recursive=True))
replace with the line:
files = sorted(glob.glob(input_watch_directory + "/**/*.*", recursive=True))

zipping files using ant builder and excludes not working as expected in groovy

I am trying to zip files by tokenizing the file names in a directory. The files with that token should be zipped into the respective folder.
This code is doing that but its not filtering exactly. In abc folder, only files with abc should be present but files with def are also included which is not expected.Same way for other folders.But if there is a file with a then the filtering is happening correctly and zipping is properly done as per excludestring for all tokens except abc. Please find the code below.
Any suggestions please.
tokenList.each{token ->
for(i in tokenList)
excludeString = tokenList - token
println "excludeString for " +token + "is:" +excludeString
println "Creating zip folder for " +token basedir: outputDir, destfile: token.substring(1,token.length()-1) +".zip", excludes: excludeString, update:true)
TokenList: [*abc*, *def*, *ghi*, *jkl*]
excludeString for *abc*is:[*def*, *ghi*, *jkl*]
Creating zip folder for *abc*
excludeString for *def*is:[*abc*, *ghi*, *jkl*]
Creating zip folder for *def*
excludeString for *ghi*is:[*abc*, *def*, *jkl*]
Creating zip folder for *ghi*
excludeString for *jkl*is:[*abc*, *def*, *ghi*]
Creating zip folder for *jkl*

Node.js: How to know real filename which matches an internal filename in different case on Windows

My Node.js program wants to read the contents of the file "test.txt" on a Windows machine. It checks with fs.existsSync() that the file exists and reads its content. But now I want the program instead to give an error or warning if the name of the file on disk is actually "TEST.txt" or any other name which differs in case from the name my program is looking for, e.g. "test.txt".
Is there a straightforward way to figure out that even though existsSync() tells me a file exists, the file on disk has a name which differs in case from the file-name I am using to look for it?
You can use fs.readdir to get a list of all files in directory and then compare the filename to see if matches as is.
var fs = require('fs');
var path = __dirname;
var filename = 'test.txt';
var files = fs.readdirSync(path);
var exists = files.includes(filename);
// true if file on disk is "test.txt",
// false if file on disk is "TEST.txt"

Downloading sources file to image directory

I am using PharoCloud to host a Pharo image for me. By default it downloads a ZIP of the image only to my appliance; this ZIP doesn't include the .sources file.
I am trying to manually download the sources file with ZnClient. The directory my image is located in is /mnt/upload/upload.140605183221.
This is the code I have
| aFileStream |
aFileStream := '/mnt/universe/upload/upload.140605183221/PharoV30.sources' asFileName writeStream.
aFileStream write: (ZnClient new get: '').
aFileStream close.
I'm brand new to ZnClient; I don't know how to use it. What's wrong with my code?
You can do this:
'./PharoV30.sources' asFileReference
writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
stream write: (ZnClient new get: '') contents ].
Nearly right. You need to replace the message #asFileName with #asFileReference, since #asFileName will answer a string object (so you actually get a WriteStream on the string).
fileReference := '/mnt/universe/upload/upload.140605183221/PharoV30.sources' asFileReference
fileReference writeStreamDo: [ :stream |
| url|
url := ''.
stream write: (ZnClient new get: url) ]

Changing how nodejs require() fetches files

I'm looking to monkey-patch require() to replace its file loading with my own function. I imagine that internally require(module_id) does something like:
Convert module_id into a file path
Load the file path as a string
Compile the string into a module object and set up the various globals correctly
I'm looking to replace step 2 without reimplementing steps 1 + 3. Looking at the public API, there's require() which does 1 - 3, and require.resolve() which does 1. Is there a way to isolate step 2 from step 3?
I've looked at the source of require mocking tools such as mockery -- all they seem to be doing is replacing require() with a function that intercepts certain calls and returns a user-supplied object, and passes on other calls to the native require() function.
For context, I'm trying to write a function require_at_commit(module_id, git_commit_id), which loads a module and any of that module's requires as they were at the given commit.
I want this function because I want to be able to write certain functions that a) rely on various parts of my codebase, and b) are guaranteed to not change as I evolve my codebase. I want to "freeze" my code at various points in time, so thought this might be an easy way of avoiding having to package 20 copies of my codebase (an alternative would be to have "my_code_v1": "git://..." in my package.json, but I feel like that would be bloated and slow with 20 versions).
So the source code for module loading is here: Specifically, to do something like this you would need to reimplement Module._load, which is pretty straightforward. However, there's a bigger obstacle, which is that step 1, converting module_id into a file path, is actually harder than I thought, because resolveFilename needs to be able to call fs.exists() to know where to terminate its search... so I can't just substitute out individual files, I have to substitute entire directories, which means that it's probably easier just to export the entire git revision to a directory and point require() at that directory, as opposed to overriding require().
Update 2:
Ended up using a different approach altogether... see answer I added below
You can use the require.extensions mechanism. This is how the coffee-script coffee command can load .coffee files without ever writing .js files to disk.
Here's how it works:
loadFile = function(module, filename) {
var raw, stripped;
raw = fs.readFileSync(filename, 'utf8');
stripped = raw.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFEFF ? raw.substring(1) : raw;
return module._compile(compile(stripped, {
filename: filename,
literate: helpers.isLiterate(filename)
}), filename);
if (require.extensions) {
_ref = ['.coffee', '.litcoffee', '.md', ''];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
ext = _ref[_i];
require.extensions[ext] = loadFile;
Basically, assuming your modules have a set of well-known extensions, you should be able to use this pattern of a function that takes the module and filename, does whatever loading/transforming you need, and then returns an object that is the module.
This may or may not be sufficient to do what you are asking, but honestly from your question it sounds like you are off in the weeds somewhere far from the rest of the programming world (don't take that harshly, it's just my initial reaction).
So rather than mess with the node require() module, what I ended up doing is archiving the given commit I need to a folder. My code looks something like this:
# commit_id is the commit we want
# (note that if we don't need the whole repository,
# we can pass "commit_id path_to_folder_we_need")
# path is the path to the file you want to require starting from the repository root
# (ie 'lib/')
# cb is called with (err, loaded_module)
require_at_commit = (commit_id, path, cb) ->
dir = 'old_versions' #make sure this is in .gitignore!
dir += '/' + commit_id
do_require = -> cb null, require dir + '/' + path
if not fs.existsSync(dir)
cmd = 'git archive ' + commit_id + ' | tar -x -C ' + dir
child_process.exec cmd, (error) ->
if error
cb error
