Powershell script to parse a log file and then append to a file - linux

I am new to Shellscripting.I am working on a poc in which a script should read a log file and then append to a existing file for the purpose of alert.It should work as per below
There will be some predefined format according to which it will decide whether to append in file or not.For example:
WWXXX9999XS message
**XXX** - is a 3 letter acronym (application code) like for **tom** for tomcat application
9999 - is a 4 numeric digit in the range 1001-1999
**E or X** - For notification X ,If open/active alerts already existing for same error code and same message,new alerts will not be raised for existing one.Once you have closed existing alerts,it will raise alarm for new error.There is any change in message for same error code from existing one, it will raise a alarm even though open/active alerts present.
X option is only for drop duplicates on code and message otherwise all alert mechanisms are same.
**S** - is the severity level, I.e 2,3
**message** - is any text that will be displayed
The script will examine the log file, and look for error like cloud server is down,then it would append 'wwclo1002X2 cloud server is down'if its a new alert.
2.If the same alert is coming again,then it should append 'wwclo1002E2 cloud server is down

There are some very handy commands you can use to do this type of File manipulation. I've updated this in response to your comment to allow functionality that will check if the error has already been appended to the new file.
My suggestion would be that there is enough functionality here to warrant saving it in a bash script.
My approach would be to use a combination of less, grep and > to read and parse the file and then append to the new file. First save the following into a bash script (e.g. a file named script.sh)
result=$(less $1 | grep $2)
exists=$(less $3 | grep $2)
if [[ "$exists" == "$result" ]]; then
echo "error, already present in file"
exit 1
echo $result >> $3
exit 0
Then use this file in the command passing in the log file as the first argument, the string to search for as the second argument and the target results file as the third argument like this:
./script.sh <logFileName> "errorToSearchFor" <resultsTargetFileName>
Don't forget to run the file you will need to change the permissions - you can do this using:
chmod u+x script.sh
Just to clarify as you have mentioned you are new to scripting - the less command will output the entire file, the | command (an unnamed pipe) will pass this output to the grep command which will then search the file for the expression in quotes and return all lines from the file containing that expression. The output of the grep command is then appended to the new file with >>.
You may need to tailor the expression in quotes after grep to get exactly the output you want from the log file.
The filenames are just placeholders, be sure to update these with the correct file names. Hope this helps!
Note updated > to >> (single angle bracket overwrites, double angle bracket appends


How do you append a string built with interpolation of vars and STDIN to a file?

Can someone fix this for me.
It should copy a version log file to backup after moving to a repo directory
Then it automatically appends line given as input to the log file with some formatting.
That's it.
Assume existence of log file and test directory.
cd ~/Git/test
cp versionlog.MD .versionlog.MD.old
LOGDATE="$(date --utc +%m-%d-%Y)"
read -p "MSG > " VHMSG |
cat ${VHENTRY} >> versionlog.MD
shell output
virufac#box:~/Git/test$ ~/.logvh.sh
MSG > testing script
CTRL + C to get out of stuck in reading lines of input
virufac#box:~/Git/test$ cat versionlog.MD
directly outputs the markdown
# Version Log
## version 0.0.1 established 01-22-2020
*Working Towards Working Mission 1 Demo in 0.1 *
- **01-22-2020** | discovered faker.Faker and deprecated old namelessgen
I finally got it to save the damned input lines to the file instead of just echoing the command I wanted to enter on the screen and not executing it. But... why isn't it adding the lines built from the VHENTRY variable... and why doesn't it stop reading after one line sometimes and this time not. You could see I was trying to do something to tell it to stop reading the input.
After some realizing a thing I had done in the script was by accident... I tried to fix it and saw that the | at the end of the read command was seemingly the only reason the script did any of what it did save to the file in the first place.
I would have done this in python3 if I had know this script wouldn't be the simplest thing I had ever done. Now I just have to know how you do it after all the time spent on it so that I can remember never to think a shell script will save time again.
Use printf to write a string to a file. cat tries to read from a file named in the argument list. And when the argument is - it means to read from standard input until EOF. So your script is hanging because it's waiting for you to type all the input.
Don't put quotes around the path when it starts with ~, as the quotes make it a literal instead of expanding to the home directory.
Get rid of | at the end of the read line. read doesn't write anything to stdout, so there's nothing to pipe to the following command.
There isn't really any need for the VHENTRY variable, you can do that formatting in the printf argument.
cd ~/Git/test
cp versionlog.MD .versionlog.MD.old
LOGDATE="$(date --utc +%m-%d-%Y)"
read -p "MSG > " VHMSG
printf -- '- **%s** | %s\n' "${LOGDATE}" "$VHMSG" >> versionlog.MD

grep empty output file

I made a shell script the purpose of which is to find files that don't contain a particular string, then display the first line that isn't empty or otherwise useless. My script works well in the console, but for some reason when I try to direct the output to a .txt file, it comes out empty.
Here's my script:
# takes user input.
echo "Input substance:"
read substance
echo "Listing media without $substance:"
cd media
# finds names of files that don't feature the substance given, then puts them inside an array.
searchresult=($(grep -L "$substance" *))
# iterates the array and prints the first line of each - contains both the number and the medium name.
# however, some files start with "Microorganisms" and the actual number and name feature after several empty lines
# the script checks for that occurence - and prints the first line that doesnt match these criteria.
for i in "${searchresult[#]}"
grep -m 1 -v "Microorganisms\|^$" $i
done >> output.txt
I've tried moving the >>output.txt to right after the grep line inside the loop, tried switching >> to > and 2>&1, tried using tee. No go.
I'm honestly feeling utterly stuck as to what the issue could be. I'm sure there's something I'm missing, but I'm nowhere near good enough with this to notice. I would very much appreciate any help.
EDIT: Added files to better illustrate what I'm working with. Sample inputs I tried: Glucose, Yeast extract, Agar. Link to files [140kB] - the folder was unzipped beforehand.
The script was given full permissions to execute. I don't think the output is being rewritten because even if I don't iterate and just run a single line of the loop, the file is empty.

If statement comparing variable to files in list

I am using terminal emulator. I have a folder with save files in it and am trying to determine whether the entered text matches any file in the list.
I created a variable called saveFiles using the ls. Only displaying files with .save and removing it from the output:
saveFiles=$(cd "${0%/*}"/save; ls *.save* | ls *.save*; cd "${0%/*}")
echo -n ">"
read -r "name"
So $saveFiles equals:
Savegame1 savegame2 savegame3
I'm trying to make an if statement that tests wether the entered variable equals any of the files in the folder.
The following script works except when I type a letter contained at the end of the file. So if one of the files is called savegame, if I type game it comes up with a match because game.save is contained in the string.
if [[ $saveFiles = *"$name".save* ]]
scene=$(cat "save/$name".save)
I need to find a way to test wether any of the strings in $saveFiles are equal to the entered variable $name.
To reiterate, files in folder:
Read `$name`
If $name matches any file in the list then load scene otherwise repeat.
I hope this isn't confusing. Please feel free to ask me to clarify further. Thank you.
Maybe I am not understanding the question correctly, but why don't you first request the file name and then query the file system with precisely that name, e.g.
read name
if [[ -f "${name}.save" ]];
echo "Found the file ${name}.save"

Deleting text in a file with "sed" isn't working as expected

I am currently working on a little script for the "nslookup"-command and in my testing I encountered a problem I don't understand. In my script a .txt file is automatically created and the user can input some text to it if he wishes to. He can also delete specific lines in the document. I tried writing it with "sed" but it doesn't seem to be working correctly.
Here the menu from the terminal output:
1) new_domain
2) domain
3) Create new Domain
4) Delete a Domain
5) Quit
The first two numbers also representing the line of each text.
The code for deleting a domain is the following:
read -p "Which domain-number shall be deleted?: " num_input
mv $filename $old_filename
sed "/$num_input/d" < $old_filename > $filename
rm $old_filename
But when executing that script and the user wants to delete line 2 (domain) the text-file remains the same and is not updated.
When I try the same only using the terminal everything works fine.
Is there something I'm missing?
To delete a line by its line number you will want to use $num_input d rather than /$num_input/d : the second one matches lines that contain $num_input.
As a side note, if you use GNU sed you could let it handle the backup :
sed -i.backup "$num_input d" domains.txt
This would create a copy of the untouched domains.txt as domains.txt.backup (or whatever suffix you specify after -i) and update the domains.txt file.

Assign full text file path to a variable and use variable as file path in sh file

I am trying to create a shell script for logs and trying to append data into a text file. I have write this sample "test.sh" code for testing:
#!/bin/sh -e
touch /home/sample.txt
SPTH = '/home/sample'.txt
echo "MY LOG FILE" >> "$SPTH"
echo "DUMP started at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> /home/sample.txt
echo "DUMP finished at $(date +'%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S')" >> /home/sample.txt
but in above code all lines are working correct except one line of code i.e.
echo "MY LOG FILE" >> "$SPTH"
It is giving error:
test.sh: line 6: : No such file or directory
I want to replace this full path of file "/home/sample.txt" to variable "$SPATH".
I am executing my shell script using
sh test.sh
What I am doing wrong.
Variable assignments in bash shell does not allow you to have spaces within. It will be actually interpreted as command with = and the subsequent keywords as arguments to the first word, which is wrong.
Change your code to
That is the reason why SPTH was not assigned to the actual path you intended it to have. And you have no reason to have single-quote here and excluding the extension part. Using it fully within double-quotes is absolutely fine.
The syntax for the command line is that the first token is a command, tokens are separated by whitespace. So:
SPTH = '/home/sample'.txt
Has the command as SPTH, the second token is =, and so on. You might think this is daft, but most shells behave like this for historical reasons.
So you need to remove the whitespace:
