What is the place the JSONP in CORS platform? - cross-domain

I m researching CORS Attacks, XSS and JSONP and Cross Origin Embedding models to getting informations about cross origin resource sharing. But I dont understand clearly JSONP logic. I m new for this topic. Any person can use JSONP for attacks? And how can we prevent from this kind of attacks? And also could you explain CSRF token ?

JSONP is a bit dodgy, from a security perspective:
Requires excessive trust. Suppose you have a page hosted on a.com and it uses JSONP to access services provided by b.org. This involves placing 100% trust in b.org. If b.org is malicious or buggy, it can subvert the security of the embedding page and all of the a.com origin. This kind of excess trust is dangerous from a security perspective: it makes your application fragile.
To put it another way: JSONP is basically a self-inflicted XSS. Yes, OK, I know it's a feature, not a bug, but still...
CSRF vulnerabilities. You have to remember to defend against CSRF vulnerabilities, and with JSONP, that gets a bit tricky. Standard advice is to ensure that only POST requests can trigger a side-effect, and to include a CSRF token in all POST requests; but JSONP involves sending a GET request to trigger a side-effect, which ain't exactly the cleanest solution you've ever seen. So this means that the host that provides JSONP service needs to remember to check CSRF tokens even on GET requests. Also, it requires a bit of a tricky protocol for the embedding page (a.com) to obtain the proper CSRF token from the JSONP service (b.org). It gets messy.
Causes mixed-content warnings. Suppose we have a page hosted on https://a.com and it accesses a JSONP service on http://b.org. Then this will inevitably trigger a scary-looking mixed-content warning (since JSONP involving loading a script from http://b.org).
User authentication gets ugly. If b.org wants to authenticate the user, that gets tricky to do when using JSONP. The embedding page (a.com) needs to first somehow give the user an opportunity to log into b.org in advance, before accessing b.org's JSONP service. Both sites need to coordinate.
Here's a summary of the security issues with JSONP, as I understand it:
From the consumer's perspective:
You must trust the provider to not return malicious JavaScript instead of the expected JSON wrapped in the JSONP callback you specify.
The same is also true of any third party JavaScript embedded add-ons, such as Google Analytics.
It's only similar to XSS attacks in that it allows a 3rd party to execute arbitrary JavaScript in your application, however, you must first choose to trust that 3rd party by making the request in the first place.
From the provider's perspective:
You must not assume that even though the clients' cookie(s) are present in the request that the consumer is a webpage under your control. Check the Referer header against a whitelist of authorized URLs, and/or don't rely on cookie-based authentication.
Analogous to a CSRF / confused deputy attack.


Is CSRF possible with PUT or DELETE methods?

Is CSRF possible with PUT or DELETE methods? Or does the use of PUT or DELETE prevent CSRF?
Great question!
In a perfect world, I can't think of a way to perform a CSRF attack.
You cannot make PUT or DELETE requests using HTML forms.
Images, Script tags, CSS Links etc all send GET requests to the server.
XmlHttpRequest and browser plugins such as Flash/Silverlight/Applets will block cross-domain requests.
So, in general, it shouldn't be possible to make a CSRF attack to a resource that supports PUT/DELETE verbs.
That said, the world isn't perfect. There may be several ways in which such an attack can be made possible :
Web Frameworks such as Rails have support for "pseudo method". If you put a hidden field called _method, set its value to PUT or DELETE, and then submit a GET or POST request, it will override the HTTP Verb. This is a way to support PUT or DELETE from browser forms. If you are using such a framework, you will have to protect yourself from CSRF using standard techniques
You may accidentally setup a lax response headers for CORS on your server. This would allow arbitrary websites to make PUT and DELETE requests.
At some point, HTML5 had planned to include support for PUT and DELETE in HTML Forms. But later, they removed that support. There is no guarantee that it won't be added later. Some browsers may actually have support for these verbs, and that can work against you.
There may just be a bug in some browser plugin that could allow the attacker to make PUT/DELETE requests.
In short, I would recommend protecting your resources even if they only support PUT and DELETE methods.
Yes, CSRF is possible with the PUT and DELETE methods, but only with CORS enabled with an unrestrictive policy.
I disagree with Sripathi Krishnan's answer:
XmlHttpRequest and browser plugins such as Flash/Silverlight/Applets
will block cross-domain requests
Nothing stops the browser from making a cross-domain request. The Same Origin Policy does not prevent a request from being made - all it does is prevent the request from being read by the browser.
If the server is not opting into CORS, this will cause a preflight request to be made. This is the mechanism that will prevent a PUT or DELETE from being used, because it is not a simple request (the method needs to be HEAD, GET or POST). Assuming a properly locked down CORS policy of course (or none at all which is secure by default).
No. Relying on an HTTP verb is not a way to prevent a CSRF attack. It's all in how your site is created. You can use PUTs as POSTs and DELETEs as GETs - it doesn't really matter.
To prevent CSRF, take some of the steps outlined here:
Web sites have various CSRF countermeasures available:
Requiring a secret, user-specific token in all form submissions and side-effect URLs prevents CSRF; the attacker's site cannot put the
right token in its submissions1
Requiring the client to provide authentication data in the same HTTP Request used to perform any operation with security
implications (money transfer, etc.)
Limiting the lifetime of session cookies Checking the HTTP Referer header or(and)
Checking the HTTP Origin header[16]
Ensuring that there is no clientaccesspolicy.xml file granting unintended access to Silverlight controls[17]
Ensuring that there is no crossdomain.xml file granting unintended access to Flash movies[18]
Verifying that the request's header contains a X-Requested-With. Used by Ruby on Rails (before v2.0) and Django (before v1.2.5).
This protection has been proven unsecure[19] under a combination of
browser plugins and redirects which can allow an attacker to
provide custom HTTP headers on a request to any website, hence
allow a forged request.
In theory it should not be possible as there is no way to initiate a cross-domain PUT or DELETE request (except for CORS, but that needs a preflight request and thus the target site's cooperation). In practice I would not rely on that - many systems have been bitten by e.g. assuming that a CSRF file upload attack was not possible (it should not be, but certain browser bugs made it possible).
CSRF is indeed possible with PUT and DELETE depending on the configuration of your server.
The easiest way to think about CSRF is to think of having two tabs open in your browser, one open to your application with your user authenticated, and the other tab open to a malicious website.
If the malicious website makes a javascript request to your application, the browser will send the standard cookies with the request, thus allowing the malicious website to 'forge' the request using the already authenticated session. That website can do any type of request that it wants to, including GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc.
The standard way to defend against CSFR is to send something along with the request that the malicious website cannot know. This can be as simple as the contents of one of the cookies. While the request from the malicious site will have the cookies sent with it, it cannot actually access the cookies because it is being served by a different domain and browser security prevents it from accessing the cookies for another domain.
Call the cookie content a 'token'. You can send the token along with requests, and on the server, make sure the 'token' has been correctly provided before proceeding with the request.
The next question is how do you send that value with all the different requests, with DELETE specifically difficult since it is not designed to have any kind of payload. In my opinion, the cleanest way is to specify a request header with the token. Something like this x-security-token = token. That way, you can look at the headers of incoming requests, and reject any that are missing the token.
In the past, standard ajax security restricted what could be done via ajax on the malicious server, however, now-a-days, the vulnerability depends on how you have your server set up with regards to accees-control configurations. Some people open up their server to make it easier to make cross domain calls or for users to make their own RESTful clients or the like, but that also makes it easier for a malicious site to take advantage unless CSRF prevention methods like the ones above are put in place.

Is CSRF protection for side effect free GET requests needed?

I'm developing a web application in which all dynamic content is retrieved as JSON with Ajax requests. I'm considering whether I should protect GET API calls from being invoked from different origins?
GET requests do not modify state and a common wisdom is that they do not require CSRF protection. But I wonder if there are no corner cases in which browser leaks the result of such requests to a different origin site?
For example, if a different origin site GETs /users/emails as script, css or img, is it possible that a browser would leak resulting json to the calling site (for example via javascript onerror handler)?
Do Browsers give strong enough guarantees that a content of a cross origin JSON response won't be leaked? Do you think protecting GET request against cross origin calls makes sense or is it overkill?
You have nailed a corner case and yet highly relevant issue. Indeed, there is this possibility, and it's called JSON Inclusion or Cross Site Scripting Inclusion or Javascript Inclusion, depending on who you refer to. The attack is, basically, doing a on an evil site, and then accessing the results via javascript once the js engine has parsed it.
The short story is that ALL your JSON responses have to be contained in an Object, not an Array or JSONP (so: {...}) and for better measure you should start all responses with a prefix (while(1), for(;;) or a parser breaker). Look at facebook's or google's JSON responses to have a live example.
Or, you can make your URLs unguessable by using a CSRF protection - both approach works.
This is not a CSRF issue, as long as you're returning pure JSON and your GET's are side affect free, it DOES NOT have to be csrf protected.
what Paradoxengine mentioned is another vulnerabilty: if you are using JSONP it is possible for an attacker to read the JSON sent to an authenticated user. Users of very old browsers (IE 5.5) can also be attacked in this way even using regular JSON.
You can send requests to a different domain (which is what CSRF attacks do), but you can't read the responses.
I learn this in another stack overflow question from here It seems like I understand CSRF incorrectly?
hope this help you understand the question.

HTTP Referer for Single Sign On

As part of a project with a partner, we are required to provide single-sign-on service on our app. Basically, people will log in through our partner's website, then they are redirected to ours. The redirected request will have the user's data in the HTTP header fields.
Here's where it gets "iffy". The process of authenticating if this request is valid or not is dependent on the value of the HTTP Referer field. Our partner tells us to check this field to see that the source is a legitimate one.
Now I know (and I'm glad to be proven wrong) that this field is easy enough to forge, and since no other method of authentication is given to us, a malicious user could easily construct a false HTTP request and gain access to our web app.
I'm a programmer first, and admittedly know very little about the intricacies of HTTP. So are my concerns real? Would using SSL (somehow) void this concern?
Remember that rule number one is never trust client input. Like any other client input, the Referer header is trivial to forge. SSL does nothing for you because you still rely on client input. Also, note that browsers SHOULD NOT send Referer to http pages when referred by https pages.
Additionally, consider that many privacy-conscious people and proxies (that individuals may not have any control over) might strip Referer headers from their requests, breaking your scheme.
To do this properly, you need to use something like OAuth or OpenID, where the protocols have been designed to be secure.
The HTTP Referrer header is unreliable: depending on the browser used it may not be sent.
Does http-equiv="refresh" keep referrer info and metadata?
Yes - It is forgeable.
No - A client can just as easily send a (fake) HTTPS request as a (fake) HTTP request. The only difference is the connection is encrypted. It says nothing about the data transmitted.
That being said, it is another precaution that can be used. It should not be relied upon for security, however.
I would look at Microsoft Federation -- it's likely overkill, but it shows one way to implement SSO securely.

How to fix CSRF in the HTTP protocol spec?

What changes to the HTTP protocol spec, and to browser behaviour, would be required to prevent dangerous cases of cross-site request forgery?
I am not looking for suggestions as to how to patch my own web app. There are millions of vulnerable web apps and forms. It would be easier to change HTTP and/or the browsers.
If you agree to my premise, please tell me what changes to the HTTP and/or browser behaviour are needed. This is not a competition to find the best single answer, I want to collect all the good answers.
Please also read and comment on the points in my 'answer' below.
Roy Fielding, author of the HTTP specification, disagrees with your opinion, that CSRF is a flaw in HTTP and would need to be fixed there. As he wrote in a reply in a thread named The HTTP Origin Header:
CSRF is not a security issue for the Web. A well-designed Web
service should be capable of receiving requests directed by any host,
by design, with appropriate authentication where needed. If browsers
create a security issue because they allow scripts to automatically
direct requests with stored security credentials onto third-party
sites, without any user intervention/configuration, then the obvious
fix is within the browser.
And in fact, CSRF attacks were possible right from the beginning using plain HTML. The introduction of nowadays technologies like JavaScript and CSS did only introduce further attack vectors and techniques that made request forging easier and more efficient.
But it didn’t change the fact that a legitimate and authentic request from a client is not necessarily based on the user’s intention. Because browsers do send requests automatically all the time (e. g. images, style sheets, etc.) and send any authentication credentials along.
Again, CSRF attacks happen inside the browser, so the only possible fix would need to be to fix it there, inside the browser.
But as that is not entirely possible (see above), it’s the application’s duty to implement a scheme that allows to distinguish between authentic and forged requests. The always propagated CSRF token is such a technique. And it works well when implemented properly and protected against other attacks (many of them, again, only possible due to the introduction of modern technologies).
I agree with the other two; this could be done on the browser-side, but would make impossible to perform authorized cross-site requests.
Anyways, a CSRF protection layer could be added quite easily on the application side (and, maybe, even on the webserver-side, in order to avoid making changes to pre-existing applications) using something like this:
A cookie is set to a random value, known only by server (and, of course, the client receiving it, but not a 3rd party server)
Each POST form must contain a hidden field whose value must be the same of the cookie. If not, form submission must be prevented and a 403 page returned to the user.
Enforce the Same Origin Policy for form submission locations. Only allow a form to be submitted back to the place it came from.
This, of course, would break all sorts of other things.
If you look at the CSRF prevention cheat sheet you can see that there are ways of preventing CSRF by relying upon the HTTP protocol. A good example is checking the HTTP referer which is commonly used on embedded devices because it doesn't require additional memory.
However, this is weak form of protection. A vulnerability like HTTP response splitting on the client side could be used to influence the referer value, and this has happened.
cookies should be declared 'local' (default) or 'remote'
the browser must not send 'local' cookies with a cross-site request
the browser must never send http-auth headers with a cross-site request
the browser must not send a cross-site POST or GET ?query without permission
the browser must not send LAN address requests from a remote page without permission
the browser must report and control attacks, where many cross-site requests are made
the browser should send 'Origin: (local|remote)', even if 'Referer' is disabled
other common web security issues such as XSHM should be addressed in the HTTP spec
a new HTTP protocol version 1.2 is needed, to show that a browser is conforming
browsers should update automatically to meet new security requirements, or warn the user
It can already be done:
Referer header
This is a weaker form of protection. Some users may disable referer for privacy purposes, meaning that they won't be able to submit such forms on your site. Also this can be tricky to implement in code. Some systems allow a URL such as http://example.com?q=example.org to pass the referrer check for example.org. Finally, any open redirect vulnerabilities on your site may allow an attacker to send their CSRF attack through the open redirect in order to get the correct referer header.
Origin header
This is a new header. Unfortunately you will get inconsistencies between browsers that support it and do not support it. See this answer.
Other headers
For AJAX requests only, adding a header that is not allowed cross domain such as X-Requested-With can be used as a CSRF prevention method. Old browsers will not send XHR cross domain and new browsers will send a CORS preflight instead and then refuse to make the main request if it is explicitly not allowed by the target domain. The server-side code will need to ensure that the header is still present when the request is received. As HTML forms cannot have custom headers added, this method is incompatible with them. However, this also means that it protects against attackers using an HTML form in their CSRF attack.
Browsers such as Chrome allow third party cookies to be blocked. Although the explanation says that it'll stop cookies from being set by a third party domain, it also prevent any existing cookies from being sent for the request. This will block "background" CSRF attacks. However, those that open full page or in a popup will succeed, but will be more visible to the user.

CSRF protection only for requests with side effect (POST, DELETE, PUT)?

As far I understand Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks they "only" used to change state on Server side.
I have a REST Web Application, and I am sure that HTTP GET requests does not change my application persistent state (no side effects)
I use a session-specific key to authorize the requests
Do I need to verify the session-specific key for GET Request?
It's not really a question of the request method (GET and POST can both make changes to persistent state), as each can be exploited by various CSRF attack vectors. When you talk about a "session-specific key", I assume you're talking about a synchroniser token pattern (more on this in OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 5: Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)). Obviously this is intended to protect against the browser making unauthorised requests on your behalf under the orchestration of a third party.
So the question is really "Does my app require protection against CSRF?" It sounds like there's no change to persistent data in your app anyway so on the surface of it, the answer is "no". You generally only find anti-request forgery tokens in places where a CSRF attack would have an adverse impact so it sounds to me like it's something you don't need to worry about.
