Macro for adding Excel form data in SharePoint list? - excel

I have Excel 2013 worksheet where user will add some data.
Excel worksheet data:
We need to create button on worksheet (Save button) which had macro behind, which saves data in SharePoint list (already created in SP site).
List having same two columns.
I do not have permission on SQL server to add stored procedure or fire query for call from Macro.
Is there any other way? Please suggest.

You can't manipulate a SharePoint list with Excel VBA. You may want to re-think your architecture. I suggest to let the user enter the data into a SharePoint list form instead of an Excel sheet.
You can export the SharePoint list to Excel, which creates a dynamic, refreshable data connection, if you want to use the SharePoint list data for further analysis.


Excel data from specific cells to Sharepoint Master excel file

I made a data collection excel sheet for multiple team members at work. Each workstation has a copy of the sheet. I want them to be able to send specific cell data to the Master sheet for collection purposes that is located on the team's Sharepoint site. Any recommendations? I have already made the Xactive button and set up a module for this

Office add in excel- Combination of task pane and udf

i created an office add in for excel (office.js / 365).
The add in creates a sheet with a form. The user put values in the sheet, clicks on the button in the taskpane and the result of the calculations is put into the sheet.
Besides that i want to have a user defined function in the same office add in. The user should have the possibility to choose a cell and put his udf into it.
Is this combination possible? I did not find something in the net.
Yes, it is possible to define a function using an Excel web add-in. See Create custom functions in Excel for more information.

How to Get Data on Close Workbook Table on Excel VBA without Openning It?

I have three Workbook,
First is for my Inventory System for Admin,
Second is my Inventory System for Employees, and
Third is my Database.
Does anyone know how to get Data Table on Database without Opening it and put it either in Admin or Employee's Inventory System?
All you need to do is go to "Data" tab in ribbon > Get Data > From File > From Workbook. Then open the "Database" excel file.
This will allows you to preview the data from the "Database" sheet. If you don't need to make any changes you can click load directly and the data will be copied.
You can check out this video for more examples on how to use Power query.
I also recommend checking out this video on how Power Query can help you.

How to create a drop-down list in a excel file with data coming from another Excel file used like database?

I'm using an Excel file like a Database.
I have another Excel file that need to be filled with information coming from the Excel file Database.
Is it possible for the Excel Database file to populate lists into my other excel file ?
Thanks a lot
Under the Developer tab in Excel you can select 'Insert' and then 'Listbox'. Create your list box in excel, then right click the box and press "Format Control". Under the "Control" tab, you can change your Input range which can be used across different worksheets thus creating a list. From there you can assign macros of your choice such as a ListBox_Change macro.
Typically you can make a list box in Excel using Data Validation, but that will only work within the same workbook.

VBA to refresh link from Access tables to Excel Workbooks

I have an Access 2010 database that uses 5 tables linked to 5 Excel 2010 workbooks.
The table names match the workbook names (e.g. My_Data1 table linked to My_Data1.xlsx). This database and linked workbooks need to be distributed to mulitple users, but the file path will be the same on each machine (for example C:\Users\Public\MyDataFiles\).
I want to ensure that the links to the Excel workbooks are established/refreshed once the files have been placed on each individual's machine with little or no user interaction. Any suggestions?
A link will be refreshed - or rather re-read - whenever the linked table is opened, so no user interaction is needed.
