Skipping spaces in Groovy - groovy

I'm trying to write a conditional statement where I can skip a specific space then start reading all the characters after it.
I was thinking to use substring but that wouldn't help because substring will only work if I know the exact number of characters I want to skip but in this case, I want to skip a specific space to read characters afterward.
For example:
String text = "ABC DEF W YZ" //number of characters before the spaces are unknown
String test = "A"
if ( test == "A") {
return text (/*escape the first two space and return anything after that*/)

You can split your string on " " with tokenize, remove the first N elements from the returned array (where N is the number of spaces you want to ignore) and join what's left with " ".
Supposing your N is 2:
String text = "ABC DEF W YZ" //number of characters before the spaces are unknown
String test = "A"
if ( test == "A") {
return text.tokenize(" ").drop(2).join(" ")


How can I split a string in an array of strings such that each string is either a predefined array of strings, a variable or a string in Matlab?

I have two predefined arrays, say:
first = ["alpha" "beta"];
second = ["{" "}"];
and I want to create a function which receives a string and splits the string in different string arrays(or cell). Each array(or cell) should contain either a single member of one of the two arrays, a variable that is not a member of the arrays (without including the blank space) or a string. Ex:
Input string:
"alpha{ beta} new {} new2 "This is a string" }"
Output string:
"alpha" "{" "beta" "new" "{" "}" "new2" "This is a string" "}"
Hope it is clear!
I tried this:
S = "alpha{ beta} new new2 {} new3}";
T = ["alpha","beta", "{","}"];
[X,Y] = strsplit(S,[T " "], 'CollapseDelimiters',false);
X = strtrim(X); % you forgot to mention, that you also want to remove whitespace
X(2,:) = [Y,""];
X(strlength(X)==0) = []
but S does not accept strings of strings and if I use '' every word will be in a different cell!

How to remove the alphanumeric characters from a list and split them in the result?

'''def tokenize(s):
string = s.lower().split()
getVals = list([val for val in s if val.isalnum()])
result = "".join(getVals)
print (result)'''
tokenize('AKKK#eastern B!##est!')
Im trying for the output of ('akkkeastern', 'best')
but my output for the above code is - AKKKeasternBest
what are the changes I should be making
Using a list comprehension is a good way to filter elements out of a sequence like a string. In the example below, the list comprehension is used to build a list of characters (characters are also strings in Python) that are either alphanumeric or a space - we are keeping the space around to use later to split the list. After the filtered list is created, what's left to do is make a string out of it using join and last but not least use split to break it in two at the space.
string = 'AKKK#eastern B!##est!'
# Removes non-alpha chars, but preserves space
filtered = [
for char in string
if char.isalnum() or char == " "
# String-ifies filtered list, and splits on space
result = "".join(filtered).split()
['akkkeastern', 'best']

how to check equality of one value with two values?

if you look at the pseudo code, i am trying to make a new string without certain elements.
thesentence = 'i need help!*'
bettersentence = ''.join([char for char in thesentence if char != '!' and '*'])
comparing a character with two strings at the same time doesnt work. But im wondering wether there isnt any easy approach to this?
You can turn your string into a list and then use a for loop to see which characters in the string equal to * or ! and replace them with an empty string
def bettersentence(text):
text = list(text)
for i, character in enumerate(text):
if character == '*' or character == '!':
text[i] = ''
return ('').join(text)

Removing a string that startswith a specific char Python

text='I miss Wonderland #feeling sad #omg'
for line in text:
if line.startswith(prefix):
The output should be:
'I miss Wonderland'
But my output is the original string with the prefix removed
So it seems that you do not in fact want to remove the whole "string" or "line", but rather the word? Then you'll want to split your string into words:
words = test.split(' ')
And now iterate through each element in words, performing your check on the first letter. Lastly, combine these elements back into one string:
result = ""
for word in words:
if !word.startswith(prefix):
result += (word + " ")
for line in text in your case will iterate over each character in the text, not each word. So when it gets to e.g., '#' in '#feeling', it will remove the #, but 'feeling' will remain because none of the other characters in that string start with/are '#' or '#'. You can confirm that your code is going character by character by doing:
for line in text:
Try the following instead, which does the filtering in a single line:
text = 'I miss Wonderland #feeling sad #omg'
prefix = ('#','#')
words = text.split() # Split the text into a list of its individual words.
# Join only those words that don't start with prefix
print(' '.join([word for word in words if not word.startswith(prefix)]))

parsing words in a document using specific delimiters

I have a document that I'm parsing words from but I want to consider anything that is not a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or an apostrophe, to be white space. How could I do this if I am using the following bit of code before:
ifstream file;;
while(file >> word){
listOfWords.push_back(word); // I want to make sure only words with the stated
// range of characters exist in my list.
So, for example, the word would be two elements in my list, "hor" and "se".
Create a list of "whitespace characters" and then each time you encounter a character, check to see if that character is in the list and if so you've started a new word. This example is written in python, but the concept is the same.
def get_words(whitespace_chars, string):
words = []
current_word = ""
for x in range(0, len(string)):
#check to see if we hit the end of a word.
if(string[x] in whitespace_chars and current_word != ""):
current_word = ""
#add current letter to current word.
current_word += string[x]
#if the last letter isnt whitespace then the last word wont be added, so add here.
if(current_word != ""):
return words
return words
