SharePoint IIS Configuration - sharepoint

I am new at SharePoint and have installed and configured everything, on the local machine (where SharePoint is installed), I connect with the PC name, and everything is working, I can access the front-end and the Central Administration. I have a dns record that points to the ip of the computer. So on another machine, I use the url ( to connect. Central Administration works ( but when I try to access the front-end (Port 80 - I get the following on my screen
I presume something on my IIS is not setup correctly.
Any advise how I can fix this?

Turns out, I need to create a new Web Application for the new Site Collection


sharepoint designer 2013 issue opening site due to usage of host header

I have two different SharePoint sites on my server which are separated using host headers on IIS.
Everything seems to work fine but I cannot open my sites using SharePoint designer 2013 and it doesn't give any sensible error to work on.
I tried to connect on server as well as on my local machine and tried both domain and IP but nothing seems to work.
Any help would be appreciated.
you must enable sharepoint designer on the web application settings, in central administration.
then, make sure you are site collection admin and enable spd on site collection settings
if you are trying to connect locally, make sure you can resolve the server address. optionally create a hosts entry

Allow remote connection in IIS website

I developed a web app, published it to the File System and try to setup the IIS to make it available to a Virtual Machine with XP and a IE8.
Everything is fine in my computer, I can see the website, but from the VM I can't and it's because the setting "Enable remote connections" in the management tab in the Site in the IIS is not checked.
The problem is that option (view image)Manage does not appear under my Site in the IIS.
I already added all the features related with this but nothing works.
It is a application.
Any guesses?
Solved it,
The Network Address Translation option they give in the setting will work.
Just need to access the address that both machines are using for the bridge, so you will have to go to look at the network configuration

Procedures to launch a fully-operational site on a VPS

OK, there is a newbie on VPS here.
I want to know what should i need to do in order to launch a site on VPS!(All things in order)
There is a site called vpsbible i just don't want to watch all those videos!
I can arrange to do any thing, but i need to know the steps i need take.
What i am asking is what is the sequence for launching a website on a VPS!?
i.e from buying a host to DNS configuration, etc...
PS: i googled the topic but i didn't find anything solid.
It's very easy adding a site on VPS server using the VPS hosting control panel - Plesk in Windows VPS, and cPanel in Linux VPS.
Login in your hosting control panel.
Add a new account
Add a new site
Create email and FTP accounts
Point your domain name to your VPS server via DNS settings.
Deploy your site via FTP.
That's it with few steps. :)

Get domain & subdomain of server by console application

Let's take one case that i hosted my web application on window server 2008 R2 and one exe (console application) running on that server.
I can access that web application by URI:
<subdomain>.<domain>.net , is there any way to get subdomain and domain info from EXE (C#) ?
Thanks in Advance.
The answer is... it depends.
If you only have one site hosted on your box then you can just connect to the local instance via either the IP Address the website on the machine resolves too, or by using http://localhost etc.
When you have a URL, the situation becomes more complicated. The machine could be hosting several websites - how do you know which one you want to connect to? In this instance, I would advise just storing the url you want to connect to in config.
However, it should be possible to list the all of the domains from IIS - you'll need to use WMI.

TFS2010: Single Server Deployment wizard, Bad sharepoint URLs

I just installed TFS2010, and set it up with the single server wizard. It installed me Sharepoint Services an let everything working pretty well.
But, the sharepoint URLs it generates from the Server name "server". As my setup is without a domain, the URLs work okay only from the server computer, not from the others.
I have to give access to LAN clients, and Internet Clients, both connected thought my Public Ip.
How can I change those sharepoint IPs from TFS to be generated From the IP, not from the Server's name??
Thanks in advance
Sharepoint is simply an ASP.Net web application sitting on IIS so all the configuration for host headers etc can be added in IIS itself - if you have multiple instance of sharepoint running on the server, you'll have to add URL's using the sharepoint configuration site but most stuff can be tweaked through IIS (IP's its listening on etc)
If you not on an domainan and want people to have access to the site though you'll have to add your machines IP to the DNS server that you clients are using
