Print every two from a string with x - string

I will from a string with numbers and words ,than print it , separate every two Len with an x as start.
I have this code:
d = "e345a46be5"
for i in d:
print "x", i[::2],
and i come, x 43c48eaff x 43c48eaff x ..... . I will xe3,x45,xa4,x6b,xe5

The third parameter of the slice is the step size. This means you are taking the first, third, fifth... item.
I think the easiest way to do what you want is to use range:
d = "e345a46be5"
for i in range(0, len(d), 2):
print "x", d[i:i+2]
range(start, stop, step) => range(0,5,2) => [0, 2, 4]

This code that should work on python 2.7 and python 3:
for i in range(0,len(d),2):
print ("x", d[i:i+2])
Here we use i as an index instead as a specific letter as you did. and range (a,b,2) enables to go through a list starting with a, going to b excluded with step 2.


Why does using modulus and floor division in Python return a reversed binary number?

I'm new to programming, and I don't understand why this code returns the binary number of the input.
x = int(input())
while x > 0:
print(x % 2, end='')
x = x // 2
For example, when I enter 6, I expect it to return 0 (6 % 2 = 0, 0 // 2 = 0), but it returns 011.
I stated contemplating this because, in an assignment, we're supposed to use this coding to help us reverse the output (while using a string) but I don't know how to reverse it when I don't know why it works.
The answer of 011 is correct for your code, just trace it thru. You start with 6%2 so you get a 0. Then 6 floor 2 is 3, which is then the x for the next iteration so it becomes 3%2 which is 1 and the final iteration creates the last 1. Remember that you're not changing the value of x in the print statement, it only changes in the last line.

How can i optimise my code and make it readable?

The task is:
User enters a number, you take 1 number from the left, one from the right and sum it. Then you take the rest of this number and sum every digit in it. then you get two answers. You have to sort them from biggest to lowest and make them into a one solid number. I solved it, but i don't like how it looks like. i mean the task is pretty simple but my code looks like trash. Maybe i should use some more built-in functions and libraries. If so, could you please advise me some? Thank you
a = int(input())
b = [int(i) for i in str(a)]
closesum = 0
d = []
e = ""
farsum = b[0] + b[-1]
for i in b:
closesum += i
for i in sorted(d, reverse = True):
e += str(i)
You can use reduce
from functools import reduce
a = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
print(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, a))
# 45
and you can just pass in a shortened list instead of poping elements: b[1:-1]
The first two lines:
str_input = input() # input will always read strings
num_list = [int(i) for i in str_input]
the for loop at the end is useless and there is no need to sort only 2 elements. You can just use a simple if..else condition to print what you want.
You don't need a loop to sum a slice of a list. You can also use join to concatenate a list of strings without looping. This implementation converts to string before sorting (the result would be the same). You could convert to string after sorting using map(str,...)
farsum = b[0] + b[-1]
closesum = sum(b[1:-2])

How can i convert many variable to int in one line

I started to learn Python a few days ago.
I know that I can convert variables into int, such as x = int (x)
but when I have 5 variables, for example, is there a better way to convert these variables in one line? In my code, I have 2 variables, but what if I have 5 or more variables to convert, I think there is a way
You for help
(Sorry for my English)
You could use something like this .
a,b,c,d=[ int(i) for i in input().split()]
Check this small example.
>>> values = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
1 2 3 4 5
>>> values
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> values[0]
>>> values[1]
>>> values[2]
>>> values[3]
>>> values[4]
You have to enter value separated with spaces. Then it convert to integer and save into list. As a beginner you won't understand what the List Comprehensions is. This is what documentation mention about it.
List comprehensions provide a concise way to create lists. Common applications are to make new lists where each element is the result of some operations applied to each member of another sequence or iterable, or to create a subsequence of those elements that satisfy a certain condition.
So the extracted version of [int(x) for x in input().split()] is similar to below function,
>>> values = []
>>> input_values = input().split()
1 2 3 4 5
>>> for val in input_values:
... values.append(int(val))
>>> values
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
You don't need to create multiple variables to save your values, as this example all the values are saved in values list. So you can access the first element by values[0] (0th element is the first value). When the number of input values are large, let's say 100, you have to create 100 variables to save it. But you can access 100th value by values[99].
This will work with any number of values:
# Split the input and convert each value to int
valuesAsInt = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
# Print the sum of those values
The first line is a list comprehension, which is a handy way to map each value in a list to another value. Here you're mapping each string x to int(x), leaving you with a list of integers.
In the second line, sum() sums the whole array, simple as that.
There is one easy way of converting multiple variables into integer in python:
right, left, top, bottom = int(right), int(left), int(top), int(bottom)
You could use the map function.
x, y = map(int, input().split())
print x + y
if the input was:
1 2
the output would be:
You could also use tuple unpacking:
x, y = input().split()
x, y = int(x), int(y)
I hope this helped you, have a nice day!

python3 functional programming: Accumulating items from a different list into an initial value

I have some code that performs the following operation, however I was wondering if there was a more efficient and understandable way to do this. I am thinking that there might be something in itertools or such that might be designed to perform this type of operation.
So I have a list of integers the represents changes in the number of items from one period to the next.
x = [0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1]
Then I need a function to create a second list that accumulates the total number of items from one period to the next. This is like an accumulate function, but with elements from another list instead of from the same list.
So I can start off with an initial value y = 3.
The first value in the list y = [3]. The I would take the second
element in x and add it to the list, so that means 3+1 = 4. Note that I take the second element because we already know the first element of y. So the updated value of y is [3, 4]. Then the next iteration is 4+2 = 6. And so forth.
The code that I have looks like this:
def func():
x = [0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1]
y = [3]
for k,v in enumerate(x):
y.append(y[i] + x[i])
return y
Any ideas?
If I understand you correctly, you do what what itertools.accumulate does, but you want to add an initial value too. You can do that pretty easily in a couple ways.
The easiest might be to simply write a list comprehension around the accumulate call, adding the initial value to each output item:
y = [3 + val for val in itertools.accumulate(x)]
Another option would be to prefix the x list with the initial value, then skip it when accumulate includes it as the first value in the output:
acc = itertools.accumulate([3] + x)
next(acc) # discard the extra 3 at the start of the output.
y = list(acc)
Two things I think that need to be fixed:
1st the condition for the for loop. I'm not sure where you are getting the k,v from, maybe you got an example using zip (which allows you to iterate through 2 lists at once), but in any case, you want to iterate through lists x and y using their index, one approach is:
for i in range(len(x)):
2nd, using the first append as an example, since you are adding the 2nd element (index 1) of x to the 1st element (index 0) of y, you want to use a staggered approach with your indices. This will also lead to revising the for loop condition above (I'm trying to go through this step by step) since the first element of x (0) will not be getting used:
for i in range(1, len(x)):
That change will keep you from getting an index out of range error. Next for the staggered add:
for i in range(1, len(x)):
y.append(y[i-1] + x[i])
return y
So going back to the first append example. The for loop starts at index 1 where x = 1, and y has no value. To create a value for y[1] you append the sum of y at index 0 to x at index 1 giving you 4. The loop continues until you've exhausted the values in x, returning accumulated values in list y.

R: How to replace a character in a string after sampling and print out character instead of index?

I'd like to replace a character in a string with another character, by first sampling by the character. I'm having trouble having it print out the character instead of the index.
Example data, is labelled "try":
L 0.970223325 - 0.019851117 X 0.007444169
K 0.962779156 - 0.027295285 Q 0.004962779
P 0.972704715 - 0.027295285 NA 0
C 0.970223325 - 0.027295285 L 0.00248139
V 0.970223325 - 0.027295285 T 0.00248139
I'm trying to sample a character for a given row using weighted probabilities.
samp <- function(row) {
sample(try[row,seq(1, length(try), 2)], 1, prob = try[row,seq(2, length(try), 2)])
Then, I want to use the selected character to replace a position in a given string.
subchar <- function(string, pos, new) {
paste(substr(string, 1, pos-1), new , substr(string, pos+1, nchar(string)), sep='')
My question is - if I do, for example
> subchar("KLMN", 3, samp(4))
[1] "KL1N"
But I want it to read "KLCN". As.character(samp(4)) doesn't work either. How do I get it to print out the character instead of the index?
The problem arises because your letters are stored as factors rather than characters, and samp is returning a data.frame.
C is the first level in your factor so that is stored as 1 internally, and as.character (which gets invoked by the paste statement) pulls this out when working on the mini-data.frame:
4 C
[1] "1"
You can solve this in 2 ways, either dropping the data.frame of the samp output in your call to subchar, or modifying samp to do so:
subchar("KLMN", 3, samp(4)[,1])
[1] "KLCN"
samp2 <- function(row)
{ sample(try[row,seq(1, length(try), 2)], 1, prob = try[row,seq(2, length(try), 2)])[,1]
[1] "KLCN
You may also find it easier to sample within your subsetting, and you can drop the data.frame from there:
samp3 <- function(row){
