How do I schedule a repeating task in Tokio? - rust

I am replacing synchronous socket code written in Rust with the asynchronous equivalent using Tokio. Tokio uses futures for asynchronous activity so tasks are chained together and queued onto an executor to be executed by a thread pool.
The basic pseudocode for what I want to do is like this:
let tokio::net::listener = TcpListener::bind(&sock_addr).unwrap();
let server_task = listener.incoming().for_each(move |socket| {
let in_buf = vec![0u8; 8192];
// TODO this should happen continuously until an error happens
let read_task = tokio::io::read(socket, in_buf).and_then(move |(socket, in_buf, bytes_read)| {
/* ... Logic I want to happen repeatedly as bytes are read ... */
}).map_err(|err| {
error!("Accept error = {:?}", err);
This pseudocode would only execute my task once. How do I run it continuously? I want it to execute and then execute again and again etc. I only want it to stop executing if it panics or has an error result code. What's the simplest way of doing that?

Using loop_fn should work:
let read_task =
futures::future::loop_fn((socket, in_buf, 0), |(socket, in_buf, bytes_read)| {
if bytes_read > 0 { /* handle bytes */ }
tokio::io::read(socket, in_buf).map(Loop::Continue)

A clean way to accomplish this and not have to fight the type system is to use tokio-codec crate; if you want to interact with the reader as a stream of bytes instead of defining a codec you can use tokio_codec::BytesCodec.
use tokio::codec::Decoder;
use futures::Stream;
let tokio::net::listener = TcpListener::bind(&sock_addr).unwrap();
let server_task = listener.incoming().for_each(move |socket| {
let (_writer, reader) = tokio_codec::BytesCodec::new().framed(socket).split();
let read_task = reader.for_each(|bytes| {
/* ... Logic I want to happen repeatedly as bytes are read ... */
}).map_err(|err| {
error!("Accept error = {:?}", err);


multiple websocket servers in rust

I referred this and also tried tungstenite library. But I was able to run only one server at a time, it captured whole thread.
I tried running multiple servers on different thread but that never listen anything and just exit the program.
Is there anyway that I can run multiple WebSocket servers on different ports, and create, destroy a server in runtime?
Edit: If I run a server on main thread and another one on other thread, it works, looks like I'd have to keep main thread busy somehow.. but is there any better way?
here's some example code:
it uses:
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::thread::spawn;
use tungstenite::accept;
this is the normal code that blocks the main thread
let server = TcpListener::bind("").expect("err: ");
for stream in server.incoming() {
spawn(move || {
let mut websocket = accept(stream.unwrap()).unwrap();
loop {
let msg = websocket.read_message().unwrap();
println!("{}", msg);
// We do not want to send back ping/pong messages.
if msg.is_binary() || msg.is_text() {
here's the code with thread:
spawn(|| {
let server = TcpListener::bind("").expect("err: ");
for stream in server.incoming() {
spawn(move || {
let mut websocket = accept(stream.unwrap()).unwrap();
loop {
let msg = websocket.read_message().unwrap();
println!("{}", msg);
// We do not want to send back ping/pong messages.
if msg.is_binary() || msg.is_text() {
but the above code needs the main thread to run somehow, I'm indeed able to run multiple servers on different threads but need something to occupy main thread.
Rust programs terminate when the end of main() is reached. What you need to do is wait until your secondary threads have finished.
std::thread::spawn returns a JoinHandle, which has a join method which does exactly that - it waits (blocks) until the thread that the handle refers to finishes, and returns an error if the thread panicked.
So, to keep your program alive as long as any threads are running, you need to collect all of these handles, and join() them one by one. Unlike a busy-loop, this will not waste CPU resources unnecessarily.
use std::net::TcpListener;
use std::thread::spawn;
use tungstenite::accept;
fn main() {
let mut handles = vec![];
// Spawn 3 identical servers on ports 9001, 9002, 9003
for i in 1..=3 {
let handle = spawn(move || {
let server = TcpListener::bind(("", 9000 + i)).expect("err: ");
for stream in server.incoming() {
spawn(move || {
let mut websocket = accept(stream.unwrap()).unwrap();
loop {
let msg = websocket.read_message().unwrap();
println!("{}", msg);
// We do not want to send back ping/pong messages.
if msg.is_binary() || msg.is_text() {
// Wait for each thread to finish before exiting
for handle in handles {
if let Err(e) = handle.join() {
eprintln!("{:?}", e)
When you do all the work in a thread (or threads) and the main thread has nothing to do, usually it is set to wait (join) that thread.
This has the additional advantage that if your secondary thread finishes or panics, then your program will also finish. Or you can wrap the whole create-thread/join-thread in a loop and make it more resilient:
fn main() {
loop {
let th = std::thread::spawn(|| {
// Do the real work here
if let Err(e) = th.join() {
eprintln!("Thread panic: {:?}", e)
Link to playground, I've changed to the loop into a for _ in ..3 because playgrond does not like infinite loops.

How to terminate a blocking tokio task?

In my application I have a blocking task that synchronically reads messages from a queue and feeds them to a running task.
All of this works fine, but the problem that I'm having is that the process does not terminate correctly, since the queue_reader task does not stop.
I've constructed a small example based on the tokio documentation at:
use tokio::sync::mpsc;
use tokio::task;
async fn main() {
let (incoming_tx, mut incoming_rx) = mpsc::channel(2);
// Some blocking task that never ends
let queue_reader = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
loop {
// Stand in for receiving messages from queue
let mut acc = 0;
// Some complex condition that determines whether the job is done
while acc < 95 {
tokio::select! {
Some(v) = incoming_rx.recv() => {
acc += v;
assert_eq!(acc, 95);
println!("Finalizing thread");
queue_reader.abort(); // This doesn't seem to terminate the queue_reader task
queue_reader.await.unwrap(); // <-- The process hangs on this task.
At first I expected that queue_reader.abort() should terminate the task, however it doesn't. My expectation is that tokio can only do this for tasks that use .await internally, because that will handle control over to tokio. Is this right?
In order to terminate the queue_reader task I introduced a oneshot channel, over which I signal the termination, as shown in the next snippet.
use tokio::task;
use tokio::sync::{oneshot, mpsc};
async fn main() {
let (incoming_tx, mut incoming_rx) = mpsc::channel(2);
// A new channel to communicate when the process must finish.
let (term_tx, mut term_rx) = oneshot::channel();
// Some blocking task that never ends
let queue_reader = task::spawn_blocking(move || {
// As long as termination is not signalled
while term_rx.try_recv().is_err() {
// Stand in for receiving messages from queue
let mut acc = 0;
// Some complex condition that determines whether the job is done
while acc < 95 {
tokio::select! {
Some(v) = incoming_rx.recv() => {
acc += v;
assert_eq!(acc, 95);
// Signal termination
println!("Finalizing thread");
My question is, is this the canonical/best way to do this, or are there better alternatives?
Tokio cannot terminate CPU-bound/blocking tasks.
It is technically possible to kill OS threads, but generally it is not a good idea, as it's expensive to create new threads and it can leave your program in an invalid state. Even if Tokio decided this was something worth implementing, it would serverely limit its implementation - it would be forced into a multithread model, just to support the possibility that you'd want to kill a blocking task before it's finished.
Your solution is pretty good; give your blocking task the responsibility for terminating itself and provide a way to tell it to do so. If this future was part of a library, you could abstract the mechanism away by returning a "handle" to the task that had a cancel() method.
Are there better alternatives? Maybe, but that would depend on other factors. Your solution is good and easily extended, for example if you later needed to send different types of signal to the task.

How to get the result of the first future to complete in a collection of futures?

I have a bunch of async_std::UdpSocket and want to drive them all until the first one completes, then get the result from its corresponding u8 buffer.
I've tried
// build sockets and buffers
let sockets = Vec::new();
let buffers = HashMap::new();
for addr in ["", "", ""] {
let socket = UdpSocket::bind(addr.parse().unwrap()).await?;
let buf = [0u8; 1500];
buffers.insert(socket.peer_addr()?, buf);
// create an iterator of tasks reading from each socket
let socket_tasks = sockets.into_iter().map(|socket| {
let socket_addr = socket.peer_addr().unwrap();
let buf = buffers.get_mut(&socket_addr).unwrap();
.and_then(|_| async move { Ok(socket_addr) })
// wait for the first socket to return a value (DOESN'T WORK)
let buffer = try_join_all(socket_tasks)
.and_then(|socket_addr| async { Ok(buffers.get(&socket_addr)) })
However this does not work because futures::future::try_join_all drives all futures to completion and returns a Vec<(SocketAddr)>. I want to get the result when a single future completes and get just a SocketAddr--something akin to select! but over a collection.
How can this be done?
If you only need the first future you can also use futures::future::select_all(). If there are many futures FuturesUnordered may be more performant because it only polls future when they awake, but if there are few select_all() is likely to be more performant as it is doing less work.
FuturesUnordered is a Stream that will produce the results of futures in the order they complete. You can socket_tasks.collect() into this type, and then use the next() method of StreamExt to create a future that will complete when the first future in the whole collection completes.

What's a good detailed explanation of Tokio's simple TCP echo server example (on GitHub and API reference)?

Tokio has the same example of a simple TCP echo server on its:
GitHub main page (
API reference main page (
However, in both pages, there is no explanation of what's actually going on. Here's the example, slightly modified so that the main function does not return Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>:
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::prelude::*;
async fn main() {
if let Ok(mut tcp_listener) = TcpListener::bind("").await {
while let Ok((mut tcp_stream, _socket_addr)) = tcp_listener.accept().await {
tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut buf = [0; 1024];
// In a loop, read data from the socket and write the data back.
loop {
let n = match buf).await {
// socket closed
Ok(n) if n == 0 => return,
Ok(n) => n,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("failed to read from socket; err = {:?}", e);
// Write the data back
if let Err(e) = tcp_stream.write_all(&buf[0..n]).await {
eprintln!("failed to write to socket; err = {:?}", e);
After reading the Tokio documentation (, here's my mental model of this example. A task is spawned for each new TCP connection. And a task is ended whenever a read/write error occurs, or when the client ends the connection (i.e. n == 0 case). Therefore, if there are 20 connected clients at a point in time, there would be 20 spawned tasks. However, under the hood, this is NOT equivalent to spawning 20 threads to handle the connected clients concurrently. As far as I understand, this is basically the problem that asynchronous runtimes are trying to solve. Correct so far?
Next, my mental model is that a tokio scheduler (e.g. the multi-threaded threaded_scheduler which is the default for apps, or the single-threaded basic_scheduler which is the default for tests) will schedule these tasks concurrently on 1-to-N threads. (Side question: for the threaded_scheduler, is N fixed during the app's lifetime? If so, is it equal to num_cpus::get()?). If one task is .awaiting for the read or write_all operations, then the scheduler can use the same thread to perform more work for one of the other 19 tasks. Still correct?
Finally, I'm curious whether the outer code (i.e. the code that is .awaiting for tcp_listener.accept()) is itself a task? Such that in the 20 connected clients example, there aren't really 20 tasks but 21: one to listen for new connections + one per connection. All of these 21 tasks could be scheduled concurrently on one or many threads, depending on the scheduler. In the following example, I wrap the outer code in a tokio::spawn and .await the handle. Is it completely equivalent to the example above?
use tokio::net::TcpListener;
use tokio::prelude::*;
async fn main() {
let main_task_handle = tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Ok(mut tcp_listener) = TcpListener::bind("").await {
while let Ok((mut tcp_stream, _socket_addr)) = tcp_listener.accept().await {
tokio::spawn(async move {
// ... same as above ...
This answer is a summary of an answer I received on Tokio's Discord from Alice Ryhl. Big thank you!
First of all, indeed, for the multi-threaded scheduler, the number of OS threads is fixed to num_cpus.
Second, Tokio can swap the currently running task at every .await on a per-thread basis.
Third, the main function runs in its own task, which is spawned by the #[tokio::main] macro.
Therefore, for the first code block example, if there are 20 connected clients, there would be 21 tasks: one for the main macro + one for each of the 20 open TCP streams. For the second code block example, there would be 22 tasks because of the extra outer tokio::spawn but it's needless and doesn't add any concurrency.

Asynchronously reconnecting a client to a server in an infinite loop

I'm not able to create a client that tries to connect to a server and:
if the server is down it has to try again in an infinite loop
if the server is up and connection is successful, when the connection is lost (i.e. server disconnects the client) the client has to restart the infinite loop to try to connect to the server
Here's the code to connect to a server; currently when the connection is lost the program exits. I'm not sure what the best way to implement it is; maybe I have to create a Future with an infinite loop?
extern crate tokio_line;
use tokio_line::LineCodec;
fn get_connection(handle: &Handle) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = io::Error>> {
let remote_addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let tcp = TcpStream::connect(&remote_addr, handle);
let client = tcp.and_then(|stream| {
let (sink, from_server) = stream.framed(LineCodec).split();
let reader = from_server.for_each(|message| {
println!("{}", message);
});|_| {
}).map_err(|err| err)
let client = client.map_err(|_| { panic!()});
fn main() {
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
let client = get_connection(&handle);
let client = client.and_then(|c| {
println!("Try to reconnect");
Add the tokio-line crate with:
tokio-line = { git = "" }
The key question seems to be: how do I implement an infinite loop using Tokio? By answering this question, we can tackle the problem of reconnecting infinitely upon disconnection. From my experience writing asynchronous code, recursion seems to be a straightforward solution to this problem.
UPDATE: as pointed out by Shepmaster (and the folks of the Tokio Gitter), my original answer leaks memory since we build a chain of futures that grows on each iteration. Here follows a new one:
Updated answer: use loop_fn
There is a function in the futures crate that does exactly what you need. It is called loop_fn. You can use it by changing your main function to the following:
fn main() {
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
let client = future::loop_fn((), |_| {
// Run the get_connection function and loop again regardless of its result
get_connection(&handle).map(|_| -> Loop<(), ()> {
The function resembles a for loop, which can continue or break depending on the result of get_connection (see the documentation for the Loop enum). In this case, we choose to always continue, so it will infinitely keep reconnecting.
Note that your version of get_connection will panic if there is an error (e.g. if the client cannot connect to the server). If you also want to retry after an error, you should remove the call to panic!.
Old answer: use recursion
Here follows my old answer, in case anyone finds it interesting.
WARNING: using the code below results in unbounded memory growth.
Making get_connection loop infinitely
We want to call the get_connection function each time the client is disconnected, so that is exactly what we are going to do (look at the comment after reader.and_then):
fn get_connection(handle: &Handle) -> Box<Future<Item = (), Error = io::Error>> {
let remote_addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let tcp = TcpStream::connect(&remote_addr, handle);
let handle_clone = handle.clone();
let client = tcp.and_then(|stream| {
let (sink, from_server) = stream.framed(LineCodec).split();
let reader = from_server.for_each(|message| {
println!("{}", message);
reader.and_then(move |_| {
// Attempt to reconnect in the future
let client = client.map_err(|_| { panic!()});
Remember that get_connection is non-blocking. It just constructs a Box<Future>. This means that when calling it recursively, we still don't block. Instead, we get a new future, which we can link to the previous one by using and_then. As you can see, this is different to normal recursion since the stack doesn't grow on each iteration.
Note that we need to clone the handle (see handle_clone), and move it into the closure passed to reader.and_then. This is necessary because the closure is going to live longer than the function (it will be contained in the future we are returning).
Handling errors
The code you provided doesn't handle the case in which the client is unable to connect to the server (nor any other errors). Following the same principle shown above, we can handle errors by changing the end of get_connection to the following:
let handle_clone = handle.clone();
let client = client.or_else(move |err| {
// Note: this code will infinitely retry, but you could pattern match on the error
// to retry only on certain kinds of error
println!("Error connecting to server: {}", err);
Note that or_else is like and_then, but it operates on the error produced by the future.
Removing unnecessary code from main
Finally, it is not necessary to use and_then in the main function. You can replace your main by the following code:
fn main() {
let mut core = Core::new().unwrap();
let handle = core.handle();
let client = get_connection(&handle);;
