UML Class Diagram - Bidirectional Association - uml

A teacher at a university is able to search for a student by using their first name and last name. Similarly, a student can search for a teacher using their first name and last name.
What I've Done
I have used an association line with a label, searchesFor, to denote that a teacher can search for a student and vice versa. I have also used the no more than one multiplicity notation.
If I don't use a filled arrow next to searchesFor to indicate the direction of the relationship, would my solution be naturally read as stated in the scenario?

The UML specification does not provide any standard in such case. It is quite often that you don't show filled triangles, placing them only when the understanding might be unclear so the reader can think you just didn't notice ambiguity here.
You might use textual annotation (comment) to make it clear.
Also beware of the "database like" multiplicity usage. The multiplicity of one at each end means there's only object on each link end. If a teacher has searched a student, do you want to limit this students search to this single teacher only?
Finally search for is a very short lasting relation. Are you sure it is worth documenting like that at all?

I think your design is just wrong. There must be some instance to collect all teachers and all students from where you can get by name:
Sure you could simply relate students to teacher with a m-n relation. But that would result in a bad design. When you insert a new student, this must be added to all existing teachers (so they can find appropriately). Vice versa teacher/student applies the same way.
Whether or not you have a single Staff instance or separate ones for teachers and students depends.


What's the difference between these types of association in an UML Class Diagram?

I never understood the difference between these types of association. How should I interpret and in which scenarios should I use each one?
Given your diagrams all three cases are equivalent. So, I would go with the simplest version.
Adding a Purchase class allows to define features and behaviors of the link objects.
In the second case, Purchase is classifying the binary links between User objects and Product objects. That means each Purchase object is the link between exactly one User object and exactly one Product object. The outcome is the same as in the third case. Only there you have two link objects and one regular object, making the model a little more complicated. On the other hand, in this case you don't need to explain to your readers what an AssociationClass is.
In earlier versions of UML the two latter cases had a subtle difference. If the two ends of the AssociationClass are unique, each pair of User and Product can have at most one link. For a Purchase this is probably not what you want, because the user might buy the same product multiple times. But a stack overflow user can earn each badge only once. The AssociationClass would allow to model this.
Unfortunately this distinction has been thrown out. Therefore, AssociationClasses now don't have more expressive power than regular Classes, making them obsolete. I wrote a specification issue asking to put uniqueness back in.
So, according to my college teacher, the first and second one are equivalent. The second one would be "more correct" if the purchase had other atributes, since it doesn't you would opt for the first.
The third one differs a bit from the rest in the way that there can be multiple purchases where the User X bought the Product Y.
So, the first and second would be useful if we only want one record of a purchase between a User and a Product, and the third if we wanted to keep a purchase history for example
The first one is a named association. The name of the association (being purchase) is pretty pointless unless you are doing some exotic stuff. In this case User and Product have both some array referencing objects on the other side.
The second and third are just alternative notations for the same thing. That is you have an association class Purchase which in this case connects User and Product by adding some (not shown) functionality/attributes. Here the classes left/right do not see each other. It's only Purchase which makes the references.
Edit As noted by #JimL. the 2nd and 3rd differ in one respect: #2 has two* left and right where there should be a 1 to make it a match for #3. This would be the usual use for an association class. The * would make it different and probably very uncommon for the obvious application here.

How to lower redundancy in my UML Class diagram?

I am modeling a course management system with the following requirements:
2 roles: Student can choose course; Administrator can make courses and then make groups for course, based on list of students who chose that course and based on list of tutors for that course.
In one course students can go only in one group, and teacher can teach more groups in one course. But student can go in 1 or more courses.
This diagram is a sketch of a class diagram. There is too much redundancy and I don't know how to solve it. Please help me to model my domain and ignore the mistakes in UML syntax or multiplicitycardinality.
More precisely, how can I make association between students and groups, and tutors and groups without redundancy, because I already have associations with courses?
Let's focus indeed on the domain model:
The direct association between Student and Course corresponds to the student's choice. The choice may or may not be fulfilled. And if it is fulfilled, it's only when the groups are made.
The indirect association between Student and Course via Group corresponds not only to fulfilled choices, but also to practical organisation of courses.
The two paths that exist are not redundant, but the representation of two different realities.
For the tutor, it's similar: the direct association tells what the tutor is able to do, and the indirect one tells what he/she has to do. So the model looks fine in this regard.
In some cases you could simplify (hint: not here)
In some situation a choice/plan can be combined with a fulfilled choice/implementation, by merging associations. For example, if there wasn't your group requirement, you could have only one association class between Student and Course and use a state of your association class to make the difference. But this will not work here, given your requirements.
You could also trick with the requirements. For example, you could have for every course a dummy group that corresponds to students that chose the course and are not assigned to a group. But shortcuts in the design can (and often will) backfire. Here for example, it would add complexity (need to create a dummy group for every course, make a difference between the dummy group and the real groups in almost every activity). Moreover, this trick would constrain your solution. For instance, not having an association class for the choice will prevent from enabling the students to prioritise their courses or providr other elements that facilitate the creation of groups that do not yet exist (e.g. pre-existing skill level).
In summary: your model should primarily aim at addressing the requirements. Premature optimisation is the root of all evil, in modelling as well.

UML class diagram, agregation or composition with example

I have short question about class diagrams. In my book we have class Person and class Gender and agregation arrow between them(with diamond pointing to person). Now, in general when I want to decide whether we have agregation or not I am using one of these two rules:
1.When you destroy class that is whole, than part can exist without it;
2.Class that is part in agregation relation, can be mutual to one or more wholes.
Now if we look at this example and rule number 2, it is OK, because one gender is mutual to one or more persons. But for the first one, if there is not person, than we can't talk about gender right?So I would set composition here. Probably I am missing main difference between these two. Any help is appriciated.
In general
Your rule about when using aggregation is not wrong. But it's unnecessarily complex. There is a simpler much simpler rule about when you'd better use aggregation: never.
This may sound provocative, but the hard truth is that the meaning of aggregation is not defined in the UML specifications, which makes it ambiguous and subject to a lot of unnecessary time-consuming debates:
Sometimes a Property is used to model circumstances in which one instance is used to group together a set of instances; this is called aggregation. (...) Precise semantics of shared aggregation varies by application area and modeler.- UML specifications 2.5.1, page 112.
I know, it comes as a shock. For years in my career, I have myself selected very carefully aggregation whenever there was a part-whole relation with non-exclusive ownership. But when I came accross James Rumbaugh famous quote, I challenged my own assumptions and realized how vain and subjective this quest was:
Keep in mind that aggregation is association. Aggregation conveys the thought that the aggregate is inherently the sum of its parts. In fact, the only real semantics that it adds to association is the constraint that chains of aggregate links may not form cycle (...) In spite of the few semantics attached to aggregation, everybody thinks it is necessary (for different reasons). Think of it as a modeling placebo.- James Rumbaugh in Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual, chapter 14.
So, whenever you have aggregation in a model, you could simply replace it with an association without real loss of information.
In your specific example
The association: Person ----- Gender expresses perfectly that a person has a gender, and that several persons can share the same gender.
If you want to be super-accurate, you could use the dot notation (with a small dot on Gender side). This would convey the information that Person owns the end of the association.
Composition would definitely be wrong here, because it's an exclusive ownership and no two persons could share the same gender.
Aggregation is ambigous: what is the whole, what is the part? If gender is a part, wouldn't character be a part as well. And what with the name, then ?
A final remark: if you want to implement this with Person having a gender:Gender property (an OOP mechanism called "object composition") the, you don't need aggregation (even if it's a popular practice).

Too many associations, aggregations or compositions in a class diagram?

We're tasked to make a system that will record students daily in and out of the institution premises via student ID, to ensure student safety, and The instructor can also use this system as the student attendance.
Can you help me by checking if this is correct or any improvement is required?
In short
There are some syntactic issues with the associations in your diagram.
Moreover, associations correspond to a structural relationship. Do not create associations, simply because one class uses another at some point in time: for a simple use, a «use» dependency is the most you can do.
More details
Syntactically, this diagram seems correct, except for the label on the association:
Since it's in the middle of the line, we assume it's the association name. But the association name has no visibility.
Since there is a - (private) visibility, we understand that it could be the role of an association end. But It should then be located on the end and not in the middle.
Semantically, from an UML point of view there are some suspicious relationships:
The double composition of Login is probably wrong: composition indicates an exclusive ownership. Your diagram says that a Login occurence is owned either by an Admin or by a Teacher but if it's owned by one, the other cannot be related to it.
Moreover, composition suggest a part-whole relationship and I don't see a login to "be a part of" a teacher or an admin.
The aggregation is not well defined in UML and therfore does not really add value. Some people see it suggesting a part§whole relation with non-exclusive ownership: in this case it would be wrong. Better get rid of it.
The name of the Validates association is confusing as it corresponds to a Login's operation. It might lead to think that the line corresponds to the dynamic invocation of the operation, whereas in reality an association is structural.
But it's difficult to say more in absence of any requirement or analysis context. Based on my domain knowledge:
The 1 to 1 association between Admin and Student must be wrong, since an Admin may enrol 0 users (new admin), or many users
There's a login which is probably used to monitor the in's of the students, but nothing seems to monitor the outs.
Do each student have only one single teacher ?
It's not clear to me if all these associations are a structural relation. For example, we can understand that at a point in time, in a transaction, a teacher validates a login. But should a trace of this validation be kept (i.e. do you expect to be able to later find out all the logins that a teacher has validated? or to find for a given login which teacher did validate it?).

Aggregation and composition - wrong tutorial example

I find these two examples conceptually identical - yet one is a composition and the other aggregation.
In the first example, the relationship 'class (has-a) students' is a compositon.
A class contains students. A student cannot exist without a class.
There exists composition between class and students.
In the second example, the relationship 'department (has-a) professors' is an aggregation.
If the university closes, the departments will no longer exist, but
the professors in those departments will continue to exist
In my opinion the first one is plain wrong. Notice that in the comment section of this SO question #TallPaul is questioning the first example as well. I think in practice it would delete all students enrolled in a class after each semester from the system. Moreover, the students would probably have to be created by the class on its initialisation, because composition in C++ is usually implemented as private attribute (not pointer). Am I right? Is there any way the first example makes sense?
There is no absolute truth and it all depends on the system you are modeling. You can create a system where students are instances that exist only in a specific class and when the class is deleted, so are the students. This may make sense when you don't want to store student information between classes for example.
Yes, those are weak examples, a Class must have a Subject would be a much better example for Composition. The relationship between a Class and Students is Aggregation because the life-time of the two is different.
See [UML Associations in Java] for more detailed examples1
