Migrating InfoPath Form from Sharepoint 2013 to Sharepoint Online - sharepoint-online

We're migrating a very complicated Infopath template from Sharepoint 2013 to Sharepoint Online. This template requires domain permissions and a lot of custom code, so a browser-enabled form is not possible.
In Sharepoint 2013, we share the template file (.xsn) which people can click on and it will open in InfoPath Form Filler, where they can do their work. Nobody actually submits the form, because the data is kept on a database.
In Sharepoint Online, the .xsn file will open in Designer view. This is an issue because the users are non-technical people and we don't want them to have to click through to preview or accidentally change something.
We've published the form in a Form Library, but when someone tries to create a new Form, it'll open correctly in InfoPath Filler Form, but give an XML error.
"The form contains XML that cannot be parsed: An invalid character was found in text content. Line 1, Position 5 MSCF"
When I check out the underlying template, I can Edit the Template, which again opens up InfoPath Designer with no issues.
I've also exported out the XML for the template and spot no XML errors and can open it in InfoPath designer, so I'm at a loss about how to debug the XML error.
So, we can go either route to resolve the issue:
1) Continue putting the template file on the Sharepoint folders and having users click on it and fill in data, but it must open in Filler Form, not Designer.
2) Fix the issue with the XML Form error (how do I go about even debugging this?) I've exported out the template as a .XML file, but can not spot any XML errors.

Your other option is to get rid of infopath and use a custom form using javascript in classic UI mode OR develop an SPFX webpart that achieve the same thing as your infopath ?


Convert InfoPath 2010 form InfoPath 2007 Form

We've got an InfoPath floating around that was created in InfoPath 2010. It has been distributed to a handful of users through a SharePoint document library - unfortunately users with InfoPath 2007 aren't able to submit the form, or even open it. They receive the error message:
"The form template was created with a newer version of InfoPath.
This form template was created by InfoPath version 14.0.0."
Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is there a known procedure for converting .xsn files from version 14.0.0 to a version compatible with InfoPath 2007?
To open the form in InfoPath 2007, you will need to set the form's compatibility to InfoPath 2007. You can do so in the Form Options dialog. If you have used any newer features such as the People Picker, it may downgrade your user experience and force you to recreate some of these controls.
If you do not need some of the more advanced features of the InfoPath client, you may consider having your users access the form using the Web Browser interface. You can set this as the default open mode for the document library, or you can put "?OpenIn=Browser" in the URL when you open the form. See details on Microsoft's site about using query string parameters for Web-enabled forms.

Creating an item in a SharePoint Form Library from a SharePoint Designer Workflow

I'm using MOSS (SharePoint 2007) and InfoPath 2007.
I have a Form Library with an attached InfoPath form, and would like to create new items (forms) in this library during a workflow built in SharePoint designer.
I've tried using the "Create List Item" action, but it doesn't assign the correct metadata (the new item looks fine in a view of the list, but can't be used to render the form (the generic "form has been closed" error comes up if you try to view the item)).
I'm not adverse to writing my own custom WFA to do this in .NET if need be, although it'd be nice to find a simpler solution.
Can anyone provide any resources for how to achieve this in SPD, or programmatically? My searches on the topic so far have been unfruitful...
Found the solution to this, thanks to a video on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/v/bcnC_XwCcAg&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0
For anyone else out there who (like me) might not be able to watch YouTube content where they need this information, here's the process:
Create IP form
Publish to SP Server (as doc lib)
On document library, change settings:
allow management of content types
display in browser
"Fill out" a blank version of the form and save it to the doc lib with name "template"
Open context menu for "template" form and select Download a Copy
Delete "template" form from document library
Open library in windows explorer
Open Forms dir
Paste downloaded copy of "template" form into the Forms dir (as template.xml)
Go back into doc lib settings
turn off management of content types
change template url to template.xml
press OK to save changes
Go back into advanced settings ago, and turn management of content types back on
In SPD, make a WF which uses Create List Item to put an item in that library
And that's it. Just 12 steps needed to publish an InfoPath form so that it behaves as you'd expect, and any SharePoint developer should be familiar with 12-step programs.

Publishing Infopath 2010 form to sharepoint 2010

This question is about publishing infopath 2010 form to sharepoint server 2010.I designed a form and publish it to a sharepoint library successfully.When I try to fill the form and save it to sharepoint library,I am unable to do it? Can Some one say How to save the filled infopath form to a library in share point 2010?
Any help is appreciated?
To really work "the Sharepoint way" you need to use some things:
A forms library with your Infopath form set up as the form template. The forms library is already configured correctly, but just to make sure you need to set the InfoPath form to open in the browser (via the Forms Services and the Infopath webpart respectively) - to open the file in the browser is a setting on the forms library. Your form should not open with the Infopath Form filler.
The easiest way to test this is to open Infopath 2010 and to create a form based on the "Sharepoint Form Library" which sets up everything correctly for you.
In the save as dialog box of InfoPath filler, have you tried supplying:
http: <<SERVER_NAME>>/<<SITE>>..../<<FORM_LIBRARY NAME>>/<<FORM_NAME>>.xml

Force InfoPath form to open in Browser

I created an InfoPath form that uses VB code to push fields into a custom list I created on a SharePoint 2007 site. This part works.
I "published" the form into a form library.
I changed the settings on that form library to open items in the browser and allow editing of content types.
In InfoPath under Form Settings I chose the compatibility setting to allow this form to be opened in a browser, I linked to my Forms service online, and ran the design checker. No errors.
When I try to open it in the browser using the "Edit in Browser" setting I get this error message:
This form template is not currently
browser-enabled. It must either be
republished as a browser-enabled form,
or opened using Microsoft Office
InfoPath 2007.
No matter what I do, the form will not open in the browser. This is all I want. Did I miss something??
You need to upload your form thru Central Administration because you use code in your form. See this MSDN acticle.

Infopath doesn't render background colors/pictures w/ Outlook Task/Sharepoint

I am using Infopath forms to collect information to trigger my Windows Workflow sitting on Sharepoint 2007. The Infopath forms have logo's and branding which only show up on the Sharepoint portal but the infopath forms which are emailed when tasks are created during the workflow look different as in the background colors (Infopath Theme) and jpeg's are not there...web form compatibility was for checked in all appropriate places....any ideas?
Figured out the issue here...InfoPath seems to cache the form on the client(seems to check for the form’s unique URN in the cache) which means that if you attempt to click on the email “Edit this task…” the new form is not downloaded, instead the InfoPath form from the cache is displayed.
I am looking at a few ways into fix this. In the meanwhile, to be able see the jpeg's and background colors on the InfoPath form, Run the following on your cmd window (Sorry it’s “hacky” for now)
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\INFOPATH.EXE" /cache clearall
Will write a blog post when I figure out a nice way to fix this
