SRM New field in SC not showing up - layout

I have been following an old guide ( to add a field to POWL but it doesn't work in my case.
It is required to add the "Supplier product number" to the layout.
Since it's an existing field, I thought it was simple. But it's not the case. Following the guide, the field required is in the structure "/SAPSRM/S_POWL_RESULT_SC_ITM", so no need to add it.
Next, in SPRO, Adjust POWL Layout, Search Criteria, and Pushbuttons, I added the field to different feeders (because it didn't work for any of the feeders I found, I thought it wasn't the right one .. so I played with all of them)
After this, the next step is to check in program POWL_D01 the query that might be cached for this layout and to delete the cache. I deleted all the cache data related to the queries "SAPSRM_FEEDER_SC*" and the result is ...
The field is nowhere to be seen in my layout.
Could you point me into the right direction ?


PXFormula and SumCalc not calculating correctly (doubling value of field)

Where does the code that makes a PX Formula work exist? I at first assumed it was a SQL Trigger, but I can't seem to find it there. This is why I ask....
I've added a custom field to the SO, called usrSpeedyTotalExt2. I'm trying to get that to sum the SOLine.CuryLineAmt. I added attributes to the SOLine DAC to append the follwing:
[PXFormula(null, typeof(SumCalc<SOOrderExt.usrSpeedyTotalExt2>))]
This seemed to work, but know I'm fining that the value is consistently twice as high as it should be. I've got a second field that's doing the exact same thing.
What's increasingly odd is that I had the same problem with the field, and I thought I had done something wrong so I deleted the PXFormula, created a new field and then added the PX Formula to populate the new field. As such, there shouldn't be any code populating the old field, but strangely it's populated, so there must b e some business logic that's stuck and somehow still populating it.
Any thoughts on how I track this down?
I believe that I figured out the problem...I think that the code may have been imported and published on more than one company, then published from the proper company to multiple tenants.
My fix was to go to the live company, un-publish all, then go back to the company the customizations live in and publish to the appropriate tenants. It would appear that now I'm only getting the proper totals. IDK how that might have happened, but at least it appears to be fixed.

Is there a way to display new column in Orders html table in Kentico without touching the code?

I'm using Kentico MVC v12 with a fresh installation of DancingGoat(MVC) template.
I've modified the "E-commerce" module by adding a new column in the "Order" table.
I would like to be able to see it on the "Order" module in the list page.
I see in the "User interface" tab that it uses an "aspx" page.
In it I see that it calls an "ascx" page that uses a "UniGrid" component and specify the columns directly in a data attribute.
I don't like the idea to modify this file to display my new column because I see this website as the foundation of my next features, I would like to avoid as much as possible to touch the code of the website template, do you know if there is an other way ?
Maybe I'm missing a configuration somewhere else ?
Thank you by advance !
Update 06-03-2019:
I tried the solution of Peter Mogilnitski but it doesn't work :x
I added the column in the data source
Then I checked the column in widget configuration
Nothing is displayed
I debugged the sql query, I don't see my column in the query, is there an other configuration to do somewhere else ?
Update 08-03-2019:
The support of Kentico confirmed that the solution I proposed that was confirmed by #Rui was the right way to do it.
Thank you everyone !
If you want the custom field to appear in the UI, you will have to make change to the ascx page. You will need to make a note to that because you will likely need to update it during upgrade or hotfix (less likely)
Other than adding the data field to Columns, you will also need to add ug:column to the section
<ug:Column Name="SAPID" Source="SAPID" Caption="SAPID" Sort="SAPID" />
Yes. There is. This is the widget called orders:
You need to go to widgets, select orders widget and add your column to visible columns
Now go to store overview:
Click on properties of latest orders (this is orders widget used all over the store) and scroll down to column and make your column checked.

Orchard - Taxonomy Field no longer displays all possible values

I recently upgraded a client's Orchard CMS installation from 1.9.x to 1.10.2. Everything went smoothly. However, we are missing some functionality that was previously available.
Before, to select a topic (Taxonomy Field), I would click in the Topics field and a box with all available topics would appear. I would then click on the desired topic. To add more topics, I just had to repeat.
Now, however, clicking on the field does nothing. A cursor appears in the box, but no topic window appears...
...until I start typing. But here’s the catch. If I type an ‘a’ only topic names that contain an ‘a’ are shown. Any topic that does not contain an ‘a’ is not shown.
If I know the topic I want, no problem. I simply start typing it, and the topics list will filter itself accordingly and I just need to click the topic to add. Repeat as needed.
The problem with this is that if I don’t know the topic the I want, there’s no way to easily know what topics are available. And if I wasn’t aware that the list was filtered based on the letter I typed, I might assume that a certain topic wasn’t entered into our system.
Is it possible to go back to the old way the Taxonomy Field was set up?
This is imho a bug in TagsController as the initial query for taxonomies without a query term simply returns an empty list:
public IEnumerable<Tag> Get(int taxonomyId, bool leavesOnly, string query) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(query)) return new List<Tag>(); <- returns empty list, so nothing will be selectable initially
I have just provided pull request 7865 on GitHub to fix the issue.

How to create a View with replication conflicts

I wish to create a view showing a number of fields from notes documents with replication or save conflicts. So far I have managed to create a basic view with a column for the document ID (Contract ID) then the next column states "Replication or Save Conflicts" but I don't seem to able to either get rid of the replocation or save conflcits column or add new columns to show additional fields from the document. Is there a way I can do this? I want to be able to show the view in XPages. Here is the View selection formula I am using;
SELECT #IsAvailable($Conflict)
Conflicts are not displayed good in views. here are a few alternative tips to deal with conflicts that might give you an idea or two :-)
Create a categorized column with the value of the field $ConflictItems in the view you have, then you will see which item is causing the conflict and can take action to prevent it.
When you open a conflict you can use the action menu "View Parent" to compare the parent and the conflict
Ytra ScanEZ is a great tool for finding and resolving conflicts. it is also possible to create a script that will compare the documents and present a diff list.
You can create an XPage to display your conflicts (and parents). The web is more dynamic as it allow you to layout your data in the way you want and is not restricted to the way view in Notes works. This kind of xpage can be displayed in Notes client or Web browser
Use XPages power. Get all documents from the view with your selection formula. But don't try to show any column value and get fields directly from back-end document you get from view entry entry.getDocument().
Sure, it has some performance impact, but for (hopefully) small amount of replication conflict it's nothing serious.

How to insert, change or remove a single table item in Tabris?

I'm trying to understand how to design this using Tabris.
My current design updates the tableview by setting a new list:
This is not what I want as this refreshes always the entire table with a nasty refresh view behavior.
What I want is just to apply a single change to the table, so remove a tree item, change or insert. Just spend some time to get viewer.insert(...), remove(...) working.
The TreePath required for this call is what confuses me. Tried to create one I'm pretty sure it is not correct.
Does anyone has a good example or any other suggestions to get me in the right direction?
I recommend looking at the TreeViewer.replace method. With this method you can change a single item.
