Puppet exec a command before the package is installed - puppet

I am trying to run a power shell script just before the Pacakage starts installing an msi installer. The script cleans up certain un-managed resources that would block installer.
What I tried is,
file { 'c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file' :
path => 'c:\Test\cleanup.ps1',
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/test/cleanup.ps1',
source_permissions => ignore,
exec { 'c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file':
refreshonly => true,
provider => powershell,
package { 'ServiceInstaller':
ensure => $version,
require => [Package['Service1Installer'],Exec['c:\Test\cleanup.ps1']],
But require attribute doesn't fire the command. Could someone please help me to achieve this behaviour.
There is this notify command, that would send a EXEC notification, but that happens after the installation. What I need is before the installation. Thanks in advance.

The trick to getting this working properly is that something has to write c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file only when you need the script to be triggered to run, and the exec resource has to subscribe to it. Otherwise, if that file doesn't change, and the exec isn't subscribed, the exec resource does not think it needs to run so the puppet run completes but the script never fires.
Based on the code you pasted here, it looks like you're specifying $version in the class? And I'm guessing you're updating this either in the class or in hiera explicitly when you want to upgrade? If so, you could have the c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file file write an inline template and just put the version number in that file. When you update the version in the class/hiera/wherever in puppet you're doing this, the file would update and the exec would kick off.
This would look something like:
file { 'c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file' :
path => 'c:\Test\cleanup.ps1',
ensure => present,
content => inline_template("<%= #version %>"),
source_permissions => ignore,
exec { 'c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file':
refreshonly => true,
provider => powershell,
subscribe => File['c:\Test\cleanup.ps1.file'],
package { 'ServiceInstaller':
ensure => $version,
require => [Package['Service1Installer'],Exec['c:\Test\cleanup.ps1']],
This is assuming you were just trying to use the cleanup.ps1.file as a trigger for the exec. If there is stuff in that file you need for other purposes, then leave that declaration as you had it, and make another file declaration as a trigger file with just the version in an inline template, and subscribe the exec to that one instead of the cleanup.ps1.file


How to provide a startup service file in Puppet

We have RedHat 7.2 Linux OS and use puppet to perform our tasks. I am using puppet to install some software, which has worked fine and now the final step is to create an OS level service. In earlier versions of RHEL, we used chkconfig but that has been replaced with systemctl. Of course, the recommended way of performing this task is using a service. Since this is a custom software, I have my own startup script that I usually copy over to /etc/init.d, run chkconfig and then startup the service. How do I perform these tasks via Puppet for RedHat 7.2 OS ? I only want to create the service (not start it up or anything). This way, when the server reboots, the service will startup the app.
#redstonemercury for RHEL 7 I would think the following would be required. But your suggestion definitely helps as I was thinking along the same lines.
file { '/lib/systemd/system/myservice.service':
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template('modulename/myservice.systemd.erb'),
exec { 'myservice-systemd-reload':
command => 'systemctl daemon-reload',
path => [ '/usr/bin', '/bin', '/usr/sbin' ],
refreshonly => true,
In puppet, use a package resource to install the package (assuming it's in repos that you're declaring already), then use a file resource to declare the /etc/init.d file, and put require => Package[<package_resource_name>] as a parameter in the file declaration to ensure the custom file gets created after the package has installed (so doesn't potentially get overwritten by the package's /etc/init.d file). E.g.:
package { 'mypackage':
ensure => present,
file { '/etc/init.d/mypackage':
ensure => present,
content => template('mypackage/myinitd'),
require => Package['mypackage'],
This is if you want to use a template. For a file, instead of content use source: source => puppet://modules/mypackage/myinitd

Puppet : Copy files only IF the package needs to be installed to the latest

I'm a puppet beginner - so bear with me :)
I'm trying to write a module that does the following :
Check if a package is installed with the latest version in the repos
If the package needs to be installed, then config files will be copied from puppet source location, to client. Then the package will be installed
Once files are copied and package installed, run the script that will use the config files on the client to apply the necessary settings.
Once all of this are done, remove the copied files on client
I've come up with the following :
class somepackage(
$package_files_base = "/var/tmp",
$package_setup = "/var/tmp/package-setup.sh",
$ndc_file = "/var/tmp/somefile.ndc",
$osd_file = "/var/tmp/somefile.osd",
$nds_file = "/var/tmp/somefile.nds",
$configini_file = "/var/tmp/somefile.ini",
$required_files = ["$package_setup", "$ndc_file", "$osd_file", $nds_file", "$configini_file"])
package { 'some package':
ensure => 'latest',
notify => Exec['Package Setup'],
file { 'Package Setup Files':
path => $package_files_base,
ensure => directory,
replace => false,
recurse => true,
source => "puppet:///modules/somepackage/${::domain}",
mode => '0755',
exec { 'Package Setup':
command => "$package_setup",
logoutput => true,
timeout => 1800,
require => [ File['Package Setup Files']],
refreshonly => true,
notify => Exec['Remove config files'],
exec { 'Remove config files':
path => ['/usr/bin','/usr/sbin','/bin','/sbin'],
command => "rm \"${package_setup}\" \"${ndc_file}\" \"${osd_file}\" \"${nds_file}\" \"${configini_file}\"",
refreshonly => true,
While this achieves most of what I want to do, I notice that upon rerunning puppet apply the files, although they were being removed, were being recopied.
I can understand why this happens, but I don't know how to code it so that the files get copied ONLY if the package gets updated/installed (e.g. package wasn't installed or old). Otherwise the files will get copied over and over again every time puppet runs every 30 min (default setup) on the client I assume... I tried using the replace => false to prevent this but that just means the files wont ever get removed from /var/tmp after the first run of the class, because it only prevents subsequent runs of the class to re-copy the files (from my testing). This does prevent the redundant, repetitive copying - however I just want the files to be gone the first time!
Is this possible? Head hurts :(
Thanks in advance! We're running Puppet version 3.8.6 on EL7.3.
EDIT: To be clear, this is the bit that I'm struggling with: the resource file { 'Package Setup Files':. This keeps getting files copied even though the package isn't updated/installed. How do I prevent this from happening?
Here are some suggestions.
1) Recommendation for a short term solution
Stop trying to clean up those files if you do not need to. Put them in /opt and forget about them. Better still, have Puppet place a README file in there with them that will explain to your future self and to your fellow admins what they are and why they are there.
While I completely understand the desire to clean up, you need to weigh the cost of having a few old files in a directory somewhere against the cost of having complicated logic in the Puppet code that will not make any sense to anyone in a few months.
This is what I would do and in my experience it is also what most Puppet module authors do with these sorts of set up files.
2) Consider an orchestration framework
That said, it appears to me that you are trying to use Puppet to do operational tasks, and while it can kind of do operational tasks (via features like ensure => latest etc) it is really intended to be a configuration management tool.
I recommend people use Puppet to ensure => installed for packages (make sure Puppet can install the app properly if you need to fully rebuild the node); then delegate the problem of applying version upgrades and hotfixes etc outside of Puppet.
There are a few reasons for this.
Puppet is a declarative configuration management system; your Puppet code should define an end-state. Puppet is not like a shell script, where instead of an end-state, you define steps that change the state of a server imperatively, "one step at a time".
The first problem with ensure => latest is philosophical.
latest does not define a single end-state. The behaviour of your code at time X is different from the behaviour at time Y. So your code is not idempotent.
The second problem is practical. You can never solve the problem of RPM updates in a general way using Puppet, because Puppet can never know about all of the RPMs and their dependencies in your system. So, one way or another, you still need a specialised tool for managing the version updates.
So, since you will need a specialised tool for managing the version updates anyway, it is cleaner to draw a clear boundary between the two tools' roles: always use Puppet to manage the configuration and the initial installation; and then always use the other tool to manage the updates.
Ok, great. I see in your comments that you already have a Red Hat Satellite server, and you have written:
...some hosts within the Satellite have got an older version of the
software within yum. But we don't update this software very
often.....maybe once every year.
So, it sounds like you are using Puppet here to work around a problem in the way you are using Satellite. Is it possible to address this by fixing the way you use Satellite? If so, I think that will be cleaner.
Of course, sometimes the right thing to do is use a work-around, and that's why I provided some other options.
3) If you really really want Puppet to clean up those files
Perhaps move the logic inside a shell script. Something like:
class somepackage {
$shell =
# maybe use wget instead of puppet to get the files
wget http://a.b/c.tgz
tar zxf c.tgz
# install stuff
# clean up stuff
file { '/usr/local/bin/installer.sh':
ensure => file,
mode => '0755',
content => $shell,
package { 'some package':
ensure => latest,
notify => Exec['installer'],
exec { 'installer':
command => '/usr/local/bin/installer.sh',
refreshonly => true,
require => File['/usr/local/bin/installer.sh'],

How to stop Puppet applying a configuration when there is an error?

I am currently hitting, for me, somewhat unintuitive behaviour in Puppet - most likely because I don't completely understand the Puppet ethos yet.
OK I have a simple puppetsimple.sh running in the puppet agent which is applying configurations from puppet master. This is all running smoothly and as expected.
Unintuitive (for me) However when I, as part of setting up master, create an error, and then run puppetsimple.sh in the agent, it will strike the error, notify me of it, and continue to apply all the other changes for that configuration.
This effectively leaves the agent in a broken state, because it pushes ahead even when there is an error.
Is there a setting somewhere to say "hey, if you strike an error, stop, revert to how you were, and carry on your merry way"?
Given the example below. I am intentionally enabling an invalid conf file (.confX) - I get notified of the error, but it continues to populate "index.html" with "Hello World 3".
define a2ensite {
exec { 'a2ensite':
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin' ],
command => "a2ensite ${title}",
notify => Service['apache2'],
class mysite {
include apache
file { '/etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.example.org.conf':
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0644,
source => "puppet:///files/mysite/mysite_apache.conf",
notify => Service['apache2'],
a2ensite { 'mysite.example.org.confX': }
file { ['/home/', '/home/www/', '/home/www/mysite.example.org']:
ensure => directory,
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0755,
file { '/home/www/mysite.example.org/index.html':
owner => www-data,
group => www-data,
mode => 755,
content => "Hello World 3",
If one reosurce failing means that another resource should not be modified, then that is a dependency relationship that you need to model via require. A failing dependency will cause puppet to skip those resources.
But, in general, puppet does not stop or rollback runs when it hits an error. If you need to rollback, it is on you to either revert to an older puppet configuration or use some other capability to revert the node.

Running a command once after a group of packages is installed

I have an existing puppet manifest which installs a bunch of php5 packages and only after being installed restarts apache. The simplified manifest is something like
package { 'apache-php':
name => $modules,
ensure => installed
exec {'enable-mod-php':
command => $enable_cmd,
refreshonly => true
Package['apache-php'] ~> Exec['enable-mod-php'] ~> Service['apache']
After a system upgrade catalog runs have started failing with the following error message:
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter name failed on Package[apache-php]: Name must be a String not Array at /etc/puppet/modules/apache/manifests/php.pp:22
I found out that I was using an undocumented feature/bug: Puppet 3.4.0 name as an array in package.
However, I'm having a hard time finding out how to redo my setup after the upgrade. How can I rewrite this manifest so that it works with more recent puppet versions?
Instead of using an arbitrary title for the package define in your example. (eg. apache-php) and using a name parameter, you can do the following:
$modules = ['foo','bar','baz']
package { $modules:
ensure => present
notify => Exec['enable-mod-php']
exec {'enable-mod-php':
command => $enable_cmd,
refreshonly => true,
notify => Service['apache']
service { 'apache':
# your apache params
I haven't looked at the code for the package provider, but can verify that the above works. You should also note that chaining arrows are all well and good, but according to the Puppet style guide, metaparameters are preferred.
Hope this helps.

Puppet User ID value and Package

I am trying to do the following using Puppet on an Ubuntu 10.04:
Copy a file that I have to a specific directory which will be owned by a specific user / group that does not exists yet since the package has not been installed
Install the package where it will not remove the directory and file that I created
To accomplish item #1, I basically tell Puppet to create a user and group first before copying the file. But the problem is that if I do not give a specific uid for Puppet, it will randomly pick a number like a number for user and not a number for system package.
So, how do I tell Puppet to choose a uid anything more than 1000?
If this is not possible, how do I tell Puppet not to start the package when it installs it. So I would just let Puppet install the package, but do not start the service, then copy my file, then I will start the service.
The user type has a parameter of system => which defaults to false, but can be set to true. This will generate the user with a UID below 500. Which seems to be what you want.
Ultimately what you'll want to do in my opinion is manage the config directory and the config via puppet as well.
This gives you the ability to do things like such:
package { foo: ensure => present }
file {
path => '/path/to/fooconfdir',
ensure => directory,
user => whatev,
group => alsowhatev,
require => Package[foo],
mode => morewhatev;
path => '/path/to/fooconfdir/fooconf',
ensure => present,
user => whatev,
content => template('whatev');
service { foo: ensure => running, enable => true, subscribe => File[fooconf] }
What that will do , is install your package then manage the config, then restart the service which will use your new config obviously on restart.
