Is it possible to use the same node.js server for two/three different domains (aliases)? - node.js

Is it possible to use the same nodeJS server for two/three different domains (aliases)? (I don't want to redirect my users. I want them to see the exact URL they typed in the address bar. However, all three domains are exactly the same!)
I want my users to be logged in on all three domains at the same time, in order to avoid any confusion.
What is the simplest way to do this and avoid cross-domain issues?

If you mean that all domains will serve the same nodejs app then Yes you can do that.
but if each domain should open a different application then you must have a reverse proxy running on the server to handle and manage the sites/vhosts.
You may install nginx and use it as reverse proxy server or look for http-proxy a library for nodejs.
If you would like to manage the vhosts in your app you can look for vhost middleware for nodejs and use it

Choose one of:
Use some other server (like nginx) as a reverse proxy.
Use node-http-proxy as a reverse proxy.
Use the vhost middleware if each domain can be served from the same Connect/Express codebase and node.js instance.

This is a very broad question. Moreover, it is generally a pretty bad idea, SEO-wise, to have multiple independent domains that each serve the same content.
Logging in is generally either done through Cookies, or through extra parameters in the URL. Cookies are always domain-specific, for obvious security reasons. If you want to ensure folks will be logged in to all the domains at once, you can create an internal purpose-driven domain to handle authentication (without such domain showing in URL bar, and only being used for HTTP redirects, effectively); such domain will store the login state for all the rest, and the rest would pick up the login state through such purpose-driven domain (through HTTP redirects).
In general, however, this sounds like too much trouble. Consider that, perhaps, some users specifically want to use different domains for different accounts, so, you'll effectively break their usage if you mandate that a single login be used for all of them. And, back to the original point, doing this is pretty bad for SEO, so, just don't do it.


Reverse proxy in Azure with Web Apps

I'm moving from Apache on Linux to Azure Web Apps and I have a specific url ( and everything under it) that is configured with a reverse proxy so the end user doesn't know that the content is actually coming from another service.
I'm sure I can do this within Web Apps (which runs on IIS) but I can't find any documentation on how to do this. As a backup I'm open to putting another service in front of my Web App.
How can I accomplish this in Azure?
Update: I did try using another service - Functions. My architecture looks like this:
This works in production but I'm hitting snags in development. /blog may or may not work depending on the entry point. In prod, our DNS will be configured so points to and, therefore, any URI the user hits will work. In dev, however, we may want to browse to hit /blog from the Traffic Manager which will route us to /blog on the webapp which doesn't exist. Same problem, of course, if we go to /blog directly on the webapp. I tried to show these examples on the right side of the diagram.
I would like to find a solution so the webapp itself can handle the /blog proxying and then we can determine whether it's worth the speed and cost tradeoff compared to the existing solution.
You might want to checkout Azure Functions Proxies:
Sounds like you want an Application Gateway (caution, costs like $15/day)
The AGW can have multiple listeners against multiple hostnames, including path-based routing.
You will want to add two backends, one for the /blog endpoint and one for the non-/blog stuff. The backends just take the IP or FQDN of the target resource, in this case you will have:
Then you need to add listeners for your public-facing domain, it would be like:
myHttpListener: port 80,
myHttpsListener: port 443,
Then you need an HTTP setting
myHttpSetting: protocol=HTTPS, port=443, useWellKnownCACert=Yes, HostnameOverride=Yes,pick from backend target
Then you need rules, one for http=>https redirect, and the other for handling the pathing
myRedirectRule: type=basic, listener=myHttpListener, backendtargettype=redirection, targettype=listener, target=myHttpsListener
myRoutingRule: type=path-based, listener=myHttpsListener, targettype=backendpool, target=defaultBackend, httpSetting=myHttpSetting, pathRules=
path=/* name=root backendpool=defaultBackend
path=/blog name=blog backendpool=blogBackend
You can create additional http settings and assign them to the path rules to change the behaviour of the reverse proxy. For example, you can have the user's URL be, but have the path stripped on the request to the blog so the request looks like instead of
There's a lot of tiny parts, but the app gateways can handle multiple applications at scale. Biggest thing is to watch out for the cost since this is more of an enterprise solution.

Forcing SSL on server level vs app level

I am pretty sure that similar questions have been asked before but I didn't manage to find any (maybe I am using the wrong terms).
I have an unsecure web app (built in Laravel). All communication between the frontend and the backend goes through http. Now, I want to switch to https. As far as I know, there are two ways I can do this.
The first is to configure the server (the one that hosts the app) to accept only https requests. If I do it this way, the communication between the client and the server will be encrypted and I won't have to change anything in my app (is this correct ?).
The second way is to configure my app to accept only https requests. If I do it this way I will have to make some changes to my application code.
Now I want to ask, are both ways equally secure ? Which way is prefered and why ?
Several things are mixed up here I'm afraid.
You can only turn on SSL on your web server (Apache, Nginx, etc). You need a server certificate, and you have to configure your web server to be able to receive https (ssl) connections. As for how exactly to do that is beyond the scope of this answer, but there are lots of tutorials you can find. You have to do this first.
When your web server is configured to support SSL, you want your web application to only be accessible over HTTPS and not plain HTTP. The purpose is that on the one hand, users who don't know the difference are still safe, and on the other hand that attackers can't downgrade a users connection to insecure plain HTTP.
Now as for how you want to enforce HTTPS for your application, you really do have two choices. You can have your web server handle plain HTTP requests and redirect them to SSL, this is an easy configuration both in Apache and Nginx. Or you can add redirects to your application to handle the scenario when it's accessed over plain HTTP and redirect your user with something like a Location header to HTTPS.
Security-wise, it doesn't really matter whether it's the webserver or the application that makes the redirect, from the client's perspective it's the same (mostly indistinguishable, actually). Choose the option that you like best. There may be for example maintainability reasons to choose one or the other. (Do you want to maintain redirection in your application code, or have your server operations add the redirect headers, etc.)
Note though, that either way, your application may still be vulnerable to an attack called SSL Stripping, and to prevent that you should always send a HSTS response header.

Host multiple site with node.js

I'm currently learning node.js and loving it. I noticing, however, that it seems that's it's really only fit for one site. So it's great for hosting, but what if I want to build an actual full web server with it. In other words, I would like to host,, and so on. What solutions (modules) are available for this? I was thinking of simply parsing the url from the request object and simply reading from the appropriate directory. For example if I get a request for then read from the example_com directory or if I get a request from read from the mydomain_com directory. The issue here is I don't know how this will affect performance and scalability.
I've looked into Multi-node but I don't fully follow the idea of processes yet (I'm a node beginner).
Any suggestions are welcome.
You can do this a few different ways. One way is to write it directly into your web application by checking what domain the request was made to and then route within your application but unless your application is very basic this can make it fairly bloated and can get messy. A good time to do something like this might be if you're writing a blogging platform where everything is pretty much the same across all your domains. The key difference might be how you query your data to display the right data.
In this case you'd probably use the request to see which blog is being accessed.
If you want to just host a few different domains on the same server all using port 80 (like most websites do) you will want to proxy each request off to a different process. You can do this with nginx or even with node itself. It all comes down to what best fits your needs. bouncy is a quick way to get setup doing this as its a nodejs module and has some pretty impressive benchmarks. nginx (proxy with nginx) is probably the most wildly used method though, as a lot of nodejs servers use nginx to serve static content anyways.
You can use connect's vhost middleware (which is also available in express) to dispatch requests to separate request handlers based on the Host: header. This assumes that everything is being handled by the same node process on the same port; if you really need separate processes, then the suggestion about using nginx as a reverse proxy is probably the way to go.

Using IIS as secure reverse proxy in front of less secure HTTP server?

I have a CppCMS based application and I cant use IIS's FastCGI connector as
it is broken for my use thus I want to try to
use the internal HTTP server designed for debug purposes behind IIS.
I it is quite simple web server for an application that handles basic HTTP/1.0 requests
and does not care too much about security like DoS, file serving and more.
So I'd like to know if it is possible to use IIS in front of such application such that
it would:
Sanitize all requests - ensure that they are proper HTTP
Handle all DoS issues like timeouts
Serve the static files.
Is this something that can be configured and done at all?
I would suggest this is the wrong way of doing this. I would use a web server like Nginx to proxy the requests through to backend server. It is very configurable and you will find a lot of articles with doing it to Apache.
We just did something like this. You want the URL Rewriter module. You can use it to sanitize the URLs, however, it isn't going to sanitize the payload. Which is to say, you can make sure that the URLs that hit your box are very specific ones, e.g. not attempts to hits CGI, but you can't use it to make sure that the contents of an upload are safe.
ModSecurity is out for IIS now, it can handle lots of the security related issues.

Can I find out what domain made a request that triggered an HttpModule?

How do I find out from within an HttpModule what domain made a particular request?
Say I only want to allow and to use images from my server, how do I check that it is them making the request?
There's no way to do this in every case. Consider that UrlReferrer may not be set. Also, consider that you could be called by a client that does not have a DNS address.
Instead, you should consider configuring IIS to authenticate using user certificates. If you've only got a small number of sites calling you, generate a certificate, register it with IIS and map to the user you want, then give the certificates to those two machines to be installed on them.
Request.UrlReferrer, but it can easily be spoofed.
