Dockerizing Nodejs dependencies for Gitlab CI - node.js

I'm using Gitlab CI in order to implement CI for my Node.js app. I'm already using artifacts and sharing the dependencies between jobs, however, I would like to make it faster. Every time a pipeline starts, it installs the dependencies during the first job and I'm thinking to prevent this by having all dependencies in a Docker image and pass that image to test & production stages. However, I have been unable to do so. Apparently Gitlab doesn't run the code inside my image's WORKDIR.
Following is my Dockerfile:
FROM node:6.13-alpine
WORKDIR /home/app
COPY package.json .
RUN npm install
CMD [“sh”]
And following is my gitlab-ci.yml:
image: azarboon/dependencies-test
stage: test
 — pwd
  — npm run test
Looking at logs, pwd results in /builds/anderson-martin/lambda-test, which is different from the defined WORKDIR and also installed dependencies are not found. Do you have any recommendation for me how can I Dockerize my dependencies and speed up the build stage?

Probably the easiest way to solve your issue is to symlink the node_modules folder from your base image into the gitlab CI workspace like this:
image: azarboon/dependencies-test
stage: test
 — ln -s /home/app/node_modules ./node_modules
  — npm run test
The syntax for symlinking is ln -s EXISTING_FILE_OR_DIRECTORY SYMLINK_NAME.
Please note that /home/app/ is the workspace which you´re using in your base image.
Gitlab also provides other functionality to share dependencies. On the one hand you have caching and on the other job artifacts.


How to integrate various services for building a project in GitLab CI/CD?

I have a project that requires npm and gradle for build, and docker for building and pushing the image.
At first I thought that I should create my own ubuntu image with gradle and npm setup, but I found out that is not what docker images are for.
So I hoped to run official Gradle and node images as a service so that my script can call those commands, but that is not happening for some reason.
My .gitlab-ci.yml:
IMAGE_NAME: my.registry.production/project
- build
- deploy
stage: build
image: ubuntu:jammy
- name: node:12.20
alias: npm
- name: gradle:6.3.0-jre8
alias: gradle
- git submodule init && git submodule update --remote --recursive
- cd project-server && npm install && gradle clean build -Pprod -Pwar -x test -x integrationTest
stage: deploy
image: docker:20.10.17
- name: docker:20.10.17-dind
alias: docker
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://docker:2375
- docker login -u $REGISTRY_USER -p $REGISTRY_PASSWORD my.registry.production
- docker build -t $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG .
- docker push $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG
If anyone has any info on how to solve this I would greatly appreciate it, since I’m a novice DevOps.
Edit 1:
My Dockerfile for custom image with Gradle and Node installed.
FROM ubuntu:jammy
LABEL key=DevOps
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-i", "-c"]
RUN apt update && apt upgrade -y && apt install curl -y
RUN curl -o- | bash
RUN source /root/.bashrc && nvm install 12.14.1
RUN nvm install 12.20.0
RUN apt install zip unzip
RUN curl -s "" | bash
RUN source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"
RUN sdk install java 8.0.302-open
RUN sdk install gradle 3.4.1
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "--login", "-c"]
CMD [ "bin/bash" ]
After I run it, it says that npm is not found in $PATH, I tried Java, Gradle as well but they weren't found in the path as well.
I don't know why since I installed them as you can tell from the Dockerfile.
As I know, a docker image is equal to one build. So if you have multiple services you need to build each one into docker image then you can encapsulate all images into docker-compose.yml file.
I think you can do the following:
Build the npm project into a docker image
Build the Gradle project into a docker image
Write the docker-compose.yml file and put both images.
Once you have done it, the pipeline calls the docker-compose.yml file.
I hope this will be helpful.
Consider a few suggestions based on the fundamental concepts about the deployment in your CI/CD pipeline:
Remove the services keyword. Reference GitLab's official documents on what the services keyword inside gitlab-ci.yaml file is not for. The feature is used
to provide network accessable services to your job runtime (like
a database):
Your project uses npm as a dependency management system, Gradle is
a build tool. Both of these pieces of software are more than
appropriate to run on the host operating system of the container
runtime inside GitLab's Pipeline job. You need these tools to assemble some build artifact as a result of the job on the same host your code has been downloaded on in the Runner.
Think about the overall size of the base image in your build_project job and consider how time to download the image over the network on to the Runner will impact your job and overall pipeline duration. If performance can be improved by baking build dependencies into a custom Dockerfile do this. If your image is too large, instead use shell commands inside the script keyword block to download them at the runtime of the job. There can be pros and cons for both.
Break shell scripts to one command per line for easier troubleshooting of failures in your scripts. You will be able to see the line number of the command which returned a non-zero exit code in your job logs:
- cd project-server
- npm install
- gradle clean build -Pprod -Pwar -x test -x integrationTest
It's recommended to use the Gradle wrapper (gradlew) most of the time instead of the gradle executable directly. Configure this within your project and check the configuration files for the wrapper into your version control system and this will simplify your build dependency:

How to avoid npm build node.js packages every time when creating a Docker image via Circle CI?

I deploy my Node.Js app via AWS ECS Docker container using Circle CI.
However, each time I build a new image it runs npm build (because it's in my Dockerfile) and downloads and builds all the node modules again every time. Then it uploads a new image to the AWS ECS repository.
As my environment stays the same I don't want it to build those packages every time. So do you think it is possible for Docker to actually update an existing image rather than building a new one from scratch with all the modules every time? Is this generally a good practice?
I was thinking the following workflow:
Check if there are any new Node packages compared to the previous image
If yes, run npm build
If not, just keep the old node_modules folder, don't run build and simply update the code
What would be the best way to do that?
Here's my Dockerfile
FROM node:12.18.0-alpine
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY . .
COPY package.json package-lock.json* ./
RUN npm install
RUN npm install pm2 -g
CMD [ "pm2-runtime", "ecosystem.config.js"]
My Circle CI workflow (from the ./circleci/config.yml):
version: 2.1
- test
- aws-ecr/build-and-push-image:
create-repo: true
no-output-timeout: 10m
repo: 'stage-instance'
Move the COPY . . line after the RUN npm install line.
The way Docker's layer caching works, it will skip re-running a RUN line if it knows that it's already run it. So given this Dockerfile fragment:
FROM node:12.18.0-alpine
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json package-lock.json* ./
RUN npm install
Docker keeps track of the hashes of the files it COPYs in. When it gets to the RUN line, if the image up to this point is identical to one it's previously built, it will also skip over the RUN line.
If you have COPY . . first, then if any file in your source tree changes, it will invalidate the layer cache for everything afterwards. If you only copy package.json and the lock file first, then npm install only gets re-run if either of those two files change.
(CircleCI may or may not perform the same layer caching, but "install dependencies, then copy the application in" is a typical Docker-level optimization.)

Gitlab CI - npm' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I am trying to run a CI in gitlab
image: node:latest
- deploy
stage: deploy
- npm config set prefix /usr/local
- npm install -g serverless
- serverless deploy
I am using the docker image like they suggest but it cannot find npm (or node)
How can I get this working?
Well, this is a bit weird, as your ci is correct.
If you are just using and their shared runners then this .gitlab-ci.yml will work.
One possible reason could be you have runners added as ssh/shell executors in the project repo. If so then the image tag you specified will be simply ignored.
So error like command not found could occur because of the server where you have added the runner doesn't have nodejs installed, and this error will occur for the npm config... command in before script with exit code 127 and pipeline will fail just there and stop.
If you have multiple runners then tag them and tag your jobs in ci.yml as well.
And if you are trying to run the job on your own server then you got to install docker first.
BTW for docker image node:latest you don't need npm config set prefix /usr/local as it already is /usr/local

Deploying nodejs project from gitlab ci

I am new to node.js, I was trying to deploy node.Js project via gitlab ci. But after spotting the build error in pipeline I realized I added node_modules folder to .gitignore, and I am not pushing node_modules to gitlab. And node_modules folder is 889MB locally there is no way I will push it, so what approach should I use to use node_module s folder from somewhere else.
i.e. node_modules path is always present and accessible on remote server! Do I need to include that path in package. Json
Can node_modules be maintained by using docker ? then how would I maintain to stay update specific to every project.
You are right not to check in the node_modules folder, they are automatically populated at the time you run npm install
This should be part of your build pipeline in the gitlab ci. The pipeline allows multiple steps and the ability to pass artefacts through to the next stage. In your case you want to save the node_modules folder that is created by running npm install you can then use the dependencies for tests or deployment.
Since npm v5 there is a lockfile to make sure what you are running locally will be the same as what you are running on the server
Also you can use something like rennovate to automatically update your dependancies if you want to fix them and automatically manage security updates. (rennovate is open source so can be ran on gitlab)
A really simple gitlab CI pipeline could be:
// .gitlab-ci.yml
- build
- deploy
stage: build
- npm install
name: "${CI_BUILD_REF}"
expire_in: 10 mins
- node_modules
stage: deploy
- some deploy command

Where should i run my grunt build step when building my docker image for staging and production environments?

I'm really struggling to figure out where i should put my grunt build step when building my docker image and deploying to dockerhub.
My workflow at the moment is as follows:
Push branch to github
CircleCI installs all dependencies, builds project, and runs tests on branch.
Merge branch branch to staging branch
CircleCI installs all dependencies, builds project, and runs tests on branch.
If tests pass, package the built files into the docker image with the source and also run npm install --production. CircleCI then deploys this staging image to dockerhub
Tutum is linked to dockerhub and deploys my image to DigitalOcean whenever a new image is pushed.
I do the same workflow as above, when merging to master, and a production image is created instead.
It feels a bit weird that i'm created 2 separate docker images. Is this standard practice?
I've seen quite a lot of people including the grunt/gulp build step in their dockerfiles, but that doesn't feel right either as all the devDependencies, and bower_components will then be in the image along with the built code.
What's the best practice for running build steps and building docker images? Is it better to have CI do it, or dockerhub do it from the dockerfile? I'm also after the most efficient way to create my docker image for staging and production.
Below is my circleCI.yml file, followed by my Dockerfile.
version: 4.2.1
# Set the timezeone - any value from /usr/share/zoneinfo/ is valid here
- docker
- sudo curl -L -o /usr/bin/docker ''; sudo chmod 0755 /usr/bin/docker; true
- docker --version
- sudo pip install -U docker-compose==1.4.2
- sudo pip install tutum
- npm install:
pwd: node
- npm run bower_install:
pwd: node
- npm run grunt_build:
pwd: node
- cd node && npm run test
branch: staging
- docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml build node
# - docker login -e $DOCKER_EMAIL -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS
- tutum login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS -e $DOCKER_EMAIL
- docker tag dh_node:latest${DOCKER_USER}/dh_stage:latest
- docker push${DOCKER_USER}/dh_stage:latest
branch: master
- docker-compose -f docker-compose.production.yml build node
# - docker login -e $DOCKER_EMAIL -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS
- tutum login -u $DOCKER_USER -p $DOCKER_PASS -e $DOCKER_EMAIL
- docker tag dh_node:latest${DOCKER_USER}/dh_prod:latest
- docker push${DOCKER_USER}/dh_prod:latest
FROM node:4.2
RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/app
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install --production
COPY . /usr/src/app
# Commented the following steps out, as these
# now run on CircleCI before the image is built.
# (Whether that's right, or not, i'm not sure.)
# Install bower
# RUN npm install -g bower # grunt-cli
# WORKDIR src/app
# RUN bower install --allow-root
# Expose port
# Run app using nodemon
CMD ["npm", "start"]
What's the best practice for running build steps and building docker images? Is it better to have CI do it, or dockerhub do it from the dockerfile?
It's better to run the build steps themselves outside of docker. Thus the same steps work for local development, non-docker deployment, etc. Keep your coupling to docker itself loose when you can. Thus build your artifacts with regular build tools and scripts and simply ADD built files to your docker image via your Dockerfile.
It feels a bit weird that i'm created 2 separate docker images. Is this standard practice?
I would recommend instead using exactly the image you have already built and tested on stage in production. Once you rebuild the image, you become vulnerable to discrepancies breaking your production image even though your stage image worked OK. At this point neither docker nor npm can deliver strictly reproducible builds across time, thus once it's built and tested gold, it's gold and goes to production bit-for-bit identical.
Your circle ci should download all the dependencies and then create docker image from that downloaded packages. All testing is passed with the specified dependencies and should be carry forwarded to production. Once. The image is pushed to docker hub with all dependencies and tumtum will deploy the same to your production and as the dependencies are already downloaded it will take seconds to create containers.
Answering to your second query of building the same image. I would suggest to deploy the same image to production. This will guarantee you that what worked great on staging is also working the same on production.
