NPM commands 'Aborted' if I don't run as root. - node.js

I've run into what I think is a fairly new problem - I'm running npm on my production machine and it only runs when I'm logged in as root. Otherwise, it just exits saying "Aborted". The only command I can give is npm -v which prints out 4.2.0
It seems like a permissions issue (one answer for which was to delete and re-install everything with NVM) but I hadn't seen anyone else reporting this issue of the command just exiting with "Aborted", so I wanted to see if there was something else going on before doing anything drastic.
Let me know if I can provide any additional context! Thanks, all!


''node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,' in vscode

I'm working on setting up the Suitecloud Development Framework in the NetSuite instance for my company. I've installed Node v16.13.0, npm 8.1.0, and suitecloud 1.3.1.
Running node -v, npm -v, etc. all works from cmd but will throw a not recognized error when I use the terminal in VSCode.
I can get my VSCode to identify node with
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\Nodejs;%PATH%
but this only fixes it for the session and still doesn't give me access to run anything from suitecloud.
I've checked my Environment Variables as per every other help section I've found for this issue but I have 'C:\Program Files\nodejs' in both my user PATH variable any my system PATH variable.
I've tried running VSCode as Admin on the off chance that would fix it, but that didn't solve anything either.
Thank you for your time, hopefully I'm overlooking something simple due to my inexperience with the terminal.
Leaving VSCode overnight and then rebooting seems to have fixed it. I can't explain why, but if you're encountering the same issue I recommend walking away and coming back to it after a long delay.

When I try to execute 'npx create-next-app', the installation never ends

I'm trying to create a new NextJS app, but the command npx create-next-app <name> never ends. It installs a few files along the way (including node_modules/), then after a while, among all the great lines that a CMD shows, it displays an installation line that never ends. When I try to cancel the installation, I must restart my PC completely.
Note: the last line is always beginning with "reify:something: timing ... Completed in Xms"
My problem
I've tried to reinstall NodeJS, It did not change a single thing.
I've tried to delete the cache, nothing changed.
I have used npm in the past and it always worked fine, I have absolutely no idea why it doesn't work now.
Please help me, I don't know what to do, except to throw my PC out the window.
I'm on Windows 10, using npm 7.24.1 with node v14.17.6
Finally, I fixed my problem thanks to Marcel Herd: I installed WSL 2 and from now on I'll use Ubuntu on Windows to execute npm commands.
However, I have still no idea why I had to do such a thing...
Thank you
If you are interested, here are links that helped me:

NPM command (on Windows 10) returns no result

As you saw in the title the command npm does not return anything (as in returning to input again) but is a registered command on Powershell. I have tried removing all nodejs and npm folders and retrying installing it with utilities like nvm, but none of them seem to work. As far as I have checked there is no log output.
Never mind. I found out what was wrong, my CMD was being blocked by a registry key, deleted that and it worked. Thank you!

strange npm problem, command never finishes, hangs forever

This is windows 10, node-v10.15.3-x64.msi install.
using either command prompt or power shell I type npm and nothing happens and it doesn't bomb or returns to the prompt. Just the little blinking dot that lies to me saying it is doing something. When I stop being fascinated by this blinking dot and hit control c it says Terminate batch job (y/n) ? y gives me back my prompt. Obviously there was some process running but I am not getting a functioning program. Any ideas? I know this is the head scratch kind of problem that does not usually get answered but I can't be so special nobody else has this happen.
What underlying tech does npm rely on? python?
Ok with help from the other thread I got it figured out.
Yes I screwed with prefix to my detriment. The reason why I kept going round and round deleting and reinstalling is I missed .npmrc in my user directory. The prefix in it was set to a path that no longer existed. I deleted my profile .npmrc and it started working again. I have now learned that is the file to edit to set prefix and cache.
Now the structure of the nodejs stock install for npm is bizarre imho. The npm executables are in the nodejs directory. Node itself is installed nodejs/node_modules/npm. The npm modules are path nodejs/node_modules/npm/node_modules.
Initially I changed my personal .npmrc to this contents
prefix="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm"
cache="C:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm"
This stopped npm from installing into my appdata/roaming directory but it kept bombing because it could not create the cache directories because it was in Program Files
But I was happy because it was trying to install global into one directory instead of my profile roaming. The main reason I started this odyssey is I wanted global modules in ONE location.
So what I did was moving nodejs from program files to another directory.
change my profile .npmrc to this
changed the path entry for nodejs in paths in system properties / advanced / environmental variables / system variables / path to C:\nodejs.
I also keep deleting path in the top path in user variables but it seems to keep coming back like Freddy Krueger. Doesn't seem to do any harm now though.
A lot of examples try to set prefix to nodejs\npm. Maybe that was kosher at one time but now the npm executable called npm is in the nodejs root directory.
Okay I am not a tech writer but I hope this will provide clues to other clueless like me. Cheers!

Jenkins build step fails when calling "npm" on mac-os-x Yosemite

Before I start, I want to say that I already checked these answers:
Jenkins build step fails on 'npm install <whatever>'
Jenkin's build failing on npm install
Now, I'm dealing with this issue for a while already and thus I tried a bunch of stuff.
Firstly, I installed node + npm via homebrew. A simple $ node -v and $ npm -v echoed the version v0.10.36 for node and v2.3.* for npm, which also means I HAVE THEM IN THE PATH and they work while called in the terminal.
Simply adding node -v; npm -v to the execute shell in Jenkins didn't do it. After a bit of tinkering I copied what $: which node yielded in the terminal to the above mentioned script, which now looked like this: /usr/local/bin/node and apparently that worked. The Jenkins build succeeded and 'node-v0.10.36' was proudly displayed in the console output.
When doing the same for 'npm' which happened to be /usr/local/bin/npm --version the computing gods weren't so merciful anymore. A big 'env: node: No such file or directory' error was thrown this time and the whole build failed.
The actual command that fails is
$ /bin/sh -xe /var/folders/wr/g_dl81tn5_x0t_yz3jw602cr0000gn/T/ and "surprisingly" when I run the same command in the terminal it succeeds.
I also uninstalled the homebrew node & npm versions and installed them afterwards via the package manager. Same results.
Ultimately I also did this:, with no luck.
I'm running Jenkins 1.613 and tried with 1.5**
I didn't create a "Jenkins" specific user but instead I'm using the admin. This happens to be the same user that Jenkins runs, since the who am i command inside the executable script yields the admin's user name.
sudo'ing doens't help
I'm also running the whole thing in a Virtual Environment - vagrant
I'm not running Jenkins as a deamon, as it's conflicting with xtools, but as a simple process
I also tried out jenkins-node plugin with various configs (can detail if needed)
Thanks a lot for your help, and let me know if you need any other info, screenshots, logs, etc.
I found my own solution. The problem was that the PATH although visible in shell was not exported for the Jenkins job, and so, the first workaround, as found here, was to export it in the actual script like so:
but this feels like a hack!
The right and elegant solution is to use Jenkins EnvInject Plugin and export the path in the added Properties content textarea on the configuration page, like so:
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Global properties -> Environment variables
