I followed this tutorial to add a custom domain on my Azure Website https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-tutorial-custom-domain#cname and I can navigate successfully to root domain, my problem is that I want to add a subdomain (www) but at least step I receive next notification:
the error is clear that I need to add the CNAME record to point to azure website, the major problem is already added on cloudflare:
I have something wrong with my configuration?
I found the solution, is only disable for a moment the orange cloud > verify ownership on Azure > et voilà!, subdomain is verified.
You only need two CNAMEs:
awverify pointing to awverify.thename.azurewebsites.net
www pointing to thename.thename.azurewebsites.net
I have static website on azure storage, it's connected to azure cdn to have https, and i have my custom domain folla.com.pl I want this domain to point to https://companywebsitecdn.azureedge.net/ which is address of my website on azure cdn. I chose custom domain on cdn configuration site, it asks me to make dns mapping to verify ownership, so i make CNAME cdnverify.folla.com.pl to cdnveriy.companywebsitecdn.azureedge.net and it get me to other window with custom doamin https config. And here's my problem, it get's stuck on second step
How I'm suppouse to configure another mapping to make it work, what i mean is to make folla.com.pl to point to https://companywebsitecdn.azureedge.net/ with https. I can't proivde what i already tried with my dns because it was a lot and i don't remember all of it. Also it's already second try and everytime after failure I have wait 8 hours for another try. Thanks in advance
This is my DNS config
When you try to add your custom domain folla.com.pl in the custom domains settings of Azure CDN endpoint. Before this step, you should have a CNAME record in the following format in the DNS zone.
When you turn on the custom domain https, you don't need to make a CNAME cdnverify.folla.com.pl to cdnveriy.companywebsitecdn.azureedge.net. Read here.
If that CNAME record still exists and does not contain the cdnverify
subdomain, the DigiCert CA uses it to automatically validate ownership
of your custom domain.
If the CNAME record entry contains the cdnverify subdomain, follow the rest of the instructions in this step.
DigiCert sends a verification email to the following email addresses. Verify that you can approve directly from one of the following addresses and read here.
Automatic validation typically takes a few hours. If you don’t see your domain validated in 24 hours, open a support ticket.
There are certain variations to this question but none answered mine.
I have a custom domain aaaskills.mydomain.com pointing to azure website.
This was done by setting CNAME to aaaskills.mydomain.com -> azure website. This is all working fine. Good.
But I want to change the subdomain to skills.mydomain.com, so i updated the existing CNAME to skills.mydomain.com -> azure website. All good.
Now, in my Azure portal i'm trying to add a new hostname for new domain but the azure doesn't recognize the CNAME updated.
Now aaaskills.mydomain.com doesn't work and skills.mydomain.com is bringing up 404 not found and it is suggesting me to update custom domain in azure website.
Am i missing something here?
Domain ownership on azure website was resolved after awverify'ing the sub domain. I added CNAME with records like below to awverify.
CNAME('awverify.subdomain.domain.com','azure website url')
Double check to see if the CNAME and A records are appropriately added in your domain registrar.
Also it take some time for the new host to be reflected in the app's Custom domains page. Try refreshing the browser,Clear the cache and test DNS resolution again.
On a Windows machine, you clear the cache with ipconfig /flushdns.
If the issue still persists, kindly do let us know for further investigation.
We are trying to migrate sites from AWS to Azure WebApps.
The CNAME of the existing site points to Imperva. Imperva then points to AWS Site.
The CNAME of the existing site points to Imperva. Imperva then points to Azure WebApp Site.
When I try to add the custom domain to azure Web Apps website, it complains with the error that the existing Site MUST have CNAME pointing to Azure Website.
see example below:
This means that as part of cutover, we need to do below:
1. Quicky update CNAME to point to azure web app
2. Once custom domain is setup in azure
3. Change the CNAME back to Imperva.
This sounds bit hacky.
Is above right approach or am I missing anything here?
The part that you're missing is the direction of the CNAME. What Azure wants to do is to ensure that you do actually have authority over that domain name. So they want you to create a CNAME that points from awverify.www.example.com to www.example.com
Once that record is created Azure will looking that record and ensure that it redirects to www.example.com. This has no impact on any existing configuration (unless you just happen to have awverify sub domain in uswe already!)
www.example.com will still work in exactly the same way as before until you are ready to move that name to Azure.
I'm not exactly sure if this is more of a DNS question or the nature of most PaaS's.
I purchased a domain from namecheap.com. I wanted to get a WordPress site up and running so I could start development so I went over to openshift, created an account and installed WordPress, which was very easy! Only one problem... I'm having issues trying to sync my domain name from namecheap with the application on openshift. I must admit I've always purchased the domain name and hosting together so I've never had to go this route so I'm not entirely sure this has anything to do with the fact openshift is a PaaS.
In openshift, I have the URL for my application applicationname-account.rhcloud.com and I've added an alias on my namecheap.com account which works for a redirect... If I go to my purchased domain, www.example.com, it will simply redirect me to example-account.rhcloud.com. But I do not want a redirect...
I guess I'm confused as to how you get a domain name that you've purchased from one company to a hosting company. Do I need to modify something on my namecheap account?
This document states that you need to add a bare CNAME record to your DNS setup (may be what you refer to as an alias)
then add an alias to your Openshift application using the rhc command line tool, eg:
rhc alias add example-account www.example.com
I have an azure website at yis3.azurewebsites.net - I have promoted this to be a "shared" site so that I can use a custom domain. I have the domain yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk that I bought from 123-reg.co.uk. I have configured this to give a CName record with dnsname of "awverify" and destination of awverify.yis3.azurewebsites.net.
I've waited over 12 hours and checked on digwebinterface.com and all looks good but when I click to "Manage custom domains" from the Azure portal , I enter a domain name of "yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk" but it won't accept it.
Please help
* Edit *
I've now waited a couple of days for domain propagation. Here's a screen grab from my domain registrar:
In the azure portal I've tried to add the following custom domains for the yis3.azurewebsites.net site but it won't accept any:
www.yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk
Here's a screen grab from the portal:
To use yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk
To use your domain without the www. prefix you need to add an A Record in addition to the CNAME you've added for "awverify".
First, make sure you've added the domain to the Azure portal by following the instructions under "Set the domain name in management portal" here.
Next, follow the instructions under "Configure an A record for the domain name" on the same page. This involves pointing your domain directly at the IP address of the Azure web site. You should then have added 2 DNS records in total:
CNAME awverify.www awverify.yis3.azurewebsites.net
A xx.xx.xx.xx (your website's IP address)
I've marked the next option as "preferred" because it points your domain at the Azure hostname "yis3.azurewebsites.net" instead of directly at the IP address. The IP address of your Azure website won't change, but if you ever need to deploy your website elsewhere it will have a different IP, so there will be a delay while the DNS change propagates.
To use www.yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk (preferred)
To use your domain with a www. prefix you need to add another CNAME record in addition to the one you've already added.
First, make sure you've added the domain to the Azure portal by following the instructions under "Set the domain name in management portal" here.
Next, follow the instructions under "Configure the CNAME on your domain registrar" on the same page. This involves adding a CNAME that points "www" to your Azure website's hostname (yis3.azurewebsites.net). You should then have added 2 DNS records in total:
CNAME awverify.www awverify.yis3.azurewebsites.net
CNAME www yis3.azurewebsites.net
A note about domain forwarding: Don't use 301 forwarding unless your site has been permanently moved. Use 302 for temporary redirection. More details here.
I finally figured out what was wrong. I was deploying a new version of an existing site but the old version still had www.yorkshireimagescanning.co.uk set on the custom domains page. Once I deleted it then I was able to add the domain on the new azure site.