How do you interpret a bit string using sharp snmp lib (hrPrinterDetectedErrorState)? - sharp-snmp

How do you interpret hrPrinterDetectedErrorState ( or something like it using Sharp Snmp lib? Is there some kind of bit string type? It's kind of a bitmask, but you may only receive one byte instead of two (or I've seen four bytes).

Did it on my own in powershell.
[flags()] Enum hrPrinterDetectedErrorState
lowPaper = 0x8000
noPaper = 0x4000
lowToner = 0x2000
noToner = 0x1000
doorOpen = 0x0800
jammed = 0x0400
Offline = 0x0200
serviceRequested = 0x0100
inputTrayMissing = 0x0080
outputTrayMissing = 0x0040
markerSupplyMissing = 0x0020
outputNearFull = 0x0010
outputFull = 0x0008
inputTrayEmpty = 0x0004
overduePreventMaint = 0x0002
notUsed = 0x0001
function snmpmessage($data) {
$bytes = [byte[]][char[]]$data
# pack up to two bytes into an int left to right
$code = [int]$bytes[0]
$code = $code -shl 8
if ($bytes[1]) { $code = $code + $bytes[1] }
PS C:\> snmpmessage -join [char[]](0x91,0x04)
inputTrayEmpty, serviceRequested, noToner, lowPaper


Is fdisk divides address space for created partition?

On my system, it has one mem node created already in /dev (/dev/pmem). then i use fdisk command for creating a partition
After creating partition I apply lsblk command and my result is
pmem1 259:4 0 15.8G 0 disk
└─pmem1p2 259:7 0 14.3G 0 part
After that, I write mmap code (Refer devmam library) just like
off_t address = 0x00;
int width = 10;
void *virtladdr, *phyaddr;
int a = 5;
int *lendata = &a;
int main(void)
int mode = 0x0777;
char *filename = "/dev/pmem0";
int fdout;
if ((fdout = open (filename, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, mode )) < 0)//edited here
printf ("can't create file");
return 0;
mapped_size = page_size = getpagesize();
offset_in_page = (uint64_t)address & (page_size - 1);
if (offset_in_page + (width * 8) > page_size) {
mapped_size *= 2;
printf("map size %ld\n", mapped_size);
phyaddr = mmap(0, mapped_size, (PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE), MAP_SHARED, fdout, address & ~(off_t)(page_size - 1));
1 = I write value 10 on 0x00 address for /dev/pmem1
2 = I write value 20 on 0x00 address for /dev/pmem1p2
Then after I Read mmap
off_t address = 0x00;
int width = 10;
int main(void)
int retVal = -1;
int fd;
unsigned long mapped_size, page_size, offset_in_page;
void *virtladdr, *phyaddr;
fd = open("/dev/pmem0", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if(fd < 0)
printf("file not open \n");
mapped_size = page_size = getpagesize();
offset_in_page = (uint64_t)address & (page_size - 1);
if (offset_in_page + (width * 8) > page_size) {
mapped_size *= 2;
/* Map one page */
phyaddr = mmap(0, mapped_size, PROT_READ,MAP_PRIVATE , fd, address & ~(off_t)(page_size - 1));
1 = Read 0x00 address from /dev/pmem1 My output is 10
2 = Read 0x00 address from /dev/pmem1p2 My output is 20
So what happened here why 0th address value is different? Is fdisk create two partitions which address starts from 0x00? Or I am in the wrong way?

Shifting set bits in a UInt64 to the right of their respective bytes

I have a UInt64 value with some bits on and some off e.g.:
01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101
How can I easily shift the set bits to the right, such they are to the right end of their respective bytes e.g:
00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111
I've seen questions which move the on bits all the way to the right of the 64 bit unsigned integer, but I only want to shift them to the right of the byte in which they lie if possible.
using System;
using System.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication5
public class Program
public static void Main(String[] args)
var inputAsBinaryString = "01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101 01010101";
var inputAsUInt64 = GetBinaryStringAsUInt64(inputAsBinaryString);
var actualAsUInt64 = GetRightAlignedBytes(inputAsUInt64);
var actualAsBinaryString = GetAsBinaryString(actualAsUInt64);
var expectedAsBinaryString = "00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111 00001111";
var expectedAsUInt64 = GetBinaryStringAsUInt64(expectedAsBinaryString);
} // <-- Set a breakpoint here and inspect the values.
/* Bit-manipulation methods. */
private static UInt64 GetRightAlignedBytes(UInt64 n)
var rightAlignedByteArray =
.Select(b => GetRightAlignedByte(b))
return BitConverter.ToUInt64(rightAlignedByteArray, 0);
/* Shove all of a byte's bits to the right. */
private static Byte GetRightAlignedByte(Byte b)
/* The << operator only works on 32 and 64 bit values.
This requires treating the result as an Int32 until it's returned. */
Int32 result = 0;
var numberOfSetBits = GetNumberOfSetBits(b);
for (Byte n = 1; n <= numberOfSetBits; n++)
/* Need to set n bits, but only perform n - 1 left shifts. */
result |= 1;
if (n < numberOfSetBits)
result = result << 1;
return (Byte) result;
private static Byte GetNumberOfSetBits(Byte b)
/* There are many ways to count the number of "set" bits in a byte.
This StackOverflow question
has a mind-numbing collection of answers.
Most of them are probably more efficient than this method. */
Int32 result = 0;
/* The >> operator only works on 32 and 64 bit values.
This requires converting the Byte parameter "b" to an Int32. */
Int32 n = b;
while (n > 0)
result += (n & 1);
n = n >> 1;
return (Byte) result;
/* GetBinaryStringAs* methods */
private static Int32 GetBinaryStringAsInt32(String s)
return Convert.ToInt32(String.Join("", s.Trim().Where(c => (c == '0') || (c == '1'))), 2);
private static UInt64 GetBinaryStringAsUInt64(String s)
return Convert.ToUInt64(String.Join("", s.Trim().Where(c => (c == '0') || (c == '1'))), 2);
/* GetAsBinaryString methods. */
private static String GetAsBinaryString_Helper(Byte[] bytes)
/* The order of the bytes returned by System.BitConverter.GetBytes()
depends on the CPU architecture. The returned byte array
will round-trip with other BitConverter methods, like its
ToInt32() method. But those same bytes will not round-trip
with any of the System.Convert methods, like ToInt32(String, Int32).
The System.Convert.To* methods expect the order of the bytes they
receive to be the *reverse* of the order returned by
The value returned by this method can - after stripping off the spaces -
be fed into a System.Convert.To*() method.
For example, this round-trip test should print "True":
// Hi byte Lo byte
Int32 n = 257; // 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000001
Console.WriteLine(GetBinaryStringAsInt32(GetAsBinaryString(n)) == n);
return String.Join(" ", bytes.Reverse().Select(b => GetAsBinaryString(b)));
private static String GetAsBinaryString(Int32 n)
/* Note that signed integers use two's complement
binary representation for negative numbers.
For example, calling this method with a parameter
of -42 returns this string:
11111111 11111111 11111111 11010110
return GetAsBinaryString_Helper(BitConverter.GetBytes(n));
private static String GetAsBinaryString(UInt64 n)
return GetAsBinaryString_Helper(BitConverter.GetBytes(n));
private static String GetAsBinaryString(Byte n)
return Convert.ToString(n, 2).PadLeft(8, '0');

Programatically Change Attributes of Windows File with Wild Cards (*.jpg) in VFP

Hoping to use a windows shell API call that can accept wild cards to change attributes programmatically. Utmost thanks/blessings for any/all thoughts.
Borrowing code from
RUN /N ATTRIB +H "c:\test.txt" && Hidden causes dos window to noise itself
RUN /N ATTRIB -H "c:\test.txt" && UnHidden
Tom recalled this ... but it does not take wild-cards:
* READONLY R 0x00000001 00000000 00000001 1
* HIDDEN H 0x00000002 00000000 00000010 2
* SYSTEM S 0x00000004 00000000 00000100 4
* DIRECTORY D 0x00000010 00000000 00010000 16
* ARCHIVE A 0x00000020 00000000 00100000 32
* NORMAL N 0x00000080 00000000 10000000 128
* TEMPORARY T 0x00000100 00000001 00000000 256
* COMPRESS C 0x00000800 00001000 00000000 2048
* NOINDEX I 0x00002000 00100000 00000000 8192
* CHIPHER P 0x00004000 01000000 00000000 16384
* ERROR 0xFFFFFFFF REPL("1",32) 4294967295
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LPARAMETER vFilename as String, vNewAttribute as String
LOCAL liFlag as Integer, llResult, liAttributes, lnNewAttribute, cDummy, nBitPos, cBitMap
llResult = .F.
IF !EMPTY(vFilename)
IF VARTYPE(vNewAttribute) = [C]
lnNewAttribute = 0
* 1234567890123456
cBitMap = [RHS DA NT C IP ]
FOR i = 1 TO LEN(vNewAttribute)
cDummy = SUBSTR(vNewAttribute,i,1)
nBitPos = AT(cDummy,cBitMap)
IF nBitPos > 0
lnNewAttribute = BITSET(lnNewAttribute, nBitPos -1 )
lnNewAttribute = vNewAttribute
liAttributes = GetFileAttributes(vFilename)
IF (liAttributes # -1)
lnNewAttribute = BITXOR(liAttributes, lnNewAttribute)
llResult = (SetFileAttributes(vFilename, lnNewAttribute) = 1 )
RETURN llResult
Of course RUN ... should not be one of your selections to accomplish a procedure where you don't need to shell to DOS at all.
Your question is two fold:
How do get a list of files using a wildcard + in all subdirectories.
For this one you can use a bunch of alternatives such as FileSystemObject, Adir() or Filer.dll that ships with VFP and maybe more. Here I will sample with the Filer.dll (which is also the DLL used in HOME()+'tools\filer\filer.scx' ). Here is one enhanced wildcard match using filer:
Lparameters tcStartDir,tcSkeleton,tcCursorName,;
Create Cursor (m.tcCursorName) ;
(filepath m, filename m, ;
FileSize i, fattr c(8), createtime T, lastacc T, lastwrite T)
Local oFiler, lnFound
oFiler = Createobject('filer.fileutil')
With m.oFiler
.SearchPath = m.tcStartDir
.FileExpression = m.tcSkeleton && Search for skeleton
.Subfolder = Iif(m.tlSubfolders,1,0) && Check subfolders
.IgnoreCase = Iif(m.tlIgnoreCase,1,0)
.WholeWords = Iif(m.tlWholeWords,1,0)
.SearchAnd = Iif(m.tlSearchAnd,1,0)
.SearchText1 = Iif(Empty(m.tcSearch1),"",m.tcSearch1)
.SearchText2 = Iif(Empty(m.tcSearch2),"",m.tcSearch2)
.SearchText3 = Iif(Empty(m.tcSearch3),"",m.tcSearch3)
lnFound = .Find(0)
For ix=1 To m.lnFound
With .Files(m.ix)
If !(Bittest(.Attr,4) And .Name = '.')
Insert Into (m.tcCursorName) ;
(filepath, filename, FileSize, fattr, createtime, lastacc, lastwrite) ;
values ;
(.Path, .Name, .Size, Attr2Char(.Attr), ;
Num2Time(.Datetime), Num2Time(.LastAccessTime), Num2Time(.LastWriteTime))
Return m.lnFound
Function Num2Time
Lparameters tnFloat
Return Dtot({^1899/12/30}+Int(m.tnFloat))+86400*(m.tnFloat-Int(m.tnFloat))
Function Attr2Char
Lparameters tnAttr
Return ;
How do I set the attributes.
If you are not after those fancy attributes, that are rarely used, here is the function I have written for myself:
lparameters tcFileName, tlReadOnly, tlHidden, tlSystem
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 0x00000001
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 0x00000002
#define FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 0x00000004
local lnNewAttr
lnNewAttr = iif(m.tlReadonly,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY,0)+;
declare integer SetFileAttributes in Win32API ;
string # lpFileName, integer dwFileAttributes
declare integer GetFileAttributes in Win32API ;
string # lpFileName
return ( SetFileAttributes(#tcFilename, ;
bitor(bitand(GetFileAttributes(#tcFilename),0xFFFFFFF8),m.lnNewAttr)) = 1)
Having the above prg files on hand, lets say you want to set all .txt files under c:\MyFolder and its subfolders to readonly, (not hidden, not system) you would be doing this:
Local lcFileName
GetTree('c:\MyFolder','*.txt', 'myCursor', .T.)
Select myCursor
scan for Atc('D',fAttr) = 0
lcFileName = Addbs(Trim(FilePath))+Trim(FileName)
SetFAttributes(m.lcFileName, .T., .F., .F.)

How to print 'flags' field in 'struct page' in Linux-based user program

I am trying to write a user program to print the value of the 'flags' field of all the pages in the 'mem_map' array. I then want to see if the reserved bit is set.
For starters, I wrote a kernel module to print the value of the first 20 pages in the 'mem_map' array, their respective 'flags' fields and the output of the PageReserved macro.
for (;i < 20; ++i) {
unsigned long *value = &(mem_map[i].flags);
printk("i = %u page->flags value = %u phy address = %#x isReserved = %d\n", i,mem_map[i].flags, virt_to_phys(&(mem_map[i].flags)),PageReserved(&mem_map[i]));
When I run "dmesg | tail -50", I see the following values:
[ 2858.387520] i = 0 page->flags value = 0 phy address = 0x36840000 isReserved = 0
[ 2858.387520] i = 1 page->flags value = 1024 phy address = 0x36840020 isReserved = 1
[ 2858.387520] i = 2 page->flags value = 1024 phy address = 0x36840040 isReserved = 1
[ 2858.387520] i = 3 page->flags value = 1024 phy address = 0x36840060 isReserved = 1
Note that I am printing the Physical address of the 'flags' field along with the value.
I want to reproduce the above result in a user program by just looking at the addresses via pointers.
I opened '/dev/mem', with the offset of the first page's 'flag' field: 0x36840000 . I made sure I compiled the kernel with STRICT_DEVMEM off and added a default 'return 1' in 'devmem_is_allowed()' function.
/* create the offset for mmap() using the physical address of the
mem_map[] array*/
off_t offset = 0x36840000;
/* /dev/mem contains the physical memory map */
if ((fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDONLY)) == -1) {
printf("/dev/mem could not be opened.\n");
else {
printf("/dev/mem opened.\n");
starting_page = (char*)mmap(0, MAP_SIZE, PROT_READ,MAP_SHARED, fd,offset);
if (starting_page == MAP_FAILED) {
return -1;
else {
printf("Memory mapped at address %p.\n", starting_page);
mapped_page = starting_page;
for (i=0;i<10;++i,mapped_page+=32) {
printf("\npage i = %u flags value %ul ", i, *(mapped_page));
However, when I simply print out the value of the "flags value" ,I get zeros. Any suggestions on what I am getting zeroes and how to debug this?

MCP2200 linux settings

Im want to control MCP2200 in linux.
I found Text Link and set everything.
For example:
I type in console
It will sets pin 3 to 1. But i dont know what to type in console
for controlling the mcp2200 you will need a program doing the stuff for you.
The USBtoUART didn't work for me, maybe you'll have to do some coding yourself - but you can use it to understand how to connect to the mcp2200 hid.
For controlling the IOs, just set up a 16-byte array, filled with the data described here:
If you want to control some more stuff but gpios, you'll have to do some more - it is possible to control more than just the gpios of the mcp2200 from linux.
I did a little usb trace of the communication of the windows config tool, extracted some informations and - tadaah, there you go with your own pID/vID, Manufacturer and Product strings.
Note: you'll probably need the HIDAPI MikeF was talking about.
First of all, some definitions:
// NOTE: max. string length for manufacturer / product string is 63 bytes!!
// from usb trace of mcp2200 config tool
#define MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE 0x01
#define MCP2200_CFG_PID_VID 0x00
#define MCP2200_CFG_MANU 0x01
#define MCP2200_CFG_PROD 0x02
... and some variables:
unsigned char **mcp2200_manu_string;
unsigned char **mcp2200_prod_string;
The output message for manufacturer string looks like
/* configure manufacturer string (16 x 16 bytes):
* output buffer:
* #0: [01 01 00 16 03 58 00 4B 00 72 00 FF FF FF FF FF]
* | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------+--> Always FF
* | | | | | | +-----+-----+-----------------> Always 00
* | | | | | +-----+-----+--------------------> First 3 Chars of Manufacturer Name / Product Name
* | | | | +-----------------------------------> In #0: 0x03, After #0: 0x00
* | | | +--------------------------------------> (Length (Manufacturer Name) * 2) + 2 (after #0: chars of manufacturer name)
* | | +-----------------------------------------> Counter 0x00 .. 0x0F
* | +--------------------------------------------> MCP2200 Config Bit (MCP2200_CFG_MANU / PROD / VID_PID)
* +-----------------------------------------------> MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE from usb trace
if you put all this in a function, it could look like this:
void prepare_cfg_strings (char* manu, char* prod) {
char manuStr[64];
char prodStr[64];
unsigned int i, k = 0;
unsigned char tmp = 0;
memset (manuStr, 0x00, sizeof(manuStr));
memset (prodStr, 0x00, sizeof(prodStr));
// allocate mcp2200_{manu,prod}_string buffer, 2-dim array with 16 x 16 chars
if (( mcp2200_manu_string = ( unsigned char** )malloc( 16*sizeof( unsigned char* ))) == NULL ) {
// error
if (( mcp2200_prod_string = ( unsigned char** )malloc( 16*sizeof( unsigned char* ))) == NULL ) {
// error
for ( i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
if (( mcp2200_manu_string[i] = ( unsigned char* )malloc( 16 )) == NULL ) {
/* error */
if (( mcp2200_prod_string[i] = ( unsigned char* )malloc( 16 )) == NULL ) {
/* error */
/* init the rows here */
memset (mcp2200_manu_string[i], 0x00, sizeof(&mcp2200_manu_string[i]));
memset (mcp2200_prod_string[i], 0x00, sizeof(&mcp2200_prod_string[i]));
// manuStr holds (strlen(manuStr) * 2) + 2 in byte[0] and manufacturer string from byte[1] on
strcpy (&manuStr[1], manu);
manuStr[0] = ((strlen (&manuStr[1]) * 2) + 2);
// prodStr holds (strlen(prodStr) * 2) + 2 in byte[0] and product string from byte[1] on
strcpy (&prodStr[1], prod);
prodStr[0] = ((strlen (&prodStr[1]) * 2) + 2);
// build manufacturer / product strings
for (i=0, k=0; i<16; i++, k+=4) {
if (i==0) {
tmp = 0x03;
} else {
tmp = 0x00;
// manufacturer string
mcp2200_manu_string[i][0] = MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][1] = MCP2200_CFG_MANU;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][2] = i;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][3] = manuStr[k];
mcp2200_manu_string[i][4] = tmp;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][5] = manuStr[k+1];
mcp2200_manu_string[i][6] = 0x00;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][7] = manuStr[k+2];
mcp2200_manu_string[i][8] = 0x00;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][9] = manuStr[k+3];
mcp2200_manu_string[i][10] = 0x00;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][11] = 0xff;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][12] = 0xff;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][13] = 0xff;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][14] = 0xff;
mcp2200_manu_string[i][15] = 0xff;
// product string
mcp2200_prod_string[i][0] = MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][1] = MCP2200_CFG_PROD;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][2] = i;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][3] = prodStr[k];
mcp2200_prod_string[i][4] = tmp;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][5] = prodStr[k+1];
mcp2200_prod_string[i][6] = 0x00;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][7] = prodStr[k+2];
mcp2200_prod_string[i][8] = 0x00;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][9] = prodStr[k+3];
mcp2200_prod_string[i][10] = 0x00;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][11] = 0xff;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][12] = 0xff;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][13] = 0xff;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][14] = 0xff;
mcp2200_prod_string[i][15] = 0xff;
Call this function in your main loop:
prepare_cfg_strings ("MyManufacturerName, "MyProductName");
Open a hid handle to your mcp2200 and put this stuff on the bus:
// write manufacturer string configuration to usb device
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
hid_write (handle, mcp2200_manu_string[i], 16);
// write product string configuration to usb device
for (i=0; i<16; i++) {
hid_write (handle, mcp2200_prod_string[i], 16);
If you want to flash the mcp2200 with your own VendorID / ProductID configure your message:
// Microchip VID: 0x04d8
// MCP2200 PID: 0x00df
mcp2200_pid_vid_cfg[] = 01 00 D8 04 DF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
| | +---+ +---+--------------------------------> Product ID (bytes swapped)
| | +--------------------------------------> Vendor ID (bytes swapped)
| +--------------------------------------------> MCP2200 Config Bit (MCP2200_CFG_VID_PID)
+-----------------------------------------------> MCP2200_SECRET_CONFIGURE from usb trace
and put it on the bus:
hid_write (handle, mcp2200_pid_vid_cfg, 16);
Have Fun!
You will not be able to control the GPIO ports from the console/terminal via USB tty...
The USB to serial/UART converter is one of the features of MCP2200, to control the GPIO, you need to send commands via USB & HID driver. to achieve this, you will need the following.
USBtoUART requires hid.o from the HIDAPI package.... so start with HIDAPI first...
good luck!
ps: I made a few modifications to the code, to accept binary format for controlling the GPIO ports, etc... it has been compiled fine on x86 and ARM ( Raspberry Pi )
