When registering an app on Azure Active Direct, what "redirect URI" or "Sign-on URL" should I use? - azure

Might seem a silly question, but Microsoft's documentation isn't very beginner friendly, I think. It uses as examples "http://localhost:31544" for the sign-on url and "http://MyFirstAADApp" for the redirect URI, but although I understand what a local host is I can't figure out what exactly the numbers on it are and how I define them for my application, and absolutely zero clue of what the redirect URI is supposed to do for a native application and how should I define a URI for my own.
To be more clear on what kind of app I'm trying to add, I merely want to acess the Office 365 management API tools and get some data from it, so I imagine a native app would fulfill my needs for now. Registering the app on Azure AD is required to do so according to Microsoft's documentation.
So expanding on the title, how to define an URI for my native app is what I would mainly like to know. Some further clarification on what exactly is the purpose of this URI as well as to how to use and/or define a localhost URL for an Web app would also be much appreciated.

I know this is ancient, but I don't see a satisfying answer here, and maybe someone will come across this and find it useful. To answer the question asked, unless you're going to work outside of the default MSAL handling of the server responses, and I don't expect you would from your description, I'd just go ahead and use the default:
When you go into the Azure AD portal, go to your application and, from the Overview, select the "Set RedirectURL" option, you'll add a platform and select the "Mobile and Desktop Applications" and you'll be provided with the choice of 3 URLs to choose from. My understanding is this is just there for custom handling of authorization tokens and is telling MS where to send those tokens. The MSAL library functions seem to use this link as well, so they're probably handling this in the backend.
I agree with the OP though, the MS docs are severely lacking for newcomers and I wasn't able to find an end-to-end description of what needs to happen to get, in my case, a desktop application to send email through Office365 using 2FA. I would forge ahead as best I could until I hit the next error, then explore that, sort it, then slam into the next one. Rinse and repeat. This was made extra tedious as I had to go through a 3rd party IT group to get the 2FA access codes every time I wanted to test.
Best of luck, hope this helps someone!

how to define an URI for my native app is what I would mainly like to
You should provide a Redirect URI that is unique to your application as it will return to this URI when authentication is complete.
In your application, you will need to add a class level variables that are required for the authentication flow, include ClientId and Redirect URI.
Here is the diagram:
Native application makes a request to the authorization endpoint in Azure AD, this request includes the Application IP ,Redirect URI and application ID URI for the web api.
After user signed in, Azure AD issues an authorization code response back to the client application's redirect URI. After that, the client application stops browser interaction and extracts the authorization code from the response.
Then the client app use this code to sends a request to Azure AD's token endpoint. upon successful validation, Azure AD returns two tokens.
Over HTTPS, the client app uses the returned JWT access token to add the JWT string with a “Bearer” designation in the Authorization header of the request to the web API. The web API then validates the JWT token, and if validation is successful, returns the desired resource.
More information about it, please refer to this article.

For native you can set redirect to be equal to the Application ID URI, which now defaults to look like //app:{ApplicationId}

Redirect uri be starts with SSL URL, so select your project, enable SSL URL and use this auto generated SSL URL (for example : https://localhost:port#) as redirect uri , same to be updated in the azure app registration as additional redirect URIs


How we can implement SSO and MSLogin authentication on single azure application using Enterprise application and App Registration

We need help in implementation of MS Login and SSO together on same azure application and we are facing below challenges.
Currently we have implemented MSLogin and SSO authentication with independent Azure application and it is working as expected.
But now customer is expecting that instead of configuring the MSLogin and SSO authentication setting independently in azure for two application can we have it with one azure application only.
Based on above scenario I have following question:
Can we implement MSLogin and SSO authentication together? If any lead would be highly appreciated.
Currently I have some partial implementation of the above approach but facing challenge with redirect URL.
Issue: If I configure the same application for MSLogin & SSO authentication then
For MSLogin its mandatory for us to provide the redirect URL and if we don’t pass it then MSLogin authentication not working.
If we pass this redirect url then the reply URL which we have set for SSO is not getting triggered and always redirecting to MSLogin redirect URL only through azure cloud (don’t have any control).
Any help on above issue is highly appreciated.
• The redirect URL option is featured with those apps who have custom app registrations other than that of Azure apps specified in the gallery for whom the redirect URL is already configured inbuilt to be of Azure sign out page.
• That’s why, the sign out URL is of utmost importance in enterprise applications from where the Identity signing out of that platform is confirmed. Thus, you can check the following method of using a state parameter while configuring the redirect URLs might be useful.
• Create a "shared" redirect URI per application to process the security tokens you receive from the authorization endpoint.
• Your application can send application-specific parameters (such as subdomain URL where the user originated or anything like branding information) in the state parameter. When using a state parameter, guard against CSRF protection as specified in section 10.12 of RFC 6749).
• The application-specific parameters will include all the information needed for the application to render the correct experience for the user, that is, construct the appropriate application state. The Azure AD authorization endpoint strips HTML from the state parameter so make sure you are not passing HTML content in this parameter.
• When Azure AD sends a response to the "shared" redirect URI, it will send the state parameter back to the application.
• The application can then use the value in the state parameter to determine which URL to further send the user to. Make sure you validate for CSRF protection.
• Also, the client must protect these parameters by encrypting the state or verifying it by some means as you are using a personal Microsoft login for authentication purposes which means personal Microsoft accounts will be able to access the application configured in Azure AD, so please validate the domain name in the redirect URI against the token.
Please find the below links for more information: -

Which Oauth2 grant type for server-to-server integration

We have a proxy layer that delivers messages from a channel (think facebook messenger/twitter/sms/etc) to a 3rd party omni-channel contact centre platform.
The platform API's are secured using OAuth2's authorization code grant type. We create an 'application' within the platform space and use the provided client ID and secret to set up a basic web page with a bit of Javascript to receive the access code when the auth provider redirects to this page.
Using this code, we're able to generate auth tokens which are fed into our proxy layer.
In turn, our proxy creates access tokens for each messaging user that it needs to interact with the platform as. This works fine in the back-end layer.
My problem is that
1) the method of generating the initial code is a complete hack
2) our proxy is a pure back-end service that is not able to interact with a user-agent i.e.: a web browser; and therefore is unable to receive the code from the browser via a redirect from the OAuth provider.
I've spent some time reading through the OAuth2 spec and some blog posts too and from what I can tell, client_credentials is the correct grant type for this form of integration.
However, the platform's dev team are insistent that auth code will work for us.
I'm open to being wrong - but where I'm stuck is on how we're meant to create the initial tokens for the proxy layer given that the proxy layer is a pure back-end service.
What am I missing here?
Client credentials is definitely correct. Authorization code flow should only be used for an end user UI.
But it may be that you are interfacing with a non standard architecture that doesn't support the correct option - or politically you cannot get the buy in.
I would aim to win over the platform dev team.- buy them a beer etc
Worst case scenario you can register a pseudo user and write some HttpClient based back end code to do the Auth code flow by reading 302 location headers etc and gettimg a code then token. This will automate the login but is very hacky as you say.
I.would try my hardest to avoid it though - and make my stakeholders aware that I'm using the only option available and it could have future reliability problems

Options for integrating DocuSign into an SPA

I'm working on a submission for a conference. I'd like to integrate DocuSign with Alfresco's Angular based developer framework and specifically the Alfresco Content App.
In order to keep things simple, I'd like to think about workflows that could be done 100% from the browser without any backend code of my own.
I suspect I could create a "Sign this document now" type action for any document found in the Alfresco UI. That could initiate an OAuth flow that would not require any backend services of my own.
I think I would need to put my integrator key into the SPA. This would then be visible to anyone using the app. From reading through docs, I'm unclear if it is OK to "leak" this key?
Are there other use cases I can implement in an SPA without adding backend services of my own? Things like, sending a doc out to be signed by one or more people? Or embedding a signing experience in the Angular UI?
I have seen the following series on the DocuSign blog:
Having read through that and also the REST API documentation, I'm still unclear if it is even possible to implement something like this without any support from my own backend service.
I also have not found any place online where I can reach out to a developer evangelist from DocuSign to discuss my options. I believe DocuSign developers monitor SO, so figured this was the next best thing.
Great question. Browsers implement the Same Origin Policy. So, as I wrote in the blog series (see all three of my posts listed below), you will need a CORS gateway to make API calls from your Angular program running in the browser itself to the DocuSign system.
The good news is that creating a private CORS gateway isn't hard. See part 2 of the series:
Part 1. Introduction
Part 2. Building a private CORS gateway
Part 3. An example React SPA
Your app will need an access token when it makes API calls to DocuSign. There are multiple techniques available to give your app the access token it needs:
Your app can, by itself, authenticate the user with DocuSign. In this case, because of the security issues--as you mentioned in your question--you do not use the OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow. Instead, you use the OAuth Implict Grant flow, which is designed for this use case. This flow is demonstrated in part 3 of the blog series.
You can implement the OAuth Authorization Code Grant flow in your server, and then create a private API between your server and your browser app to obtain the access token.
A private API
As an alternative to using CORS, you can just implement your own private versions of the DocuSign API methods on your server. Then your browser app would send a private_send_envelope request to your server. Your server would manage the access token, send the request to DocuSign, and relay the response back to your browser app.
This pattern is the same as your question about implementing a backend service. It will work fine but is not as elegant as implementing everything within your browser app. Depending on your immediate and future API needs by your SPA, this might be a good idea or not.
CORS support is the key
Until DocuSign has CORS support you'll need to build something on the backend. Either a CORS gateway (which only involves configuration, not software) or a private API gateway.
Please ask your DocuSign sales or technical contact to add your information to the internal DocuSign proposal for CORS support, PORTFOLIO-1100. This will help raise the priority of CORS support. Thanks.
Specific answers
I think I would need to put my integrator key into the SPA. This would then be visible to anyone using the app. From reading through docs, I'm unclear if it is OK to "leak" this key?
Answer: It is okay to add your integrator key (IK) to your browser app if and only if the IK is set for Implicit Grant usage (check the "Mobile App" checkbox on the IK's property sheet).
Having read through that and also the REST API documentation, I'm still unclear if it is even possible to implement something like this without any support from my own backend service.
Answer: at this time you will either need to implement a private CORS gateway or implement backend software.

Azure web api authentication

I would like to secure my Azure WebApi with 3rd party providers (FB, G+... I basically just need a valid email). Was looking at Auth0 and seems like it will do the thing paired with Jwt middleware in web api project, but I was wondering if the same can be done using Azure only.
Azure Web App authentication confused me a bit - it does not seem to give anything to my Asp.Net web app. I still have to configure all the middleware in Startup.cs and the app still works fine if I completely turn authentication off.
I could do the same thing Auth0 does - issue my own Jwt tokens based on access tokens from FB or G+ - but would like to avoid that.
Could you please point me to the right direction?
You have a couple options:
App Service Authentication
Configure the authentication via middle ware
App Service Authentication
The App Service Authentication does not require any code inside your application because your App Service has a gateway that inspects request for authorization. Depending on the setting you can either secure the entire site or secure individual resources (by using the [Authorize] attribute on the endpoint in MVC/WebAPI).
With the latest release you can control authorization on a site by site basis including manually triggering the sign in by navigating the user to the <yoursiteurl>/.auth/login/<provider>. By defualt the token store is enabled so you can make a request to <yoursiteurl>/.auth/me and get back information from the provider.
Middleware Authentication
This is the default way authorization happens in the Single Page ASP.NET Template. The middleware authentication uses OAuth/OpenId to secure the resources. This option does it at the application layer instead of at the gateway. If you are using ASP.NET Identity (from the single page project template) the email from the persons log in will automatically be stored in the Users table. The tutorial in the link above gives lots of details on how to get it working.
Make sure you use the [Authorize] attribute to trigger the Authorization in either case.
Hope that helps you get started in the right direction.

WebApi secured by Azure Active Directory called from JavaScript

I have the following scenario:
1.- A web api project in Azure, that I want to secure using Azure AD (I don't mind Token, cookie, whatever, as far as it meets the entire scenario)
2.- An Azure web site in asp.net MVC, also secured by Azure AD. This website has to call the web api controller with SSO (I'm using same Azure AD in the entire scenario)
3.- Some JavaScript code running in a page in SharePoint Online, also calling the web api controller in any secure way (The Office 365 tenant is also using same Azure AD). If you don't know about SharePoint, let's say I have an SPA project where I can only use Javascript and html (no server side code).
Following some of the MS Azure AD samples and some blogs from Vittorio Bertocci I'm able to get the points 1 and 2 working fine, using OWIN and Oppen ID connect. However, seems impossible to achieve point 3. As I'm inside a page in SharePoint Online, I can only use javascript, and not any server side code. I'd like to get a valid token for the current user, that is already logged in SP, and remember that SP uses same Azure AD that web api site.
Can I call the Azure AD and get a valid token, just from client code?
I'm open to any possible solution. I can do whatever in the web api project. If you are thinking in a SharePoint app with an appPart, and the appPart calls the web api from server side code, I agree that will work, but it's an option that is not allowed at the moment :(
Many thanks.
I have similar needs. While waiting for a Microsoft sponsored solution we’re working on the following approach.
3) in Your solution (i.e. HTML page with JavaScript, hosted in SharePoint Online and running in Browser) will call Services in 1) (i.e. Web Api Service layer in Azure).
In Our case we only want to validate that the calls made from SharePoint Online (via users browser, i.e. JavaScript) originate from a correct Office 365 / SharePoint Online user in our tenant.
We are opting out of using the App Model as we only want some simple HTML / JavaScript pages in our Intranet and don’t want App Webs. The Web Api server side code is kind of our “Web Part” code behind.
Change to the solution after trying it out and having workable code:
The auth cookies are ReadOnly and cannot be used. Instead we have registered one metod in our service layer as App in SharePoint Online (via appregnew.aspx). That methods url (e.g. https://cloudservice.customer.com/api/authentication/token) is registered as App start page in the app manifest and is deployed to a site Collection.
Now we can call our App via https://customer.sharepoint.com/sites/devassets/_layouts/15/appredirect.aspx?instance_id={GUID} i a jQuery ajax call and parse the result. AppRedirect sends the correct SPAuthToken which we use in our service endpoint (i.e. App start page) to call back to SharePoint and check context.Web.CurrentUser. User email is then stored in Table Storage with a generated Token which we send back to the caller (i.e. the jQuery ajax call to app redirect).
That token is then used in all other service layer calls in order to be sure of who is calling our service layer and in some cases perform authorization in our service layer.
Note, You can use the same approach in order to store Refresh and AccessToken in your client and provide that in all calls to your service from your client and use those tokens in order to do App Calls back to SharePoint. This enables HTML UI in SharePoint host webs and server code using user context in Azure service layer.
To follow up, ADAL.js has recently been released, and the ability to use CORS with O365 APIs was recently added, enabling a scenario for script clients to communicate with services protected by Azure AD, such as your Web API.
UPDATE 2018:
This is now supported by SharePoint Online and the SPFx development model, and officially documented, for instance here
Consume enterprise APIs secured with Azure AD in SharePoint Framework
Being said that the work done meanwhile by Vittorio, Kirk, and their teams, but extending that also to Andrew that has delivered great samples, is awesome; that doesn't really fully reply the original question because one of the requirements is to don't run the component as Add-in Part.
If you try to use ADAL JS (which starts its own OAuth flow) hosting that directly in a SP page, that's not going to work, or anyway you can expect a weird behavior for the user (cause of client redirects happening on the browser).
The solution proposed by Peter Karpinski is interesting, and will work matching the requirements in the original question, but requires quite some complexity and additional management/resources.
This recent article provides an alternative solution similar to Peter's one, but requiring less 'extras' and somewhat simpler, also reusing user's SP identity.
Consuming Azure Hosted Web API from SharePoint Online using JavaScript and Office 365 identities
and doesn't either require the use of ADAL on the client side and the implementation of custom security provider / token issuer on the server side.
The identity (cookie) will be passed via properly handling CORS (documentation) on both sides.
However, as you can read in my comments to that blog, this won't work normally with IE due to its security zone implementation. You'll have to be sure you have control on IE security zones on the clients, or have an alternative solution specific for IE.
As of today AAD does not support the OAuth2 implicit flow (or OpenId Connect variants) hence you can't obtain a token from AAD using a user-agent (browser), regardless of whether you hit the wire handcrafting the protocol or using a library.
However keep an eye on future announcements, as this is an important scenario for us!
update we now support the implicit flow on our server, and we released a library for helping you consume the new feature: http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2015/02/19/introducing-adal-js-v1/
Thank youi for r your patience!
The fact that you say you can use only HTML/JS let me guess you're having a SharePoint-hosted App.
Azure AD Authentication Library (ADAL) doesn't provide yet in this moment support for HTML5.
I've been looking since a while (almost one year) on how to implement something as you say; but I couldn't find any working solution, which doesn't make use also of some 'code-behind'.
I'd suggest you then to move to a Provider-hosted App, where you'll be able to have some C# code, and make use of ADAL to retrieve and reuse the OAuth token.
Also, I think is worth to look at this documentation page:
Choose patterns for developing and hosting your app for SharePoint
at section Match your hosting pattern with your development goals
thanks for your help.
Well, it's not a SP-Hosted App, but it's same scenario. It's just a SP page in SP Online, so I can only use JS code like in a SP-hosted app.
As I said in my question, I agree the Provider hosted app is likely the right (or at least, the unique) solution, but that means to build and app, deploy it, and add teh appPart manually to the page (is not easy to package in a WSP). So, this solution is quite hard, when you only want to make some AJAX calls and show some data.
However, after all that I've seen, I think we can't do anything else. I'm gonna wait some more days to see if someone know any weird workarround that could work, and if not, I'll mark your answer as valid.
Thanks again!
