Invalid endpoint on aws s3 ls - aws-cli

I've just installed AWS Command Line Interface on Windows 10 (64-bit). I ran 'aws configure' providing the two keys, a region value of us-east-1, and took the default json format. Then when I run 'aws s3 ls' I get the following error:
Invalid endpoint:
It's either not taking my region, or putting two dots where there should be one in the link. My /.aws/config file only has these lines in it:
region = us-east-1
Any ideas why I get 2 dots in place of my region in the s3 link, causing the invalid endpoint error? Thanks for any assistance.

You could also fix this by setting environment variables in your current session for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and AWS_DEFAULT_REGION.
(in this case your error is actually caused by the CLI not finding a value for the region)

I think that's not because of the region because you have already set default to us-east-1 as shown by your /.aws/config file but your output type is not set and double check your access key id and secret access key
it should be like:
also check whether you are able to call other AWS API services such as try to create a dynamodb table using AWS CLI and check whether your IAM user have access permissions to s3 or not.

This can happen if you set AWS_DEFAULT_REGION in your any of .bash_profile or .bashrc
Remove AWS_DEFAULT_REGION in any of those files.
~/.aws/config should be like this
output = json
region = eu-west-1
Restart your terminal.

You can also just specify the region on the command line itself like below if you didn't want to rely on the default settings in the ~/.aws/config file...
aws --region us-east-1 s3 cp s3://<bucket> <local destination>


EC2 instance running S3 Sync command terminates before data transfer is complete

I have an EC2 instance running Linux. This instance is used to run aws s3 commands.
I want to sync the last 6 months worth of data from source to target S3 buckets. I am using credentials with the necessary permissions to do this.
Initially I just ran the command:
aws s3 sync "s3://source" "s3://target" --query "Contents[?LastModified>='2022-08-11' && LastModified<='2023-01-11']"
However, after maybe 10 mins this command stops running, and only a fraction of the data is synced.
I thought this was because my SSM session was terminating, and with it the command stopped executing.
To combat this, I used the following command to try and ensure that this command would continue to execute even after my SSM terminal session was closed:
nohup aws s3 sync "s3://source" "s3://target" --query "Contents[?LastModified>='2022-08-11' && LastModified<='2023-01-11']" --exclude "*.log" --exclude "*.bak" &
Checking the status of the EC2 instance, the command appears to run for about 20 mins, before clearly stopping for some reason.
The --query parameter controls what information is displayed in the response from an API call.
It does not control which files are copied in an aws s3 sync command. The documentation for aws s3 sync defines the --query parameter as: "A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data."
Your aws s3 sync command will be synchronizing ALL files unless you use Exclude and Include Filters. These filters operate on the name of the object. It is not possible to limit the sync command by supplying date ranges.
I cannot comment on why the command would stop running before it is complete. I suggest you redirect output to a log file and then review the log file for any clues.

Wrong connection port despite Kubernetes deployments/services ports specified

It might take a while to explain what I'm trying to do but bear with me please.
I have the following infrastructure specified:
I have a job called questo-server-deployment (I know, confusing but this was the only way to access the deployment without using ingress on minikube)
This is how the parts should talk to one another:
And here you can find the entire Kubernetes/Terraform config file for the above setup
I have 2 endpoints exposed from the node.js app (questo-server-deployment)
I'm making the requests using which is the questo-server-service external IP address (as you can see in the first picture)
So I have 2 endpoints:
health - which simply returns 200 OK from the node.js app - and this part is fine confirming the node app is working as expected.
dynamodb - which should be able to send a request to the questo-dynamodb-deployment (pod) and get a response back, but it can't.
When I print env vars I'm getting the following:
➜ kubectl -n minikube-local-ns exec questo-server-deployment--1-7ptnz -- printenv
so it looks like the configuration is aware of the dynamodb address and port:
You'll also notice in the above env variables that I specified:
Which is supposed to be the questo-dynamodb-service url:port which I'm assigning to the config here (in the configmap) which is then used here in the questo-server-deployment (job)
Also, when I log:
kubectl logs -f questo-server-deployment--1-7ptnz -n minikube-local-ns
I'm getting the following results:
Which indicates that the app (node.js) tried to connect to the db (dynamodb) but on the wrong port 443 instead of 8000?
The DB_DOCKER_URL should contain the full address (with port) to the questo-dynamodb-service
What am I doing wrong here?
Edit ----
I've explicitly assigned the port 8000 to the DB_DOCKER_URL as suggested in the answer but now I'm getting the following error:
Seems to me there is some kind of default behaviour in Kubernetes and it tries to communicate between pods using https ?
Any ideas what needs to be done here?
How about specify the port in the ConfigMap:
data = {
DB_DOCKER_URL = ${}:8000
Otherwise it may default to 443.
Answering my own question in case anyone have an equally brilliant idea of running local dybamodb in a minikube cluster.
The issue was not only with the port, but also with the protocol, so the final answer to the question is to modify the ConfigMap as follows:
data = {
DB_DOCKER_URL = "http://${}:8000"
As a side note:
Also, when you are running various scripts to create a dynamodb table in your amazon/dynamodb-local container, make sure you use the same region for both creating the table like so:
aws dynamodb create-table \
--cli-input-json file://questo_db_definition.json \
--endpoint-url http://questo-dynamodb-service:8000 \
--region local
And the same region when querying the data.
Even though this is just a local copy, where you can type anything you want as a value of your AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and actually in the AWS_REGION as well, the region have to match.
If you query the db with a different region it was created with, you get the Cannot do operations on a non-existent table error.

How to use "AWS logs tail" - syntax question

I'm new to AWS CLI and having trouble getting the tail command to work. I'm using version 2. I try the syntax
aws logs tail group_name /aws/lambda/schedule-jobs --since 1h
and it gives me the error
unknown options: /aws/lambda/schedule-jobs
If I try it without the group_name it tells me the group_name is a required parameter (of course).
If I try it with another log group name it tells me the same error message (with the different log group name).
If I put quotes around the name it gives the same error message.
I know this must be a very simple scenario but I can't find any working examples on Google search or in other SO entries. What am I doing wrong?
Yes, when I call
aws logs describe-log-groups
my log group is there and spelled correctly. I'm in the right account and region.
Yes, I am an admin on the account and have full access to the logs.
Just write aws logs tail /aws/lambda/schedule-jobs --since 1h
aws logs tail command doesn't work on aws cli v2.
You can use the following command to access the logs using v2 API.
aws logs get-log-events --log-group-name <log-group-name> --log-stream-name <log-stream-name> --limit=1000

aws glue get-databases returns empty list on CLI

I have two databases on my Glue Catalog, however when I run the command
$ aws glue get-databases
"DatabaseList": []
I get an empty list. How can I make it return the ones that exist?
Another fix for this is to use --region for example
aws glue get-databases --region us-east-1
The issue was that my aws cli was configured on a different region than the one I was working on.
To change it I just edited ~/.aws/config to the correct one.

Boto/Boto3: bucket.get_key(): 403 Forbidden

I am trying to connect to AWS S3 without using credentials. I attached the Role S3 fullaccess for my instance to check if the file exists or not; if it is not, upload it into S3 bucket. If is isn't I want to check md5sum and if it is different from the local local file, upload a new version.
I try to get key of file in S3 via boto by using bucket.get_key('mykey') and get this error:
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/boto/s3/", line 193, in get_key key, resp = self._get_key_internal(key_name, headers, query_args_l)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/boto/s3/", line 232, in _get_key_internal response.status, response.reason, '') boto.exception.S3ResponseError: S3ResponseError: 403 Forbidden"
I searched and added "validate=False" when getting the bucket, but this didn't resolve my issue. I'm using Python 3.5, boto and boto3.
Here is my code:
import boto3
import boto
from boto import ec2
import os
import boto.s3.connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
bucket_name = "abc"
conn = boto.s3.connect_to_region('us-west-1', is_secure = True, calling_format = boto.s3.connection.OrdinaryCallingFormat())
bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=False)
key = bucket.get_key('xxxx')
print (key)
I don't know why I get that error. Please help me to clearly this problem. Thanks!
I've just find root cause this problem. Cause by "The difference between the request time and the current time is too large".
Then it didn't get key of file from S3 bucket. I updated ntp service to synchronize local time and UTC time. It run success.
Synchronization time by:
sudo service ntp stop
sudo ntpdate -s
sudo service ntp start
IAM role is the last in the order of search. I bet you have the credentials stored before the search order which doesn't have full S3 access. Check Configuration Settings and Precedence and make sure no credentials is present so that IAM role is used to fetch the credentials. Though it is for CLI, it applies to scripts too.
The AWS CLI looks for credentials and configuration settings in the following order:
Command line options – region, output format and profile can be specified as command options to override default settings.
The AWS credentials file – located at ~/.aws/credentials on Linux, macOS, or Unix, or at C:\Users\USERNAME .aws\credentials on Windows. This file can contain multiple named profiles in addition to a default profile.
The CLI configuration file – typically located at ~/.aws/config on Linux, macOS, or Unix, or at C:\Users\USERNAME .aws\config on Windows. This file can contain a default profile, named profiles, and CLI specific configuration parameters for each.
Container credentials – provided by Amazon Elastic Container Service on container instances when you assign a role to your task.
Instance profile credentials – these credentials can be used on EC2 instances with an assigned instance role, and are delivered through the Amazon EC2 metadata service.
