Azure Trigger Function does not schedule in Slots (preview) - azure

I have a function app with three Timer Trigger functions in it. I want to use the staging/production functionality provided by the Slots (preview), so I set up the VSTS deployment for two separate branches. The primary function app polls master and the slot polls a branch called staging.
The problem is that when I start the function app, the main functions schedule and run, but the Slot functions don't seem to get scheduled to run at all. Things I've tried:
I set the hosts.json file for each with a separate 'id' field to avoid a conflict on the locks that determine whether or not they can run. Looking in the storage account, I can see a folder for each app (the main and the slot) and a folder for each function, which I think means they shouldn't be using the same locks.
Use a separate storage account for the Slot app
Stop the main function app while keeping the Slot app running
Can anyone tell me what might be wrong with my setup or if there's a known bug with Slots (preview) preventing this from working?


How to copy a Azure function from one deployment slot to another?

I have an Azure Function App with a single function.
I created a Deployment Slot.
I'd like to copy the function to this Deployment Slot.
( In other words I'd like to duplicate the Function App. )
Is this possible ?
Note that Swap is not the same because the Deployment Slot initially starts out with no functions.
We gave up slots - swapping/moving/"deploying" between them is actually a deploy so you just get a worse deploy experience overall, poor API and not enough control.
I believe to get what you're after you need to deploy the function again, specifying the other slot and then you have what you want.
We've found a better solution is:
ignore slots, they're constant pain, failure and instability
create 2x resource groups my-function-prod, my-function-dev and put a Function App in each of those
use Github Actions + Github releases to deploy to either the dev or prod Function

Turn On Function (Resource) at a Specific Time of The Day

We have over 20 functions inside one function in each environment and yes I'm aware of the timer trigger. What I'm looking for is a way to turn on the azure function resource itself (not the functions inside the function) at a specific time of the day, and turn off the azure function resource itself at a specific time of the day.
We tried looking for a way to do this in through azure devops CI pipeline (which is usually how we turn on and off the azure function resource itself) as you can see here but its not yet supported atm
You can use the Azure App Service Actions within a Logic App to Create schedule-based and recurring automation workflows with Azure Logic Apps.
These actions can also (re)start or stop an Azure Function App.
The example in the screenshot runs once every day at 12:00 and starts the Function App called gtmooaf01.

One Azure Function in one repo deployed in multiple Azure App Services

Can I deploy one Azure time trigger function from one repo to multiple App Services?
Currently I have a repo with one Azure function in it (name Function1, runs every few mins).
I have 5 customers, I have a database for each customer and therefore I have 5 connection strings. Each customer requires me to host the function in isolated environment independent from the other customers.
The function "Function1" does the same logic for each of my customers. It just accesses a different database for each using the different connection string.
Therefore, I created 5 App Services: Function1-Customer1, Function1-Customer2, ... to satisfy the "independent environment requirement".
Each App Service has the unique db connection string assigned in the App Settings.
I tried to deploy the "Function1" to all these 5 App Services. However, when then going to see the Log Stream for any of the App Services it seems that only one instance of that function is running, depending on which App Service deployed last.
So for example, if Function1-Customer1 deployed last and I go to Function1-Customer2 or Function1-Customer3 to see the Log Streams, both outputs a conn string of Function1-Customer1. If Function1-Customer2 deployed last then I would see its conn string in all other App Services.
Is it possible to deploy the Function1 to serve all these 5 App Services? Or do I need a different architecture here?
The functions coordinate by obtaining leases in the underlying blob storage. If two function apps end up fighting over the same lease, they will block each other even though they are supposed to do different things. You can explore this by looking at the blobs in the underlying storage account an check the "lease" status.
Based on our discussion in the comments, I would recommend to use a dedicated storage account for each function app. I would not recommend AzureFunctionsWebHost__hostid or similar solutions, since it adds more complexity.
For each trigger Azure function manages it's own queue in Azure Queue Storage. You can use single function app and trigger 5 different tasks for each customer or you can create separate Azure storage account for each function app.

v2 Azure Function with Service Bus trigger not firing

I am using Azure Functions V2 with a Service Bus trigger using 1.0.23 of the C# Functions SDK. I'm using the following approach to get secrets from KeyVault and use them within the settings of the triggers: How to map Azure Functions secrets from Key Vault automatically
The function, especially when it has done nothing for a while, doesn't fire when there are messages on the subscription. If I then go to the portal and execute manually (yes, that particular execution is fired with a null message) it kicks it into life and picks up the other messages on the queue and processes them correctly.
This obviously isn't ideally for our automated tests. Has anybody seen this, or know of anything that will help?
Also, the Function App is running on a consumption plan.
App Service Plan
If you're using App Service plan then it's simple, just make use of Always on
Consumption Plan
If you're using Consumption plan, the issue could be that your triggers did not sync properly with the Azure Infrastructure (Central Listener). It could have happened due to the way you deployed/edited your trigger related settings as explained in issue #210 below.
When you access the function directly from Portal, it might be forcing your function app to come alive, but as you can see that's only a workaround. Something similar is mentioned here
Take a look at these issues:
Service Bus Topic Trigger goes to sleep - Consumption Plan
They also mention that it wakes up only on accessing it via the portal or calling a HTTP triggered function in the same app, which is similar to the behavior you are seeing.
Issue #210
Issue #681
There are 3 suggested ways to resolve it, mentioned as part of Issue #210 above
In order to synchronize triggers when these deployment options are
used, open the Azure Portal and click the Refresh button, or make a
API call to the sync triggers endpoint:
Powershell sample:
I've had a similar issue. ServiceBus connection was injected using ServiceBus value in ConnectionStrings section of Function configuration. This is enough when Function is in hot state but after transitioning to cold state AzureWebJobsServiceBus value is used to connect to service bus. So in my case setting AzureWebJobsServiceBus to ServiceBus connection string in Function configuration fixed this.

Azure Functions (Node.js) showing wrong Invocation Log in Kudu

Summary: I have 2 different Azure Function Apps (Node.js), sharing a single file storage account, however if I go into the Kudu Invocation Logs for either of them I see the entries from both Apps.
Here is my setup:
1 File Storage (shared by both Function Apps)
Service Bus 1 (sb-prod), with a single queue (somequeue)
Service Bus 2 (sb-staging), with a single queue (somequeue)
Function App 1 (func-prod), with a single function (somefunc)
Function App 2 (func-staging), with a single function (somefunc)
Both func-prod and func-staging are setup for continuous deployment from the same Bitbucket repo, but different branches
When a message is received in sb-prod it triggers somefunc in func-prod
When a message is received in sb-staging it triggers somefunc in func-staging
Note that the queue name and function name are the same in both prod and staging. That all seems to work fine. However if I go into Kudu and look at the Invocation Logs for debugging, it shows the execution of functions across both Function Apps (prod and staging shown in the logs for both). It is not respecting the folder structure on the file storage to only show the logs from the appropriate App. As far as I can tell, this is only a log viewing issue, and the functions aren't being run twice or messages being sent to the wrong function app. Any ideas on how to fix this? Or is this a bug and I would need to add a second storage account to fix it so that Kudu doesn't get confused? Is there any risk with this setup that messages from staging service bus end up in the prod app or vice versa?
By 'Kudu', I assume you mean the WebJobs Dashboard (not related to Kudu). The behavior you are seeing is quirky, but is in fact by design. See for more info.
The best is to use App Insights instead of the WebJobs Dashboard
If you must use the WebJobs Dashboard, use distinct storage accounts
