How to import an npm module that has a Typescript main file in Typescript? - node.js

I can't figure out what's the proper way of importing a Typescript npm module.
Here's how I'm trying to do it:
module package.json
"name": "my-module",
"main": "src/myModule.ts"
module src/myModule.ts
export module MyModule {
// Code inside
code using the npm module
import { MyModule } from 'my-module'; // Doesn't work
import { MyModule } = require('my-module'); // Doesn't work.
The module is installed as a dependency in the package.json, and for example I can do
import { MyModule } from '../node_modules/my-module/src/myModule.ts';
But obviously this isn't great. What I want is a way to just import any exports that are in the main module file, but it doesn't seem possible.

The 'main' in package.json is useful only to packaging tools like webpack or the build tool of angular-cli. It is used to select different bundles according to the user's needs: ES6, ES5, UMD...
TypeScript ignores that. You need to specify the file you want, exactly as if you were refering to your own project:
import { MyModule } from 'my-module/src/myModule';
What other libraries like Angular do is to create a barrel, a file usually called 'index.ts' or 'index.d.ts', that imports and exports all types in the library.
The advantage of this is that, if you create a index.d.ts file in the root of my-module:
export { MyModule } from './src/myModule';
// other exports
You can simply do this:
import {MyModule} from 'my-module'
As typescript, when importing from a folder, automatically uses a index.ts or index.d.ts file.

You should use "types" property instead of "main" property with typescript modules. How TypeScript resolves modules


"Cannot use import statement outside a module" without "type: module"

I've NodeJS app whit many file like this:
import '#babel/polyfill'
import app from './app'
./app is a js file: app.js and #babel/polyfill is a npm package
When I try to start my app with npm run dev i got this error:
SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module
I've seen that you can use "type": "module" on package.json to solve the problem
But this causes another problem:
Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module './app' imported from /boot.js
I have many file that import modules and other files like that so i can't change them all
How do I keep the two type fo import?
If you only import babel like that you can setup babel for global import
This is .babelrc file on root folder:
"presets": [

How can I dynamically import both commonJS and ES6 modules from the same node CLI?

I have looked through many similar questions on SO, and haven't found a clear answer.
I'm writing an npm CLI tool which is supposed to dynamically import a specified module and run some operations on that module's exports.
In my npm package, I have specified "type": "module" and my binary is bin/generator.mjs.
The way I'm trying to use it is: ❯ ./bin/generator.mjs path/to/test-module.js [other args] - and then in the generator I do:
const modulePath = "file://" + path.resolve(inputFilename);
const objs = await import(modulePath);
With this configuration, I can specify an ES6 module on the command line, and the generator works fine, however, if I specify a CommonJS module, I get:
const Library = require('some-library');
ReferenceError: require is not defined
Here are my two test files:
ES6 module
import Library from 'some-library';
export const person = { firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Mortimer };
CommonJS module
const Library = require('some-library');
const person = { firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Mortimer };
module.exports.person = person;
So then I tried having two different binaries - generator for ES6 modules, and generator-cjs for CommonJS ones - I modified the original to use requires in place of import, however, the bin/generator.mjs continues to work fine, but the bin/generator.cjs throws this error:
Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: Must use import to load ES Module: [...]/test-module.js
require() of ES modules is not supported.
require() of [...]/test-module.js from [...]/bin/generator.cjs is an ES module file as it is a .js file whose nearest parent package.json contains "type": "module" which defines all .js files in that package scope as ES modules.
Instead rename test-module.js to end in .cjs, change the requiring code to use import(), or remove "type": "module" from [...]/package.json.
If I remove "type": "module" from my package.json, both generator and generator-cjs work on CommonJS files, but generator throws this error on ES6 modules:
throw new Error('Unexpected import statement in CJS module.');
Error: Unexpected import statement in CJS module.
Ideally: I want to have one binary that can import both CommonJS and ES6 modules dynamically.
If you have read through this far - thank you.
Do you have any ideas on how I can resolve this? Let me know if you want me to try things to provide more information.
Edit: I should mention that converting the CommonJS modules to ES6 is not an option as there are nearly a hundred CJS ones, and they have complicated dependency chains that will take time to unravel.

How to import module from node_modules?

Inside node_modules there is directory:
With files:
How to use this module using import?
I have tried:
import import * as d from 'data/lib';
I says that:
`index.d.ts' is not a module
File `index.d.ts' is empty
You need an index.d.ts beside the index.js. You need to generate a build from your .ts files to be able to import it in other projects. There is a property on tsconfig.json called declaration that you can set to true, and then when you call tsc to generate your build, it will create the .d.ts files automatically for you. Take a look.

Babel ES6: Import node modules that need to be transpiled in ES6 as well

I am importing a node module correctly but run into an issue where the node module I am importing is written in es6 and babel is unable to transpile it.
In base class header:
import foo from 'bar/lib/foo';
in foo.js in node modules:
import Debug from 'debug';
export default class foo from bar {
Error Message:
import Debug from 'debug';
SyntaxError: Unexpected token import
As you can see it is able to find the file foo.js but it is not running the node module in es6. How can I have Babel transpile both the base code as well as the node module that it is trying to import?
Do you have a file .babelrc with this content?
"presets": ["es2015"],
"plugins": []
You can check an example here:
The node module should be compiled separately from your source code. If you are using an external lib, they should have a directory with the transpiled code. If you are writing your own, you need to use npm link and compile it separately.
If the node module already has a transpiled directory (like dist), you could try importing the transpiled code into the node module:
import foo from 'bar/dist/foo';

Typescript import ts file from node module

Maybe it's a duplicate but I've searched for an hour and haven't found the answer.
I have a node module named a-module which contains some .ts files (for example a.ts)
I have another node module b-module which has a-module among its dependencies.
I want to import some .ts file from a-module to b-module.
In some file within b-module I write:
import a = require('a-module/a');
When then I'm trying to compile b-module with tsc, is says
Cannot find external module 'a-module/a'.
What am I doing wrong?
P.S. I have ArcticTypescript plugin for SublimeText, and seems that it is enough intelligent to find a-module/a. Why then tsc doesn't manage to locate my file?
P.P.S My file structure looks like that
I'm trying to import a.ts to b.ts.
import a = require('a-module/a');
You need to either use relative paths i.e. ../a-module/a or declare it for TypeScript explicitly i.e. declare module "a-module/a".
