how to add table within another table cell using only office api from the document editor plugin - onlyoffice

We are trying to add table within another table cell using only office api from the document editor plugin. We tried to find out various methods like using Range, Run Command, ParagraphAddDrawing, AddElement etc. to do it , but are unable to find a way to achieve it.
Please advice us an proper way to achieve this using API as early as possible...

You need to get cell and use method Push() on it.
var oDocument = Api.GetDocument(); // getting document object
var oParagraph, oTable, oCell; // init variables
oTable = Api.CreateTable(3, 3); // creating new table object
oCell = oTable.GetRow(0).GetCell(0); //getting first cell in first row
oDocument.Push(oTable); // Push new table to document
oTable_two = Api.CreateTable(3, 3); // creating second table object
oParagraph = oCell.GetContent().Push(oTable_two); // pushing new table to first table


Find available range in Excel in JS API

I have a requirement in my add in where I need to insert a table in Excel. But I need to know if the available cell range is empty for my table to insert there. So I have to check that if my cursor is at A1, do we have available space from A1 to A15 and there is no existing data there.
I tried getRangeByIndexes() function but this just gives a range. I can't find a function that returns a boolean for my requirement.
Excel will always have "space" to insert data/table. I guess you want to make sure the cells are in fact empty before inserting table? If so, you can get getSelectedRange() API and use getOffsetRange() to select both the selected range (load just the address and values) and the range associated table dimension (load just values). You can then check to make sure values are empty before inserting.
Another way could be to check worksheet.getUsedRange() to ensure the used range is just A1 (empty worksheet). This only works if you are ensuring that the whole worksheet is empty (not just the table's address).
There are a number of ways of doing this. I think the best one is to use a combination of getSelectedRange, getAbsoluteResizedRange, and getUsedRangeOrNullObject
await (context) => {
let numRows = 10;
let numColumns = 3;
let range = context.workbook.getSelectedRange().getCell(0, 0).getAbsoluteResizedRange(numRows, numColumns);
let usedRange = range.getUsedRangeOrNullObject(true /*valuesOnly*/);
await context.sync();
if (usedRange.isNullObject) {
console.log("The range is empty");
} else {
console.log("Sorry, it's already taken")
You can try this snippet live in literally five clicks in the new Script Lab ( Simply install the Script Lab add-in (free), then choose "Import" in the navigation menu, and use the following GIST URL: See more info about importing snippets to Script Lab.
The objects returned by *OrNullObject-sufficed methods are a bit unusual. If you've not run into them before, I recommend you read about it in our docs. I also go into great detail about it in my book, "Building Office Add-ins using Office.js" (with all profits to charity), in a chapter entitled "9. Checking if an object exists".

How to change the value of a certain core data across VCs/ How to know the index of a created CoreData?

I start from a TableView to create and store user information. This is how I create a core data entity called "Trials" in CreateTrialViewController. And I can successfully fetch it in the tableViewController after I come back to it.
let trial : Trials = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObjectForEntityForName("Trials", inManagedObjectContext: self.managedObjectContext!) as? Trials
trial.project = theProject.text
trial.record = theRecord.text
trial.notes = theNotes.text
trial.percentile = ""
But after I create the Trial, I will get some calculated results from the accelerometer in the next measureViewController, and I want to save the result into 'trial.percentile'.
I have already converted the results into a string, so I can write it directly into the core data attribute. But how can I know the index of this core data that I just created? Should I try to use 'segue' to transmit?
In the tableView it fetches in a ascending sequence of date, so the index is clear. But here in the following VC how to know the index? I still couldn't figure this out by myself... The sequence of my VCs is: TableViewController -> CreateTrialViewController -> MeasureViewController -> TableViewController (start again)
Your table view controller can keep a reference to the newly created object. Insert the object (trial) in the original view controller and pass it on to the next controller in prepareForSegue. So the CreateTrialViewController starts out with a blank object to which the table view controller has a reference.
You configure the object, go to the measure controller, modify the object. When done, you pop these two controllers from the navigation stack and are back in your original table view controller.
Because your table view controller has the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate enabled, it will update itself to reflect the data of your new object. Remember, you still have a reference to this object, so you can just use indexPathForObject to retrieve its index path.

xpages copy field value to another field from other datasource

I followed How do you copy a datetime field from the current document to a new document and I try something like this:;
But I get a handling error message.
Thanks for your time!
Assuming Cdoc and Pdoc are defined as xp:dominoDocument data sources then you have to change your code to:;
So, you only need to add .getDocument() to Pdoc to get the Notes Document. Otherwise it fails and you get the error "Error calling method 'copyItem(lotus.domino.local.Item)' on an object of type 'NotesXspDocument'".
Keep in mind that you have to save Pdoc after copying item too if you want to show the copied item in your exampleDialog.
If you don't want to save document Pdoc at this point yet then you can copy the item on NotesXspDocument level with just:
Pdoc.replaceItemValue("mytest1", Cdoc.getItemValueDateTime("mytest1"));
I do not often use "copyItem". You are not specifying if you are using NotesDocuments or NotesXspDocuments, so I will write a quick thing about both because they should be handled differently.
var currentDoc:NotesDocument = ....
var newDoc:NotesDocument= ...
newDoc.replaceItemValue("fldname", currentDoc.getItemValueDateTimeArray("fldname").elementAt(0))
if currentDoc is a NotesXspDocument, use the following
var currentDoc:NotesXspDocument = ...
var newDoc:NotesDocument=...
newDoc.replaceItemValue("fldname", currentDoc.getItemValueDateTime("fldname"))
Otherwise, you could continue trying with copyItem, I just lack experience with it.
Just some things to add, remember that putting calling xspDoc.getDocument(true) will update the background document and this might be needed. Also, in the comments for that article you posted, they mentioned the possible need to put that document into another variable.
var docSource:NotesDocument = xspDoc.getDocument(true);
var docNew:NotesDocument = ...
Also remember that copyItem is a function of NotesDocument and not NotesXspDocument.

How to select value from a dropdown using JScript (not JavaScript) with TestComplete

Currently I'm working on TestComplete automation tool. I'm facing a problem in selecting a value from a dropdown using Jscript. It can done easily in javascript by
I cant do it using JScript'. I've tried
Browsers.Item(btIExplorer).Run("Page URL"); //opening the browser and running a URL
browser=Aliases.browser; //creating alias of browser object
page=browser.Page("PageURL"); //creating a page object for the page opened
page.NativeWebObject.Find("id", "defaultLocationBinder_newOrExisting", "input") // This is the dropdown
I'm not able to find any suitable option to select the options in the dropdown which are given in the <option></option> tags
I just wrote this piece of code and was able to do it.
Use the selectedIndex to set the option you want.
use the object spy to check the properties/methods you can use with the object.
function loginDropDown()
var dropDown = Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("*").FindChild("Name","Select(\"myList\")",10,true)
dropDown.selectedIndex = 1
The NativeWebObject.Find method returns a native object while you may want to work with a TestComplete wrapper. Use the Find or FindChild method to get such a wrapper and the Clickitem method to select a specific item.
function test()
var b = Sys.Browser("iexplore");
var page = b.Page("");
var cBox = page.FindChild("ObjectIdentifier", "ddlRequestType", 20);
cBox.ClickItem("General product question");

How to set blank space after a table in a docx document (working with apache poi)

I've been trying to create tables and make them to leave some space between its bottom border and whatever comes after the table (usually text).
As far as I have crawl through ooxml specification I understand that I need to add to the table this chain of elements tblPr (table properties) -> tblpPr (table position properties), and set the attribute bottomFromText to the specific amount space I want between the table and the next element, also the vertAnchor attribute (right now I'm configuring this with the "text" value) and finally the tblpY attribute.
A q&d snippet of what I'm doing is this (java and apache poi):
XWPFTable table = document.createTable();
CTTblPr _cttblpr = table.getCTTbl().addNewTblPr();
My main reference has been this. Also I have been creating (with LibreOffice writer and Microsoft Office 2007) simple documents with just a table and the space I want and extracting the files inside it (word/document.xml specifically) to see in place this. All my efforts to achieve this have been unsuccessful by now.
Do you know what is wrong here? I strongly believe I have missconcepts...
Thank you in advance.
You're right, you need w:bottomFromText, for example:
<w:tblpPr w:leftFromText="187" w:rightFromText="187" w:bottomFromText="4320" w:vertAnchor="text" w:tblpY="1"/>
<w:tblOverlap w:val="never"/>
Based on the above, your code looks plausible.
For comparison, if you were doing it with docx4j, you'd create that in one of 2 ways.
The first way is to explicitly use the JAXB object factory:
org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory wmlObjectFactory = new org.docx4j.wml.ObjectFactory();
Tbl tbl = wmlObjectFactory.createTbl();
JAXBElement<org.docx4j.wml.Tbl> tblWrapped = wmlObjectFactory.createBodyTbl(tbl);
// Create object for tblPr
TblPr tblpr = wmlObjectFactory.createTblPr();
// Create object for tblpPr
CTTblPPr tblppr = wmlObjectFactory.createCTTblPPr();
tblppr.setLeftFromText( BigInteger.valueOf( 187) );
tblppr.setRightFromText( BigInteger.valueOf( 187) );
tblppr.setBottomFromText( BigInteger.valueOf( 4320) );
tblppr.setTblpY( BigInteger.valueOf( 1) );
// Create object for tblOverlap
CTTblOverlap tbloverlap = wmlObjectFactory.createCTTblOverlap();
The second is to unmarshall a string:
String openXML = "<w:tbl xmlns:w=\"\">
+ "<w:tblPr>
+ "<w:tblpPr w:bottomFromText=\"4320\" w:leftFromText=\"187\" w:rightFromText=\"187\" w:tblpY=\"1\" w:vertAnchor=\"text\"/>"
+ "<w:tblOverlap w:val=\"never\"/>"
Tbl tbl = (Tbl)XmlUtils.unmarshalString(openXML);
