How to specify the return type of a method that returns a list of values in StarUML? - uml

I have two classes (say Database and Record). In Database class, I have a method named getRecords() that returns a list of Record objects.
In Java, the above method can be written as:
List<Record> getRecords(){..}
In StarUML, while designing Class diagram, I tried giving
+getRecords() : Record[0..*]
But StarUML refused to create method like above. When I tried with the one below, it works
+getRecords() : ArrayList<Record>
But this is more specific to Java. I want to implement something like Record[0..*] in StarUML. Is it possible to write methods in such format or the Java style of return type is the only solution ?

I don't know why StarUML refuses to parse the text, but you can still create it via model.
Add the operation and call it getRecords()
Right-click on the operation (in diagram or model), and select Add > Parameter
Select parameter in Model Explorer (probably the parameter is already selected when you created it) and set the direction parameter to return. This is how UML represents return types.
(Configure the type, multiplicity, and anything else you need.)
Note that the default collection in UML is Set, so you should check isOrdered, as List is an ordered collection.


How to access certain EStructuralFeatures of an EMF Model?

I know that there are ways to access an EAttribute of an Eclipse EMF model by its featureID or by its name via different indirect approaches. For that I found the following: Eclipse EMF: How to get access EAttribute by name?
But what if I don't know the name of the attribute I want to get? Let's say, based on the design, the model has some fixed attributes by the developer, along with the features that can be set dynamically by the user.
So, for the time being I use the getEAllStructuralFeatures() and use indexes via get() to reach to the by-the-user-created attributes, since I know that the list I get will have the fixed attributes of the model as its first elements beginning with the index 0. But I find this solution unclear and inefficient. Also in some cases, that I want to work, not suitable.
E.g: IEMFEditProperty prop = EMFEditProperties.list(editingDomain, EMFMODELPackage.Literals.EMFMODEL.getEAllStructuralFeatures().get(X));
Do you know a solution or a workaround for this problem? As far as I can see, there are no direct methods to get such dynamically created features of the model.
Every help will be appreciated.
I have been working on a similar case recently where I first tried to define an EStructuralFeature to access exactly the setting/attribute of the object that I needed.
But if you look at how things work internally in ECore, you will find out, that there is no way this will ever work, since the indices are bound to the object identity of the EStructuralFeature objects created at runtime for the specific context (i.e. EClass instance).
My approach was then to either inspect the features proposed by EClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures or to iterate over the features and inspect the object returned by EObject.eGet for this very feature (where EClass eClass = eObject.eClass()).
Example: In a UML profile I have defined a UML Stereotype called "Bean" with a property called FactoryEntity. The property shall reference a UML Class with the Stereotype "Entity" that is closest to this very bean and for which a static factory method will be generated.
In the model I would then have one UML Class typed as Bean and one as Entity.
And for the Class typed as "Bean" I would then set a value for the attribute/property factoryEntity defined in the profile.
The question was then how the property value would be accessible in ECore. I ended up iterating the List of available EStructuralFeature of the EClass of the EObject and checking the type of the object returned by eGet.
final EObject eObject = (EObject) holdingClass.getValue(stereotype, stereoTypePropertyName);
final EList<EStructuralFeature> allEStructFeats = eObject.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures();
for(EStructuralFeature esf : allEStructFeats)
final Object o = eobject.eGet(esf);
if(o instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class)
return (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class) o;
Maybe that is not the most elegant way to access structural features but it is the only one I thought was robust enough to last.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve this.

JSF displaying entities with IDs: how to translate IDs to descriptions?

In a JSF page I have to display the data from an entity.
This entity has some int fields which cannot be displayed directly but need to be translated into a descriptive string.
Between them some can have a limited number of values, others have lots of possible values (such as a wordlwide Country_ID) and deserve a table on the Db with the association (ID, description).
This latter case can easily be solved navigating via relationship from the original entity to the entity corresponding to the dictionary table (ID, description) but I don't want to introduce new entities just to solve translations form ID to description.
Besides another integer field has special needs: the hundred thousand number should be changed with a letter according to a rule such as 100015 -> A00015, 301023 -> C01023.
Initially I put the translation code inside the entity itself but I know the great limits and drawbacks of this solution.
Then I created a singletone (EntityTranslator) with all the methods to translate the different fields. For cases where the field values are a lot I put them inside a table which is loaded from the singletone and transformed in a TreeMap, otherwise the descriptions are in arrays inside the class.
In the ManagedBean I wrote a getter for EntityTranslator and inside the jsf I use quite long el statements like the following:
I think the problem is quite general and I'm looking for a standard way to solve it but, as already stated, I don't want to create new 'stupid' entities only to associate an ID to a description, I think it is overkill.
Another possibility is the use of converters Object(Integer) <-> String but I'm more comfortable in having all the translation needs for an Entity inside the same class.
Your question boils down to the following simple line:
How can I display a field different from id of my entity in my view and how can I morph an integer field into something more meaningful.
The answer is that it depends on a situation.
If you solely want to input/output data, you don't need id at all apart from the possible view parameter like ?id=12345. In this case you can input/output anything you want in your view: the id is always there.
If you want to create a new entity most possibly you have a way of generating ids via JPA, or database, or elsehow besides the direct input from the user. In this situation you don't need to mess with ids as well.
If you want to use information on other entities like show user a dropdown box with e.g. a list of countries, you always have the option to separate label (let it be name) and value (let it be id), or even have a unique not null column containing the country name in your database table that will serve as a natural identifier. If you'd like to get data from the user using an input text field you always can create a converter that will do the job of transforming user input strings to actual entity objects.
Regarding the transformation of your integers, you've actually got several choices: the first one is to attach a converter for these fields that will roughly do 301023 -> C01023 and C01023 -> 301023 transformations, the second one is to write a custom EL function and the third one is to prepare the right model beforehand / do the transformations on-the-fly.

get the column name during runtime with entityframework

I have a stored procedure that is run and returns a result set into a model (using EF 5).
As I'm looping through the result set, I simply want to get the name of the column in the model that is used to hold the data.
How can I achieve this?
Would it be something like below:
var myCustomers = DbContext.Database.SqlQuery<Customer>
("exec SelectCustomers").ToList();
foreach (Customer cust in myCustomers)
Displaying the value "myCustomers[0].Address1" during runtime will display the actual value inside that field, but how can I simply extract the column name?
If I try something like below, the index value is always -1 and I don't know what I'm missing. I've used it dozens of times.
int Idx = myCustomers[0].Address1.IndexOf(".").ToString();
I don't think you can reliably do that. EF consists of 3 layers - object layer (also called O-Space - your types), conceptual layer (also called C-Space - a model in EDM terms) and store layer (also called S-Space which described the database). The mapping between O-Space and S-Space is more or less 1:1 - so a property on a class maps to an entity property in the OSpace model. However there are a few strategies of mapping C-Space to S-Space like Table Per Hierarchy (TPH), Table per Type (TPT), Table per Concrete type (TPC) and Entity Splitting (you can find more details here: It is also possible to use your own name for a property that will be different from the name of a corresponding column in the database. In the simplest cases property names will match column names but oftentimes it won't be the case. At runtime the information about mapping is stored types that are mostly internal and you cannot access them. The information about mapping is populated from the Msl artifact the describes mapping between C- and S- space. You could try parsing this artifact (it's an Xml file) but it's not an easy task if you need to support all different mapping strategies.

Can we get declared properties of a Groovy class by its order?

I created a plain Groovy class (i.e Person class)with some properties. Now I want to get those declared attributes (which I've defined in my class) with their order, but I don't know how to do it.
I've tried to use Person.metaClass.getProperties() but it retrieves not only declared properties but also built-in Groovy ones.
Could you please help me on this: just get declared properties by its order when declaring.
Thank you so much!
I can't see a use case, but the compiler could reorder all fields declaration while creating bytecode. I'm pretty sure ordering is not a constraint on fields though it should mostly be the case for not modified/enhanced class
As per the JVM spec, generated fields should be marked SYNTHETIC (like generated methods) in the bytecode, so you can test with :
Person.getDeclaredFields().grep { !it.synthetic }
and filter the base Groovy fields like ClassInfo,metaClass and others beginning by __timestamp
But I'm not a specialist, there could be another way I don't think of
There was a question about this on the mailing list back in February of this year
The answer is, no. There is no way to get properties in the order they are declared in the class without doing some extra work.
You could parse the source file for the class, and generate an ordered list of property names from that
You could write a custom annotation, and annotate the fields with this annotation ie: #Order(1) String prop
You could make all of the classes where this matters implement an interface which forces them to have a method that returns the names of the properties in order.
Other than that, you probably want to have a re-think :-(

How to add a display name for a decorator in Visual Studio DSL (Domain Specific Language) Tools?

In my DSL project I have a shape with a number of decorators that are linked to properties on my domain class. But even though ieach decorator has a DisplayName property (set to a meaningfull value) it does not appear in the generated DSL project. (I have not forgtten to use regenerate the t4 files.)
Do I have to create another decorator for each property that only has the display name as a value that I wish to display or is there some other way that I can't figure out right now?
I assume by a display name for the decorator you mean you want the element in the generated DSL to appear as "Example = a_value" where a_value is the actual value and Example is the property name.
What I've done with this in the past is to create second property "ExampleDisplay" that's not browsable and is what the decorator actually points to. I then set the Kind property of the ExampleDisplay to "Calculated". You then need to provide the method that the toolkit tries to call to display the decorator which you can do a partial class.
partial class ExampleElement
string GetExampleDisplayValue()
return "Example : " + this.Example;
This is not ideal as you don't get a good way of setting the property on the DSL diagram you have to use the properties window. (There's sometime lags from the property window unless you hook into the update of the underlying property too). Getting the slick editing in the GUI that actual DSL toolkit does maybe possible but I haven't found out how.
It maybe worth ask VSX forums if you haven't already done so.
