Good morning folks,
I'm in front of a problem.
I am using the package lief (python3 package) to parse some ELF binaries.
It happens that some exceptions are raised.
I would like to catch them to apply some modifications depending on the exception raised.
Unfortunately, I cannot manage to catch them properly.
Here's what I tried:
try :
binary = lief.ELF.parse(sys.argv[-1])
except lief.exception:
print("lief exception")
print("all exceptions")
It always shows "all exceptions"..
Here's the link of the API: API LINK
Thank you for your help !
I have a node within my kogito workflow with a boundary error for a specific type of exception (e.g. BusinessException), and a separate catch all subprocess that should deal with all other exception types that are thrown. (currently configured to catch Throwable).
I would like to handle BusinessExceptions, e.g. CreditCardBlacklisted via Boundary errors.
However, when the node throws the CreditCardBlacklistedException, the boundary error is ignored and the catch all event subprocess is initiated.
Picture Of Workflow
How can I get this scenario to work so that when CreditCardBlacklistedException is thrown it goes to the Handle Blacklisted node and not the catch all sub process?
Fixed in the JIRA issue KOGITO-8191 to be released in version 1.31.0.Final.
I am downloading a JSON based huge page, most of the time it is downloaded successfully but sometimes, its downloading partially. How can I sure that download completed.
My example code is as follows:
mac_sonuclari_url = "{}&includeFixture=1"
with urllib.request.urlopen(mac_sonuclari_url.format(1)) as url:
data = json.loads(
except Exception as err:
logging.error("{}: Error Getting URL: {} with Error: {}".format(fna, mac_sonuclari_url.format(1), err))
unfortunately, I can't catch partial download by Try - Except.
Then my code breaks as it doesn't catch all data needed.
Is there any way to understand that page loaded completely?
Thanks a lot
[From the comments]
You could do a size check of the read string against the returned 'Content-Length' header. If all data has been retrieved, the two sizes should agree.
I have a question, in the PDO manuial somewhere I read that errors reveal the db connect with username and password (due to a flaw in the zend engine). I see several examples of catching the pdo like this:
catch(PDOException $exception){
return $exception;
if the exception is returned, doesn't the user see the error?
Is it better to have disabled the error reporting in the php.ini file, or even do something like
instead of the catch statement, or is it better to do a combination of above and redo the catch statement so it doesn't return the error to the user.
This is referring to the pink paragraph on the manual page that says: Warning: If your application does not catch the exception thrown from the PDO constructor, the default action taken by the zend engine is to terminate the script and display a back trace. This back trace will likely reveal the full database connection details, including the username and password. It is your responsibility to catch this exception, either explicitly (via a catch statement) or implicitly via set_exception_handler().
The user "YOUR COMMON SENSE" marked this as duplicate which is not correct. I don't have an issue with using PDO, Its just a question of dealing with error responses, and correct methodology of error handling.
My UWP app is crashing in Release mode and works fine in Debug mode but I can't put my finger on what the issue is but I know it's related to a combination of raising an event from System.Threading.Timer and MVVMLight.
I created an new dummy application and use the same code ( where I used 2 portable libraries and I used my own user control which is a simplified version of theirs - I'm using events instead of <Action>). This works fine and I'm currently trying to put more steps into it i.e. include mvvmlight and navigation but so far, I can't reproduce the problem in this dummy app.
The error I'm getting is:
Unhandled exception at 0x58C1AF0B (mrt100_app.dll) in Company.MyApp.App.exe:
0xC0000602: A fail fast exception occurred. Exception handlers will not be
invoked and the process will be terminated immediately.
Followed by:
Unhandled exception at 0x0107D201 (SharedLibrary.dll) in
Company.MyApp.App.exe: 0x00001007.
When looking at the Threads window, one of the worker thread has the following information if that's of help.
Not Flagged > 4012 0 Worker Thread <No Name>
ExceptionHelpers.ReportUnhandledError Normal
[External Code]
ReportUnhandledError(System.Exception e) Line 885
(System.Exception ex) Line 17
ReportUnhandledError(System.Exception ex) Line 274
(System.Exception exception) Line 152
ThrowAsyncIfNecessary(System.Exception exc) Line 784
InvokeCore() Line 182
Invoke(object thisObj) Line 162
InvokeOpenStaticThunk(System.__Canon obj)
System.Private.WinRTInterop.CoreLib.dll!Internal.WinRT.Interop.WinRTCallbacks.PostToCoreDispatcher.AnonymousMethod__0() Line 266
MyCompany.MyApp.App.ViewModels.ValidateHandler.Invoke(string pin)
.Proc_(object __this, System.IntPtr __methodPtr) Line 6163
MyCompany.MyApp.App.McgInterop.dll!Windows.UI.Core.DispatchedHandler__Impl.Vtbl.Invoke__STUB(System.IntPtr pComThis) Line 45147
[External Code]
Within my QR Code UserControl, it's using a System.Threading.Timer and it raises an event when a QR Code is found:
timerPreview = new Timer(async (state) =>
// Check if a result was found
if (result != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(result.Text))
Debug.WriteLine("Barcode Found: " + result.Text);
if (!this.ContinuousScanning)
delay = Timeout.Infinite;
await StopScanningAsync();
delay = this.ScanningOptions.DelayBetweenContinuousScans;
timerPreview.Change(delay, Timeout.Infinite);
}, null,
In the page that host the QRCode UserControl, I've got the following code:
private async void ScannerControl_BarcodeFound(string barcodeValue)
var dispatcher = CoreApplication.MainView.CoreWindow.Dispatcher;
await dispatcher.RunAsync(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => {
As you can see, I'm passing the QrCode value to my ViewModel and from there, I sent a message and then re-direct to another page:
public void BarcodeFound(string barcodeData)
Messenger.Default.Send<string>(barcodeData, MessengerTokens.QrCodeFound);
I could keep going and provide additional code, but as I add additional breakpoints I can see that the code and passing the correct value and going to the correct location but eventually it throws this error. If I add additional error handlers or dispatcher code, it eventually works and goes to the next page as expected but when I click on a button in my CommandBar, it then takes a while and it eventually throws the same error, so by adding these additional bits of code, I feel I'm just pushing down the problem further down the line.
Anyone got any suggestions on how I get around this problem. I wish I could share the full app but definitely can't. So I know it will be hard to provide a solution, but if anyone has suggestions I'd appreciate them.
As I said, I think the issue is a result of a combination of threading and mvvmlight but it's driving me nuts that my test app so far is working exactly as expected, so I'm pretty sure it's not Zxing or my UserControl.
Any help, suggestions would be greatly appreciated or if you need me to provide additional info, please let me know what and I'll try to provide it.
Well, this was a painstaking exercise and a huge waste of my time!
It was down to a few things!!
I was using a different DataService in Releasemode which wasn't implemented. By implemented, I mean all my functions were returning the NotImplementedException or null values.
When passing my model to my ViewModel, I did not check if it was null, thus causing unhandled exceptions.
I had a chain of mvvmlight events (Messenger.Default.Send<>) being triggered and none were checking for error or null values.
While all of these were caused by poor validation from my part, these errors are extremely poorly reported in Release mode! if from the get go, I had received a NullReferenceException or any kind of exceptions, it would have put me in the right direction immediately, but throwing errors such as the one I've had were totally useless but it didn't but lesson learned!!
All I can say is that if this problem ever happens to you, don't waste your time rewriting code or trying to find workarounds. First work your way through your workflow/chain of events and hopefully, you'll eventually catch the culprit.
Hope this helps.
Sadly we were facing a similar issue, ours was involved with setting the qualifier values for changing localization on the fly in the app but came up with mystery fail fast/SharedLibrary native errors. Upgrading the Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowPlatform package from 6.0.4 to 6.0.7 seems to have resolved the issue.
Only thought of this because another place I was researching this error involved someone solving a SharedLibrary problem by upgrading their NETCore package, that case was an earlier one (5.x), but figured it was worth a shot.
I've tried everything I can think of but I'm unable to get OpenPrinter API to work in my BasicMsi
prototype BOOL SETUPAPI.OpenPrinterW(
WSTRING, //_In_ LPTSTR pPrinterName,
NUMBER,//_Out_ LPHANDLE phPrinter,
OpenPrinterW(szDriverName, Printer, NULL);
Err = GetLastError();
SprintfBox (INFORMATION, "L862Error","Error occured: %i\n\n%s\n\n%s", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.LastDllError);
I always get a -2147219709 returned, I've also tried using OpenPrinterA and OpenPrinter but same error everytime.
Does anyone have any idea's as to what I may be doing wrong?
I suspect it's this error:
1795 (0x703)
The specified printer driver is already installed
I converted your error number into hex and it's 80040703 which is where I've gotten 703 from (8004 means it's an error in FACIILITY_ITF)
not sure if this helps... but it might get you started. I wonder if this is some sort of problem where msiexec can't see the printer so tries to install it.