Getting Haskell to Distinguish Type Synonyms - haskell

I like the idea of Haskell type synonyms, because they allow for distinguishing between abstract datatypes that share underlying representations. Unfortunately, when I write a program like
data Vector a = Vec a a
-- Some definitions here about (+) and (*) for Vector ...
type Position = Vector Float
type Velocity = Vector Float
type Time = Float
step :: Position -> Velocity -> Time -> Position
step p v dt = p + v*dt
p :: Position
p = Vec 0.0 0.0
v :: Velocity
v = Vec 1.0 1.0
p' = step v p 0.01
This is perfectly valid Haskell code, despite v and p being in the wrong spots. I would like to strengthen the distinction between type synonyms, such that they still share underlying representation, but are not accepted as each other in function application. Is this possible?

You could make Vector a phantom type as follows:
data Vector t a = Vec a a
data Pos
data Vel
type Position = Vector Pos Float
type Velocity = Vector Vel Float
Now, you can define instances of Position and Velocity like you'd normally do:
p :: Position
p = Vec 0.0 0.0
v :: Velocity
v = Vec 1.0 1.0
However, it won't allow you to use them interchangeably:
type Time = Float
step :: Position -> Velocity -> Time -> Position
step p v dt = p + v*dt -- you might have to change this definition
p' = step v p 0.01 -- won't compile
You can also make things more precise by using DataKinds and KindSignatures:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
data VectorType = Pos | Vel
data Vector (t :: VectorType) a = Vec a a
type Position = Vector Pos Float
type Velocity = Vector Vel Float
Hope that helps.

newtype is likely what you want, or at any rate, the best we've got. Like type, it defines a new name for an existing type, and the runtime representation will be the same. Unlike type (but like data), they are considered different during type checking, and there is a new data constructor.
So you might have code like:
newtype Position = Position (Vector Float)
p :: Position
p = Position (Vec 0 0)


Haskell Translation Task

I'm new to programming, and I'm having trouble solving a task.
I have to use the function. In that case I have to implement it on a triangle.
I've tried different things but I'm just getting errors and that's why I'd like to ask for help.
data Triangle = Triangle {
tP1 :: Point,
tP2 :: Point,
tP3 :: Point}
deriving (Show)
First, points and vectors are two separate concepts, and should probably be distinct types, not just two different aliases for a 2-tuple.
data Point = Pt Float Float
data Vector = V Float Float
Second, your type class seems to capture the idea of translating collections of points using the same vector. The return type should then be the same as the first argument type, not hard-coded to Point.
class Polygon p where
translatePol :: p -> VectorD -> p
Now you can start simple, and define a Polygon instance for Point. (Think of a point as a degenerate polygon.)
instance Polygon Point where
translatePol (Pt x y) (Mvector v1 v2) = Pt (x + v1) (y + v2)
This can be used to define the instance for Triangle more simply.
instance Polygon Triangle where
translatePol (MTriangle p1 p2 p3) v = MTriangle (t p1) (t p2) (t p3)
where t p = translatePol p v

OCaml functors (parametrized modules) emulation in Haskell

Is there any recommended way to use typeclasses to emulate OCaml-like parametrized modules?
For an instance, I need the module that implements the complex
generic computation, that may be parmetrized with different
misc. types, functions, etc. To be more specific, let it be
kMeans implementation that could be parametrized with different
types of values, vector types (list, unboxed vector, vector, tuple, etc),
and distance calculation strategy.
For convenience, to avoid crazy amount of intermediate types, I want to
have this computation polymorphic by DataSet class, that contains all
required interfaces. I also tried to use TypeFamilies to avoid a lot
of typeclass parameters (that cause problems as well):
{-# Language MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeFamilies
, FlexibleContexts
, FlexibleInstances
, EmptyDataDecls
, FunctionalDependencies
module Main where
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Distances
-- contains instances for Euclid distance
-- import Distances.Euclid as E
-- contains instances for Kulback-Leibler "distance"
-- import Distances.Kullback as K
class ( Num (Elem c)
, Ord (TLabel c)
, WithDistance (TVect c) (Elem c)
, WithDistance (TBoxType c) (Elem c)
=> DataSet c where
type Elem c :: *
type TLabel c :: *
type TVect c :: * -> *
data TDistType c :: *
data TObservation c :: *
data TBoxType c :: * -> *
observations :: c -> [TObservation c]
measurements :: TObservation c -> [Elem c]
label :: TObservation c -> TLabel c
distance :: TBoxType c (Elem c) -> TBoxType c (Elem c) -> Elem c
distance = distance_
instance DataSet () where
type Elem () = Float
type TLabel () = Int
data TObservation () = TObservationUnit [Float]
data TDistType ()
type TVect () = V.Vector
data TBoxType () v = VectorBox (V.Vector v)
observations () = replicate 10 (TObservationUnit [0,0,0,0])
measurements (TObservationUnit xs) = xs
label (TObservationUnit _) = 111
kMeans :: ( Floating (Elem c)
, DataSet c
) => c
-> [TObservation c]
kMeans s = undefined -- here the implementation
labels = map label (observations s)
www = (V.fromList.measurements) (observations s)
zzz = L.zipWith distance_ www www
wtf1 = L.foldl wtf2 0 (observations s)
wtf2 acc xs = acc + L.sum (measurements xs)
qq = V.fromList [1,2,3 :: Float]
l = distance (VectorBox qq) (VectorBox qq)
instance Floating a => WithDistance (TBoxType ()) a where
distance_ xs ys = undefined
instance Floating a => WithDistance V.Vector a where
distance_ xs ys = sqrt $ V.sum (V.zipWith (\x y -> (x+y)**2) xs ys)
This code somehow compiles and work, but it's pretty ugly and hacky.
The kMeans should be parametrized by value type (number, float point number, anything),
box type (vector,list,unboxed vector, tuple may be) and distance calculation strategy.
There are also types for Observation (that's the type of sample provided by user,
there should be a lot of them, measurements that contained in each observation).
So the problems are:
1) If the function does not contains the parametric types in it's signature,
types will not be deduced
2) Still no idea, how to declare typeclass WithDistance to have different instances
for different distance type (Euclid, Kullback, anything else via phantom types).
Right now WithDistance just polymorphic by box type and value type, so if we need
different strategies, we may only put them in different modules and import the required
module. But this is a hack and non-typed approach, right?
All of this may be done pretty easy in OCaml with is't modules. What the proper approach
to implement such things in Haskell?
Typeclasses with TypeFamilies somehow look similar to parametric modules, but they
work different. I really need something like that.
It is really the case that Haskell lacks useful features found in *ML module systems.
There is ongoing effort to extend Haskell's module system:
But I think you can get a bit further without those ML modules.
Your design follows God class anti-pattern and that is why it is anti-modular.
Type class can be useful only if every type can have no more than a single instance of that class. E.g. DataSet () instance fixes type TVect () = V.Vector and you can't easily create similar instance but with TVect = U.Vector.
You need to start with implementing kMeans function, then generalize it by replacing concrete types with type variables and constraining those type variables with type classes when needed.
Here is little example. At first you have some non-general implementation:
kMeans :: Int -> [(Double,Double)] -> [[(Double,Double)]]
kMeans k points = ...
Then you generalize it by distance calculation strategy:
:: Int
-> ((Double,Double) -> (Double,Double) -> Double)
-> [(Double,Double)]
-> [[(Double,Double)]]
kMeans k distance points = ...
Now you can generalize it by type of points, but this requires introducing a class that will capture some properties of points that are used by distance computation e.g. getting list of coordinates:
:: Point p
=> Int -> (p -> p -> Coord p) -> [p]
-> [[p]]
kMeans k distance points = ...
class Num (Coord p) => Point p where
type Coord p
coords :: p -> [Coord p]
:: (Point p, Floating (Coord p))
=> p -> p -> Coord p
euclidianDistance a b
= sum $ map (**2) $ zipWith (-) (coords a) (coords b)
Now you may wish to make it a bit faster by replacing lists with vectors:
:: (Point p, DataSet vec p)
=> Int -> (p -> p -> Coord p) -> vec p
-> [vec p]
kMeans k distance points = ...
class DataSet vec p where
map :: ...
foldl' :: ...
instance Unbox p => DataSet U.Vector p where
map =
foldl' = U.foldl'
And so on.
Suggested approach is to generalize various parts of algorithm and constrain those parts with small loosely coupled type classes (when required).
It is a bad style to collect everything in a single monolithic type class.

How do I model inheritance in Haskell?

I am attempting to create a game engine that is composed of a few different types:
data Camera = Camera ...
data Light = SpotLight ... | DirectionalLight ...
data Object = Monster ... | Player ... | NPC ...
However, I'm now trying to implement basic physics for all of these entities. This requires that they each contain a pos :: (Double, Double, Double) and a velocity :: (Double, Double, Double).
In object oriented languages, I would implement it as something like:
Camera implements PhysicalObject
where PhysicalObject contains the two properties pos and velocity.
My immediate reaction was to place them all in the same type:
data Object = Monster ... | Player ... | NPC ... | Camera ...
However, I fear that this might make it tough to implement camera-specific functions, light-specific functions, etc. In reality, they have very little else in common other than the fact that they all possess a physical position and velocity in the world.
Is there a simpler way to do this than defining the two properties inside each type constructor?
I can think of two approaches - type classes and lenses.
Type classes
class PhysicalObject m where
position :: m -> (Double, Double, Double)
velocity :: m -> (Double, Double, Double)
You would then make instances for the objects along the following lines
data Camera = Camera
{ cameraPosition :: (Double,Double,Double)
, cameraVelocity :: (Double,Double,Double)
instance PhysicalObject Camera where
position = cameraPosition
cameraVelocity = cameraVelocity
and similarly for your other types. Then any function which doesn't need to know the details of an object can just require its arguments to be instances of PhysicalObject, for example:
type TimeInterval = Double
newPosition :: PhysicalObject m => TimeInterval -> m -> (Double,Double,Double)
newPosition dt obj = (x + du * dt, y + dv * dt, z + dw * dt)
(x,y,z) = position obj
(u,v,w) = velocity obj
However, you will struggle to write functions which modify your objects using this code - the class tells Haskell how it can access the position and velocity of an object, but not how to modify them.
The other option is to turn to the lens library. This is a bit of a beast to being with, but it allows you to write some very natural code. First, there's a bit of boilerplate
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Control.Lens
Now define some position and velocity data types. Don't worry about the weird field names prefixed with underscores - we won't be using them.
data Pos = Pos { _posX, _posY, _posZ :: Double }
data Vel = Vel { _velX, _velY, _velZ :: Double }
instance Show Pos where show (Pos x y z) = show (x,y,z)
instance Show Vel where show (Vel x y z) = show (x,y,z)
Now you use a bit of Template Haskell to derive lenses for your data types. This will generate type classes HasPos and HasVel whose methods allow you to access and modify any value that is an instance of those classes.
makeClassy ''Pos
makeClassy ''Vel
Now define your camera class, which includes a position and a velocity.
data Camera = Camera
{ _cameraPos :: Pos
, _cameraVel :: Vel } deriving (Show)
Another bit of Template Haskell will automatically create functions cameraPos and cameraVel that allow you to access and modify the position and velocity of your camera.
makeLenses ''Camera
Finally, declare that your camera is an instance of both the HasPos and HasVel classes, with a default implementation of their methods.
instance HasPos Camera where pos = cameraPos
instance HasVel Camera where vel = cameraVel
Now we're ready to do some real work. Let's define an example camera
camera = Camera (Pos 0 0 0) (Vel 10 5 0)
A function to modify the camera, returning a new one with an updated position, is
move :: (HasPos a, HasVel a) => TimeInterval -> a -> a
move dt obj = obj
& posX +~ dt * obj^.velX
& posY +~ dt * obj^.velY
& posZ +~ dt * obj^.velZ
Note that this is a completely generic function for moving any object that has a position and velocity - it's not at all specific to the Camera type. It also has the advantage of looking a lot like imperative code!
If you now load all this into GHCI, you can see it in action
>> camera
Camera {_cameraPos = (0.0,0.0,0.0), _cameraVel = (10.0,5.0,0.0)}
>> move 0.1 camera
Camera {_cameraPos = (1.0,0.5,0.0), _cameraVel = (10.0,5.0,0.0)}
I would implement it similar to:
type Position = (Double, Double, Double)
type Velocity = (Double, Double, Double)
class PhysicalObject a where
pos :: a -> Position
velocity :: a -> Velocity
data Camera = Camera
{ camPos :: Position
, camVel :: Velocity
} deriving (Eq, Show)
instance PhysicalObject Camera where
pos = camPos
velocity = camVel
Then you can do similarly for each type you define that needs PhysicalObject.
You'll want to begin to depend on things like typeclasses and object encodings. The first method is to encode the common interface as a typeclass each type inherits from.
class PhysicalObject o where
pos :: o -> Vector3
velocity :: o -> Vector3
The second is to build a common object
data PhysicalObject = PhysicalObject { poPos :: Vector3, poVelocity :: Vector3 }
data Monster = Monster { monsterPO :: PhysicalObject
, ... monsterStuff ...
which could even be used to instantiate the first typeclass
instance PhysicalObject PhysicalObject where
pos = poPos
velocity = poVelocity
instance PhysicalObject Monster where
pos = pos . monsterPO
velocity = velocity . monsterPO
Be careful with typeclass encodings like this, though, as too great a use of them often causes ambiguity when reading code. It can be difficult to understand the types and know which instance is being used.

Vector-space library and constraining the scalar type

I'm working on a program that uses the vector-space library, and I'm having some troubles with using it.
See the code below.
import Data.VectorSpace
-- scale a vector with a float
step :: (VectorSpace a) => a -> Float -> a
step x dt = x ^* dt
When compiling this code segment I get errors regarding the associated scalar type for the vector typeclass.
Could not deduce (Scalar a ~ Float)
from the context (VectorSpace a)
bound by the type signature for
step :: VectorSpace a => a -> Float -> a
at Test.hs:5:9-42
In the expression: x ^* dt
In an equation for `step': step x dt = x ^* dt
Is there a type signature that will fix this compiler error? Or is there a better library to use for descibing the operations that I'm looking for in a type (like addition and scaling)? In the end I'm hoping to use the code like for things.
step (1,1) 0.5
step 1 0.5
Essentially I'm hoping to reuse some of the instances that vector-space defines.
EDIT: found signature on hackage to be incorrect
You can just add the constraint about which GHC complained:
import Data.VectorSpace
step :: (VectorSpace a, Scalar a ~ Float) => a -> Float -> a
step x dt = x ^* dt

How to have an operator which adds/subtracts both absolute and relative values, in Haskell

(Apologies for the weird title, but I could not think of a better one.)
For a personal Haskell project I want to have the concepts of 'absolute values' (like a frequency) and relative values (like the ratio between two frequencies). In my context, it makes no sense to add two absolute values: one can add relative values to produce new relative values, and add a relative value to an absolute one to produce a new absolute value (and likewise for subtraction).
I've defined type classes for these: see below. However, note that the operators ##+ and #+ have a similar structure (and likewise for ##- and #-). Therefore I would prefer to merge these operators, so that I have a single addition operator, which adds a relative value (and likewise a single subtraction operator, which results in a relative value). UPDATE: To clarify, my goal is to unify my ##+ and #+ into a single operator. My goal is not to unify this with the existing (Num) + operator.
However, I don't see how to do this with type classes.
Question: Can this be done, and if so, how? Or should I not be trying?
The following is what I currently have:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Abs a where
nullPoint :: a
class Rel r where
zero :: r
(##+) :: r -> r -> r
neg :: r -> r
(##-) :: Rel r => r -> r -> r
r ##- s = r ##+ neg s
class (Abs a, Rel r) => AbsRel a r where
(#+) :: a -> r -> a
(#-) :: a -> a -> r
I think you're looking for a concept called a Torsor. A torsor consists of set of values, set of differences, and operator which adds a difference to a value. Additionally, the set of differences must form an additive group, so differences also can be added together.
Interestingly, torsors are everywhere. Common examples include
Points and Vectors
Dates and date-differences
Files and diffs
One possible Haskell definition is:
class Torsor a where
type TorsorOf a :: *
(.-) :: a -> a -> TorsorOf a
(.+) :: a -> TorsorOf a -> a
Here are few example instances:
instance Torsor UTCTime where
type TorsorOf UTCTime = NominalDiffTime
a .- b = diffUTCTime a b
a .+ b = addUTCTime b a
instance Torsor Double where
type TorsorOf Double = Double
a .- b = a - b
a .+ b = a + b
instance Torsor Int where
type TorsorOf Int = Int
a .- b = a - b
a .+ b = a + b
In the last case, notice that the two sets of the torsors don't need to be a different set, which makes adding your relative values together simple.
For more information, see a much nicer description in Roman Cheplyakas blog
I don't think you should be trying to unify these operators. Subtracting two vectors and subtracting two points are fundamentally different operations. The fact that it's difficult to represent them as the same thing in the type system is not the type system being awkward - it's because these two concepts really are different things!
The mathematical framework behind what you're working with is the affine space.
These are already available in Haskell in the vector-space package (do cabal install vector-space at the command prompt). Rather than using multi parameter type classes, they use type families to associate a vector (relative) type with each point (absolute) type.
Here's a minimal example showing how to define your own absolute and relative data types, and their interaction:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.VectorSpace
import Data.AffineSpace
data Point = Point { px :: Float, py :: Float }
data Vec = Vec { vx :: Float, vy :: Float }
instance AdditiveGroup Vec where
zeroV = Vec 0 0
negateV (Vec x y) = Vec (-x) (-y)
Vec x y ^+^ Vec x' y' = Vec (x+x') (y+y')
instance AffineSpace Point where
type Diff Point = Vec
Point x y .-. Point x' y' = Vec (x-x') (y-y')
Point x y .+^ Vec x' y' = Point (x+x') (y+y')
You have two answers telling you what you should do, here's another answer telling you how to do what you asked for (which might not be a good idea). :)
class Add a b c | a b -> c where
(#+) :: a -> b -> c
instance Add AbsTime RelTime AbsTime where
(#+) = ...
instance Add RelTime RelTime RelTime where
(#+) = ...
The overloading for (#+) makes it very flexible. Too flexible, IMO. The only restraint is that the result type is determined by the argument types (without this FD the operator becomes almost unusable because it constrains nothing).
