Print permutation tree python3 - python-3.x

I have list of numbers and I need to create tree and print all permutations, e.g. for [1, 2, 3] it should print
Currently my code prints first element only once:
How do I fix it?
class Node(object):
def __init__(self):
self.children = None = None
self.depth = None
class PermutationTree(object):
def __init__(self, numbers):
numbers = list(set(numbers))
self.depth = len(numbers)
self.tree = self.generate_root(numbers)
self.create_tree(numbers, self.tree.children, 1)
def generate_root(self, numbers):
root = Node()
root.children = []
root.depth = 0
for i in numbers:
tree = Node() = i
tree.depth = 1
return root
def create_tree(self, numbers, children, depth):
depth += 1
if depth == self.depth + 1:
for child in children:
reduced_numbers = list(numbers)
child.children = []
for j in reduced_numbers:
tree = Node() = j
tree.depth = depth
self.create_tree(reduced_numbers, child.children, depth)
def print_tree(self):
def print(self, node):
for i in node.children:
print(, end="")
if not i.depth == self.depth:
test = [1, 2, 3]
permutation_tree = PermutationTree(test)

This is pretty good example showing why side effects should be done in as few places as possible.
Side effects everywhere
Your approach is like this: "I will print one digit every time it is needed." This approach gives you limited control over side effects. Your code prints many times in different recursion depths and it's hard to keep track of what is going on.
Side effects in as few places as possible
Another approach to this problem is creating side effects in one place. "I will generate all permutations first and then print them." Such a code is easier to debug and can give you better control of what is going on in your code.
If you write your code like this:
def print_tree(self): # this function takes care about printing
for path in self.generate_path(self.tree):
def generate_perm(self, node): #this function takes care about generating permutations
if not node.children:
return [str(]
app_str = str( if else ""
res= []
for child in node.children:
for semi_path in self.generate_perm(child):
res.append (app_str + semi_path)
return res
generate_perm can be rewritten to be more efficient with yields.


How to walk a tree until a node is found, summing up attributes along the way

I'm building a tree with arbitrary structure. Leaves of the tree have a particular attribute that no other nodes have. I'm trying to come up with a way to traverse the tree to find a particular leaf and keep a running sum of the attributes of the leaves I've visited. I need the cumulative sum of the leaves I've visited that are not the leaf I'm searching for, as well as the attribute of the leaf I am trying to find. I need it to search left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
An example tree might look something like this:
My Node class is:
class Node:
def __init__(self, name, children=[], **kwargs):
self.__dict__.update(kwargs) = name
self.children = children
def insert(self, child):
If I built the example tree as
l1 = Node("leaf1", attr=1)
l2 = Node("leaf2", attr=2)
n2 = Node("node2", children=[l1, l2])
l3 = Node("leaf3", attr=3)
l4 = Node("leaf4", attr=4)
n1 = Node("node1", children=[n2, l3, l4])
l6 = Node("leaf6", attr=6)
n4 = Node("node4", children=[l6])
l5 = Node("leaf5", attr=5)
l7 = Node("leaf7", attr=7)
n3 = Node("node3", children=[l5, n4, l7])
root = Node("root", children=[n1, n3])
and I wanted to search_node(root, "leaf4"), I'd expect a result of (6, 4) - the first element of the tuple is the sum of all leaves visited that were not leaf 4, and the second element is the attribute attached to leaf 4. search_node(root, "leaf1") would result in (0, 1), as there were no leaves visited that were not leaf 1.
Here's the code that I have so far:
def search_node(node, search_name):
cum_sum = 0
if node.children:
for child in node.children:
if == search_name:
return (cum_sum, child.attr)
subtree_attr_sum, node_attr = search_node(child, search_name)
if node_attr is not None:
return (subtree_attr_sum, node_attr)
cum_sum += subtree_attr_sum
return (cum_sum, None)
return (node.attr, None)
It seems to work on the left half of the tree, but not on the right half. Admittedly, this code is ugly and could probably be reduced.
Okay. A one-line modification in your code:
def search_node(node, search_name):
cum_sum = 0
if node.children:
for child in node.children:
if == search_name:
return (cum_sum, child.attr)
subtree_attr_sum, node_attr = search_node(child, search_name)
if node_attr is not None:
return (cum_sum + subtree_attr_sum, node_attr) # THIS LINE
cum_sum += subtree_attr_sum
return (cum_sum, None)
return (node.attr, None)
You made an oversight. You're not adding the cumulative sum to the result you got via recursion.
Also, a possible bug in your logic: Why are you not checking the root as well?

why is siftdown working in heapsort, but not siftup?

I have a programming assignment as follows:
You will need to convert the array into a heap using only O(n) swaps, as was described in the lectures. Note that you will need to use a min-heap instead of a max-heap in this problem. The first line of the output should contain single integer m — the total number of swaps. m must satisfy conditions 0 ≤ m ≤ 4n. The next m lines should contain the swap operations used to convert the array a into a heap. Each swap is described by a pair of integers i,j — the 0-based indices of the elements to be swapped
I have implemented a solution using sifting up technique by comparing with parent's value which gave solutions to small text cases, when number of integers in array is less than 10,verified by manual checking, but it could not pass the test case with 100000 integers as input.
this is the code for that
class HeapBuilder:
def __init__(self):
self._swaps = [] #array of tuples or arrays
self._data = []
def ReadData(self):
n = int(input())
self._data = [int(s) for s in input().split()]
assert n == len(self._data)
def WriteResponse(self):
for swap in self._swaps:
print(swap[0], swap[1])
def swapup(self,i):
if i !=0:
if self._data[int((i-1)/2)]> self._data[i]:
self._data[int((i-1)/2)], self._data[i] = self._data[i],self._data[int((i-1)/2)]
def GenerateSwaps(self):
for i in range(len(self._data)-1,0,-1):
def Solve(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
heap_builder = HeapBuilder()
on the other hand i have implemented a heap sort using sifting down technique with similar comparing process, and this thing has passed every test case.
following is the code for this method
class HeapBuilder:
def __init__(self):
self._swaps = [] #array of tuples or arrays
self._data = []
def ReadData(self):
n = int(input())
self._data = [int(s) for s in input().split()]
assert n == len(self._data)
def WriteResponse(self):
for swap in self._swaps:
print(swap[0], swap[1])
def swapdown(self,i):
n = len(self._data)
min_index = i
l = 2*i+1 if (2*i+1<n) else -1
r = 2*i+2 if (2*i+2<n) else -1
if l != -1 and self._data[l] < self._data[min_index]:
min_index = l
if r != - 1 and self._data[r] < self._data[min_index]:
min_index = r
if i != min_index:
self._swaps.append((i, min_index))
self._data[i], self._data[min_index] = \
self._data[min_index], self._data[i]
def GenerateSwaps(self):
for i in range(len(self._data)//2 ,-1,-1):
def Solve(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
heap_builder = HeapBuilder()
can someone explain what is wrong with sift/swap up method?
Trying to build a heap by "swapping up" from the bottom won't always work. The resulting array will not necessarily be a valid heap. For example, consider this array: [3,6,2,4,5,7,1]. Viewed as tree that is:
4 2
6 5 7 1
Your algorithm starts at the last item and swaps up towards the root. So you swap 1 with 2, and then you swap 1 with 3. That gives you:
4 3
6 5 7 2
You then continue with the rest of the items, none of which have to be moved.
The result is an invalid heap: that last item, 2, should be the parent of 3.
The key here is that the swapping up method assumes that when you've processed a[i], then the item that ends up in that position is in its final place. Contrast that to the swap down method that allows repeated adjustment of items that are lower in the heap.

How yield works in Inorder traversal with recursive generator?

I am learning about recursive generators and found this program on web.
I undertand the recursive version of In-Order traversal but i am having trouble understanding recursive generator.
Specifically i am not able to understand
why 'yield x' is written in for loop?
Why 'yield x' is not collected in final list?
I have tried to dubug the generator and added the watch but i found that recursive call execute multiple time 'yield x' and it's not collected in final result.
class Tree:
def __init__(self, label, left=None, right=None):
self.label = label
self.left = left
self.right = right
def __repr__(self, level=0, indent=" "):
s = level*indent + repr(self.label)
if self.left:
s = s + "\\n" + self.left.__repr__(level+1, indent)
if self.right:
s = s + "\\n" + self.right.__repr__(level+1, indent)
return s
def __iter__(self):
return inorder(self)
def tree(list):
n = len(list)
if n == 0:
return []
i = n // 2
return Tree(list[i], tree(list[:i]), tree(list[i + 1:]))
# Recursive Generator
def inorder(t):
if t:
for x in inorder(t.left):
yield x
yield t.label
for x in inorder(t.right):
yield x
Role of yield x inside for loop.
Maybe what you don't understand is how the generator works? The generator is different from the iterator, it is not directly calculating the worthy collection, it is dynamically getting all the values. If the result of inorder(t.left) is not traversed by a for loop, then yield inorder(t.left) will return the entire generator created for t.left. Because your entire inorder function is a generator.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find a specific description document. This is a description based on my experience. Others are welcome to make corrections to my opinion. If someone can provide a specific official description, welcome to add
Not sure exactly what you're looking for, but perhaps it is something along these lines:
class Tree:
def __init__(self, label, left=None, right=None):
self.label = label
self.left = left
self.right = right
def __repr__(self, level=0, indent=" "):
s = level*indent + repr(self.label)
if self.left:
s = s + "\n" + self.left.__repr__(level+1, indent)
if self.right:
s = s + "\n" + self.right.__repr__(level+1, indent)
return s
def __iter__(self):
return inorder(self)
def tree(list):
n = len(list)
if n == 0:
return []
i = n // 2
return Tree(list[i], tree(list[:i]), tree(list[i + 1:]))
def inorder(t):
if t:
for x in t.left:
yield x
yield t.label
for x in t.right:
yield x
t = tree("ABCDEFG")
[print(i.label) for i in t]
which outputs:
With that code you could instead:
[print('----------\n', i) for i in t]
which outputs each hierarchical node in the tree, from A to G.
Edit: If you're asking how generator works, perhaps this example could be enlightening:
>>> def list2gen(lst):
... for elem in lst:
... yield str(elem) + '_'
>>> print(list2gen([1,2,'7',-4]))
<generator object list2gen at 0x000001B0DEF8B0C0>
>>> print(list(list2gen([1,2,'7',-4])))
['1_', '2_', '7_', '-4_']
If your debugger breaks multiple times at a yield, but those elements never materialize in the resulting generator, you'd have to attribute that to bugs in the debugger. I've not used one for Python in more than a decade; they used to be notoriously bug-infested. In Python the paradigm is "test is king," and "avoid manual debugging," but I disagree with that. (The only reason I don't is lack of great IDE's and debuggers.)

how to multiply all numbers in a stack

Trying to multiply all the numbers in a stack, I originally thought of popping all elements into a list and then multiplying but wasn't sure how to/ if that was right.
this is my current code but I'm getting:
TypeError: 'method' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.
def multi_stack(s):
stack = Stack()
mult = 1
size = my_stack.size
for number in range(size):
tmp = my_stack.pop(size)
mult = mult * tmp
for number in range(size):
I made a test case aswell
my_stack = Stack()
this should print out :
The Stack class I'm using
class Stack():
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def is_empty(self):
return self.items == []
def push(self,items):
return self.items.append(items)
def pop(self):
if self.is_empty() == True:
raise IndexError("The stack is empty!")
return self.items.pop()
def peek(self):
if self.is_empty() == True:
raise IndexError("The stack is empty!")
return self.items[len(self.items) - 1]
def size(self):
return len(self.items)
Python lists support append() and pop() methods that allow you to replicate LIFO stack behavior. Use append() to add to the end and pop() to remove the last element.
However, the underlying data structure is still a list. You can use many things to multiply a list together. for example, assuming a non-empty list:
import functools
mylist = [i for i in range(1, 10)]
product = functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, mylist)
mylist = [i for i in range(1, 10)]
product = mylist[0]
for j in mylist[1:]:
product *= j
EDIT: Here is an example using your Stack class:
import functools
stack = Stack()
def multi_stack(s):
s: a Stack() object
return functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, s.items)
def multi_stack_readable(s):
s: a Stack() object
if s.size() > 1:
product = s.items[0]
for i in s.items[1:]:
product *= i
return product
elif s.size() == 1:
return s.items
raise IndexError("the stack is empty!")
Using lambda functions is sometimes considered less readable, so I included a more readable version using a for loop. Both produce the same result.
Your code doesnt work because size = my_stack.size returns a method object and not the integer you expected; you forgot to add the parentheses at the end to actually call the method. So when you tried for number in range(size):, you get an exception because you are passing a method object instead of an integer to range(). There are also a bunch of other mistakes: you didnt use the parameter passed to the function at all, instead affecting global variable my_stack (unless that was your intent); you're performing operations on some unknown variable L; you created stack at the top of your function and did nothing with it, and so on. In general, too convoluted for such a simple goal. There are more efficient ways to do this but correcting your code:
def multi_stack(s):
mult = 1
size = s.size()
for i in range(size):
tmp = s.pop()
mult = mult * tmp
return mult
This should return your expected product, though it wont empty the stack. If you want to do that, then get rid of the function parameter, and substitute s for my_stack as before.

Tree traversals python

I have to define three functions: preorder(t):, postorder(t):, and inorder(t):.
Each function will take a binary tree as input and return a list. The list should then be ordered in same way the tree elements would be visited in the respective traversal (post-order, pre-order, or in-order)
I have written a code for each of them, but I keep getting an error when I call another function (flat_list()), I get an index error thrown by
if not x or len(x) < 1 or n > len(x) or x[n] == None:
IndexError: list index out of range
The code for my traversal methods is as follows:
def postorder(t):
if t != None:
def pre_order(t):
if t != None:
def in_order(t):
if t != None:
def flat_list2(x,n):
if not x or len(x) < 1 or n > len(x) or x[n] == None:
return None
bt = BinaryTree( x[n] )
bt.set_left( flat_list2(x, 2*n))
bt.set_right(flat_list2(x, 2*n + 1))
return bt
this is how i call flat_list2
flat_node_list = [None, 55, 24, 72, 8, 51, None, 78, None, None, 25]
bst = create_tree_from_flat_list2(flat_node_list,1)
pre_order_nodes = pre_order(bst)
in_order_nodes = in_order(bst)
post_order_nodes = post_order(bst)
print( pre_order_nodes)
print( in_order_nodes)
print( post_order_nodes)
You should actually write three function that return iterators. Let the caller decide whether a list is needed. This is most easily done with generator functions. In 3.4+, 'yield from` can by used instead of a for loop.
def in_order(t):
if t != None:
yield from in_order(t.get_left())
yield t.get_data()
yield from in_order(t.get_right())
Move the yield statement for the other two versions.
First things first, I noticed that your indentation was inconsistent in the code block that you provided (fixed in revision). It is critical that you ensure that your indentation is consistent in Python or stuff will go south really quickly. Also, in the code below, I am assuming that you wanted your t.get_data() to still fall under if t != None in your postorder(t), so I have indented as such below. And lastly, I noticed that your method names did not match the spec you listed in the question, so I have updated the method names below to be compliant with your spec (no _ in the naming).
For getting the list, all you need to do is have your traversal methods return a list, and then extend your list at each level of the traversal with the other traversed values. This is done in lieu of printing the data.
def postorder(t):
lst = []
if t != None:
return lst
def preorder(t):
lst = []
if t != None:
return lst
def inorder(t):
lst = []
if t != None:
return lst
This will traverse to the full depths both left and right on each node and, depending on if it's preorder, postorder, or inorder, will append all the traversed elements in the order that they were traversed. Once this has occurred, it will return the properly ordered list to the next level up to get appended to its list. This will recurse until you get back to the root level.
Now, the IndexError coming from your flat_list, is probably being caused by trying to access x[n] when n could be equal to len(x). Remember that lists/arrays in Python are indexed from 0, meaning that the last element of the list would be x[n-1], not x[n].
So, to fix that, replace x[n] with x[n-1]. Like so:
def flat_list2(x,n):
if not x or len(x) < 1 or n < 1 or n > len(x) or x[n-1] == None:
return None
bt = BinaryTree( x[n-1] )
bt.set_left( flat_list2(x, 2*n))
bt.set_right(flat_list2(x, 2*n + 1))
return bt
