Link inside verification-mail not working - node.js

Could somebody explain, or better tell me how to fix this problem?
The link found in the "account creation verification email" on Parse-Server (/Heroku), is not working.
The relevant code in index.js is like this:
var api = new ParseServer({
databaseURI: .....,
cloud: .....,
appId: .....,
publicServerURL: process.env.PARSE_PUBLIC_SERVER_URL || '',
appName: 'WonderApp',
verifyUserEmails: true,
emailAdapter: {
module: 'parse-server-mailgun',
options: {
// The address that your emails come from
fromAddress: '',
// Your domain from
domain: '',
// Your API key from
apiKey: 'key-key-key-key-key-key-key-key',
// The template section
templates: {
verificationEmail: {
subject: 'Confirm your account',
pathPlainText: resolve(__dirname, 'verification_email.txt')
The verification mail is sent as expected, when an account is created.
The user also receives it(as expected). The mail looks like:
Please confirm your account by clicking on the link below.!qB....../verify_email?token=....uxY&username=theguy
But, then when clicking the link here what appears in the web browser:
Cannot GET /apps/YAdLIExyzABC(K
This is not what I expect.
Could someone see where the problem could be?
One more thing I noticed, after trying many things to solve this problem is that, when typing the following line in the web browser :
I get this:
Cannot GET /apps/
I have the feeling this is not supposed to happen. But does anyone know why this happens?

The URL part YAdLIExyzABC(K#!qB...... is your app ID.
It seems that the app ID contains invalid characters that do not allow it to be used in the URL, such as (, # and !. The app ID should contain only characters and numbers.
In the configuration you posted here you replaced the app ID with ....., so to know for sure, it would be necessary to see what you actually set as app ID.


How to transfer ownership of file create with service account using Drive API v3

I'm using the googleapis package in npmjs to create a spreadsheet as follows:
const { google } = require("googleapis")
const sheets = google.sheets("v4")
const drive ="v3")
async function run() {
// ....
// auth obtained here
// ....
var resp = await sheets.spreadsheets.create({
resource: {
properties: {
var folder = "1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" // actual folder id omitted
var ssid =
resp = await drive.files.update({
I'm using a service account I created, so as a result when the process is complete, the spreadsheet is owned by This doesn't seem to prevent me from editing the document, however if I delete it, presumably it is still sitting off in limbo somewhere (if I try to access it before moving it to my folder I get a page telling me to request access, which doesn't make any sense because a service account address isn't a real e-mail and so there's no way for this to succeed!) so I'm not sure if it's even going into a trash can for the service account or if it will sit around on Google's servers forever. Not actually owning the document causes issues so I need to get ownership.
On the other hand, I haven't found any documentation that explains exactly what I need to do to transfer ownership to myself. Google's API seem to leave out a lot of information about exactly what to pass; leaving out important info in the sample source with comments like "TODO: Add desired properties to the request body" is beyond unhelpful! I have found a few examples in other languages using other mechanisms I don't recognize which purport to do at least something close to this, but I haven't been able to glean any useful information about how to do it in my particular setup. I have also found a couple of answers which seem to imply that doing this is impossible as you can't change ownership between domains, in which case I just have no words because obviously leaving it owned by my service account creates issues and leaving it owned by the service account indefinitely just isn't an option so some solution is needed.
How can I wind up with my file (Google Spreadsheet) owned by myself at the end of this process?
Update: Per the suggested by #Kessy, I tried to use this code:
const resp = await drive.permissions.update({
fileId: <fileId>,
permissionId: <id found using list call>,
transferOwnership: true,
requestBody: {
role: "owner",
emailAddress: <my email address>,
type: "user",
I get this error:
Error: The resource body includes fields which are not directly writable.
I don't know which field it thinks isn't writeable. I tried omitting "type" and get the same error. I tried omitting "role" and it complains that this field is required: Error: The permission role field is required. If I omit "emailAddress" then I don't get the error, but this defeats who whole purpose of the call, which is to transfer ownership to that e-mail address!

Google Search Console API: How do I Solve "User does not have sufficient permission for site"? (When User Has Permissions)

I'm trying to use Google's Search Console API via their Node package, and my code looks like the following:
const auth = new GoogleAuth({
scopes: '',
const webmasters = google.webmasters('v3');
const params = {
siteUrl: '',
resource: {
startDate: '2015-08-25',
endDate: '2015-08-25',
dimensions: ['query', 'page'],
rowLimit: 10,
aggregationType: 'byPage',
const res = await webmasters.searchanalytics.query(params);
... except that in my version has been replaced with my actual domain.
I'm invoking it at the command line with:
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/path/to/service_key.json" node index.js
I have a service account created, and the service key JSON file is from it. That service account has access to my Search Console account. When I look at I see the service user there, and in the Permission column it has "Full".
Can anyone help me understand why I'm getting the following error when I run my code?
message: "User does not have sufficient permission for site ''. See also:",
domain: 'global',
reason: 'forbidden'
The URL mentioned,, simply links me to the search console users page ... which (again) says the service user has full permissions.
After rooting in google forums and rest of internet I have figured out why it happen.
Need to copy Service account email, long weird format(example: from Google Cloud: to Search Console, as a "Full site" user.
Make sure you have added that site(as from on Search Console) via your API or with this tool:
Then, when you perform "list_sites" request, your site should be listed ere and permission_level is "siteFullUser"(according to step 1)
When you add_site or perform query API requests, make sure to set siteUrl according to steps above, eg: (for a URL-prefix property) or (for a Domain property)
Happy coding

Posting on facebook via unificationengine

Hi I'd like to post to facebook via unification engine. I've already created a user, added and tested successfully a facebook connection, but when I post I get the following response:
{"Status":{"facebook":{"status":190,"info":"Error validating access token: Session does not match current stored session. This may be because the user changed the password since the time the session was created or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.: "}},"URIs":[]}
When I use the facebook token, that was used for creating the connection, to post to facebook directly (without unificationengine), then it works just fine. What might be the problem here? Status 190 is neither documented on facebook nor on unificationengine.
#unificatinengine developers: it would be practical, if the errors returned by the service would be passed on inside the unificationengine response, this way debugging such errors would be easier, and the errors could also be processed programmatically.
Additional info
Today I seem not to be able to reproduce the response of yesterday. The postfields I use to post the message to facebook (the same as yesterday) are as follows:
"address":"sender address"
"data":"this is the plain message"
"data":"<div>this is the <b>html</b> message</div>"
"data":"some link description"
"data":"link title"
But today I get the following message back from unificationengine
"info":"Unsupported post request. Please read the Graph API documentation at "
Unfortunately this does not tell me, what unificationengine does internally for posting to facebook (which should not concern me), and what goes wrong there.
Does the "/v2/connection/info" show the details of the facebook connection that you have added? If not can you please update the connection with a new access token, using the same connection identifier for the "v2/connection/add" api endpoint, and check if it works.
unificationengine don't sends notifications

I'm using googleapis npm package ("apis/drive/v3.js") for Google Drive service. On backend I'm using NodeJS and ngrok for local testing. My problem is that I can't get notifications.
The following code:{
pageToken: startPageToken,
resource: {
id: uuid.v1(),
type: 'web_hook',
address: ''
}, function(err, result) {
returns some like:
kind: 'api#channel',
id: '8c9d74f0-fe7b-11e5-a764-fd0d7465593e',
resourceId: '9amJTbMCYabCkFvn8ssPrtzWvAM',
resourceUri: '',
expiration: '1460227829000'
When I try to change any files in Google Drive, the notifications do not comes. Dear colleges, what is wrong?
This should be a comment but i do not have enough (50points) experience to post one. Sorry if this is not a real answer but might help.
I learned this today. I'm doing practically the same thing like you - only not with Drive but Gmail api.
I see you have this error:
"push.webhookUrlUnauthorized", "message": "Unauthorized WebHook etc..."
I think this is because one of the 2 reasons:
you didn't give the Drive-api publisher permissions to your topic.
Second if you want to receive notifications, the authorized webHooks Url must be set both on the server( your project) and in your pub/sub service(Google Cloud).
See below - for me this setup works:
1. Create a topic
2. Give the Drive publish permissions to your topic. This is done by adding the Drive scope in the box and following steps 2 and 3.
3. Configure authorized WebHooks. Form the Create Topic page - click on add subscriptions. Not rely vizible here but once you are there you can manage.

Unable to send email from Ghost

I have been wrestling with this for days. I am exasperated in extremis.
I have a hosted Ghost blog at It has been working fine. Somehow I locked myself out of my account. 75,000 posts say I need to set up email so I can click on "Forgotten Password". I have gone by 12,000 posts (okay, a SLIGHT exaggeration) that show how to do it. First, Ghost's tutorial flat does not work. I have tried vanilla sendmail (which is expected not to work), Mailgun, Sendgrid, and Gmail. I have gone over my configuration repeatedly.
I get different error messages depending on how I set it up. Sometimes I have gotten a 535 - invalid login credentials, sometimes all recipients rejected; right now I am getting "Cannot read property 'count' of undefined", whatever that one is. Can someone tell me if there is a problem with this configuration. Or how-the-deuce to get email to work in Ghost.
I should note that I have restarted node.js each time I made a change.
config = {
// ### Production
// When running Ghost in the wild, use the production environment
// Configure your URL and mail settings here
production: {
url: '',
mail: {
service: 'Gmail',
fromaddress: ‘',
transport: 'SMTP',
options: {
host: '',
secureConnection: true,
port: 465,
auth: {
user: ‘',
pass: ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxxx’
For what is's worth, I read that Ghost uses Bcrypt hash for passwords. I have used an online Bcrypt generator to hash a password I provided. I copied the string and pasted it into the password field of my admin user in Mysql. That did not work because my account just flat remains locked.
And as soon as I post to stackoverflow, it hits me!!
I went into the database, via phpmyadmin, and found the field status
It was set to locked
I cleared the field, saved the change, and tadaaa! I am now able to access my blog once again. Sorry for the nuisance post! The answer JUST occurred to me.
