Python 3.6.4 - urllib.request.urlopen certificate verify failed error - python-3.x

Trying to teach myself how to use urllib.request in Python 3.6.4 - however, I can't seem to get a basic example to work. Below is the code that I am running, copied straight from Python's documentation at this link.
>>> import urllib.request
>>> with urllib.request.urlopen('') as f:
... print(
A picture of the error I get is here. It tells me that the SSL certificate verify failed (I'm unsure of what this means).
I don't think there is anything wrong with the code I am running, but maybe I'm missing a step to setting up the environment. From what I can tell, it should be as simple as running those few lines of code. Any help is greatly appreciated.
As a quick background, I've taken 2 computer science courses at university, so I am by no means an expert, but I do have a pretty solid understanding of basic programming with Python. I'm trying to use this to scrape data in conjunction with BeautifulSoup.


import python file/module from parent/upper directory

i'm new to python and literely trying to import the module toolbox in the file. Please see picture as it describes my problem
I've looed in over 30 resources on the Internet and it seems there is no working solution for it. Though, i would like to raise the problem again, perhaps there is something new in python which makes this possible

Rodeo giving error on Excel import working in Spyder

Full disclosure: I am a total beginner when it comes to Python in particular and programming in general. So please bear with me.
Today I tried for the first time to play around some datasets on my own, outside of the sandboxed environment of online courses.
I downloaded both Anaconda and Rodeo (which somehow I feel more akin to than, say, Spyder or Jupyter).
Wrote down this code. It works in Spyder.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
However, if I try to run the same code in Rodeo I get the following error message. Here, I am showing just a part.
----> 4 xl=pd.ExcelFile(myexcel)
ImportError: No module named 'xlrd'
I am getting that in Rodeo the script fail because it is missing the xlrd package, which admittedly after checking with help("modules") is not there. But I don't fully get the problem: if xlrd was quintessential to the correct execution of this code, then why doesn't it fail in Spyder?

Getting information from a website using python

I am new to python. I am trying on a project with my friend, where we need to extract the runs a batsman scored in his last match. But we are stuck at how to get that info using python. What we know is getting the source code of the web page. How to go one step further. Any help will be appreciated!
Check out the requests package:
From the site:
Requests is an Apache2 Licensed HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings.
Most existing Python modules for sending HTTP requests are extremely verbose and cumbersome. Python’s builtin urllib2 module provides most of the HTTP capabilities you should need, but the api is thoroughly broken. It requires an enormous amount of work (even method overrides) to perform the simplest of tasks.
Things shouldn’t be this way. Not in Python.
>>> r = requests.get('', auth=('user', 'pass'))
>>> r.status_code
>>> r.headers['content-type']
>>> r.text

python 3.3 basic error

I have python 3.3 installed.
i use the example they use on their site:
import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.urlopen('')
html =
the only thing that happens when I run it is I get this :
I know I am a rookie but I figured the example from python's own website should be able to work.
It doesn't. What am I doing wrong?Eventually I want to run this script from the website below. But I think urllib is not going to work as it is on that site. Can someone tell me if the code will work with python3.3???
I think I see what's probably going on. You're likely using IDLE, and when it starts a new run of a program, it prints the
line to tell you that a fresh program is starting. That means that all the variables currently defined are reset and/or deleted, as appropriate.
Since your program didn't print any output, you didn't see anything.
The two lines I suggested adding were just tests to figure out what was going on, they're not needed in general. [Unless the window itself is automatically closing, which it shouldn't.] But as a rule, if you want to see output, you'll have to print what you're interested in.
Your example works for me. However, I suggest using requests instead of urllib2.
To simplify the example you linked to, it would look like:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
resp = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text)

Python 3 relative path conversion issue

I am currently working with converting Pycrypto over to Python 3.X
Whilst I seem to have the cryptography side working the same cannot be said for the tests
provided with the module :(
I have used the tests under Python 2.64 and all works fine.
I then ran '2to3' over the tests to generate new files in 3.X format.
There are several references to the following:
from .common import make_block_tests
Whenever I run the tests I get:
ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package
If someone would point me towards a way to fix this it would be much appreciated :)
You are trying to run the test files directly, then you can't have relative imports. Change them to be absolute imports, and it will solve the problem.
