Textbox_change() event only on keyboard input - excel

Function FtoC(ByVal Temp As Variant) As Variant
FtoC = Round((Temp - 32) * 5 / 9, 1)
End Function
Function CtoF(ByVal Temp As Variant) As Variant
CtoF = Round(Temp * 9 / 5 + 32, 1)
End Function
Private Sub Temp_F_Change()
If Temp_F <> "" Then Temp_C = FtoC(Temp_F)
End Sub
Private Sub Temp_C_Change()
If Temp_C <> "" Then Temp_F = CtoF(Temp_C)
End Sub
I have the above functions/subs for a little project to learn/sharpen my VBA skills. The logic is all fine and dandy. However, ideally I would only like the textbox_change event to only run if the change was due to a keyboard input (or a not sub output). A working example would be starting from blanks for each if I input 78 to Temp_F then it converts to 25.6 outputs it to Temp_C. Temp_C has now changed and it then converts 25.6 to 78.1 and outputs it to Temp_F, then of course temp_f has changed and it converts it to 25.6 which is not a change bringing both subs to their end points. Ideally i would like for it to take 78F convert to 25.6C and for the form to recognize that the Temp_C field change was due to a sub output(or not due to a keyboard input) and exit the temp_c_change() sub Is this even possible with VBA, if so how simple/complex is it? I tooled around with the idea of using a counter that is reset by a keypress event but my scripting skills aren't good enough to make it work. I thank you guys in advance and apologize that my question is beneath the talent that I've witnessed searching this site for answers before.

Well, for something this small you could use a worksheet_change event that first checks the target cell to see if either of the two temperature cells changed (assuming they do not move around the sheet - if they do, consider a named range). If either of those cells changed, then create the appropriate conversion formula as a string and put it in the other cell.
My apologies, I just noticed that you are working with a textbox event and not a worksheet event.
What happens to the data after it is converted? Does it go into a cell or get plugged into another function/sub? Right now, your code will just perform a calculation but doesn't show it or do anything else with it. Maybe you need to approach it from whatever that happens next.


Extracting time phased work effort to excel

Has anyone been able to get the time-phased work effort VBA extract macro by Jack Dalhgren, its quite an old macro.
I've been able to create the form and the macro works for the default timephase which is weeks, but if I select another say months I get an error on this line of code. (runtime error 13, type mismatch)
Set pTSV = ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.TimeScaleData(tbstart.Value, tbend.Value, , cboxTSUnits.Value)
Thank you
The comboBox in the code uses 2 columns, the text and the internal representation which is a number. The code uses predefined constants for it like pjTimescaleWeeks. The call to TimeScaleData expects this number as parameter.
It is likely that you get the text (a String) as result from the comboBox, (eg "Week"), and this causes the Type mismatch.
You can specify that you want the value of the 2nd column as Value from the combobox. You can do this using the VBE form designer, set property BoundColumn to 2, or you can do this in you code:
Sub fillTSUnitsBox()
cboxTSUnits.List = myArray
cboxTSUnits.BoundColumn = 1
cboxTSUnits.Value = 3
End Sub

Looping thru 2D array using VBA

I have several designs, and each design has several variables.
Using VBA code, I want to loop thru each design, and assign variables to each of the indices of the one design.
I'm having a hard time getting the array dim statement correct, and correctly calling the nth variable of each design.
I've shown VBA code here that uses a message box to display if I am getting the right value from each j loop, and each design.
Any help?
Dim Design(0 To 9) As Variant
Sub main
Design(1) = Array(4,6,2,1)
Design(2) = Array(8,2,6,9)
For i = 1 To 2
For j = 1 to 4
MsgBox (Design(i)(j-1))
Next j
Next i
End sub
Wow, my apologies. I've been trying for WEEKS to get this to work, and in formatting it for this question, it FINALLY worked! Code is good as is.

How do I make vba code compatible with libre office

I have recently migrated to pclinuxos from windows and seem to like it. The only problem I am facing is that libreoffice, the default spreadsheet package is not compatible with excel macros. Below is the vba code I have:
Option VBASupport
Sub DeleteToLeft()
Selection.SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Delete shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub
Function SinceLastWash()
WashCount = 0
WearCount = 0
CurrentRow = Application.ThisCell.Row
For i = 3 To 35
If Range(Cells(CurrentRow, i), Cells(CurrentRow, i)).Value = "a" Then
WearCount = WearCount + 1
End If
If Range(Cells(CurrentRow, i), Cells(CurrentRow, i)).Value = "q" Then
WashCount = WashCount + 1
WearCount = 0
End If
Next i
SinceLastWash = WearCount
End Function
Function testhis()
testhis = Application.ThisCell.Row
End Function
Is there a way to convert this code to make it compatible with libreoffice or do I have to learn an altogether new language like python? Learning python would not be a problem but is not a solution to my problem as I have many work related files in excel which have a lot of vba code and it is not possible for me to use open office/libreoffice at work...
I just want to add that the function SinceLastWash gives the correct value in some cells where I use it and in others gives an error, #NAME?
From LibreOffice's online help file:
With a few exceptions, Microsoft Office and LibreOffice cannot run the same macro code. Microsoft Office uses VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) code, and LibreOffice uses Basic code based on the LibreOffice API (Application Program Interface) environment. Although the programming language is the same, the objects and methods are different.
The most recent versions of LibreOffice can run some Excel Visual Basic scripts if you enable this feature at LibreOffice - PreferencesTools - Options - Load/Save - VBA Properties.
In reality, you would most likely need to sit down with the LibreOffice API and rewrite the functionality.
You must translate the portions that manipulate the document to use the UNO API. Sadly, this can be tricky depending on what your macro does. Basic statements work directly. Modifying a document generally does not.
Range(Cells(CurrentRow, i), Cells(CurrentRow, i)).Value = "a"
The Cells command returns a specific cell based on a row and column. So, you need the current row. Here is some craziness to get the active cell:
Sub RetrieveTheActiveCell()
Dim oOldSelection 'The original selection of cell ranges
Dim oRanges 'A blank range created by the document
Dim oActiveCell 'The current active cell
Dim oConv 'The cell address conversion service
Dim oDoc
oDoc = ThisComponent
REM store the current selection
oOldSelection = oDoc.CurrentSelection
REM Create an empty SheetCellRanges service and then select it.
REM This leaves ONLY the active cell selected.
oRanges = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.sheet.SheetCellRanges")
REM Get the active cell!
oActiveCell = oDoc.CurrentSelection
oConv = oDoc.createInstance("com.sun.star.table.CellAddressConversion")
oConv.Address = oActiveCell.getCellAddress
Print oConv.UserInterfaceRepresentation
print oConv.PersistentRepresentation
REM Restore the old selection, but lose the previously active cell
End Sub
When you have the active cell, you get the cell address, and from that, you have the row. You do not need to use the range at all, since you only care about a single cell, so, you get the active sheet and then get a particular cell from the sheet.
Something like this:
ThisComponent.getCurrentController().getActiveSheet().getCellByPosition(nCol, nRow).getString() = "a"
I don't feel like figuring out what this does
Selection.SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Delete shift:=xlToLeft
In LibreOffice 4.4, the first subroutine will not work at all (I suspect due to all the variables beginning with 'xl'. The other two work perfectly if you change ThisCell to ActiveCell.
Rather than
Option VBASupport
I am using
Option VBASupport 1
Option Compatible
The only automatic tool I'm aware of is Business Spreadsheets (note that I have no personal or professional experience nor any affiliation with the site).
It seems specific to OpenOffice but I think it works with LibreOffice too.
In general though, you're better off doing this yourself, as the tool is far from perfect...
Selection.SpecialCells(xlBlanks).Delete shift:=xlToLeft deletes blank cells if I'm not mistaken

Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas

I have a workbook to do 'smart'-graphs on my expenses. It's been running for a year and there are now a lot of graphs and expenses. Excel now throws an out-of-resources error whenever I change anything or open the workbook. Thing is, I have lots of resources and its not using hardly any of them.
Win8 64bit w/ 8 core CPU and 32GB of ram
Office 2013 64bit
I have 2 sheets, the first sheet called Expenses has 3 columns [Date,Description,Amount] and about 1500 rows of data. The second sheet has a LOT (500 or so) of formulas that are all the same and aim to do "Sum all expenses between date X and Y where description matches -some needle-". The formula I have is this:
--(Expenses!A:A >= DATE(2011,12,1)),
--(Expenses!A:A < DATE(2012,1,1)),
Can I give Excel more resources? (I'm happy for it to use all my ram, and chug my CPU for a few minutes).
Is there a more efficient way I can do this formula?
I understand that this formula is creating a large grid and masking my expenses list with it, and that for each formula this grid has to get created. Should I create a macro to do this more efficiently instead? If I had a macro, I would want to call it from a cell somehow like
=sumExpenses(<startDate>, <endDate>, <needle>)
Is that possible?
I had a similar problem where there were a few array formulas down about 150 rows and I got this error, which really baffled me because there really aren't that many formulas to calculate. I contacted our IT guy and he explained the following, some of which I understand, most of which I don't:
Generally when the computer tries to process large amounts of data, it uses multi-threaded calculation, where it uses all 8 processors that the computer tricks itself into thinking it has. When multi-threaded calculation is turned off, the computer doesn't throw the 'Excel ran out of resources...' error.
To turn off multi-threaded calculation, got to the 'File' tab in your Excel workbook and select 'Options'. On the right side of the box that appears select 'Advanced' and scroll down to the heading 'Formulas'. Under that heading is a check box that says 'Enable multi-threaded calculation'. Untick it, then select 'OK' and recalculate your formulas.
I had a go at creating a function that hopefully replicates what your current equation does in VBA with a few differences. Since I don't know the specifics of your second sheet the caching might not help at all.
If your second sheet uses the same date range for all calls to sumExpenses then it should be a bit quicker as it pre-sums everything on the first pass, If your date range changes throughout then its just doing a lot of work for nothing.
Public Cache As Object
Public CacheKey As String
Public Function sumExpenses(ByVal dS As Date, ByVal dE As Date, ByVal sN As String) As Variant
Dim Key As String
Key = Day(dS) & "-" & Month(dS) & "-" & Year(dS) & "_" & Day(dE) & "-" & Month(dE) & "-" & Year(dE)
If CacheKey = Key Then
If Not Cache Is Nothing Then
If Cache.Exists(sN) Then
sumExpenses = Cache(sN)
Exit Function
End If
Set Cache = Nothing
End If
End If
CacheKey = Key
Set Cache = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim Expenses As Worksheet
Dim Row As Integer
Dim Item As String
Set Expenses = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Expenses")
Row = 1
While (Not Expenses.Cells(Row, 1) = "")
If Expenses.Cells(Row, 1).Value > dS And Expenses.Cells(Row, 1).Value < dE Then
Item = Expenses.Cells(Row, 2).Value
If Cache.Exists(Item) Then
Cache(Item) = Cache(Item) + Expenses.Cells(Row, 3).Value
Cache.Add Item, Expenses.Cells(Row, 3).Value
End If
End If
Row = Row + 1
If Cache.Exists(sN) Then
sumExpenses = Cache(sN)
sumExpenses = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End If
End Function
Public Sub resetCache()
Set Cache = Nothing
CacheKey = ""
End Sub
There could be many causes of this. I just wish Excel would tell us which one (or more) of the 'usual suspects' is committing the offence of RAM hogging at this time.
Also look for
Circular references
Fragmented Conditional formatting (caused by cutting, pasting, sorting, deleting and adding cells or rows.
Errors resulting in #N/A, #REF, #DIV/0! etc,
Over-use of the volatile functions TODAY(), NOW(), etc.
Too many different formats used
... in that order
While you're there, check for
Broken links. A formula relying on a fresh value from external data could return an error.
Any formulas containing #REF!. If your formulas are that messed these may well be present also. They will not cause an error flag but may cause some unreported errors. If your formulas are satisfied by an earlier condition the part of the formula containing #REF! will not be evaluated until other conditions prevail.
Fragmented conditional formatting was the case for me.
Older versions of the same workbook did not have an issue. Today, I cut/pasted many cells and the issue started occurring.
Removing the columns where I was cutting/pasting resolved the issue for me.
This is difficult to diagnose since conditional formatting does not immediately standout like normal formulas.

How do I convert the SERIESSUM function to VB6?

On the Daily Dose of Excel website, written by the late Frank Kabel, there are some formulae which can stand in for ATP functions. Not being an Excel guru, I'm struggling with converting one (so far!) to VB6. (Why I'm doing this I may relate once the NDA runs out.)
The problem I'm having is with the code standing in for SERIESSUM, namely,
Now the SUMPRODUCT and ROWS functions I've been able to render fairly simply with
Public Function SUMPRODUCT(a1 As Variant, a2 As Variant) As Double
Dim dRes As Double
Dim dVal As Double
Dim i As Long
If LBound(a1) = LBound(a2) And UBound(a1) = UBound(a2) Then
For i = LBound(a1) To UBound(a1)
dVal = a1(i) * a2(i)
dRes = dRes + dVal
End If
End Function
Public Function ROWS(a1 As Variant)
ROWS = UBound(a1) - LBound(a1) + 1
End Function
What I don't 'get' yet is
how x^(n+m*(ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&ROWS(coefficients)))-1)) evaluates to an array
and what that array might contain
Any Excel gurus out there?
If coefficients has 5 rows, this will return the array {1,2,3,4,5}. The rest of the progression is
{1m, 2m, 3m, 4m, 5m)
{n+1m, n+2m, n+3m, n+4m, n+5m)
{x^n+1m, x^n+2m, x^n+3m, x^n+4m, x^n+5m)
That resulting array gets 'series summed' against coeffecients.
You can see the progression in Excel's formula bar by using Ctrl+= on highlighted parts of the formulas. There is a limit on how many characters you can display in the formula bar, so if coefficients has a lot of rows, you may get the error "formula too long"
In the formula bar, select ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&ROWS(coefficients)))-1 and press Ctrl+=. Then select another portion of your formula, making sure you match opening and closing parentheses, and hit Ctrl+=. You can iterate this until you have the whole formula calculated. When you're done, be sure to ESCAPE out of the cell so you don't lose your original formula.
See also Episode 474 here.
