Logic app blob trigger not fired on subfolder - azure

I am referring to this feedback:
Azure Storage Blob Trigger to fire when files added in Sub Folders
I have a Azure Logic App that is fired every time a blob is added in a container. This works fine when all the documents are at the root of the container.
Inside my container, I have a dynamic number of (virtual) sub-folders.
When I add a new document in a subfolder (path = mysubfolder/mynewdocument.txt), the logic app is not triggered.
This does not really make sense for me as sub-folders in the blob container are virtual. Does anyone find a workaround except putting all the files at the root level ?
I've opened an issue on Github:

This is the expected behavior. None of the Logic App Triggers that work with 'files' support subfolders.
This has been the case with BizTalk Server as well since 2000 so I would not expect a change anytime soon :(.
Please create or vote on a User Voice for this issue: User Voice - Logic Apps

This does not really make sense for me as sub-folders in the blob container are virtual. Does anyone find a workaround except putting all the files at the root level ?
I also can reproduce it on my side. I recommend that you could use the Azure function app blob trigger to instead of Azure Logic App blob trigger. Azure blob trigger function could be fired when you add a new document in a subfolder(virtual).

At the time I was developing this feature (early 2018), EventGrid was still in preview so I've ended up using Azure Function - Blob trigger.
I would definitely use EventGrid - Blob Event now and it works for Logic App / Function App or with any Http endpoint.


Azure Pipeline storage file trigger doesn't fire

I´ve created an Azure Synapse Analytics Pipeline that must be triggered by the creation of a file within a Azure Gen2 storage account.
Somehow the blob creation event (i.e. when I upload the file in the corresponding container and folder) doesn´t fire anything and the pipeline does not start. I´ve registered the Microsoft.EventGrid and Microsoft.Synapse resource providers in the subscription, as suggested by the Microsoft official documentation.
Am I missing anything? As far as I know, and according to the Microsoft documentation and the many tutorials I've read, I don´t need any Event Topic/Event subscription...
Can you please check the content type of the file :
usually when that is blank, event trigger is not initiated
I tried to reproduce your scenario in my environment, and it works for me (i.e., when I upload the file in the corresponding container and folder). Let me share my implementation and then you can compare with yours.
This is the setup for the trigger
The trigger is firing as expected.
Files uploaded date time
Trigger firing date time
I still didn´t figure out what is not working, so I implemented a workaround: a simple ADF pipeline looping for files in the landing zone. The pipeline is associated with a normal schedule trigger (it runs 3 times a day) and it calls in turn the pipeline I originally wanted to be triggered by the file creation trigger.

Azure Blob Triggers sometime taking too much time to get triggered

I am using App service plan for azure function, and have added blob triggers but when any file is uploaded to blob container,Functions are not triggering .or sometime its taking too much time , then after it start triggering.
Any suggestion will be appreciated
It should trigger the function as and when new files is uploaded to blob container.
This should be the case of cold-start
As per the note here
When you're using a blob trigger on a Consumption plan, there can be
up to a 10-minute delay in processing new blobs. This delay occurs
when a function app has gone idle. After the function app is running,
blobs are processed immediately. To avoid this cold-start delay, use
an App Service plan with Always On enabled, or use the Event Grid
For your case, you need to consider Event-Grid trigger instead of a blob trigger, Event trigger has the built-in support for blob-events as well.
Since you say that you are already running the functions on an App Service plan, it's likely that you don't have the Always On setting enabled. You can do this on the App from the Application Settings -> General Settings tab on the portal:
Note that Always On is only applicable to Az Functions bound to an App Service plan - it isn't available on the serverless Consumption plan.
Another possible cause is if you don't clear the blobs out of the container after you process it.
From here:
If the blob container being monitored contains more than 10,000 blobs (across all containers), the Functions runtime scans log files to watch for new or changed blobs. This process can result in delays. A function might not get triggered until several minutes or longer after the blob is created.
And when using the Consumption Plan, here's another link warning about the potential of delays.

Azure function not triggered by blob events

I have a azure function created with ARM Template by using powershell.
Function is blobtrigger type function running on consumption plan, to copy blob from source storage to destination storage.
When I upload blob to source storage it will not copied. That means function is not executed.
When I browse function app through portal, function get invoked and do the required things as expected. Thereafter it works fine. It only happens when function app initially deployed by powershell script using ARM templates.
So I guess Issue is, when I create function app using ARM template and deployed using powershell it is in idle mode, and never triggered by blob events. Is my assumption correct or could you please help me to find the issue. Thanks.
Be careful here. According to the Blob Storage Documentation it mentions that there may be a delay for this trigger if on the consumption plan: (emphasis mine)
When your function app runs in the default Consumption plan, there may be a delay of up to several minutes between the blob being added or updated and the function being triggered. If you need low latency in your blob triggered functions, consider running your function app in an App Service plan.
Perhaps the behavior you are seeing is a manifestation of the above. Try converting to an App Service Plan and see if you still see the delay in the trigger.
I suspect it has nothing to do with your deployment method.

Running an exe in azure at a regular interval

I have an app (.exe) that picks up a file and imports it into a database. I have to move this set up into Azure. I am familiar with Azure SQL and Azure File Storage. What I am not familiar with is how I execute am app within Azure.
My app reads rows out of my Azure database to determine where the file is (in Azure File Storage) and then dumps the data into a specified table. I'm unsure if this scenario is appropriate for Azure Scheduler or if I need an App Service to set up a WebJob.
Is there any possibility I can put my app in a directly in Azure File Storage and point a task to that location to execute it (then it might be easier to resolve the file locations of the files to be imported).
This is a good scenario for Azure Functions, if you want to just run some code on a schedule in Azure.
Functions are like Web Jobs (they share the same SDK in fact) so you can trigger on a schedule or from a storage queue, etc., but you don't need an app service to run your code in. There are some great intro videos here Azure Functions Documentation , and here is a link to a comparison of the hosting options between web jobs, functions, flow and logic apps.
You can edit the function directly in the portal (paste/type your c# or node.js code straight in), or use source control to manage it.
If you really want to keep your app as an exe and run it like that, then you will need to use the azure scheduler to do this instead, which is a basic job runner.
Decisions, decisions...!
Looking at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/documentation/articles/scheduler-intro/ it seems that the only actions that are supported are:
a storage queue,
a service bus queue,
a service bus topic
so running a self contains .exe or script doesn't look to be possible.
Do you agree?

Azure when does wad-control-container gets populated

I uploaded the azure web application with custom dianostics.wadcfg and also included the onstart() function to transfer logs to azure storage on schedule basis.
However, the wad-control-container is always empty. I would have thought that this should include the xml configuration for given deployment ID.
Could someone please suggest on what scenarios this occurs?
I had a similar issue today and the problem was that I used HTTP to connect to storage instead of HTTPS. Might be it.
