Nodejs shared server hosting - node.js

I want to purchase shared hosting with node js support. Can you provide us company name which support nodejs on shared server.
Thanks in advance.

You have many options out there. It depends on what you want to do but I would go for:
Heroku: It has a free option and it's compatible with integration testing tools like Travis. You can easily configure databases and also create environment variables easily
Glitch: It's also for free and you can just start programming because the server is already configured. I usually use this service when I want to try some small projects on node.js and I need a server to share what I'm doing.


Hosting multiple nodejs on same server/domain name

I'm intending to host an online portfolio and I have several node.js projects I'd like to host.
So I'd like to host one project on and the other on
Do I need to use a single nodejs process to do this, or is it possible to have each of my separate nodejs projects running independently?
Is it possible to assign a nodejs process to each subdomain?
A better approach will be to host your NodeJS projects independently and then use the domain(hosted and provided by platform) to Custom Sub-Domain(created by you) pointing to point each of your projects to custom subdomains like This will provide you the flexibility to deploy your node applications on Heroku, AWS or any other hosting environment.
Thus you get freedom of choosing your own hosting platform and can have as many projects hosted as needed. I have attached an architecture diagram for the same and the link to the original document. Also please note that this is just a sample, and your design may vary as per your specific requirements
You can refer this Arc diagram for more details.
You can use nginx or apache http for host each project or create a path that contains sub paths for each one.
Here come references:
Apache http
nginx hosting

deploy node.js app to an actual website

Here's a noob question. I made a small app in node.js and to see it I have to go to localhost:4000 in my web browser. How can I publish it in an actual website that everybody can see? I already have a domain name and a hosting service.
Thanks in advance
Your hosting service may not actually support Node. If it doesn't let you install and run your own software then you may be out of luck.
Generally you have few options:
You can host it yourself on your own machine but it will not be as easy and efficient as using a service for hosting, unless you have a high quality symmetric internet connection with low latency and high bandwidth.
You can host it cheaply on a VPS using Digital Ocean, Vultr or AWS in which case you will have to configure Node yourself and install all of the databases and other software that you need.
Or you can use managed platforms like Heroku for Node (and Compose for databse like Mongo that you will probably also need) in which case the price will be higher but everything will be taken care of for you.
It depends on what costs are you willing to take, both in terms of service fees and your time and expertise needed to configure and maintain different layers of the system.
IMO the simplest way to deploy a Node app is with Heroku. You can find the documentation here.
It's free, and basically just requires that you create an app and then push your code to Heroku. It takes care of the rest for you!

How to host nodejs application with

I have build an chat application using nodejs with mysql database. I have developed on my windows system and it works fine.
Now I want to make it live on a server to check its real time performance, As a beginner I don't know which server hosting should I choose to develop nodejs application, so someone please suggest me a hosting for nodejs application?
If you want something relatively easy to test on, Heroku will provide you with a free instance.
I can also recommend Azure over Amazon for a simple nodejs based app. The main reason is that Azure has a very simplified interface for deploying node apps after a little bit of minor setup. Amazon offers similar capabilities, but the last time I looked at them they aren't quite as simple to get up and running. Again, they're competitive in cost and reliability, this is just a subjective opinion on what I think will be easier for a dev to get up and running without prior experience.
I use Dokku, an open source solution for a Heroku like PaaS. Either of those are great for doing git style deployments. Heroku has better documentation, and doesn't require your own server so I would start with them.

hostgator vps level 1 & node.js

I've acquired a hostgator vps level 1 account to use with node.js development. But when it comes to servers I'm a bit of a noob so I was wondering if the more experienced developer could give me suggestion of to setup my new account to work best with node.js. What would you recommend me to install. Apache? Python? Php? and so on?
Would you recommend me to use Haraka as an email server?
I'm planning to use this server for websites and services with node.js as the backend.
Any suggestions would be appreciated and could possible be good for other getting the same type of account. =)
PHP and Python have no relation to Node.js/Javascript. Remember that, unlike PHP apps which rely on a third party web server (i.e. Apache/Nginx/IIS), Node.js apps act as their own web server. If you don't need Apache, don't install it. It takes up resources and will most likely be listening on port 80 (preventing your node app from doing so).
Node requires only a very minimal environment. You should install Node.js, and probably a C++ compiler. Other than that, it simply depends on what you need for your particular app.
There are lots of resources for how to get started with node. For example:

Nodejs hosting for site, not based on express ? :)

I made a small website on nodejs, without using any framework, just including simple modules, only for the needs of the site.
And now, when the time for deploy has come - all the hosting variants I can find require express.
Do you know any that doesn't?
EDIT: I forgot to mention that it uses mysql, so I'll need mysql, and also uses imagemagick. But of course, I can check these two on the specific hosting providers ... just have to overcome the first obstacle - the requirement of express.
Try, It has more features than Heroku or other nodejs hosting sites.
You can go for a paid VPS (Virtual Private Server)
and Setup the environment as you want.
There are plenty of those out there like digitalocean, Amazon AWS,etc.
Did you try heroku ?
Or you can buy a server by Amazon AWS or Rackspace.
Depends on how much work you want to do and the price. if you don't mind setting up a VPS there's If you want simple (PaaS) there's, or
