How to create Onfido Webhook to verify customers - node.js

I am trying to create Web-hook to be notified about events that happen After creating Onfido Check for a customer from Back-end. While testing my Web-hook i am getting response as below:
{ resource_type: 'test_resource',
action: 'test_action',
{ id: '1234-1234-2658-3698',
status: 'completed',
completed_at: '2018-03-12 07:06:48 +0000',
href: '' } }
But i don't know What will be the Unique Key or ID (for ex. ApplicantID or CheckID ) which we can save in our database earlier while creating Applicant or while create Check on Applicant and after getting response from Webhook we could update Customer status.

In my case, I receive something like
payload: {
action: "check.completed",
resource_type: "check",
object: {
completed_at: "2018-08-15 13:36:30 UTC",
href: "<applicant_id>/checks/<check_id>",
id: <check_id>,
status: "complete"
So, Here is applicant_id and check_id in payload.object.href field and check_id in field. (Something like this described in
You can know your check_id from id field in a response from POST{applicant_id}/checks as described here:


I get a "($) prefixed field '$numberDecimal' in 'price.$numberDecimal' is not valid for storage." error when trying to update a field on my back-end

lately I've been trying to update a price field in my mongodb database but I'm facing an annoying issue.
The collection I'm trying to modify is listingsandReviews, within the database sample_airbnb.
The field in question is made as such price {$numberDecimal: priceVar}.
On my back end (using Express.js DAO architecture), my update query looks as such:
// console.log(roomContent.amenities)
let price = roomContent.price.$numberDecimal
try {
const roomIdResponse = await rooms.updateOne(
{ _id: roomId },
{ $set: {
address: {street: roomContent.address.street},
price: {'$numberDecimal': price},
property_type: roomContent.property_type,
bedrooms: roomContent.bedrooms,
beds: roomContent.beds,
minimum_nights: roomContent.minimum_nights,
maximum_nights: roomContent.maximum_nights,
amenities: roomContent.amenities,
description: roomContent.description
{ upsert: true }
return roomIdResponse;
catch (e) {
console.error(`Unable to update room: ${e}`);
return { error: e };
the shell gives me back that error Unable to update room: MongoServerError: The dollar ($) prefixed field '$numberDecimal' in 'price.$numberDecimal' is not valid for storage.
I've been looking at every resource possible, some saying I should try NumberDecimal(), others decimal128, but nothing works so far.
You could say I could fix the issue on the front-end, but that wouldn't make the database structure consistent, which I want to avoid.

How to send Google Calendar invites from node.js using a sendgrid template?

I'm trying to send ics calendar invites to users from node.js server with the goal of getting email clients (e.g. Gmail/Outlook etc) to render them as actual invites and not just usual file attachments.
This is very similar to what does.
So, basically, I'm trying to get something like this in Gmail:
The flow I need is the following (on the client-side):
In my frontend app User 1 presses the schedule event button;
User 2 presses accept button.
The event gets automatically scheduled and appears in both users google calendars (without any OAuth 2.0 stuff or anything like that. Just 2 button presses).
At the same time the users get emails with event details and the .ics file attachment. But the invites should already be in their calendars.
How can I do that?
If I need to use Google Calendar API for this, then how should I at least approach this if I can't have any OAuth 2.0 stuff for my users?
What I'm currently doing is I'm generating .ics files and sending them using SendGrid. However, with .icss I can't achieve a result like in the image above. These .ics files are not invites, they are merely attachments.
So I was wondering how should I approach this at all? Is using Google Calendar API the right way to implement this? If yes, then how can it be done server-side-only without making users authenticate?
I know it's possible because Calendly does exactly this. Users just enter their emails into the input field, press submit and the event invites automatically appear in their Google calendars.
How could this be implemented?
Maybe I don't get something, but generating .ics files doesn't seem to do the trick, and at the same time Google Calendar API does not appear to be the solution as well because of OAuth2 authentication.
In their docs they say:
Your application must use OAuth 2.0 to authorize requests. No other authorization protocols are supported.
Here's the code I'm using to send emails with .ics attachments (there's also a template on SendGrid side, hence the dynamicTemplateData prop):
const SendGrid = require("#sendgrid/mail");
const attachment = {
filename: 'invite.ics',
name: 'invite.ics',
content: Buffer.from(data).toString('base64'),
disposition: 'attachment',
contentId: uuid(),
type: 'text/calendar; method=REQUEST',
attachments: [attachment],
from: {
email: config.emailSender,
name: config.emailName,
dynamicTemplateData: {,
headers: {
'List-Unsubscribe': `<`,
And here's how my .ics attachment files look like:
PRODID:-//Organization//Organization App//EN
DESCRIPTION:my description
SUMMARY:my summary
I referenced this issue on the sendgrid repository as well as converted the solution from the ruby version to javascript.
The following worked for me successfully and Google generated the event preview.
const ics = require("ics");
const sendgrid = require("#sendgrid/mail");
const event = {
start: [2018, 5, 30, 6, 30],
duration: { hours: 6, minutes: 30 },
title: "Bolder Boulder",
description: "Annual 10-kilometer run in Boulder, Colorado",
location: "Folsom Field, University of Colorado (finish line)",
url: "",
geo: { lat: 40.0095, lon: 105.2669 },
categories: ["10k races", "Memorial Day Weekend", "Boulder CO"],
status: "CONFIRMED",
busyStatus: "BUSY",
organizer: { name: "Admin", email: "" },
attendees: [
name: "Adam Gibbons",
email: "",
rsvp: true,
partstat: "ACCEPTED",
const { value } = ics.createEvent(event);
to: "",
from: "",
subject: "This is an example email 3",
content: [
type: "text/plain",
value: "Plain Content",
type: "text/html",
value: "HTML Content",
type: "text/calendar; method=REQUEST",
value: value,
attachments: [
content: Buffer.from(value).toString("base64"),
type: "application/ics",
name: "invite.ics",
filename: "invite.ics",
disposition: "attachment",

Mutable Value in Firebase Push Notification Node.js 10 correct syntax?

I am trying to add Mutable_Content to my push notifications so I can add a badge count.
However I am running into the error:
Messaging payload contains an invalid value for the "notification.mutable_content" property. Values must be strings.
Here is my code for the payload:
const payload = {
notification : {
title: owner + ' has made a post',
body: title + ' - ' + caption,
mutable_content : true
I have tried many different tutorials to figure out the right syntax but it is not working.
It always comes up with an error.
I am using node.js 10 for the engine and firebase/google cloud platform to trigger the function.
Can anyone help me with this syntax?
Thank you
I had the same question and found unrelated and outdated firebase documentation about it. But you can bypass this by adding a apns field where you can directly put data for the apple notification service. But beware to use the apple syntax with hyphen.
See also:
var message = {
notification: {
title: "my notification title",
body: "hello"
apns: {
payload: {
aps: {
'mutable-content': true

AWS DynamoDB NodeJS Transactions - Trying to create 'move' with Put & Delete but ValidationError

I'm trying to do a simple transactional 'move' of data from one table to another in DynamoDB (to add indexes). Here's the call I'm making, the promise is returned because I'm using .then() to interpret it, but as you can see from the result I'm getting back there's something wrong with my JSON. Unfortunately, the error message is not very helpful. Very grateful of any help.
var runner = async (column1Value, column2Value) => {
return await ddb.transactWriteItems({
TransactItems: [
Delete: {
TableName: 'TABLE_V2',
Key: {
AuthorName: {
S: column1Value
Put: {
Item: {
'AuthorName': {
S: column1Value
'AuthorTitle': {
S: column2Value
TableName: 'TABLE_V3'
When I run my code I get the following:
at Request.extractError...
message: 'Transaction cancelled, please refer cancellation reasons for specific reasons [ValidationError, None]',
code: 'TransactionCanceledException',
time: 2019-03-31T00:03:05.401Z,
statusCode: 400,
retryable: false,
retryDelay: 30.057548210067033
I've read a few sites out there but all refer to a time froms before DynamoDB natively supported transactions with the .transactWriteItems().
e.g.: How to support transactions in dynamoDB with javascript aws-sdk?
Ok, so, there were two issues (let me know if they are not relevant to this site).
The 'Put' error was being thrown by the fact that there was a space character after the column name for the first column: 'AuthorName '
The 'Delete' error was being thrown by the fact that the TABLE_V2 is using not just a primary key but a search key also, so its JSON needs to be:
Delete: {
TableName: 'TABLE_V2',
Key: {
AuthorName: {
S: column1Value
AuthorTitle: {
S: column2Value

Add two more keys and values to a requested array of objects with the same values?

I'm using Node.js to make a Axios request to the Vimeo API.
I'm kind of a Noob with Json but I'd like to understand. I made a call to Vimeo with a filter of name, so I get an "array of objects" (I hope that name is correct ) it looks like this below:
[{ name: 'A Personalized Goal for Anthony' },
{ name: 'Flow access & overview' },
{ name: 'Welcome - 2018 Conference' },
{ name: 'Dropout Video' } ] }
This is simply the names of the videos, however I need to add two keys value pairs with the same value as the name value for a dropdown menu, so it looks like this below:
[{ name: 'A Personalized Goal for Anthony',
"text": "A Personalized Goal for Anthony",
"value": "A Personalized Goal for Anthony" },
{ name: 'Flow access & overview',
"text": "Flow access & overview"
"value": "Flow access & overview" },
{ name: 'Welcome - 2018 Conference',
"text": "Welcome - 2018 Conference"
"value": "Welcome - 2018 Conference" },
{ name: 'Dropout Video',
"text": "Welcome - 2018 Conference"
"value": "Welcome - 2018 Conference" }]
My app needs the keys "Text" and "Value" for a dropdown menu in order to process the response from the user.
I'm not sure why { name: 'Dropout Video'}, isn't formatted like this {"name":"Dropout Video"},
Is there a way in Node.js to add or duplicate an array using map or push using the same name value while also doing a foreach to this array which reflects the name but with two additional key value pairs with the same Value as the key Name?
This is a dynamic Object as well so when the request is called again it could have many more than just 4 video names returned.
My goal is to add numerous Videos to a Vimeo Album that I want to make the request to, then my app ( Slack chatbot ) then returns a list of options via a drop down menu for the users consideration so that I'm able to see which Name or title they selected and thus want more information on.
Thank you so much any help here. I wish Vimeo had a Text and Value field so I could just filter that instead but then it wouldn't be fun :)
You could map through your result, so, for example, after you get the result:
const movies = [{ name: 'A Personalized Goal for Anthony' },
{ name: 'Flow access & overview' },
{ name: 'Welcome - 2018 Conference' },
{ name: 'Dropout Video' }];
You could map it to add the other two properties to each one of your objects, the advantage is that you are not mutating your results.
const mappedMovies = => {
return {
In that way, you will have the list of objects with the format that you want, now if you need it in json format you could do:
const JSONString = JSON.stringify(mappedMovies);
Objects are references, so you could just loop through your objects and add the keys.
const videos = [
{ name: 'A Personalized Goal for Anthony' },
{ name: 'Flow access & overview' },
{ name: 'Welcome - 2018 Conference' },
{ name: 'Dropout Video' }
for (video of videos) {
video.text =
video.value =
Welcome to SO Kevin,
It looks like you almost provided the answer yourself already...
To get the resulting array you can map through the object and add keys as required:
const slackVideos = (item, label) {
return {
...item, //this ensures all original keys are available, using the ES6 destructuring
value: item.value,
Assuming videos is the object received from vimeo, slackVideos will now contain your aditional text & value keys; both containing the name key from the original vimeo object.
