Unable to deploy the index and grammar file in KES - azure

I'm using Knowledge Exploration Service by Azure. I've prepared a grammar and an index file. Since, the size of it was small I was able to run it on my local machine and on a Azure VM.
But now, I want to deploy this service. Issue is when I run the command kes deploy_service it is unable to download the blob from Azure Storage. Even when I try to provide the file from my local machine.
Followed the same steps on a Azure VM and I receive the same errors.
>kes deploy_service Some.grammar Some.index kes-example
00:00:00 Index: Some.index
00:00:00 ERROR: Invalid value for index parameter: 'Some.index' is not a blob URI.
>kes deploy_service Some.grammar https://storagename.blob.core.windows.net/containername/Some.index kes-example
00:00:00 Index: https://storagename.blob.core.windows.net/containername/Bell.index
00:00:02 ERROR: ResourceNotFound: The storage account 'storagename' was not found.
The container has public access. I can download the file via the browser and even via Azure CLI.
What am I missing here?
EDIT: Adding a sample index file which I've uploaded on Azure Storage with public access. This index file was generated using the Academic example in the documentation.
>kes describe_index https://kesstorage.blob.core.windows.net/kess/Academic.index
ERROR: ResourceNotFound: The storage account 'kesstorage' was not found.

kes.exe is using the old Service Management API. It is querying the API for Storage Accounts in your subscription, but this API predates Azure Resource Manager (ARM), and therefore has no knowledge of ARM Storage Accounts. You will need to use a Classic Storage Account instead.
For how to create a Classic storage account tutorial, refer to this link: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/common/storage-create-storage-account#create-a-storage-account


ADF Pipeline Errors - RequestContentTooLarge and InvalidContentLink

The ADF Pipeline release to the test Data Factory instance is failing with the following error as shown in the image below.
So, to overcome the above issue, I modified the pipeline by adding an additional step of Azure Blob File Copy to store the linked templates in a storage account and reference it in the pipeline to use it for the deployment. However when I made the above change I am getting another error which states InvalidContentLink: Unable to download deployment content from 'https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/adf-arm-templates/ArmTemplate_0.json?***Sanitized Azure Storage Account Shared Access Signature***'. The tracking Id is 'xxxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx-xx'. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-deploy for usage details.
I have tried using the SAS token for both at the Container level and at the Storage Account level. I also have ensured that the agent and the storage account are under same VNets. I have also tried to remove the firewall restrictions but still it gives me the same InvalidContentLink error.
The modified pipeline with the Azure Storage Account step :
How do I resolve this issue?
InvalidContentLink: Unable to download deployment content from 'https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/adf-arm-templates/ArmTemplate_0.json?Sanitized Azure Storage Account Shared Access Signature'. The tracking Id is 'xxxxx-xxxx-x-xxxx-xx'. Please see https://aka.ms/arm-deploy for usage details.
This error can cause because of you are trying to link which might not present in storage account.
Make sure you provide correct URl for the nested template that is accessible.
Also, if your storage account has firewall rule you can't link nested template from it.
Make sure your Storage Account, Container and Blob are publicly available. To achieve this:
Provide a Blob level Shared Access Signature URL. select the file click on"..." and then Click on Generate SAS.
refer for more understanding about nested template.

Azure ADF using Azure Batch throws Shared Access Signature generation error

I am working on a simple Azure Data Factory pipeline where I have simply added a Batch Service and in that specified the Batch Service account (which I have created thru linked service and tested the connection is working). In the command I am just running a simple "ls" command and when I do a debug run I get this error: "Cannot create Shared Access Signature unless Account Key credentials are used." I have following linked services "Azure Batch", "Azure Blob Storage" and Key Vault (where we store the access key). All linked services connections are working properly.
Any help on how to fix this error: "Cannot create Shared Access Signature unless Account Key credentials are used."
Azure Batch Linked service:
Azure Storage Linked service:
Azure Data factory pipeline:
The issue happens because you use "Managed Identity" to connect ADF to the Storage. It will say "successful" when doing a connection test on the linked services but when this storage is used for a Batch, it needs to have "Account Key" authentication type (see here).

Getting AuthorizationFailure (403) response on Azure Blob Storage via REST API with SAS Token

After a few days fighting with this issue I have decided to post it here in case someone can help out by giving me some pointers.
I have an Azure Storage Account with a Blob container with encrypted images. The images have been uploaded via PUT request (from a browser) to the Azure Blob Storage REST API, using SAS signature (generated by an Azure VM) and customer provided keys (x-ms-encryption headers). However, when trying to download the images from the Azure VM with a GET request (using curl), I get the following 403 "AuthorizationFailure" error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8”?>
This request is not authorized to perform this operation.
Funny thing though, when I perform exactly the same GET request (exactly the same headers) with curl, Postman or the browser from my own local machine and even from other Azure VMs located in different resource groups and different virtual networks, it works as expected and I can successfully download the encrypted image. This confirms that the SAS signature and the headers passed are correctly constructed.
I have reviewed all the configuration of the VM, Network Security Group, Virtual Network and Storage Account in the Azure Portal and compared it with the other VMs that successfully download the images, and all the settings are exactly the same except for:
In the VM that fails to download the image, I'm authorized as a contributor for that VM's resource group only, while in the VM that works I'm the owner of the account.
In the account where I am the owner, Azure has created a new resource group called NetworkWatcherRG, which seems to have no resources attached to it. In the VM that has the problem I do not have access to that resource group, so I ignore whether it has been created by Azure or not, and whether it has any impact on the problem I'm facing.
I would really appreciate any ideas or suggestions on what the issue might be.

shell.azure.com is failing in configuration

While doing something I got option to execute shell commands from azure portal. It required to configure shell.azure.com first time.
In first step it is giving option of selecting Subscription & create storage. When I select required subscription & click on create storage, it is giving error:
Error: 409
{"error":{"code":"StorageAccountAlreadyTaken", "message":"The storage account named ... is already taken"}}
Can't create a storage account. Please try again.
I tried multiple times but no avail.
I opened Show advanced settings & tried to play with combinations but here using existing storage account is disabled(in advanced settings) and create storage is also disabled.
strong text
PS I have rights to create storage account on subscription, so that is not an issue.
I also face the same issue before. You need to directly edit (manually type the name) the existing storage account in the box, just ignore the using existing checkbox. It seems like a UI bug.
When you add the existing storage account on the UI, please note that the cloud shell region matches the storage account region. You can see the Supported storage regions from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cloud-shell/persisting-shell-storage.
Refer to the familiar threads,
Unable to open Cloud Shell because of Storage Account error
Azure Cloud shell requires storage account

How to upload a file from azure blob storage to Linux VM created on azure

I have one large file on my azure blob storage container. I want to move my file from blob storage to Linux VM created on azure> How can I do that using data factory? or any Powershell Command?
The easiest and without any tools is to generate SAS token for the blob and run CURL.
Generate SAS
And then CURL
curl <blob_sas_url> -o output.txt
If you need this automated every time you can generate SAS URL from the script or just use AzCopy.
Please reference this blog:How to copy data to VM from blob storage, it gives you a way to solve the problem with Data Factory:
"To anyone who might get into same problem in future, I solved my problem by using 'copy wizard' present in ADF.
We need to install Data Management Gateway on VM and register it before we use 'copy wizard'.
We need to specify blob storage as source and in destination we need to choose 'File Server Share' option. In 'File Server Share' option we need to specify user credentials which I suppose pipeline uses to login to VM, folder on VM where pipeline will copy the data."
From the Azure Blog Storage document, there is another way can help you Mount Blob storage as a file system with blobfuse on Linux.
Blobfuse is a virtual file system driver for Azure Blob storage. Blobfuse allows you to access your existing block blob data in your storage account through the Linux file system. Blobfuse uses the virtual directory scheme with the forward-slash '/' as a delimiter.
This guide shows you how to use blobfuse, and mount a Blob storage container on Linux and access data. To learn more about blobfuse, read the details in the blobfuse repository.
If you want to use AzCopy, you can reference this document Transfer data with AzCopy and Blob storage. You can download the AzCopy for Linux. It provided the command for upload and download files.
For example, upload file:
azcopy copy "<local-file-path>" "https://<storage-account-name>.<blob or dfs>.core.windows.net/<container-name>/<blob-name>"
For PowerShell, you need to use PowerShell Core 6.x and later on all platforms. It works with Windows and Linux virtual machines using Windows PowerShell 5.1 (Windows only) or PowerShell 6 (Windows and Linux).
You can find the PowerShell commands in this document:Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs by using Azure PowerShell
Here is another link talked about Copy Files to Azure VM using PowerShell Remoting 6 (Windows and Linux).
Hope this helps.
You have many options to copy content from the blob store to the disk on the VM:
1. Use AzCopy
2. Use Azure Pipelines - File copy task
3. Use Powershell cmdlets
A lot of content is available on these approaches on SO!
It seems this is not properly documented anywhere so I am sharing the most basic approach which is to use the azcopy tool that is available for both windows/linux OS. This approach doens't need the complexity of creating the credentials/tokens.
Download azcopy
Its simple executable which can be run directly after extraction
Create a managed identity(system-assigned identity) for your Virtual machine. Navigate to VM-> Identity -> Turn the Status to 'ON' -> Save
Now the VM can be assigned permission at the following levels:
Storage account
Container (file system)
Resource group
For this case, navigate to storage account -> IAM -> Add role assignment -> Select role 'Storage Blob Data Contributor' -> Assign access to 'Virtual machine' -> Select the desired VM -> SAVE
NOTE: If you give access to the VM on IAM properties of a Resource Group, the VM will be able to access all the storage accounts of the RG.
Login to VM and assume the identity (run the command from the same location where the azcopy is located)
For windows : azcopy login --identity
For linux : ./azcopy login --identity
Upload or download the files now:
azcopy cp "source-file" "storageUri/blob-container/" --recursive=true
Example: azcopy cp "C:\test.txt" "https://mystorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/backup/" --recursive=true
IAM permission can take few minutes to propagate. If you change/add the permissions/access level anywhere, run the azcopy login --identity command again to get the updated identity.
More info on Azcopy is available here
