Adding SMT/HyperThreading to a Verilog design? - verilog

I am wondering how it SMT/HyperThreading being added to a Verilog HDL design?
The planned design(something similar):
I am wondering, is there any special kind of syntax to add the SMT function, and if so, where?
I haven't tried anything so far, because I don't know where to start and google doesn't help!

You're not just adding Hyper-Threading "functions". You design your cpu in a way that allows simultaneous execution of multiple instructions on multiple/independent execution units. Typically that means pipelined design, which is not the case for single-cycle processor.
For processors as simple as that single-cycle, it's easier to instantiate multiple CPUs (SMP) and design a way to share resources (memory, peripherals, etc).


FMU co-simulation using openMP or pThread

Say I have a vehicle model, the chassis will be used as a master FMU, its engine, transmission, tires, etc are from 3rd parties and I want to used them as slave FMUs. I want to parallel the model in this way, the master FMU is put on the main thread, and fork everything else on other threads.
I want to know if this simple idea is achievable by using FMUs exported from Dymola...
If possible, is it worthwhile doing it? I wander if the parallel model is as efficient as as a sequential one at the physics level. (I understand that a badly paralleled program is slower than a sequential one, but I just need to know if it is physically slower or faster)
The latest Dymola has built in the openMP features, has anyone ever used it? What does it look like?
I found a paper about this: Master for Co-Simulation Using FMI
I think it can make perfect sense to launch several FMU in parallel if they can do their job separately. What is difficult in co-simulation is to understand when the simulators must be synchronized (for instance to exchange information). These synchronization should be minimal to increase efficiency but enough to avoid track back the simulator states (when possible). Also, it has chance to work when you have causal relations between your FMUs. If you have acausal relations, this is a different story...
technically, I would say:
for 1), you can always launch a FMU in a thread if you want, no problem with that
for 2), it mainly depends on the number and frequency of the synchronizations required between the different FMUs
for 3) I do not know but I think you should distinguish between launching different FMU in parallel and making one FMU parallel...
my two cents

Measuring the scaling behaviour of multithreaded applications

I am working on an application which supports many-core MIMD architectures (on consumer/desk-computers). I am currently worrying about the scaling behaviour of the application. Its designed to be massively parallel and addressing next-gen hardware. That's actually my problem. Does anyone know any software to simulate/emulate many-core MIMD Processors with >16 cores on a machine-code level? I've already implemented a software based thread sheduler with the ability to simulate multiple processors, by simple timing techniques.
I was curious if there's any software which could do this kind of simulation on a lower level preferably on an assembly language level to get better results. I want to emphasize once again that I'm only interested in MIMD Architectures. I know about OpenCL/CUDA/GPGPU but thats not what I'm looking for.
Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance for any answers.
You will rarely find all-purpose testing tools that are ALSO able to target very narrow (high-performance) corners - for a simple reason: the overhead of the "general-purpose" object will defeat that goal in the first place.
This is especially true with paralelism where locality and scheduling have a huge impact.
All this to say that I am affraid that you will have to write your own testing tool to target your exact usage pattern.
That's the price to pay for relevance.
If you are writing your application in C/C++, I might be able to help you out.
My company has created a tool that will take any C or C++ code and simulate its run-time behavior at bytecode level to find parallelization opportunities. The tool highlights parallelization opportunities and shows how parallel tasks behave.
The only mismatch is that our tool will also provide refactoring recipes to actually get to parallelization, whereas it sounds like you already have that.

Are there any practical alternatives to threads?

While reading up on SQLite, I stumbled upon this quote in the FAQ: "Threads are evil. Avoid them."
I have a lot of respect for SQLite, so I couldn't just disregard this. I got thinking what else I could, according to the "avoid them" policy, use instead in order to parallelize my tasks. As an example, the application I'm currently working on requires a user interface that is always responsive, and needs to poll several websites from time to time (a process which takes at least 30 seconds for each website).
So I opened up the PDF linked from that FAQ, and essentially it seems that the paper suggests several techniques to be applied together with threads, such as barriers or transactional memory - rather than any techniques to replace threads altogether.
Given that these techniques do not fully dispense with threads (unless I misunderstood what the paper is saying), I can see two options: either the SQLite FAQ does not literally mean what it says, or there exist practical approaches that actually avoid the use of threads altogether. Are there any?
Just a quick note on tasklets/cooperative scheduling as an alternative - this looks great in small examples, but I wonder whether a large-ish UI-heavy application can be practically parallelized in a solely cooperative way. If you have done this successfully or know of such examples this certainly qualifies as a valid answer!
Note: This answer no longer accurately reflects what I think about this subject. I don't like its overly dramatic, somewhat nasty tone. Also, I am not so certain that the quest for provably correct software has been so useless as I seemed to think back then. I am leaving this answer up because it is accepted, and up-voted, and to edit it into something I currently believe would pretty much vandalize it.
I finally got around to reading the paper. Where do I start?
The author is singing an old song, which goes something like this: "If you can't prove the program is correct, we're all doomed!" It sounds best when screamed loudly accompanied by over modulated electric guitars and a rapid drum beat. Academics started singing that song when computer science was in the domain of mathematics, a world where if you don't have a proof, you don't have anything. Even after the first computer science department was cleaved from the mathematics department, they kept singing that song. They are singing that song today, and nobody is listening. Why? Because the rest of us are busy creating useful things, good things out of software that can't be proved correct.
The presence of threads makes it even more difficult to prove a program correct, but who cares? Even without threads, only the most trivial of programs can be proved correct. Why do I care if my non-trivial program, which could not be proved correct, is even more unprovable after I use threading? I don't.
If you weren't sure the author was living in an academic dreamworld, you can be sure of it after he maintains that the coordination language he suggests as an alternative to threads could best be expressed with a "visual syntax" (drawing graphs on the screen). I've never heard that suggestion before, except every year of my career. A language that can only be manipulated by GUI and does not play with any of the programmer's usual tools is not an improvement. The author goes on to cite UML as a shining example of a visual syntax which is "routinely combined with C++ and Java." Routinely in what world?
In the mean time, I and many other programmers go on using threads without all that much trouble. How to use threads well and safely is pretty much a solved problem, as long as you don't get all hung up on provability.
Look. Threading is a big kid's toy, and you do need to know some theory and usage patterns to use them well. Just as with databases, distributed processing, or any of the other beyond-grade-school devices that programmers successfully use every day. But just because you can't prove it correct doesn't mean it's wrong.
The statement in the SQLite FAQ, as I read it, is just a comment on how difficult threading can be to the uninitiated. It is the author's opinion, and it might be a valid one. But saying you should never use threads is throwing the baby out with the bath water, in my opinion. Threads are a tool. Like all tools, they can be used and they can be abused. I can read his paper and be convinced that threads are the devil, but I have used them successfully, without killing kittens.
Keep in mind that SQLite is written to be as lightweight and easy to understand (from a coding standpoint) as possible, so I would imagine that threading is kind of the antithesis to this lightweight approach.
Also, SQLite is not meant to be used in a highly-concurrent environment. If you have one of these, you might be better off working with a more enterprisey database like Postgres.
Evil, but a necessary evil. High level abstractions of threads (Tasks in .NET for example) are becoming more common but for the most part the industry is not trying to find a way to avoid threads, just making it easier to deal with the complexities that come with any kind of concurrent programming.
One trend I've noticed, at least in the Cocoa domain, is help from the framework. Apple has gone to great lengths to help developers with the relatively difficult concept of concurrent programming. Some things I've seen:
Different granularity of threading. Cocoa supports everything from posix threads (low level) to object oriented threading with NSLock and NSThread, to high level parellelism such as NSOperation. Depending on your task, using a high level tool like NSOperation is easier and gets the job done.
Threading behind the scenes via an API. Lots of the UI and animation stuff in cocoa is hidden behind an API. You are responsible for calling an API method and providing an asynchronous callback this executed when the secondary thread completes (for example the end of some animation).
openMP. There are tools like openMP that allow you to provide pragmas that describe to the compiler that some task may be safely parelellized. For example iterating a set of items in an independent way.
It seems like a big push in this industry is to make things simple for the Application developers and leave the gory thread details to the system developers and framework developers. There is a push in academia for formalizing parellel patterns. As mentioned you cant always avoid threading, but there are an increasing number of tools in your arsenal to make it as painless as possible.
If you really want to live without threads, you can, so long as you don't call any functions that can potentially block. This may not be possible.
One alternative is to implement the tasks you would have made into threads as finite state machines. Basically, the task does what it can do immediately, then goes to its next state, waiting for an event, such as input arriving on a file or a timer going off. X Windows, as well as most GUI toolkits, support this style. When something happens, they call a callback, which does what it needs to do and returns. For a FSM, the callback checks to see what state the task is in and what the event is to determine what to do immediately and what the next state will be.
Say you have an app that needs to accept socket connections, and for each connection, parse command lines, execute some code, and return the results. A task would then be what listens to a socket. When select() (or Gtk+, or whatever) tells you the socket has something to read, you read it into a buffer, then check to see if you have enough input buffered to do something. If so, you advance to a "start doing something" state, otherwise you stay in the "reading a line" state. (What you "do" could be multiple states.) When done, your task drops the line from the buffer and goes back to the "reading a line" state. No threads or preemption needed.
This lets you act multithreaded by way of being event-driven. If your state machines are complicated, however, your code can get hard to maintain pretty fast, and you'll need to work up some kind of FSM-management library to separate the grunt work of running the FSM from the code that actually does things.
P.S. Another way to get threads without really using threads is the GNU Pth library. It doesn't do preemption, but it is another option if you really don't want to deal with threads.
Another approach to this may be to use a different concurrency model rather than avoid multithreading altogether (you have to utilize all these CPU cores in parallel somehow).
Take a look at mechanisms used in Clojure (e.g. agents, software transactional memory).
Software Transactional Memory (STM) is a good alternative concurrency control. It scales well with multiple processors and do not have most of the problems of conventional concurrency control mechanisms. It is implemented as part of the Haskell language. It worths giving a try. Although, I do not know how this is applicable in the context of SQLite.
Alternatives to threads:
apple's grand central dispatch+lambdas
(interesting to note that half of those technologies were invented or popularised by google.)
Another thing is many web frameworks transparently use multiple threads/processes for handling requests, and usually in such a way that mostly eliminates the problems associated with multithreading (for the user of the framework), or at least makes the threading rather invisible. The web being stateless, the only shared state is session state (which isn't really a problem since by definition, a single session isn't going to be doing concurrent things), and data in a database that already has its multithreading nonsense sorted out for you.
It's somewhat important to note though that these are all abstractions. The underlying implementations of these things still use threads. But this is still incredibly useful. In the same way you wouldn't use assembler to write a web application, you wouldn't use threads directly to write any important application. Designing an application to use threads is too complicated to leave for a human to deal with.
Threading is not the only model of concurrency. The actors model (Erlang, Scala) is an example of a somewhat different approach.
If your task is really, really easily isolatable, you can use processes instead of threads, like Chrome does for its tabs.
Otherwise, inside a single process, there is no way to achieve real parallelism without threads, because you need at least two coroutines if you want two things to happen at the same time (assuming you're having multiple processors/cores at hand, of course; otherwise real parallelism is simply not possible).
The complexity of threading a program is always relative to the degree of isolation of the tasks the threads will perform. There's no trouble in running several threads if you know for sure these will never use the same variables. Then again, multiple high-level constructs exist in modern languages to help synchronize access to shared resources.
It's really a matter of application. If your task is simple enough to fit in some kind of high-level Task object (depends on your development platform; your mileage may vary), then using a task queue is your best bet. My rule of the thumb is that if you can't find a cool name to your thread, then its task is not important enough to justify a thread (instead of task going on an operation queue).
Threads give you the opportunity to do some evil things, specifically sharing state among different execution paths. But they offer a lot of convenience; you don't have to do expensive communication across process boundaries. Plus, they come with less overhead. So I think they're perfectly fine, used correctly.
I think the key is to share as little data as possible among the threads; just stick to synchronization data. If you try to share more than that, you have to engage in complex code that is hard to get right the first time around.
One method of avoiding threads is multiplexing - in essence you make a lightweight mechanism similar to threads which you manage yourself.
Thing is this is not always viable. In your case the 30s polling time per website - can it be split into 60 0.5s pieces, in between which you can stuff calls to the UI? If not, sorry.
Threads aren't evil, they are just easy to shoot your foot with. If doing Query A takes 30s and then doing Query B takes another 30s, doing them simultaneously in threads will take 120s instead of 60 due to thread overhead, fighting for disk access and various bottlenecks.
But if Operation A consists of 5s of activity and 55 seconds of waiting, mixed randomly, and Operation B takes 60s of actual work, doing them in threads will take maybe 70s, compared to plain 120 when you execute them in sequence.
The rule of thumb is: threads should idle and wait most of the time. They are good for I/O, slow reads, low-priority work and so on. If you want performance, use multiplexing, which requires more work but is faster, more efficient and has way less caveats. (synchronizing threads and avoiding race conditions is a whole different chapter of thread headaches...)

Advice on starting a large multi-threaded programming project

My company currently runs a third-party simulation program (natural catastrophe risk modeling) that sucks up gigabytes of data off a disk and then crunches for several days to produce results. I will soon be asked to rewrite this as a multi-threaded app so that it runs in hours instead of days. I expect to have about 6 months to complete the conversion and will be working solo.
We have a 24-proc box to run this. I will have access to the source of the original program (written in C++ I think), but at this point I know very little about how it's designed.
I need advice on how to tackle this. I'm an experienced programmer (~ 30 years, currently working in C# 3.5) but have no multi-processor/multi-threaded experience. I'm willing and eager to learn a new language if appropriate. I'm looking for recommendations on languages, learning resources, books, architectural guidelines. etc.
Requirements: Windows OS. A commercial grade compiler with lots of support and good learning resources available. There is no need for a fancy GUI - it will probably run from a config file and put results into a SQL Server database.
Edit: The current app is C++ but I will almost certainly not be using that language for the re-write. I removed the C++ tag that someone added.
Numerical process simulations are typically run over a single discretised problem grid (for example, the surface of the Earth or clouds of gas and dust), which usually rules out simple task farming or concurrency approaches. This is because a grid divided over a set of processors representing an area of physical space is not a set of independent tasks. The grid cells at the edge of each subgrid need to be updated based on the values of grid cells stored on other processors, which are adjacent in logical space.
In high-performance computing, simulations are typically parallelised using either MPI or OpenMP. MPI is a message passing library with bindings for many languages, including C, C++, Fortran, Python, and C#. OpenMP is an API for shared-memory multiprocessing. In general, MPI is more difficult to code than OpenMP, and is much more invasive, but is also much more flexible. OpenMP requires a memory area shared between processors, so is not suited to many architectures. Hybrid schemes are also possible.
This type of programming has its own special challenges. As well as race conditions, deadlocks, livelocks, and all the other joys of concurrent programming, you need to consider the topology of your processor grid - how you choose to split your logical grid across your physical processors. This is important because your parallel speedup is a function of the amount of communication between your processors, which itself is a function of the total edge length of your decomposed grid. As you add more processors, this surface area increases, increasing the amount of communication overhead. Increasing the granularity will eventually become prohibitive.
The other important consideration is the proportion of the code which can be parallelised. Amdahl's law then dictates the maximum theoretically attainable speedup. You should be able to estimate this before you start writing any code.
Both of these facts will conspire to limit the maximum number of processors you can run on. The sweet spot may be considerably lower than you think.
I recommend the book High Performance Computing, if you can get hold of it. In particular, the chapter on performance benchmarking and tuning is priceless.
An excellent online overview of parallel computing, which covers the major issues, is this introduction from Lawerence Livermore National Laboratory.
Your biggest problem in a multithreaded project is that too much state is visible across threads - it is too easy to write code that reads / mutates data in an unsafe manner, especially in a multiprocessor environment where issues such as cache coherency, weakly consistent memory etc might come into play.
Debugging race conditions is distinctly unpleasant.
Approach your design as you would if, say, you were considering distributing your work across multiple machines on a network: that is, identify what tasks can happen in parallel, what the inputs to each task are, what the outputs of each task are, and what tasks must complete before a given task can begin. The point of the exercise is to ensure that each place where data becomes visible to another thread, and each place where a new thread is spawned, are carefully considered.
Once such an initial design is complete, there will be a clear division of ownership of data, and clear points at which ownership is taken / transferred; and so you will be in a very good position to take advantage of the possibilities that multithreading offers you - cheaply shared data, cheap synchronisation, lockless shared data structures - safely.
If you can split the workload up into non-dependent chunks of work (i.e., the data set can be processed in bits, there aren't lots of data dependencies), then I'd use a thread pool / task mechanism. Presumably whatever C# has as an equivalent to Java's java.util.concurrent. I'd create work units from the data, and wrap them in a task, and then throw the tasks at the thread pool.
Of course performance might be a necessity here. If you can keep the original processing code kernel as-is, then you can call it from within your C# application.
If the code has lots of data dependencies, it may be a lot harder to break up into threaded tasks, but you might be able to break it up into a pipeline of actions. This means thread 1 passes data to thread 2, which passes data to threads 3 through 8, which pass data onto thread 9, etc.
If the code has a lot of floating point mathematics, it might be worth looking at rewriting in OpenCL or CUDA, and running it on GPUs instead of CPUs.
For a 6 month project I'd say it definitely pays out to start reading a good book about the subject first. I would suggest Joe Duffy's Concurrent Programming on Windows. It's the most thorough book I know about the subject and it covers both .NET and native Win32 threading. I've written multithreaded programs for 10 years when I discovered this gem and still found things I didn't know in almost every chapter.
Also, "natural catastrophe risk modeling" sounds like a lot of math. Maybe you should have a look at Intel's IPP library: it provides primitives for many common low-level math and signal processing algorithms. It supports multi threading out of the box, which may make your task significantly easier.
There are a lot of techniques that can be used to deal with multithreading if you design the project for it.
The most general and universal is simply "avoid shared state". Whenever possible, copy resources between threads, rather than making them access the same shared copy.
If you're writing the low-level synchronization code yourself, you have to remember to make absolutely no assumptions. Both the compiler and CPU may reorder your code, creating race conditions or deadlocks where none would seem possible when reading the code. The only way to prevent this is with memory barriers. And remember that even the simplest operation may be subject to threading issues. Something as simple as ++i is typically not atomic, and if multiple threads access i, you'll get unpredictable results.
And of course, just because you've assigned a value to a variable, that's no guarantee that the new value will be visible to other threads. The compiler may defer actually writing it out to memory. Again, a memory barrier forces it to "flush" all pending memory I/O.
If I were you, I'd go with a higher level synchronization model than simple locks/mutexes/monitors/critical sections if possible. There are a few CSP libraries available for most languages and platforms, including .NET languages and native C++.
This usually makes race conditions and deadlocks trivial to detect and fix, and allows a ridiculous level of scalability. But there's a certain amount of overhead associated with this paradigm as well, so each thread might get less work done than it would with other techniques. It also requires the entire application to be structured specifically for this paradigm (so it's tricky to retrofit onto existing code, but since you're starting from scratch, it's less of an issue -- but it'll still be unfamiliar to you)
Another approach might be Transactional Memory. This is easier to fit into a traditional program structure, but also has some limitations, and I don't know of many production-quality libraries for it (STM.NET was recently released, and may be worth checking out. Intel has a C++ compiler with STM extensions built into the language as well)
But whichever approach you use, you'll have to think carefully about how to split the work up into independent tasks, and how to avoid cross-talk between threads. Any time two threads access the same variable, you have a potential bug. And any time two threads access the same variable or just another variable near the same address (for example, the next or previous element in an array), data will have to be exchanged between cores, forcing it to be flushed from CPU cache to memory, and then read into the other core's cache. Which can be a major performance hit.
Oh, and if you do write the application in C++, don't underestimate the language. You'll have to learn the language in detail before you'll be able to write robust code, much less robust threaded code.
One thing we've done in this situation that has worked really well for us is to break the work to be done into individual chunks and the actions on each chunk into different processors. Then we have chains of processors and data chunks can work through the chains independently. Each set of processors within the chain can run on multiple threads each and can process more or less data depending on their own performance relative to the other processors in the chain.
Also breaking up both the data and actions into smaller pieces makes the app much more maintainable and testable.
There's plenty of specific bits of individual advice that could be given here, and several people have done so already.
However nobody can tell you exactly how to make this all work for your specific requirements (which you don't even fully know yourself yet), so I'd strongly recommend you read up on HPC (High Performance Computing) for now to get the over-arching concepts clear and have a better idea which direction suits your needs the most.
The model you choose to use will be dictated by the structure of your data. Is your data tightly coupled or loosely coupled? If your simulation data is tightly coupled then you'll want to look at OpenMP or MPI (parallel computing). If your data is loosely coupled then a job pool is probably a better fit... possibly even a distributed computing approach could work.
My advice is get and read an introductory text to get familiar with the various models of concurrency/parallelism. Then look at your application's needs and decide which architecture you're going to need to use. After you know which architecture you need, then you can look at tools to assist you.
A fairly highly rated book which works as an introduction to the topic is "The Art of Concurrency: A Thread Monkey's Guide to Writing Parallel Application".
Read about Erlang and the "Actor Model" in particular. If you make all your data immutable, you will have a much easier time parallelizing it.
Most of the other answers offer good advice regarding partitioning the project - look for tasks that can be cleanly executed in parallel with very little data sharing required. Be aware of non-thread safe constructs such as static or global variables, or libraries that are not thread safe. The worst one we've encountered is the TNT library, which doesn't even allow thread-safe reads under some circumstances.
As with all optimisation, concentrate on the bottlenecks first, because threading adds a lot of complexity you want to avoid it where it isn't necessary.
You'll need a good grasp of the various threading primitives (mutexes, semaphores, critical sections, conditions, etc.) and the situations in which they are useful.
One thing I would add, if you're intending to stay with C++, is that we have had a lot of success using the boost.thread library. It supplies most of the required multi-threading primitives, although does lack a thread pool (and I would be wary of the unofficial "boost" thread pool one can locate via google, because it suffers from a number of deadlock issues).
I would consider doing this in .NET 4.0 since it has a lot of new support specifically targeted at making writing concurrent code easier. Its official release date is March 22, 2010, but it will probably RTM before then and you can start with the reasonably stable Beta 2 now.
You can either use C# that you're more familiar with or you can use managed C++.
At a high level, try to break up the program into System.Threading.Tasks.Task's which are individual units of work. In addition, I'd minimize use of shared state and consider using Parallel.For (or ForEach) and/or PLINQ where possible.
If you do this, a lot of the heavy lifting will be done for you in a very efficient way. It's the direction that Microsoft is going to increasingly support.
2: I would consider doing this in .NET 4.0 since it has a lot of new support specifically targeted at making writing concurrent code easier. Its official release date is March 22, 2010, but it will probably RTM before then and you can start with the reasonably stable Beta 2 now. At a high level, try to break up the program into System.Threading.Tasks.Task's which are individual units of work. In addition, I'd minimize use of shared state and consider using Parallel.For and/or PLINQ where possible. If you do this, a lot of the heavy lifting will be done for you in a very efficient way. 1:
Sorry i just want to add a pessimistic or better realistic answer here.
You are under time pressure. 6 month deadline and you don't even know for sure what language is this system and what it does and how it is organized. If it is not a trivial calculation then it is a very bad start.
Most importantly: You say you have never done mulitithreading programming before. This is where i get 4 alarm clocks ringing at once. Multithreading is difficult and takes a long time to learn it when you want to do it right - and you need to do it right when you want to win a huge speed increase. Debugging is extremely nasty even with good tools like Total Views debugger or Intels VTune.
Then you say you want to rewrite the app in another lanugage - well this isn't as bad as you have to rewrite it anyway. THe chance to turn a single threaded Program into a well working multithreaded one without total redesign is almost zero.
But learning multithreading and a new language (what is your C++ skills?) with a timeline of 3 month (you have to write a throw away prototype - so i cut the timespan into two halfs) is extremely challenging.
My advise here is simple and will not like it: Learn multithreadings now - because it is a required skill set in the future - but leave this job to someone who already has experience. Well unless you don't care about the program being successfull and are just looking for 6 month payment.
If it's possible to have all the threads working on disjoint sets of process data, and have other information stored in the SQL database, you can quite easily do it in C++, and just spawn off new threads to work on their own parts using the Windows API. The SQL server will handle all the hard synchronization magic with its DB transactions! And of course C++ will perform a lot faster than C#.
You should definitely revise C++ for this task, and understand the C++ code, and look for efficiency bugs in the existing code as well as adding the multi-threaded functionality.
You've tagged this question as C++ but mentioned that you're a C# developer currently, so I'm not sure if you'll be tackling this assignment from C++ or C#. Anyway, in case you're going to be using C# or .NET (including C++/CLI): I have the following MSDN article bookmarked and would highly recommend reading through it as part of your prep work.
Calling Synchronous Methods Asynchronously
Whatever technology your going to write this, take a look a this must read book on concurrency "Concurrent programming in Java" and for .Net I highly recommend the retlang library for concurrent app.
I don't know if it was mentioned yet, but if I were in your shoes, what I would be doing right now (aside from reading every answer posted here) is writing a multiple threaded example application in your favorite (most used) language.
I don't have extensive multithreaded experience. I've played around with it in the past for fun but I think gaining some experience with a throw-away application will suit your future efforts.
I wish you luck in this endeavor and I must admit I wish I had the opportunity to work on something like this...

Threading paradigm?

Are there any paradigm that give you a different mindset or have a different take to writing multi thread applications? Perhaps something that feels vastly different like procedural programming to function programming.
Concurrency has many different models for different problems. The Wikipedia page for concurrency lists a few models and there's also a page for concurrency patterns which has some good starting point for different kinds of ways to approach concurrency.
The approach you take is very dependent on the problem at hand. Different models solve various different issues that can arise in concurrent applications, and some build on others.
In class I was taught that concurrency uses mutual exclusion and synchronization together to solve concurrency issues. Some solutions only require one, but with both you should be able to solve any concurrency issue.
For a vastly different concept you could look at immutability and concurrency. If all data is immutable then the conventional approaches to concurrency aren't even required. This article explores that topic.
I don't really understand the question, but if you start doing some coding using CUDA give you some different way of thinking about multi-threading applications.
It differs from general multi-threading technics, like Semaphores, Monitors, etc. because you have thousands of threads concurrently. So the problem of parallelism in CUDA resides more in partitioning your data and mixing the chunks of data later.
Just a small example of a complete rethinking of a common serial problem is the SCAN algorithm. It is as simple as:
Given a SET {a,b,c,d,e}
I want the following set:
{a, a+b, a+b+c, a+b+c+d, a+b+c+d+e}
Where the symbol '+' in this case is any Commutattive operator (not only plus, you can do multiplication also).
How to do this in parallel? It's a complete rethink of the problem, it is described in this paper.
Many more implementations of different algorithms in CUDA can be found in the NVIDIA website
Well, a very conservative paradigm shift is from thread-centric concurrency (share everything) towards process-centric concurrency (address-space separation). This way one can avoid unintended data sharing and it's easier to enforce a communication policy between different sub-systems.
This idea is old and was propagated (among others) by the Micro-Kernel OS community to build more reliable operating systems. Interestingly, the Singularity OS prototype by Microsoft Research shows that traditional address spaces are not even required when working with this model.
The relatively new idea I like best is transactional memory: avoid concurrency issues by making sure updates are always atomic.
Have a looksee at OpenMP for an interesting variation.
