Cosmos DB Table API with .NET Core - azure

I can see documentation on how to use Cosmos DB Table API with .NET here
But I can't make this work with .NET Core project. Is there a way to make a working call to Cosmos DB Table API for .NET Core?

There's currently no .NET Core version of the Cosmos DB Table API, but they are working on it. See the following GitHub issue:
From one of the comments there:
We are fully committed to delivering a .Net Standard SDK for Table API. We are tracking for delivery by October or before.

You need to add the following nuget package to the dotnet core project
dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.Core
I have written a blog on Wear out the features of Azure CosmosDB with AspNetCore application
Click Install to install the Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Table library. This installs the Azure Cosmos DB Table API package and all dependencies.

If you're looking to develop .NET Standard applications for Azure Cosmos DB Table API, you should install the Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos.Table package
You can check out the NuGet specs here:


Is it possible to create a new CosmosDB account using #azure/cosmos sdk?

Pretty sure this is a trivial question but couldn`t find any clue on the #azure/cosmos package documentation.
I'm searching for something like we have in Azure CLI, this is a sample, but in #azure/cosmos package. More help of what I want in az cosmosdb create command documentation.
You are pointing to the Cosmos DB JS SQL SDK, which as the rest of the Cosmos DB SDKs (.NET, Java, Python) is used for Data Plane operations.
Creation of accounts is a Management operation.
You can use ARM templates
You can use the Azure CLI, which you already know
You can use Powershell
There are Azure Management Libraries for JS but they don't seem to include Cosmos DB yet. There are .NET versions though.

How to use RedisTimeSeries module in Azure Cache for Redis?

I would like to use RedisTimeSeries module (latest feature) in Redis from .net core client in Azure.
I created Azure Cache for Redis (from RedisLabs) ( standard resource in the Azure portal.
Downloaded the .net redis samples code from
When I compiled samples code, it downloaded the nuget package called StackExchange.Redis (among other libraries).
Played with samples to understand how redis works from .net client.
It appears that raw REDIS commands where wrapped by StackExchange.Redis library.
Next, I wanted to play with RedisTimeSeries (as described at
The StackExchange.Redis .net library does not seem to provide any API to invoke RedisTimeSeries module related commands such as TS.CREATE, TS.ADD etc.
Here are my questions:
Is RedisTimeSeries module supported in Azure Cache for Redis (from RedisLabs)?
If supported, how do I invoke TS related commands from my .net core client?
If not supported, is there any other .net library that lets me do this?
Is RedisTimeSeries module supported in Azure Cache for Redis (from RedisLabs)?
Azure Cache for Redis, is not from RedisLabs but from MS, the only Redis vendor who currently supports Modules deployments is RedisLabs Cloud Pro (see: and
If supported, how do I invoke TS related commands from my .net core client?
DbSync.Execute("MyCommand", args)
It is coming soon on Azure Redis, see redis enterprise features on azure cache for redis coming soon
Enterprise tier will support RedisTimeSeries
RedisTimeSeries has been GA in Azure Cache for Redis, Enterprise Tier, since March 2021.
NRedisTimeSeries the recommended .Net client for RedisTimeSeries

Using CosmoDb Table API with Azure Table Services and .NET Core

Given the older Azure Storage NuGet package is being broken up, it's not entirely clear from the documentation how you access Azure Table Storage from a .NET Core app.
There seems to be some conflicting information. According to this article, the recommended way of access Table Storage is now with the CosmoDb Table API package, but that same article says it doesn't work with .NET Core.
For .net core, you should keep using the older Azure Storage NuGet package, please refer to this issue:
Adding .Net Core/standard support for Microsoft.Azure.CosmosDB.Table is on our roadmap. And
yes you should use `Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage' until .Net core, support is enabled
for Azure Cosmos DB Table API.

C# Script Source Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client Assembly in Azure SSIS

I know the Azure instance supports .Net Frameworks, I'm trying to figure out if it supports Microsoft Frameoworks. Basically I have an SSIS package with Microsoft.Sharepoint.Client reference.
I found this link:
You can install SharePoint Client Components SDK on an Azure SQL VM that has already SSIS installed. You can also install the SharePoint Online client components.

Was BlobEncryptionPolicy removed for azure storage?

I'm trying to use client side encryption for azure to securely upload files to blob storage in .NET,
However it seems that BlobEncryptionPolicy is not available and I have not seen any documentation specifying alternative solutions from microsoft.
Even their documentation still uses BlobEncryptionPolicy:
Client-Side Encryption and Azure Key Vault for Microsoft Azure Storage
Specifically i'm inside of a xamarin project using the latest .net version.
If i create a sample console app, I can reference BlobEncryptionPolicy without any issues. However the same nuget package inside a xamarin shared project can not resolve the reference to BlobEncryptionPolicy under the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob namespace.
Does anyone know what is going on here?
There are some differences between Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage package depending on .net core and the one depending on .net framework.
You may have developed your Xamarin project based on .net core, where BlobEncryptionPolicy is not supported(this method doesn't exist in the dll).
As when you create a console app(.net framework), you can use the encryption. If you build a console app(.net core), you will find no such method as well.
An open issue on github about this, saying the encryption for .net core is coming soon.
You can change your targetframework to use it if .net core is not necessary for your development.
