Is there a possibility that the timer trigger will be executed with a lot of delay? - azure

First of all, the development environment is core 2.0 (azure functions preview).
A timer trigger was triggered after a significantly later time than the defined time. (About 3 hours and 20 minutes)
It is not a time zone problem.
Under normal circumstances, how much delays should be considered?

Timers in Azure Functions are accurate. If they fail to run or run with significant delay then it indicates there is some other underlying issue, either an application problem or a functions bug (v2 still has many bugs). Assuming you already have app insights enabled, look at the exceptions table for evidence of something going wrong before the timer stopped running.


Azure Function App is very slow, but only sometimes

I have read through most of the questions that seems to be similar to what I'll ask so hopefully I'm not wasting anyone's time.
We have a Function App in Azure Cloud that contains several Durable Functions.
One of these durable functions is a HTTP trigger API REST call.
It will normally take between 0.5 - 3 seconds to execute fully (from call to done, delivered result). But sometimes it takes 20-35 seconds. I don't know why or how I can search for errors.
The durable function fetches information from a Cosmos DB and delivers the result back to the caller.
Function App, Durable Function and Cosmos DB are all located in the same Region. (Checked that).
The Durable Function is set to B2:2 and has toggled Always On to ON.
Is there something I miss or something I should check to make sure it runs smoother?
Log of executions of the app:
I greatly appreciate everyone's time and energy they put into helping me. Thanks a lot.
---- Additions to the post after posting ----
I have checked the interactive tool and if I read that correctly it tells me a maximum execution time of 0.8 seconds and a maximum network lag of 6 seconds. That would indicate something that I suspected before I set up this post and that is that Azure needs to cold start the function. But I have always on toggled on so why?
It doesn't seem to take 30 seconds to complete the function. It seems to take less than 1 second to complete the function and up to a maximum of 6 seconds lag, but where are the other 23 seconds going in a 30 second call?
B2:2 is the service agreement I have with Azure. B2 is the test environments second paid state with 2 instances scaling (I have changed that to 3 after posting this).
Application Insights are on and no other dependencies are present except the Cosmos DB.
AFAIK in Azure Functions,
After 5 minutes of inactivity, Function App goes to the cold state. To come out of it, 10 seconds delay occurs.
Even the Function App is in Hot State, it will take some excessive amount of time to load the external libraries defined in it.
In the Function App, Code Logic Performance also matters the cause of slowness in the Azure Functions.
There are few steps for reducing the cold-start times particularly for the Functions having external libraries:
Running from a package file WEBSITE_RUN_FROM_PACKAGE to 1 may reduce cold-start times, particularly for JavaScript functions with large npm package trees.
From the Azure Portal > Diagnose and solve problems > Troubleshoot Performance category to identify the causes of slowness:
Try Always On Feature available in App Service Plan and Premium Plan of the Azure Functions to prevent such issues.
Regarding the Performance and reliability improving of Azure Functions, please refer here.
If this issue persists still, then please raise an incident with Microsoft Support to get the root cause and resolution.
Try fiddling around with maxqueuepollingintervall. It helped out with our cold starts quite a bit.

Azure function timeout/fails to complete

G'day folks,
I'm having some issues with an Azure function that I'm hoping someone might be able to help with.
We have a relatively long-running process (3-4 mins) that is being triggered from a Service Bus message, and we were having issues with the function execution ending without error and then attempting to re-process. The time take for this to happen is less than all the timeout/lock duration settings we have configured. Watching the logs (log stream, for both file system and app insights) we see the last line of the previous execution, then it kicks straight into the next.
To determine whether it's service bus related, I've also tried executing the process via a blob trigger (the process uses the file as a data source anyway) but I'm seeing the same thing except I don't see the subsequent retries.
In both scenarios I don't see anything in App insights apart from the Trace records. I don't get an exception, or even a 'request' entry. (function logic is all enclosed in try/catch blocks btw)
So my question is - Is it possible to trap these scenarios so we can determine the root cause? Currently I've got nothing to go on to try and diagnose. These errors don't happen when running locally.
FWIW we've seen this issue happen during the execution of a third-party libraries (MS Graph and an OpenXMLPowerTools library) - as we're generating documents for upload into Sharepoint. Not sure if this is relevant.
Thanking you in advance,
May be this is because of the plan that you are using , If you're using the Consumption plan, the default timeout is 5 minutes, but you can increase it to a maximum of 10 minutes. The maximum timeout on a Premium plan is 60 minutes. You can set your timeout as long as you want if you have a dedicated App Service plan.
Also try configuring the timeout of your function app i.e by changing the value of functionTimeout in host.json of your function app.
You should have a look at durable functions.
They allows us to have long running processes, i.e. import/export tasks.
I was able to wrap a long running import process, which takes about 20 mins to run successfully.

Limit Azure Function restart rate

I already faced similar problem few times:
Azure Function with ServiceBusTrigger by some reason (misconfiguration, infrastructure issues, doesn't really matter) fails to connect to ServiceBus (so it happens on trigger level) and it leads to two issues:
It tries to restart all the time, increasing CPU consumption
It generates literally a millions of exceptions in AppInsights, which leads to quota exceedance
Practically every error in configuration means significantly increased bills and requires thorough monitoring after every deployment, which is annoying and error prone solution.
So, my question: If there is a way to set some delay between restart attempts to (for example) one second? And, as addition - is there way to limit amount of restart attempts and then shut down the Function?
Establishing a connection to the broker to fetch messages is Functions responsibility, Scale Controller. That aspect is entirely abstracted from customers and not configurable. I suggest raising an issue with Azure Functions team, likely under the Runtime repo.

Sometime my function take a looong time to execute

I have tried for the 1st time Azure Function, besides a couple of problems where I found a workaround, it was quite easy to develop and publish my function to Azure. I even tried preview features like durable entities and it works great, I am enthusiast.
However, I had some concerns with the timings. My function is http triggered, it's called by another application. Most of the time execution time is ~1sec which is great. Sometimes, I don't know why it takes up to 30 secs to execute the same function. Is this normal? Maybe some cold start? Or it's me doing something wrong? I am a newbie so I'd like the experts opinion. I am using consumption plan in w. Europe.
Unfortunately for this application anything > 4 sec is not acceptable because it will cause an error in the caller reflected in turn to the end user.
Here you can se a screen capture of logs with timings, look at the bottom what crazy slow times.
Any way to ensure timing always within 4 secs?
This much variation would not be expected with cold start. Generally cold start is about 2-5 seconds and should only happen if a long period of no invocations. Also the measurement here is just execution time, and doesn’t include startup time. I’d recommend looking into logs and adding traces to see if there’s a line of code it’s hanging on.
First step is to understand what happens once you hit one Azure Function endpoint, step by step:
Azure must allocate your application to a server with capacity,
The Functions runtime must then start up on that server,
Your code then needs to execute.
I don't know why it takes up to 30 secs to execute the same function. Is this normal? Maybe some cold start?
I think the answer is related to cold start, the following image represents what happens when you trigger a function app's endpoint (Source: Understanding serverless cold start):
I have similar issues once using Consumption plan. A dedicated plan might be a solution for your case, half minute to warm up an endpoint is pretty bad. To keep the function warm, you have a chance to use Premium plan which promises the following:
When you're using the Premium plan, instances of the Azure Functions host are added and removed based on the number of incoming events just like the Consumption plan. Premium plan supports the following features: Perpetually warm instances to avoid any cold start
You can read about this further: Premium plan (preview)
Additional information:
Be careful with the mentioned option because the pricing might be different based on the following:
Instead of billing per execution and memory consumed, billing for the Premium plan is based on the number of core seconds, execution time, and memory used across needed and reserved instances. At least one instance must be warm at all times. This means that there is a fixed monthly cost per active plan, regardless of the number of executions.
I would consider at least for testing purposes the above mentioned option, I hope the answer helps and gives you the idea why you have slow startup.

what will happen on Azure Functions during maintenance?

I know that Web Apps will be rebooted during maintenance without notice.
But how about the case of Functions?
During maintenance, does the current execution get stopped?
I think it is difficult to retry Timer, Http, Event Hub Triggered Functions.
But I wish Functions runtime will make my code retry after the maintenance finishes.
Your question has several parts, so:
Probably yes, Azure will stop routing requests to an instance which is about to get maintenance done. Because Function executions are short-lived (on Consumption Plan), that's relatively easy to do.
"Probably" - because this is not something they guarantee to you. Overall, Functions on Consumption Plan have no SLA, and host behavior details might change over time.
If stopping in the middle of function execution is a problem for your business case, you still need to handle it. Any instance can experience hardware failure at any time, including the least convenient time possible.
The observed behavior in case of such failure will differ per trigger type. E.g. HTTP call will just fail with 5xx code and the client is supposed to retry it. Queue-based triggers have a mechanism with locks, timeouts and retry counts. Event Hub will restart at the last checkpoint.
I might be wrong but the whole thing about serverless computing is that you don't have to worry about these things anymore. So I would trust Microsoft that they won't stop your function during a maintenance. Thats probably one of the reasons why a function can only run for a limit time period.
