Arranging a grade-table in a spreadsheet - excel

I am giving a homework exercise that the student can submit in singles or pairs. The solutions are submitted in a Google form with three fields: submitter1, submitter2 (optional), solution. The submissions automatically go into a Google spreadsheet with four columns: submitter1, submitter2, solution, and grade (filled in by the TA). For example:
submitter1 submitter2 solution grade
111 222 x 100
333 y 90
444 555 z 80
I would like to create a second sheet that automatically lists the grades of each submitter alone, e.g:
submitter grade
111 100
222 100
333 90
444 80
555 80
The order in the second table is not important.
Is there a way to do this in Google spreadsheet?
Alternatively, is there a way to do this in another spreadsheet software, such as LibreOffice Calc or Excel? (in that case I could copy the spreadsheet to that program and do the calculations there, though it is less convenient than doing it directly in Google spreadsheet).
EDIT: The main problem is to collect all submitter IDs into a single column. I do not know in advance how many submissions there will be, and how many of them will be single/pair. I tried to put in the "submitter" column:
and copy it downwards. This gives me all the first-submitters, and then the first second-submitter. But then how to automatically take the next second-submitters?

List the submitters with this in A2,
Retrieve their grades with this formula,
=index(Sheet1!D:D, iferror(match(A2, Sheet1!A:A, 0), match(A2, Sheet1!B:B, 0)))
Linked google-sheet here (updated)

Arrange arrays and do the formulas. QUERY to remove blanks, if needed:
=QUERY(UNIQUE({{Sheet1!A:A,Sheet1!D:D};{Sheet1!B:B,Sheet1!D:D}}),"Select Col1,Col2 Where Col1 is not null")


Is there a way to distribute data according to a logic in Excel vba?

I have an Excel sheet with the below data.
There are 10,000 Data rows.
9000 are of "USA" & 1000 are of "Other" country.
I want to evenly distribute the data so that when I have 9 "USA" followed by 1 "Other" data distributed throughout.
How do I accomplish this using manual & excel VBA? Appreciate both solutions. Thanks
This can be achieved with a formula if you have the newest version of Excel.
Try something like (adapt ranges and what you are filtering on as necessary):
=LET(x, FILTER($B$1:$C$12, $C$1:$C$12="a"),
y, FILTER($B$1:$C$12, $C$1:$C$12="b"),
z, ROW(D1:D12), myrows, MAX(z),
ratio, MAX((COUNTA(x)/2)/(COUNTA(y)/2), (COUNTA(y)/2)/(COUNTA(x)/2))+1,
INDEX(x, IF(MOD(SEQUENCE(myrows),ratio)=0, 0, SEQUENCE(myrows)-CEILING(ROW(G1:G12)/ratio-1,1)), SEQUENCE(1,2)),
INDEX(y, IF(MOD(SEQUENCE(myrows),ratio)<>0,0,SEQUENCE(myrows)/ratio), SEQUENCE(1,2))))
For example:
The trick is to create the "correct" sequence for each result; for the first array you want to skip every nth row (in your case 10), and having the nth+1 row not default to n+1, but n, while in the second array you want to skip every row that isn't a some multiple of n, and have the nth rows count sequentially.
A caveat-- as is, I don't believe the formula will work with repetition other than 1, i.e. if you want to do something like 8 rows followed by 2 rows, this won't work.
This works even with older Excel versions:
If this is your data:
Add a Sort column with the following formula in C2 and pull it down:
Then sort by this column C and USA and Other are evenly spread:

Excel multi tiered lists in data validatation using alphanumeric fields

I am using multi tiered lists and data validation and have an issue when the fields are alpha numeric
Col 1 Col 2
100 Dairy 101 Milk
102 Cheese
200 Bakery 201 Bread
202 Cake
If you choose 100 Dairy in the drop down list Col1 Col2 will not give the 2 fields to choose from however if you remove one of the sets of numbers then data validation will provide the 2 options in col 2
In Column 2 Data validation I am using =Indirect(A1)
How can I have both Number and letters in both of my drop down lists
Any assistance appreciated
A Name (named range) cannot start with a digit or contain spaces. So, in your validation formula, you have to change your entry in column A into the actual name that is being used for your dependent dropdown.
If you used the Excel Create Name wizard, then something like:
=INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(" " & $A$1," ","_"))
That will only work if ALL of your dependent lists start with a digit. If not, you will need a different algorithm.
=INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(IF(ISNUMBER(-LEFT($A$1))," ","")&$A$1," ","_"))
If you made up your own names, again, you will need a different algorithm.

Excel: how to NOT sum based on text values?

I am trying to sum values based on another text column.
Let's say my data look like this:
date item amount
4/3/03 book 100
8/3/05 rent 1090
5/6/06 food 5
2/7/09 repair 390
8/3/10 rent 1090
so I want to sum all the spendings (amount) when the "item" section is NOT equal to "rent", but I dont just want a grand sum, I just want a sum that's up to that date.
So the desired output (last column, subtotal) should look something like this:
date item amount subtotal
4/3/03 book 100 100
8/3/05 rent 1090 100
5/6/06 food 5 105
2/7/09 repair 390 495
8/3/10 rent 1090 495
I've tried to sum it up while filtering the rolls to only show anything but rent, but when I clear the filter, all the numbers will sum INCLUDING rent.
I've also tried using SUMIF (I named the top cell in "Amount" column as "first_amount"):
But I dont think I'm using it correctly or maybe it just doesn't work. It shows no value whatsoever.
I found this post and read through the function pages, but still am not being able to do what I wanted to do:
Excel summing values based on multiple conditions
What if I want to exclude both "rent" and "food"?
I'm sure there's a very simple solution out there that I am just too dumb to think of. Any hint/help is truly appreciated!
Assuming A1 is the first cell make D1:
=SUMIF($B$2:B2, "<>rent", $C$2:C2)

Tableau - lookup letter grade from range

I have two Excel spreadsheets. One contains average numerical grade for a student and the other a list of letter grades for numeric grades between a min and max
Spreadsheet 1
Student Avg Letter Grade
Mike 91
Joe 76
Mary 84
Sally 78
Spreadsheet 2
Min Max LetterGrade
90 100 A
81 89 B
71 80 C
61 70 D
0 60 F
How do I return the proper grade for each student in Tableau? It seems trivial but I can't figure out the calculation. Thank you for your help!!!
There is an easier way to do this by using Groups.
Import Spreadsheet 1 as a data source
Right Click on "Avg" and select Create Group
From there use Shift Click to group your ranges using Spreadsheet 2 as your reference, using labels "A, B, C"
On the top of the Create Group dialog box, make sure you rename your Field Name as "Letter Grade"
The weakness of this approach is that you have to check/redefine your groups if you are updating your data source. Using IF-ELSEIF statements may be more flexible as Inox suggested in the comments. But this is a relatively easy trick, without any programming involved. :-)
For more info, visit:
Hope this helps!

Index/match with two criteria anyway to get the second set of data using unique identifiers?

I've been stuck for some time trying to match up two different data spread sheets. I'm trying to match off dollar amounts with matching names that correspond to the dollar amount. I went ahead and assigned unique identifiers to each row thinking that would help me match off the amounts, but my problem comes when there are two or more dollar amounts that are the same and have the same name.. is there anyway to get the second id to show up?
Formula sheet: (I need The second 112 to pull 113.. anyway thats possible??
IDSheett2 IDsheet1 NameSheet1 NameSheet2 Item AmountSheet1 AmountSheet2
554 112 Jim Jim Hat 25 25
555 112 Jim Jim Shoe 25 25
Formula in column B2: it should go through both sheet 1 and 2 and automacially fill in the matching id - id that matches the name and amount.
Data from Sheet2:
A= ID B= Name C= Item Name ( ID basically row 1 = 1, 2 = 2.. )
554 Jim Hat 25
555 jim Shoe25
Data from Sheet1:
A= name B= amount C= assigned ID ( ID basically row 1 = 1, 2 = 2.. )
Jim 25 112
Jim 25 113
I'm also open to other ideas. Thanks for the help.
UPdated::: Based on comments
im not trying to create a database.. i have two sets of data that i'm trying to compare and match off like items(i take matched items and email it out to a group of people). i had to change some of the names because this is work related but the overall concept should remain.
it is Impossible for me to know how many names will be on incoming wires and how many names will be on my expected wires lists. I assigned unique ids per row on each page so i can do iferror/index/match to pull from a unique row to the main page.
What im trying to accomplish:
I have two sets of data: Sheet1 is incoming wires (it gives me a name and an amount) Sheet 2 is the account name, Item its for, and expected amount.
I'm trying to match the name and amount on the formula sheet but i run into the problem of two items with the same name and the same amount only pulling the first ID number it runs into and this becomes a problem because i have another vba code that will delete multiple ID's so i know i'm not counting something twice.
my final page should read:
ID sheet2 IDsheet1 Name Item(sheet2) Amount
554 112 JIM Hat 25
555 113 JIM Shoe 25
but right now the 113 id wont pull and it will just be 112 twice (which will end up getting deleted so i will miss that second match)
..+ everything works perfectly unless there are two items for the same name and the same amount +.. that is the only time i run into this problem.
Is there any code or process that can have the sheet realize that it has already used the ID of 112 once and then automatically fill in the id of 113 (so it won't get deleted by my vba code)?
In your formula sheet, B2 and copied down:
