GraphQL - How to distinguish Public from Private fields? - node.js

I have a GraphQL API and a NodeJS & Angular application with a MongoDB database that holds users. For each user, there is a public page with public information like id and username. When a user is logged in, there is a private profile page with extended information like an email.
Just for context, I'm using jsonwebtoken with accesscontrol to authenticate and authorize a user. The information is stored on the Context of every GraphQL resolve function, so whatever is needed to identify a logged in user is available.
I have a GraphQL query that retrieves a public user like so:
query getUserById($id: ID!) {
getUserById(id: $id) {
I am trying to think of the proper implementation to retrieve either a public or a private user. Since GraphQL is strong typed, I'm having some trouble coming up with a proper solution.
How do I implement the distinction between a public and a private user?
1. Separate query
So one of the options is to have a seperate query for both public and private fields:
public query
query getUserById($id: ID!) {
getUserById(id: $id) {
private query
query getMe {
getMe {
2. Using GraphQL Interfaces
I came across this Medium article that explains how GraphQL Interfaces are used to return different Types based on a resolveType function. So I would go something like so:
query getUser($id: ID!) {
getUser(id: $id) {
... on UserPrivate {
... on UserPublic {
I have not came across a proper solution and I'm unsure about either of the consideration I have so far.
Any help is much appreciated!

I think what you are missing here is that in GraphQL you usually want to create this deeply connected graph structure. While getUserByIdand getMe work well as entry points (and I think they are still a great idea even with the interface type), you will most likely have user types coming up all over you schema. Imagine the popular blog post example:
type Post {
id: ID!
title: String!
content: String!
author: User!
Adding two author fields here does not really work very well. Similarly in your example you might not know that the profile page is your own until you get a response from the backend (think about twitter profiles).
Instead, in my opinion there are two methods to consider:
First one is the interface idea. You would have an interface that has all the common fields and concrete implementations for the private and public type. The nice thing here: If you only use the common fields you don't even have to use the type matching:
query getUser($id: ID!) {
getUser(id: $id) {
# if you need a private field you can branch off here
... on UserPrivate {
When it gets more finely grained (people share what they want to expose to the public, imagine Facebook) or you have a lot of types (UserMe, UserFriend, UserStranger) you might want to consider nullable fields instead. If you don't have access to the field you will receive null from the API. To reduce the amount of null checking you can easily bundle fields into their own types (e.g. Address).
From the API point it is a bit easier to return nullable fields because it gives you a lot of flexibility. It is much easier to evolve the second option without breaking changes than the first one. Using interfaces is more expressive and surely more fun to work with in the frontend if you work with static types (Typescript, Flow, Scala.js, Reason, etc.). Keyword: Pattern matching.


Domain modelling: Doing it right

Having seen Jimmy Bogard's excellent video on crafting wicked domains, I tried to apply the same principles to one of my existing projects to evaluate how well i have grasped the concept. I have my queries and doubts listed below.
Domain Background: Admin can view a list of companies. He then approves a company. The database is supposed to update a Boolean field to true and store the id of the user who approved the company.
Initially, I had the following code written in my service layer. It passes the request to the repository which updates the appropriate fields in db and then sends a mail notification.
public void ApproveCompany(int companyId, int userId)
_companyRep.ApproveCompany(companyId, userId);
//send mail to company representatives on successful approval.
Re factoring to create rich domains and encapsulate logic within the domain class, I created the below.
public void ApproveCompany(int companyId, int userId)
var user = _userRep.GetById(userId);
var company = _companyRep.GetById(companyId);
//send mail to company representatives on successful approval.
public class AdminUser
public string Name { get; set; }
public void Approve(MyApprovedCompany c)
public class Company
public bool IsApproved { get; private set; }
public AdminUser ApprovedBy { get; private set; }
public void SetIsApproved(AdminUser user)
if (this.IsApproved)
throw new Exception("This company has already been approved by user: " + user.Name);
this.IsApproved = true;
this.ApprovedBy = user;
Is what I have done completely correct/partially correct?
From a performance viewpoint is fetching the two objects just to create the proper class instances going to be a problem in the future?
Does the mail notification belong to the service layer?
How would my company repository look like to handle the property related to the user who approves the company? Should my company repository have a reference to the user repository (i think that is wrong).
Alternatively, I could write the service layer as below, but I don't think that is correct either.
public void ApproveCompany(int companyId, int userId)
var user = _userRep.GetById(userId);
var company = _companyRep.GetById(companyId);
throw new Exception("This company has already been approved by user: " + _userRep.GetById(company.ApprovedUserId).Name);
These kind of questions are nearly impossible to answer correctly, however here's what I can tell you from what I see:
It's somewhat correct, but I usually favor placing behavior on the AR targeted by the operation rather than the actor performing it. Double-dispatching doesn't bring anything useful in this case IMHO. Therefore, I would simplify to company.Approve(adminUser). You might say that adminUser.approve(Company) better reflects a use case like "An admin user approves a company", but you could just turn it around and say that "A company is approved by an admin user". Also note that the company.SetIsApproved method you had is very CRUD oriented and certainly doesn't reflect your ubiquitous language very well.
ARs should be designed as small as possible. As long as you aren't creating unnecessary large cluster aggregates I don't see this becoming an issue. I strongly advise you to read Effective Aggregate Design by Vaughn Vernon.
Ideally, you should rely on domain events to implement the side-effects of an operation. There is plenty of information about how to implement domain events on the Web. However, with the lack of a publish/subscribe mechanism, it could be done in the application service layer or you could inject the mailing service at the AR method level.
The problem is that you are referencing an AR within another AR. ARs should usually reference other ARs by identity. Therefore, Company wouldn't hold onto AdminUser, only on the user's ID. By doing this, your problem goes away and you reduce the size of your AR.

spring-ldap and #attributes annotation with spring-ldap 2.x ODM interface

There seems be some things missing in the Spring-LDAP ODM annotations. This is a question by way of a feature request, if there is a better way to contribute such requests, please say so.
I'd like to mark an #Attribute as read-only, so it will populate the bean from LDAP for reference, but not persist it back to ldap. I'd suggest adding an attribute read-only to #Attribute, defaulting to false, for the usual case. The default attributes of * misses all the operational attributes, some of which are very useful, and transfers more data than is required, slowing down the ldap query with attributes which will never be used.
An example of this; it would be very useful, for literally read only, such as entryUUID, etag, etc., which you cannot use if you wish to persist only some fields back to ldap, as the bean fails to persist to ldap with an exception when you save the bean. But also would be usefule for general fields which you want to structurally prevent the user from ever updating.
You can get around this by not annotating read-only fields, and then manually populating the read only fields with a separate call. Very messy and kills the query speed.
Also on a related topic, query() coudl have a default list of attributes, which you have already annotated in your classes, something like :
public static String[] getBeanAttributes(Class<?> beanClass) {
ArrayList<String> attrsObj = new ArrayList<>();
for (Field field : beanClass.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(Attribute.class)) {
Attribute attr = field.getAnnotation(Attribute.class);
String[] attrs = attrsObj.toArray(new String[attrsObj.size()]);
return attrs;
Above just returns a simple String[] of your declared attributes, to pass to query.attributes() - now i realize that as a static member, query() is built before the bean class is known, but at least there could be a helper function like the above, or a method signature for query attributes() that took a bean Class signature as an argument.
I created LDAP-312 on Jira. Thanks.

Dapper does not warn or fail with missing data

Let's say I have a class (simplistic for example) and I want to ensure that the PersonId and Name fields are ALWAYS populated.
public class Person
int PersonId { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
string Address { get; set; }
Currently, my query would be:
Person p = conn.Query<Person>("SELECT * FROM People");
However, I may have changed my database schema from PersonId to PID and now the code is going to go through just fine.
What I'd like to do is one of the following:
Decorate the property PersonId with an attribute such as Required (that dapper can validate)
Tell dapper to figure out that the mappings are not getting filled out completely (i.e. throw an exception when not all the properties in the class are filled out by data from the query).
Is this possible currently? If not, can someone point me to how I could do this without affecting performance too badly?
IMHO, the second option would be the best because it won't break existing code for users and it doesn't require more attribute decoration on classes we may not have access to.
At the moment, no this is not possible. And indeed, there are a lot of cases where it is actively useful to populate a partial model, so I wouldn't want to add anything implicit. In many cases, the domain model is an extended view on the data model, so I don't think option 2 can work - and I know it would break in a gazillion places in my code ;p If we restrict ourselves to the more explicit options...
So far, we have deliberately avoided things like attributes; the idea has been to keep it as lean and direct as possible. I'm not pathologically opposed to attributes - just: it can be problematic having to probe them. But maybe it is time... we could perhaps also allow simple column mapping at the same time, i.e.
[Map(Name = "Person Id", Required = true)]
int PersonId { get; set; }
where both Name and Required are optional. Thoughts? This is problematic in a few ways, though - in particular at the moment we only probe for columns we can see, in particular in the extensibility API.
The other possibility is an interface that we check for, allowing you to manually verify the data after loading; for example:
public class Person : IMapCallback {
void IMapCallback.BeforePopulate() {}
void IMapCallback.AfterPopulate() {
if(PersonId == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("PersonId not populated");
The interface option makes me happier in many ways:
it avoids a lot of extra reflection probing (just one check to do)
it is more flexible - you can choose what is important to you
it doesn't impact the extensibility API
but: it is more manual.
I'm open to input, but I want to make sure we get it right rather than rush in all guns blazing.

Connecting the dots with DDD

I have read Evans, Nilsson and McCarthy, amongst others, and understand the concepts and reasoning behind a domain driven design; however, I'm finding it difficult to put all of these together in a real-world application. The lack of complete examples has left me scratching my head. I've found a lot of frameworks and simple examples but nothing so far that really demonstrates how to build a real business application following a DDD.
Using the typical order management system as an example, take the case of order cancellation. In my design I can see an OrderCancellationService with a CancelOrder method which accepts the order # and a reason as parameters. It then has to perform the following 'steps':
Verify that the current user has the necessary permission to cancel an Order
Retrieve the Order entity with the specified order # from the OrderRepository
Verify that the Order may be canceled (should the service interrogate the state of the Order to evaluate the rules or should the Order have a CanCancel property that encapsulates the rules?)
Update the state of the Order entity by calling Order.Cancel(reason)
Persist the updated Order to the data store
Contact the CreditCardService to revert any credit card charges that have already been processed
Add an audit entry for the operation
Of course, all of this should happen in a transaction and none of the operations should be allowed to occur independently. What I mean is, I must revert the credit card transaction if I cancel the order, I cannot cancel and not perform this step. This, imo, suggests better encapsulation but I don't want to have a dependency on the CreditCardService in my domain object (Order), so it seems like this is the responsibility of the domain service.
I am looking for someone to show me code examples how this could/should be "assembled". The thought-process behind the code would be helpful in getting me to connect all of the dots for myself. Thx!
Your domain service may look like this. Note that we want to keep as much logic as possible in the entities, keeping the domain service thin. Also note that there is no direct dependency on credit card or auditor implementation (DIP). We only depend on interfaces that are defined in our domain code. The implementation can later be injected in the application layer. Application layer would also be responsible for finding Order by number and, more importantly, for wrapping 'Cancel' call in a transaction (rolling back on exceptions).
class OrderCancellationService {
private readonly ICreditCardGateway _creditCardGateway;
private readonly IAuditor _auditor;
public OrderCancellationService(
ICreditCardGateway creditCardGateway,
IAuditor auditor) {
if (creditCardGateway == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("creditCardGateway");
if (auditor == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("auditor");
_creditCardGateway = creditCardGateway;
_auditor = auditor;
public void Cancel(Order order) {
if (order == null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("order");
// get current user through Ambient Context:
if (!CurrentUser.CanCancelOrders()) {
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Not enough permissions to cancel order. Use 'CanCancelOrders' to check.");
// try to keep as much domain logic in entities as possible
if(!order.CanBeCancelled()) {
throw new ArgumentException(
"Order can not be cancelled. Use 'CanBeCancelled' to check.");
// this can throw GatewayException that would be caught by the
// 'Cancel' caller and rollback the transaction
A slightly different take on it:
public class OrderController
private readonly IApplicationService _applicationService;
public ActionResult CancelOrder(CancelOrderViewModel viewModel)
_applicationService.CancelOrder(new CancelOrderCommand
OrderId = viewModel.OrderId,
UserChangedTheirMind = viewModel.UserChangedTheirMind,
UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere = viewModel.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere
return RedirectToAction("CancelledSucessfully");
//App Service
public class ApplicationService : IApplicationService
private readonly IOrderRepository _orderRepository;
private readonly IPaymentGateway _paymentGateway;
//provided by DI
public ApplicationService(IOrderRepository orderRepository, IPaymentGateway paymentGateway)
_orderRepository = orderRepository;
_paymentGateway = paymentGateway;
public void CancelOrder(CancelOrderCommand command)
using (IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = UnitOfWorkFactory.Create())
Order order = _orderRepository.GetById(command.OrderId);
if (!order.CanBeCancelled())
throw new InvalidOperationException("The order cannot be cancelled");
if (command.UserChangedTheirMind)
if (command.UserFoundItemCheaperElsewhere)
_paymentGateway.RevertCharges(order.PaymentAuthorisationCode, order.Amount);
In general I only see the need for a domain service when a command/use case involves the state change of more than one aggregate. For example, if I needed to invoke methods on the Customer aggregate as well as Order, then I'd create the domain service OrderCancellationService that invoked the methods on both aggregates.
The application layer orchestrates between infrastructure (payment gateways) and the domain. Like domain objects, domain services should only be concerned with domain logic, and ignorant of infrastructure such as payment gateways; even if you've abstracted it using your own adapter.
With regards to permissions, I would use aspect oriented programming to extract this away from the logic itself. As you see in my example, I've added an attribute to the CancelOrder method. You can use an intercepter on that method to see if the current user (which I would set on Thread.CurrentPrincipal) has that permission.
With regards to auditing, you simply said 'audit for the operation'. If you just mean auditing in general, (i.e. for all app service calls), again I would use interceptors on the method, logging the user, which method was called, and with what parameters. If however you meant auditing specifically for the cancellation of orders/payments then do something similar to Dmitry's example.

DDD: keep a link to an entity inside an aggregate root, for reporting only

I'm refactoring a project using DDD, but am concerned about not making too many Entities their own Aggregate Root.
I have a Store, which has a list of ProductOptions and a list of Products. A ProductOption can be used by several Products. These entities seem to fit the Store aggregate pretty well.
Then I have an Order, which transiently uses a Product to build its OrderLines:
class Order {
// ...
public function addOrderLine(Product $product, $quantity) {
$orderLine = new OrderLine($product, $quantity);
class OrderLine {
// ...
public function __construct(Product $product, $quantity) {
$this->productName = $product->getName();
$this->basePrice = $product->getPrice();
$this->quantity = $quantity;
Looks like for now, DDD rules as respected. But I'd like to add a requirement, that might break the rules of the aggregate: the Store owner will sometimes need to check statistics about the Orders which included a particular Product.
That means that basically, we would need to keep a reference to the Product in the OrderLine, but this would never be used by any method inside the entity. We would only use this information for reporting purposes, when querying the database; thus it would not be possible to "break" anything inside the Store aggregate because of this internal reference:
class OrderLine {
// ...
public function __construct(Product $product, $quantity) {
$this->productName = $product->getName();
$this->basePrice = $product->getPrice();
$this->quantity = $quantity;
// store this information, but don't use it in any method
$this->product = $product;
Does this simple requirement dictates that Product becomes an aggregate root? That would also cascade to the ProductOption becoming an aggregate root, as Product has a reference to it, thus resulting in two aggregates which have no meaning outside a Store, and will not need any Repository; looks weird to me.
Any comment is welcome!
Even though it is for 'reporting only' there is still a business / domain meaning there. I think that your design is good. Although I would not handle the new requirement by storing OrderLine -> Product reference. I would do something similar to what you already doing with product name and price. You just need to store some sort of product identifier (SKU?) in the order line. This identifier/SKU can later be used in a query. SKU can be a combination of Store and Product natural keys:
class Sku {
private String _storeNumber;
private String _someProductIdUniqueWithinStore;
class OrderLine {
private Money _price;
private int _quantity;
private String _productName;
private Sku _productSku;
This way you don't violate any aggregate rules and the product and stores can be safely deleted without affecting existing or archived orders. And you can still have your 'Orders with ProductX from StoreY'.
Update: Regarding your concern about foreign key. In my opinion foreign key is just a mechanism that enforces long-living Domain relationships at the database level. Since you don't have a domain relationship you don't need the enforcement mechanism as well.
In this case you need the information for reporting which has nothing to do with the aggregate root.
So the most suitable place for it would be a service (could be a domain service if it is related to business or better to application service like querying service which query the required data and return them as DTOs customizable for presentation or consumer.
I suggest you create a statistics services which query the required data using read only repositories (or preferable Finders) which returns DTOs instead of corrupting the domain with query models.
Check this
