How to get Started with Ember on windows using npm? - node.js

C:\Users\andri>cd ember-cli
Das System kann den angegebenen Pfad nicht finden.
C:\Users\andri>npm install -g bower
npm WARN deprecated bower#1.8.2: ...psst! Your project can stop working at any moment because its dependencies can change. Prevent this by migrating to Yarn:
C:\Users\andri\AppData\Roaming\npm\bower -> C:\Users\andri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\bower\bin\bower
+ bower#1.8.2
added 1 package in 23.177s
C:\Users\andri>ember new testapp-app
installing app
create .editorconfig
create .ember-cli
create .eslintrc.js
create .travis.yml
create .watchmanconfig
create app\app.js
create app\components\.gitkeep
create app\controllers\.gitkeep
create app\helpers\.gitkeep
create app\index.html
create app\models\.gitkeep
create app\resolver.js
create app\router.js
create app\routes\.gitkeep
create app\styles\app.css
create app\templates\application.hbs
npm: Installed dependencies
Successfully initialized git.s
C:\Users\andri>ember server
node_modules appears empty, you may need to run `npm install`
C:\Users\andri>bower install
bower ENOENT No bower.json present
C:\Users\andri>ember server
node_modules appears empty, you may need to run `npm install`
I am trying to install ember and keep getting errors. Does anybody understand what I am doing wrong? I am watching a youtube tutorial and I follow the steps that are on the video, still it doesnt work, in fact I get totally different results :/ I have also installed git.. Could somebody explain to me what is happening here? I am very new to all these and therefore I cannot spot the mistakes. Thank you in advance

For Windows Users:::
Install Node js for windows and then install npm package for it and if you have done that.
You can install ember from npm.
Install Ember using npm:
npm install -g ember-cli#3.0
To verify that your installation was successful, run:
ember -v
If a version number is shown, you're ready to go.
see the link below for more details...

looking your prompt, to start a ember server, just go to your ember app folder (cd\testapp-app) and use ember serve or ember s

Your last error there is telling you what's missing.
node_modules appears empty, you may need to run npm install
Running npm install in the project folder and then running ember server should get you up and running. The default URL is http://localhost:4200 when ember-cli has spun up the server.


Why npx create-react-app is showing "the project was bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools"?

I recently switched to Ubuntu, whenever I create react app it's giving me this note, and the app it's creating is a class component.
ankit#gram:~/Documents/Development/React/react-project$ npx create-react-app my-app
Creating a new React app in /home/ankit/Documents/Development/React/react-project/my-app.
Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes.
Installing react, react-dom, and react-scripts...
added 987 packages in 39s
22 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
Success! Created my-app at /home/ankit/Documents/Development/React/react-project/my-app
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:
npm start
Starts the development server.
npm run build
Bundles the app into static files for production.
npm test
Starts the test runner.
npm run eject
Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!
We suggest that you begin by typing:
cd my-app
npm start
Happy hacking!
Note: the project was bootstrapped with an old unsupported version of tools.
Please update to Node >=14 and npm >=6 to get supported tools in new projects.
my node version: v16.14.0
my npm version:8.3.1
I think this was because npx was not installed in my system, when I created a react app by this command create-react-app the app created was fine. I also installed npx using this command npm install -g npx and created a react app and everything was fine. before this make sure you have installed create-react-app in your system if not then install it by using this command
sudo npm install -g create-react-app
I am a new programmer had this issue not long ago I just solved it.
Use sudo apt install nodejs
It will automatically install version 10 for you which doesn't accept React.
Then you try to install NVM package, use it to update your node to a newer version.
You can check me on GitHub bari racha Wuye
I was having the same problem after I had just installed Ubuntu 22.04.
The fix for me was updating node and npm by following these instructions free code camp update node and npm
Specifically, I followed the instructions under the heading "1. Use NPM to Update Your Node Version", to update node and ignored the 2nd and 3rd headings, then followed the instructions under the last heading to update npm
afterwards I restarted my computer, opened the project directory and ran the command
npm i create-react-app#latest
then I ran
npx create-react-app projectname
and it worked as expected

Issue with NPM start ( React)

I have just tried to view an old application of mine using npm start but it wont load keep getting the error.
Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Team Knowhow\development\Punk-API\node_modules\react-scripts\bin\react-scripts.js.
I tried creating a new react app and NPM start works fine so have no idea what the issue is with my old react app and why NPM start does not work.
Have you installed dependencies first using npm install.
If done already, try removing node_modules folder and installing dependencies again.
Make sure you have installed all dependencies including react-scripts!
You've to ensure that all the dependencies that your application is using is mentioned in the correct manner with their correct version in your pacakage.json file. And if that looks alright then run
npm i
npm install
This command will download all the dependencies that are mentioned in your package.json file.

Node is not getting installed and it is showing error

I was installing node by using the command on cmd npm install and I got following message
enter image description here
Please help me that how I can solve this issue.
npm stands for node package manager which is used to install external packages or npm modules or libraries hosted on NPM. To get started with a Node JS Project you will need index.js and hit npm init, this will initialise your Node JS Project with auto genreated package.json.
Majorly Node JS, React JS or Angular contains following files:
index.js/server.js(Entry File)
package.json (modules/packages/libraries used in project and script can be written to run your project in different envs)
node_modules (which is auto generated and contains all installed modules listed in package.json)
According to your error message you don't have a package.json file so you need to initialize npm before installing node in your directory.
Initialize it with npm init.
Npm documentation
Step 1- First install Node from
Step 2- Now go to your project file cd project.
Step 3- Type the command npm init in console.
Step 5- Now you can see package.json file in your project.
Finish- Now you can install any package by using "npm install packageName" command.

npm peerDependencies React : can't install any packages

I'm building new React App to learn and play with Draft-js, RichStyle Text Editor.
I used create-react-app to initialize my React application. It's working, and very easy to use.
Now, I tried to add semantic-ui-react, which is React version of SemanticUI lib.
Aaaaannd fail.
npm install semantic-ui-react --save
As you can see, same effect for draft-js.
My issue is that normally there's no problem to use draft-js & semantic-ui-react with React 15.4.2. I use this stack in professional env.
Is there something I'm missing with npm ? Is create-react-app can stop this install ?
Now, I can't install any packages. This error shows up everytime. But, I cant still npm start for my local web server. I also tried npm cache clean
Is my very simple package.json
Thanks again for you help.
Solution : Just update NPM and everything working.
Edit : My App folder :
And my npm & node version
My guess is that you have old npm or node versions, you can't start the project with this versions... you can upgrade npm and node programs.
if you are using brew on OSX then you can use following commands to upgrade them.
brew update
brew upgrade node
npm install -g npm

Does react-native init downloads package every time?

I recently started learning react-native also I am new to node and npm. When I create a new react-native project I noticed that it takes really long time for every project.
Shouldn't it be like after initialization of first project it should cache the downloaded packages and use it when I create other projects?
I looked at the option to install react-native globally as npm install -g react-native but then it throws error saying react-native is installed globally.
Every time you initialise new project by react-native-cli (probably you have it installed globally) you create plain new directory with package.json and some additional starting files. After that in this directory is fired command npm install which fetches and install all modules defined in pakcage.json and put in ./node_modules/.
If you like to have npm install step cached try to find out how to cache certain modules:
