I can't, for the life of me, figure out what is wrong with the following four lines of code.
def getAssetExistance(asset, element, table):
dynamoTable = dynamo.Table(table)
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key(element).eq(asset)
return bool(response)
I am running this through aws Lambda and the log on cloudwatch is telling me the error is on the return line. This is the error (line 24 is the return line):
Syntax error in module 'lambda_function': invalid syntax (lambda_function.py, line 24)
In case this helps at all, here is the rest of the code:
# Slack Lambda handler.
import boto3
import os
import logging
import urllib
# Grab data from the environment.
BOT_TOKEN = os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"]
REGION_NAME = os.getenv('REGION_NAME', 'us-east-1')
dynamo = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name=REGION_NAME)
# Define the URL of the targeted Slack API resource.
SLACK_URL = "https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage"
def getAssetExistance(asset, element, table):
dynamoTable = dynamo.Table(table)
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key(element).eq(asset)
return bool(response)
def lambda_handler(data, context):
# Slack challenge answer.
if "challenge" in data:
return data["challenge"]
# Grab the Slack channel data.
slack_event = data['event']
slack_user = slack_event["user"]
slack_text = slack_event["text"]
channel_id = slack_event["channel"]
slack_userID = slack_user["ID"]
slack_reply = ""
# Ignore bot messages.
if "bot_id" in slack_event:
logging.warn("Ignore bot event")
# Start data sift.
if slack_text.startswith("!networth"):
slack_reply = "Your networth is: "
elif slack_text.startwith("!price"):
command,asset = text.split()
slack_reply = "The price of a(n) %s is: " % (asset)
elif slack_text.startwith("!Addme"):
if not getAssetExistance(slack_userID, userID, ASSET_TABLE):
slack_reply = "Adding user: %s(%s)" % (slack_user, slack_userID)
AttributeUpdates= {
'Action': 'ADD',
'Value': {'N': '1000'}
slack_reply = "User %s(%s) already exists" % (slack_user, slack_userID)
# We need to send back three pieces of information:
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(
("token", BOT_TOKEN),
("channel", channel_id),
("text", slack_reply)
data = data.encode("ascii")
# Construct the HTTP request that will be sent to the Slack API.
request = urllib.request.Request(
# Add a header mentioning that the text is URL-encoded.
# Fire off the request!
# Everything went fine.
return "200 OK"
Hopefully I am doing something dumb; I am pretty new to all this. Any help is much appreciated it. Thanks!
You skipped closed round bracket in this line:
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key(element).eq(asset)
replace this line by:
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key(element)).eq(asset)
API beginner here,
I'm creating an API that calls both a character name and their description with one ENDPOINT. So far I have the data appearing at separate endpoints.
Goal: Getting output format ('') to look similar to this:
{ "name": "pichu", "description": "It is not yet skilled at storing electricity.It may send out a jolt if amused or startled."}
from flask import Flask, jsonify, Response
from flask_restful import Resource, Api, fields, marshal_with
import requests, json
app = Flask(__name__)
api = Api(app)
# Prints all Pokemon via JSON
#app.route('/v1/pokemon/all', methods=['GET'])
def poke_names():
data = []
name_url = "https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon?limit=151"
while True:
resp = requests.get(name_url)
json = resp.json()
data.extend(json.get('results', []))
name_url = json.get('next')
if not name_url: break
return jsonify(data)
#app.route('/v1/pokemon/<string:name>/title', methods=['GET'])
def get_poke(name):
return jsonify({'name': name})
#flavor Text ie pokemon description
#app.route('/v1/pokemon/<int:pokemon_id>', methods=['GET'])
def get_description(pokemon_id):
descrip_url = f"https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-species/{pokemon_id}"
r = requests.get(descrip_url)
json_blob = r.json()
flav_text = extract_descriptive_text(json_blob)
return jsonify({'description': flav_text})
def extract_descriptive_text(json_blob, language='en'):
text = []
for f in json_blob['flavor_text_entries']:
if f['language']['name'] == language:
return text
#error occurs below
def all_poke_data(name, flav_text):
return jsonify({'name':name, 'description':flav_text})
if __name__ == "__main__":
Error: When I try to combine them I get
TypeError: all_poke_data() missing 1 required positional argument: 'flav_text'
Thank you for any pointers provided!
Figured it out!
Just add this function, which is a combination of both route functions
def get_poke(name):
descrip_url = f"https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon-species/{name}"
r = requests.get(descrip_url)
json_blob = r.json()
flav_text = extract_descriptive_text(json_blob)
return jsonify({'name': name},{'description': flav_text})
I am able to get the data from pdf to text.
But now i need to get the data in csv format with table structure.
I tried it to get the table structure with but it didn't happen.Any inputs?
Also, i'm able to generate it through json.
Is there a way to get the result into table csv format?
any inputs ?
Below is the code i have used.
import boto3
import time
# Document
s3BucketName = "textractanalysisexample"
documentName = "sheet_example.pdf"
def startJob(s3BucketName, objectName):
response = None
client = boto3.client('textract')
response = client.start_document_text_detection(
'S3Object': {
'Bucket': s3BucketName,
'Name': objectName
return response["JobId"]
def isJobComplete(jobId):
# For production use cases, use SNS based notification
# Details at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/textract/latest/dg/api-async.html
client = boto3.client('textract')
response = client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=jobId)
status = response["JobStatus"]
#print("Job status: {}".format(status))
while(status == "IN_PROGRESS"):
response = client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=jobId)
status = response["JobStatus"]
#print("Job status: {}".format(status))
return status
def getJobResults(jobId):
pages = []
client = boto3.client('textract')
response = client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=jobId)
print("Resultset page recieved: {}".format(len(pages)))
nextToken = None
if('NextToken' in response):
nextToken = response['NextToken']
response = client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=jobId, NextToken=nextToken)
#print("Resultset page recieved: {}".format(len(pages)))
nextToken = None
if('NextToken' in response):
nextToken = response['NextToken']
return pages
def lambda_handler(event, context):
jobId = startJob(s3BucketName, documentName)
#print("Started job with id: {}".format(jobId))
response = getJobResults(jobId)
# Print detected text
for resultPage in response:
for item in resultPage["Blocks"]:
if item["BlockType"] == "LINE":
print (item["Text"]) ```
You can import CSV to write to a csv file like so:
import csv
with open('my_pdf.txt', 'r') as in_file:
stripped = (line.strip() for line in in_file)
lines = (line.split(",") for line in stripped if line)
with open('my_pdf.csv', 'w') as out_file:
writer = csv.writer(out_file)
writer.writerow(('title', 'intro'))
You can just put in the rows you need, and this splits your data into comma separated values. You can see more information for CSV writer (and csv python in general) here (Python Docs).
I am using the query function from the boto3 library in Python and receiving the following error:
name 'Key' is not defined: NameError
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/var/task/lambda_function.py", line 51, in lambda_handler
if not getAssetExistance(slack_userID):
File "/var/task/lambda_function.py", line 23, in getAssetExistance
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key('userID').eq(asset))
NameError: name 'Key' is not defined
I have been reading through a bunch of tutorials on accessing DynamoDB through Lambda, and this they all use this KeyConditionExpression line when trying to if a key exists.
Here is the relevant code (line 23 is the query line):
def getAssetExistance(asset):
dynamoTable = dynamo.Table('Assets')
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key('userID').eq(asset))
return bool(response)
I basically want to check the primary partition key in my DynamoDB table (which is a slack user ID) and see if exist.
Here is the rest of the code if it is relevant:
# Slack Lambda handler.
import boto3
import logging
import os
import urllib
# Grab data from the environment.
BOT_TOKEN = os.environ["BOT_TOKEN"]
REGION_NAME = os.getenv('REGION_NAME', 'us-east-1')
dynamo = boto3.resource('dynamodb', region_name=REGION_NAME, endpoint_url="https://dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com")
# Define the URL of the targeted Slack API resource.
SLACK_URL = "https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage"
def getAssetExistance(asset):
dynamoTable = dynamo.Table('Assets')
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key('userID').eq(asset))
return bool(response)
def lambda_handler(data, context):
# Slack challenge answer.
if "challenge" in data:
return data["challenge"]
# Grab the Slack channel data.
slack_event = data['event']
slack_userID = slack_event["user"]
slack_text = slack_event["text"]
channel_id = slack_event["channel"]
slack_reply = ""
# Ignore bot messages.
if "bot_id" in slack_event:
slack_reply = ""
# Start data sift.
if slack_text.startswith("!networth"):
slack_reply = "Your networth is: "
elif slack_text.startswith("!price"):
command,asset = text.split()
slack_reply = "The price of a(n) %s is: " % (asset)
elif slack_text.startswith("!addme"):
if not getAssetExistance(slack_userID):
slack_reply = "Adding user: %s" % (slack_userID)
AttributeUpdates= {
'Action': 'ADD',
'Value': {'N': '1000'}
slack_reply = "User %s already exists" % (slack_userID)
# We need to send back three pieces of information:
data = urllib.parse.urlencode(
("token", BOT_TOKEN),
("channel", channel_id),
("text", slack_reply)
data = data.encode("ascii")
# Construct the HTTP request that will be sent to the Slack API.
request = urllib.request.Request(
# Add a header mentioning that the text is URL-encoded.
# Fire off the request!
# Everything went fine.
return "200 OK"
My DynamoDB table is named 'Assets' and has a primary partition key named 'userID' (string).
I am definitely still new to all this, so don't be afraid of calling me a dummy. Any and all help is appreciated. The goal of this code is to check if a user exists as a key in DynamoDB and if not, add them to the table.
You need to import the Key function, like so:
from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key
Without importing it second time, u can address it like:
def getAssetExistance(asset):
dynamoTable = dynamo.Table('Assets')
response = dynamoTable.query(KeyConditionExpression= boto3.dynamodb.conditions.Key('userID').eq(asset))
return bool(response)
Wrote the below code for getting data from dynamo db and got the error 'NameError: name 'Key' is not defined'.
I had to fix it by importing 'from boto3.dynamodb.conditions import Key'
response = dynamo_table.query(KeyConditionExpression=Key(val).eq(str(key_dictionary[val])))
I learnt that Twitter has stopped providing JSON for deleted tweets.I am trying to get past this limitation by using a polling method to see if tweet is deleted.
But my code still fails. I would appreciate it if you can help me figure out what I am missing.
import sys
import json
import tweepy
from tweepy import Stream
from tweepy.streaming import StreamListener
import datetime
import time
from polling import TimeoutException, poll
# Go to http://apps.twitter.com and create an app.
# The consumer key and secret will be generated for you after
consumer_key = 'xx'
consumer_secret = 'xx'
access_token = 'xx'
access_token_secret = 'xx'
# Set up the authorisation to use the Twitter API
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
# Handle the output generated from the stream
class listener(StreamListener):
tweetcount = 0
def on_data(self, data):
# Convert the message to JSON
json_data = json.loads(data)
# text_file = open(json_data['id_str'] + ".json", "w")
# text_file.write(data)
# text_file.close()
if 'id_str' not in json_data:
# If this isn't a status, do nothing.
print("no ID")
#print("Twitter Id ",json_data['id_str'])
#print("User Id ",json_data['user']['id_str'])
if json_data['user']['id_str'] == '51241574': #Associated Press
tweetcount = json_data['user']['statuses_count']
tweet = api.get_status(json_data['id'])
print("Tweet Count ",tweetcount)
print("Account Name ", json_data['user']['name'])
# if 'delete' in json_data:
# print ("DELETED!")
# if json_data['delete']['status']['user_id'] == '51241574':
# deleted_tweet_id =json_data['delete']['status']['id']
# tweetcount -= 1
# print("New Count is ",tweetcount)
# print(deleted_tweet_id)
# deleted_tweet =api.get_status(deleted_tweet_id)
# print(deleted_tweet.text)
# else:
# pass
return True
def on_error(self, status):
print("Error status is ",status)
# Start consuming from the stream. This will get all the Tweets & Deletions from the users the user is following.
twitterStream = Stream(auth, listener())
twitterStream.filter(follow=['51241574'], async=True)
# polling method to check if tweet is deleted
user = api.get_user('AP')
poll(lambda: user.statuses_count >= listener.tweetcount > 0, timeout=30, step=1)
print("Tweet was deleted,New Tweet count is ", user.statuses_count)
except Exception as ex:
template = "An exception of type {0} occurred. Arguments:\n{1!r}"
message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args)
print (message)
When a listener event is fired, the application shows the value in tweet count variable and checks it against the value retrieved from querying the api.
I'm writing an script that reads in the differences between two CSV files. Once it is read out I am supposed to use a WebHook to contact a slack page with the results of the comparison. I am having difficulty in sending the Post Method.
The link supplied by slack generates a response of 400
with either /post or :8080 at the end you get a 200, but nothing pops up in the slack page.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
def main():
def csvDiff():
f = open("new.csv")
csv_f = csv.reader(f)
old=set(pd.read_csv("old.csv", index_col=False, header=None)[0]) #reads the csv, takes only the first column and creates a set out of it.
new=set(pd.read_csv("new.csv", index_col=False, header=None)[0]) #same here
diff = new - old
#Convert the diff set into a list
for row in csv_f:
if row[0] in diff:
def makeCsv():
l = pd.to_csv
def post():
url = 'whatever'
payload={"text": "A very important thing has occurred! <https://alert-system.com/alerts/1234|Click here> for details!"}
r = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(l).encode('utf8'))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Try this line instead:
r = requests.post(url, json=payload)