Detect which url button was clicked facebook messenger - node.js

I'm developing an chatbot to facebook, but right now, i'm facing a problem.
The issue is, i want to give to the users the option to select a link and after the user opens it, i want him to give me a feedback about if this was helpfull.
Something like,
me: I've searched and i've found this. |
User: Clicks on the first link. And i'm notified about that.
me: Have you found what you were searching for?
Yes | No
So, after this i know that the user have clicked on the first link, and the feedback was positive.
Or at least this is what i want to know..
That may sound confusing.

There isn't a direct way to do this. You could append url params to the link and then parse them when the request is received by your webserver.


Direct link to newsletter - kentico 9

We are using kentico 9 at work for our website.
You can subscribe to our newsletter using a "box" which is integrated all the way down on our homepage.
However, I would like to have the opportunity to share a direct subscription link on social media so people can click on it and subscribe to the newsletter.
Now, I have to invite people to go on our website and to go down the page to subscribe which is inconvenient (nobody is going to do this).
I can't find a way to get a direct link (I'm not a developer).
Does anybody know how I could do it ?
Thanks in advance ! :D
If someone want to subscribe to newsletter, he/she must provide you with email address and I'm not sure that can be done with direct link, because you are not aware of user email address (your target group is unknown group from social media).
You can set up anchor in 'subscribe to newsletter' link, which will automatically scroll down your page to box at the bottom, but I don't think that is the best solution. Maybe, to create a new content page, with only purpose to subscribe users to newsletter (have some introduction text, and widget for 'newsletter' where users can subscribe). I don't know is that what you are looking for, but it is nicer solution then asking people to scroll down and subscribe to newsletter.
Best regards,
My suggestion would be to create a specific landing page with that signup form on it. This way you can have a link you share in social media that takes them directly to that page and allows them to put in their info (first, last and email) and sign up for that specific newsletter. This way it's a specific call to action on that page and allows for the user to only do one thing.

How can I add a Whatsapp function to my website?

I have very little reputation points so I cannod add a comment in this similar question.
But I need an explanation as the code is working in a different way as expected.
I would like to have a link on my website where the user can click on the whatsapp link and start the conversation with the contact.
The code I add is this:
where 0123456789 were substituted with a real number subscribed to whatsapp.
But it seems working only with my contact. If I have a new number it will not work and will tell me that the contact number is not connected to whatsapp (even if it is).
How can I solve this problem?
Once this first problem is solved, I'd like to add some preformatted text to the message like: message sent from website xyz. What code should I add?
This like of code is working for Android, I need it also for iPhone, what should I use?
This other code is working on Android and on iPhone, but it doesn't allow me to add a custom contact number:
abid can be only an ID from a contact already saved in you phone, otherwise it will open the contact selection page in whatsapp
Please, don't share links without explanation of the content as I'm not a developer, I'm just trying to do my best following instructions of people with more knowledge.
Thank you.
As long as your explanation describes you are looking for a user to be able to Click in order to open a Chat with a specific Whatsapp active user.
Nowadays Whatsapp has emitted an API to specifically solve this needs, it's called 'Click to Chat' API and must work on all devices:
Also, the scheme for the link you were using seems to be working correctly nowadays when used like this:

Is it possible to get the Instagram news feed through the API?

When you open the Instagram APP you can look at your news feed where you can see that someone is now following you, likes or has commented on a certain photo.
When I look at the Instagram API ( I can retrieve likes and comments when I request a certain media ID. However in order to know if someone has commented on a photo of mine I would need to scan all the photo's and request it's comments to check if any new comments have been made.
Does anyone know of a better way? Help is appreciated.
If it helps, content for "Following" tab is available at, and "News" tab at (you need to be logged in to your account).
All URLs point to internal instagram:// protocol so you would need to replace them when parsing and there seem to be no pagination options.

LIKES done by me on my own page don't show up anymore after making an app to post to my page's fanpage

I really hope someone can tell me more about what's going on, because I spent days searching the net and for the life of me can't say what is going on.
Here's what happened. I have a website . On every article's page I put a like button using the Javascript SDK. All worked well. On facebook I created a fanpage for the website, and every now and again I would copy an interesting article there. The like button and Javascript SDK on uses the APP Id from an app I created specifically for that purpose.
Then I thought I might automate to publish the most popular articles on the fanpage using the PHP api. I set about getting the proper authorization key using the sequence explained on this page:
For this to work I authorized the previously mentioned app to publish on the facebook fanpages that I am admin of. And this works.
Now for the strange part. Ever since I authorized the app, if I go to and like a page, or even 'post to facebook', the button shows 1 more like. But the like message never shows up on my personal wall. My wife, logged in to her own facebook account, gets a notification that I liked a page, but when she clicks the notification she is sent to a Facebook 404 page. When I subsequently reload the article, my 'like' is not there anymore.
Has anyone ever come across something like this ? I'm a bit anxious because I am not sure if other peoples likes on are working as it should. I do see likes on pages but have no idea if those likes are actually registering on peoples walls.
Any help greatly appreciated.

Best practices or implementation to incorporate Facebook in websites

Last year there was a Facebook plug-in that let users invite friends by first authenticating and then picking friends by their photos. Is that still a popular option?
I was wondering if there are any popular implementations out there that let the users:
Post on a specific friends' wall
Or, send a Facebook message to specific friends
So #1 and/or #2 is done without leaving the website.
If you only want people to share it I suggest you look at the 'new' like button. It now also allows a send button next to it. Which effectively does what you want.
A link to it, with a generator.
Hope that is what you wanted.
